Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626
Variant names
Spanish; Castilian,
Biographical notes:
Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban, 1561-1626, English philosopher, statesman and essayist best known for theories on scientific experimentation; knighted in 1603, created Baron Verulam in 1618, and created Viscount St Alban in 1621; Lord Chancellor, 1618; died 1626.
From the guide to the A Coppy of a letter Conceived to bee writt to the late Duke of Buckingham..., c1650-1700, (Senate House Library, University of London)
Links to collections
Curzon, A., fl. 1820,. Miscellany of extracts from plays compiled by A. Curzon [manuscript], ca. 1820.
Folger Shakespeare Library
England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I). Writ of supersedeas from Elizabeth I, Queen of England, to the Mayor, aldermen and sheriff of London [manuscript], 1600.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Sundrie letters, containing matter of elegancy, worth, and moment ... written to ... King James ... and other persons by Sir Francis Bacon, deceased [manuscript], ca.1630.
Folger Shakespeare Library
A Coppy of a letter Conceived to bee writt to the late Duke of Buckingham..., c1650-1700
Senate House Library (University of London)
Bacon, Nicholas, Sir, 1509-1579. Collection of manuscript documents related to Nicholas and Francis Bacon : England, 1565-1621.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Of gardens : an essay. 1904 [holograph].
University of Iowa Libraries
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Collection of charges and speeches (13) : contemporary manuscript copy, 161-?.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Griffith, Richard, d. 1788. Poetical miscellany [manuscript], ca. 1640.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Copy of Maxims of the law, 1596 [manuscript], ca. 1600.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Chancery miscellany, early 17th-century.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Winwood, Ralph, Sir, 1563?-1617. Autograph warrant signed : Greenwich, to Sir George More, 1616 Jun. 18.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Carew, Peter. Discourse on the court of chancery, the various officers and their duties, precedents, modes of procedure, with a list of lord chancellors and masters of rolls, 1627.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Northampton, Henry Howard, Earl of, 1540-1614,. Copy of letter from Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton to Francis Bacon, Spring 1600? [manuscript], ca. 1615.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Colepeper, John Colepeper, Baron, d. 1660. Legal and political miscellany [manuscript], ca. 1675.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Ayton, Robert, Sir, 1570-1638. Commonplace book, [ca. 1634].
Rosenbach Museum & Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Collection of copies of documents relating largely to constitutional and legal controversies of 1610-ca. 1621 [manuscript], compiled ca. 1625.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Rutherford, Gideon, fl. 1690-1725. Poetical miscellany of Gideon Rutherford [manuscript], ca. 1690-ca. 1725.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Virginia Company of London. Articles and agreements to Captain John Martin, 1616 January 29.
University of Virginia. Library
Evans, John,. Hesperides, or, The Muses garden [manuscript], compiled ca. 1655-1659.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626,. Legal notebook [manuscript], ca. 1625.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626,. In what thinges the use of the lawe consisteth [manuscript], ca. 1600.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Of gardens, [ca. 1904?].
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Letters and requests signed by Francis Bacon [manuscript], 1612-1623.
Folger Shakespeare Library
England and Wales. Commission on building. Discharge from Commission on building to John Brampton of Fleet Street, Esq. [manuscript], 1615 September 1.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Copy of The humble submission and supplication of the Lord Chancellor Bacon to the House of Lords, April 22, 1621 [manuscript], 1621 May.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626,. Copy of letter from Francis Bacon to Lord Henry Howard, Spring 1600? [manuscript], before 1642?
Folger Shakespeare Library
Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680. Bensalem, being a description of a Catholick [sic] and free spirit : manuscript, [16--].
Texas Christian University
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Letter signed from Francis Bacon, London, to Redemptus Baranzonus, 1622 June 30.
Folger Shakespeare Library
CentreStage Theatre Archives. So Runs The World Away / by Sir Francis Bacon, 1973 - performance file.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Sir Francis Bacon's negociations, [ca. 1630?].
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Egerton, Thomas, Sir, 1540?-1617. Autograph warrant signed : York House [London], to Sir George More, 1616 Sept. 12.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Of gardens : an essay / by Francis Bacon.
Carnegie Mellon University, Hunt Library
Águila, Juan del, 1545-1602. Miscellany on religion and state affairs, 1559-1601 [manuscript], compiled ca. 1601.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Chancery miscellanea, 1627-1635.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Autograph letter signed Fr. Bacon : to his brother Sir Nicholas Bacon, 1604 Sept. 16.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Bacon, Francis 1561-1626. De la dignidad y aumento de las ciencias [Manuscrito] Francisco Bacon, Barón de Verulamio; traducido por Don Santiago Sáez, Rey de Armas.
Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
Cartwright, William. Commonplace book, 1651-1661.
Smith College, Neilson Library
Huntly, George Gordon, Marquess of, d. 1649. Reports of speeches in Parliament and the Council, petitions to the King ... [manuscript], 1639-1640, ca. 1650.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Of gardens, [ca. 1904?].
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Copy of The humble submission and supplication of the Lord Chancellor Bacon to the House of Lords, April 22, 1621 [manuscript], ca. 1621.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891. Papers of James Russell Lowell [manuscript], 1844-ca. 1900.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Carterett, John de, fl. 1597. Petition of John de Carterett to the Privy Council [manuscript], 1597.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. The humble submission and suplication of the Lord Chancellor [to the House of Lords] manuscript copy, [ca. 1621 Apr. 22].
University of Chicago Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Collection of speeches [manuscript], 1603-1640.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Book of warrants for passing grants from the King [manuscript], 1605-1609.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626,. Lawyer's commonplace book [manuscript], ca. 1630.
Folger Shakespeare Library
England and Wales. Parliament. Judgment against Francis Bacon in the High Court of Parliament [manuscript], 1621 May 3.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Copy of A device to entertain the Queen, November 17, 1595 [manuscript], ca. 1600.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Extracts on legal, historical, theological, and philosophical subjects by various sixteenth and seventeenth century writers, ca. 1670.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
England and Wales. Court of Chancery. Injunction from the Court of Chancery to Jarvis Scarborough, Rector of St. George's, Botolph Lane, London, and 3 others [manuscript], 1617/8 January 27.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. The counsells warrant for searching for gold and siluer thread [microform].
Proquest LLC
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626,. Admonition from a ffrinde namelesse to Sir Edward Cooke Knight, Lord Cheiffe Justice of the Kings Bench, after his degradacion in Anno 1616 : contemporary manuscript copy : [n.p.], 1616.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. An essay on gardens / by Francis Bacon ; written by C.M.D. : manuscript, 1912.
Boston College, Law Library
England and Wales. Privy Council. Passport from the Privy Council to Lord Scudamore [manuscript], 1618 September 15.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. A Discourse concerning the antiquities of the Highe Courte of Starre-Chamber, occasioned by certaine articles made by the attorneys aga[ins]te the Courte and clarke of the same Ano Dom. 1590. and 32 Elisabeth, [ca. 1615-1645].
Yale University, Law School Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Autograph note signed : [England], 1616 July 22.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Witham, Jo. Manuscript tract volume, [155-]-1623.
Rosenbach Museum & Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. The humble submission and supplication of the Lord Chancellor Bacon to the House of Lords [manuscript], 1621.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Cotton, John, Sir, 1621-1701. Arguments of Sir John Cotton -- sic et non [manuscript], ca. 1675.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Harington, John, Sir, 1560-1612. [The second Dalhousie Manuscript of poems / by John Donne and others].
Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680. Bensalem, being a description of a Catholick [sic] and free spirit : manuscript, [16--].
University of Chicago Library
Macie, Maximilian, fl. 1656. Marriage settlement of Maximilian Macie with David Macie and William Daye the younger, trustees for the marriage settlement of John Macie and Alice Daye [manuscript], 1656 February 29.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603. Letters patent : to Edward Briscoe, 1597 Sept. 2.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Stephenson, William F. H. Bacon and Shakespeare : a comparison of the prose and poetical works of Sir Francis Bacon of London, England, with the dramas and poems ascribed to William Shakespeare of Stratford on Avon, England ; with essays on various subjects appertaining to the work, [between 1880 and 1900] / by William F. H. Stephenson.
Buffalo History Museum, Research Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626,. Copy of letter from Francis Bacon to Sir Edward Coke, [1616?] [manuscript], 1700.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Contemporary transcript of Francis Bacon's submission to the House of Lords with marginal corrections in his autograph : St. Albans, 1621 Apr. 22.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. The humble submission and suplication of the Lord Chancellor [to the House of Lords] manuscript copy, [ca. 1621 Apr. 22].
Texas Christian University
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Autograph signature to certificate, 1615 Oct. 18.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Morgan, Appleton, 1845-1928,. Autograph and typescript letters signed from Appleton Morgan, New York and Pennsylvania, to William Winter, New York [manuscript], 1903-1916.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Dixon, William Hepworth, 1821-1879. Notes for The story of Lord Bacon's life [manuscript], 1862.
Folger Shakespeare Library
O'Brien, Edward Joseph Harrington, 1890-1941,. Autograph letter signed from Edward J.H. O'Brien, New York City, to Mr. Platt, Boston [manuscript], 1909 September 18.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Warde, Frederick B., 1851-1935,. Autograph letter signed from Frederick Warde, Brooklyn, New York, to unidentified recipient. [manuscript], 1914 or 1915?
Folger Shakespeare Library
Abbot, Charles, Baron Colchester, 1757-1829. Scrapbook of autographs, letters, biographies, news clippings and prints of English judges, ca. 1629?- ca. 1873?
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Harlow Stearns Gale papers, 1889-1939
University of Minnesota Libraries. University Archives [uarc]
Crawford, Charles,. Autograph letters signed from Charles Crawford to various people [manuscript], 1902-1907.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Landor, Walter Savage, 1775-1864,. Autograph letters signed and unsigned from Walter Savage Landor, England and Italy, to various people [manuscript], 1829-[1861?].
Folger Shakespeare Library
Cruise, Francis Richard, 1834-1912,. Typescript copies of letters to and from F.R. Cruise, Dublin [manuscript], 19th or 20th century.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Towse, John Ranken, 1845-1933,. Autograph letters signed from J. Ranken Towse, New York, to various recipients [manuscript], 1902-1916.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Pott, Constance Mary Fearon, 1679-1949
Senate House Library (University of London)
Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary), 1823-1901,. Autograph letter signed from C.M. Yonge, Otterbourne, to unidentified recipient [manuscript], 1896 April 25.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Day, Frederick E. Letter to William E. Miller, 1973.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
Vaughan, R., 19th cent.,. Autograph letters signed from R. Vaughan, London, to Hepworth Dixon [manuscript], 1860-1861.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Seymour, Henry, 1921
Senate House Library (University of London)
Ripley, George, 1802-1880. A common place book, upon the plan recommended and practised by John Locke, Esq. : manuscript, 1822-1840.
Houghton Library
Robertson, George Croom, 1842-1892. Relation of Bacon to Everard Digby and William Temple [manuscript], 19th century.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909,. Autograph letter signed from Francis Marion Crawford, Sorrento, Italy, to Sidney Smith, Edinburgh [manuscript], 1887 November 1.
Folger Shakespeare Library
MacCarthy mss., 1863-1991
Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
Pourtalès, Guy de, comte, 1881-1941. Le secret de Shakespeare, 1922.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Sutton, William A., Rev,. Autograph letters signed from William A. Sutton, Ireland, to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1900-1909.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Hutchinson, Jonathan, Sir, 1828-1913,. Autograph letter signed from Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, London, to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1905 November 24.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Delia Salter, 1811-1859. Delia Salter Bacon papers, 1856-1961.
Library of Congress
Francis Bacon Library. Francis Bacon Collection.
Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford, 1838-1915,. Autograph letters signed from T.R. Lounsbury, New Haven, to William Winter, New Brighton, Staten Island, N.Y. [manuscript], 1901-1913.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-, 1651-1715. Miscellany of reflections on literature, philosophy, and government [manuscript], ca. 1700-ca. 1725.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Stopes, C. C. (Charlotte Carmichael), 1841-1929,. Autograph letter signed from Charlottle Stopes, London, to Lady Martin [manuscript], 19th century January 11.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Holzer, Gustav,. Autograph letters signed from Gustav Holzer, Heidelberg, to various people [manuscript], 1907-1909.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Ormsby, John, 1829-1895,. Autograph letter signed from John Ormsby, London, to Sir Theodore Martin [manuscript], 1888 May 27.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Hony, H., 19th/20th cent.,. Autograph letter signed fom H. Hony to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 19th or 20th century.
Folger Shakespeare Library
King, Henry, 1592-1669. Poetical miscellany [manuscript], ca. 1630.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Marriot, M., fl. 1903,. Autograph letter signed from M. Marriot to unidentified recipient [manuscript], 1903 October 16.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Radford, William, fl. 1888,. Autograph letter signed from William Radford, Sidmouth, to Sir Theodore [manuscript], 1888 May 29.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Alexander, Louis C. (Louis Charles), 1839-1913,. Autograph letter signed from Louis Charles Alexander to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1911 May 24.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Stopes, C. C. (Charlotte Carmichael), 1841-1929,. Autograph letters and postcard signed from Charlotte Carmichael Stopes, London, to Isaac Hull Platt, New York and Philadelphia [manuscript], 1904-1909.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Kennedy, George Golding, 1841-1918. Papers of George Golding Kennedy, 1864-1896 (bulk).
Harvard University, Gray Herbarium
Besant, Walter, Sir, 1836-1901,. Autograph letter signed from Sir Walter Besant to Sydney Smith (?) [manuscript], 1887 October 31.
Folger Shakespeare Library
McChuney, C. N., fl. 1909,. Autograph letter signed from C.N. McChuney to the editor of the Tribune [manuscript], 1909 January 30.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Howard, H. S. (Harold), fl. 1926-1931,. Typed letter signed from Harold S. Howard, Wellesley, Massachusetts, to Mrs. H.C. Folger, Glen Cove, Long Island, N.Y. [manuscript], 1931 November 27.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Palfrey family papers, 1713-1915
Houghton Library
Howard Publishing Co. (Detroit, Mich.). Typescript letters concerning Bacon's "bi-literal cipher" [manuscript], 1900, 1913.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Hamilton, T., fl. 1861,. Autograph letter signed from T. Hamilton, Queen's College, Belfast, to William Hepworth Dixon [manuscript], 1861 April 24.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Murchison, Roderick Impey, Sir, 1792-1871,. Autograph letter signed from Roderick Impey Murchison, British Museum, to unidentified recipient [manuscript], 1861 June 22.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Hutchinson, Jonathan, Sir, 1828-1913,. Autograph letter signed from Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, Middle Temple Library, London, E.C. to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1905 July 18.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Howard, H. S. (Harold S.), fl. 1926-1931,. Autograph letter signed from H.S. Howard, Sedbury Park Hotel, to H.C. Folger, Brooklyn [manuscript], 1926 December 1.
Folger Shakespeare Library
[Manuscript collection from the Bodleian Library, Oxford] [microform] / [written by Sir Francis Bacon ... et al.].
Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
Howard, H. S. (Harold), fl. 1926-1931,. Typed letter signed from H.S. Howard, Wellesley, to Mrs. H.C. Folger, Glen Cove, N.Y. [manuscript], 1931 December 4.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Stopes, C. C. (Charlotte Carmichael), 1841-1929,. Autograph letter signed from Charlotte Stopes, London, to Sir Theodore Martin [manuscript], 1889 February 22.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665. State letters from 1533 to ca. 1630 [manuscript], copied ca. 1650.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905,. Autograph letter signed from Joseph Jefferson, Ogdensburgh, N.Y., to William Winter [manuscript], 1887 September 22.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Shakespeare studies [manuscript], 1875-1877.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Pierrepont, Edwards, 1817-1892,. Autograph letter signed from Edwards Pierrepont, London, to Charles E. Flower [manuscript], 1877 April 20.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Letters from various correspondents, 1805-1844.
Houghton Library
Doyle, John T. (John Thomas), 1819-1906. Donnelly and the Shakespeare cipher [manuscript], 1888.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Burne, George H. P. Who wrote the plays, an undelivered lecture by G.H.P.B. [i.e. George Henry Poyntz Burne] [manuscript], ca. 1903.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Notes on Francis Bacon and his works, [undated]
UC Berkeley Libraries
Hutchinson, Jonathan, Sir, 1828-1913,. Autograph letter signed from Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, London, to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1905 February 18.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Howard, H. S. (Harold), fl. 1926-1931,. Typescript letter signed from Harold S. Howard, Sedbury Park Hotel, Tutshill, Gloucestershire, to H. C. Folger, Brooklyn [manuscript], 1926 December 7.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Adee, David Graham, 1837-1901,. Typescript letter signed from David Graham Adee to Augustin Daly [manuscript], 1894 December 11.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Dixon, William Hepworth, 1821-1879,. Autograph letter signed from William Hepworth Dixon, London, to unidentified recipient [manuscript], 1860 October 23.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon-Shakespeare controversy : Pamphlet vol.
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
Theobald, R. M. (Robert Masters), 1829-1914,. Autograph letters signed from R.M. Theobald, London, to Hepworth Dixon [manuscript], 1877.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Portrait file: Guide.
Houghton Library
Bertz, Edward, fl. 1803-1905,. Autograph letters signed from Edward Bertz to various people [manuscript], 1903-1905.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Smith, Robert Atwater, 1849-. Typed letter signed from Robert Atwater Smith, Washington, D.C., to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1908 January 14.
Folger Shakespeare Library
[Political tracts], [early 17th century].
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Sir Francis Bacon portrait, 1640.
New York Public Library System, NYPL
Ellesmere, George Granville Francis Egerton, Earl of, 1823-1862,. Autograph letters from George Granville Francis Egerton, Earl of Ellesmere, to J[ames] Spedding [manuscript], 1861-1862.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Wigston, William Francis C. Autograph letter signed from W.F.C. Wigston, Poste Restante, Lausanne, to R.M. Theobald [manuscript], 1888 October 11.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Shorthouse, J. H. (Joseph Henry), 1834-1903,. Autograph letter signed from J. Henry Shorthouse, Edgbaston, to Sydney Smith, Esq. [manuscript], 1888 January 9.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Platt, Isaac Hull, 1853-1912,. Autograph letter signed to Isaac Hull Platt from E.C. DeLo[nie?], DeLo[nie?] Studios, New York [manuscript], 1903 October 25.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Morris, Lewis, 20th cent.,. Autograph letter signed from Lewis Morris to unidentified recipient [manuscript], 1927 November 25.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron, 1803-1873,. Autograph letters signed and initialled from E.B. Lytton to various people [manuscript], 1837-1864.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Perceval, John, Earl, 1683-1748,. Egmont papers, ca. 1700-1750.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Smith, Robert Atwater, 1849-. Typed letters signed and other material from Robert Atwater Smith, Washington, D.C., to Isaac Hull Platt, Wallingford, Pennsylvania [manuscript], 1905-1908.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Hunt, F. C. (Frederick C.),. Typed letters and postcards signed from F.C. Hunt, Oklahoma, to Isaac Hull Platt, Pennsylvania [manuscript], 1903-1910.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Theobald, R. M. (Robert Masters), 1829-1914,. Autograph letter signed from R.M. Theobald, London, to Mr. Begley [manuscript], 1904 April 30.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon-Shakespeare controversy : Pamphlet vol.
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
Dobell, Bertram, 1842-1914. Autograph poem by Bertram Dobell concerning Shakespeare and Bacon [manuscript], 1913 August 12.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Booth, William Stone, 1864-1926,. Typed letters signed from William Stone Booth to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1909.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Rolfe, W. J. (William James), 1827-1910. Letters to Horace Howard Furness, [1873]-1908, n.d.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
Howard Publishing Co. Letters to Horace Howard Furness, 1894.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
Privy Council papers, c1560-1624
Senate House Library (University of London)
King, Thomas D. (Thomas Davies), 1819-1884,. Autograph postcard signed from Thomas Davies King, Montreal, to J. Woods Poinier, Newark, New Jersey [manuscript], 1879 February 21.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Copy by J.P. Collier of proceedings of the House of Lords against Francis Bacon, April 24 and 30, 1621 [manuscript], 19th century.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Hutchinson, Jonathan, Sir, 1828-1913,. Autograph letter signed from Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, London, to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1906 January 11.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Platt, Isaac Hull, 1853-1912,. Letter signed from Isaac Hull Platt, Bryn Mawr, to R.M. Theobald [manuscript], 1903 July 31.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Arensberg archives, 1905-1957.
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Trowbridge, J. T. (John Townsend), 1827-1916. Excerpts from Trowbridge's Whitman [manuscript], ca. 1903-1904.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Anders, Henry R. D., b. 1873,. Autograph letter signed from Henry R.D. Anders to B. Francis Carpenter [manuscript], 1907 October 25.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Wright, Ichabod Charles, 1795-1871,. Autograph letter signed from Icabod Charles Wright to James Spedding [manuscript], 1856 October 31.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Smith, William Henry, fl. 1856-1880,. Autograph letter signed from William Henry Smith, London, to J.R. Smith, London [manuscript], 1857 May 1.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907,. Autograph letters signed from Moncure Daniel Conway to various recipients [manuscript], 1876-1903.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Howard, H. S. (Harold), fl. 1926-1931,. Autograph letter signed from H.S. Howard, Standing Stone Camp, to H.C. Folger, Brevoort Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. [manuscript], 1927 February 14.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Gilder, Richard Watson, 1844-1909,. Autograph letters signed from Richard Watson Gilder, New York, to various people [manuscript], 1891-1909.
Folger Shakespeare Library
O'Neill, George, b. 1863,. Autograph letter signed from George O'Neill, Dublin, to G.G. Greenwood [manuscript], ca. 1911?
Folger Shakespeare Library
Perceval, John, Earl, 1683-1748,. Egmont papers, ca. 1700-1750.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Stewart, Helen Hinton,. Autograph letters signed from Helen Hinton Stewart to Dr. Hull Platt and unidentified recipients [manuscript], 1908-1910.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Holmes, Nathaniel, 1815-1901. Speeches, 1864-1899.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
White, William Augustus, 1843-1927,. Letterbook, ca. 1582-ca. 1615 [manuscript], ca. 1615.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Hallam, Arthur Henry, 1811-1833,. Autograph letters signed from Arthur Henry Hallam, Stirlingshire and Great Malvern, to John Frere, [1829] Summer.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Mudie, Alfred,. Autograph letter signed from Alfred Mudie, London, to unidentified recipient [manuscript], 1906 January 17.
Folger Shakespeare Library
[Political tracts], [early 17th century].
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Rolfe, W. J. (William James), 1827-1910,. Autograph letters signed from W.J. Rolfe, Cambridge, Massachusetts, to William Winter, New York [manuscript], 1900-1902.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Hunt, F. C. (Frederick C.). Typed and autograph essays and notes on Shakespeare's sonnets and the Baconian authorship question [manuscript], 19th or 20th century.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Massey, Gerald, 1828-1907,. Autograph letter signed from Gerald Massey, Rickmansworth, to Hepworth Dixon [manuscript], 19th century April 22.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Morgan, Appleton, 1845-1928,. Autograph letters signed from Appleton Morgan, New York, to William Winter, Soo Nipi Park, New Hampshire [manuscript], 1913 August 20.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Miles, Martin, fl. 1587,. Autograph letter signed from Martin Miles, London, to Nathaniel Bacon, Norwich [manuscript] 1587 November 5.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Rose, Mary, 1843 or 4-1921. The Baconian myths [manuscript] : notes on the defamers of two great Englishmen, ca. 1910.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. (James Orchard), 1820-1889,. Autograph letters signed from James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps, Hollingsbury Copse, Brighton, to Edward J. Collings [manuscript], 1881-1887.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Smedley, William Thomas, 1851-. Letter to Isaac Hull Platt, 1910.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
Durning-Lawrence, Edwin, Sir, 1837-1914,. Autograph letter signed from Edwin Durning Lawrence, London, to G.R. Sims [manuscript], 1912? March 27.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Rolfe, W. J. (William James), 1827-1910,. Autograph letter signed from W.J. Rolfe, Cambridge, Massachusetts, to William Winter, New York [manuscript], 1902 February 15.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Clifford, Arthur, 1778-1830. The triumphal monument of Francis Bacon [manuscript], ca. 1810.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Friedman, William F. (William Frederick), 1891-1969,. Photographs used in the compilation of The Shakespearean ciphers examined, by W.F. and E.S. Friedman.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Dobson, Austin, 1840-1921,. Autograph letter signed from Austin Dobson, Ealing, England, to [Sydney Smith?] [manuscript], 1890 April 25.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Seventeenth Century Commonplace Book, c1624
University of Exeter
Literary scrapbook [manuscript], ca. 1850.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Frierson, J. Nelson, (James Nelson). Francis Bacon : lawyer and judge : typescript, 1935 Sept. 21 / J. Nelson Frierson.
University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
English literature mss., 1901-1950
Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
Steel, William G., fl. 1888,. Autograph letter signed from Wm. G. Steel, Ilkley, to F.G. Fleay [manuscript], 1888 November 12.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Sailer, William S. Francis Bacon among the theologians : aspects of dispensational hermeneutics / by William S. Sailer.
Dallas Theological Seminary, Turpin Library
State Tracts and Speeches, c.1602-1650
Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
Cox, Edward W., 19th cent,. Commonplace book : manuscript, 1533-1629.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Frohman, Daniel, 1851-1940,. Autograph letters signed to Daniel Frohman from various correspondents [manuscript], 1883-1926.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Winter, William, 1836-1917. Letters to Horace Howard Furness, 1892-1907.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
England and Wales. Parliament (1621-1622). House of Lords. Journall of the passages of the upper howse in the Parliament holden at Westminster...1620, [early 17th century].
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Howard, H. S. (Harold S.), fl. 1926-1931,. Autograph letter unsigned from H.S. Howard, Chepstow, to H.C. Folger, Brooklyn, N.Y. [manuscript], 1926 December 7.
Folger Shakespeare Library
[Literary history and criticism pamphlets].
Library of Congress
Greenwood, G. G. (Granville George), Sir, 1850-1928,. Autograph letters signed from G.G. (Granville George) Greenwood, Linden Gardens, London, to various people, 1908-1927.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Basil Montagu: Papers concerning Francis Bacon, c. 1630-1831
Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
Ford, William Hutson, of St. Louis, fl. ca. 1903,. Autograph letters signed from William Hutson Ford, St. Louis, to various people [manuscript], ca. 1903.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Luce, Morton, 1849-1943,. Autograph letter signed from Morton Luce, Weston-Super-Mare, to Sir George Greenwood [manuscript], 1918 May 2?
Folger Shakespeare Library
Smedley, William T. (William Thomas), b. 1851,. Typescript letters signed from William Smedley, London, to various recipients [manuscript], 1908-1910.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Montaigne, Michel de, 1533-1592. Carbon copy of attempts at Elizabethan handwriting [manuscript], made ca. 1850.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Pollock, F. (Frederick), 1783-1870,. Autograph letters signed from Frederick Pollock, Hounslow, to Hepworth Dixon [manuscript], 1860-1861.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Platt, Isaac Hull, 1853-1912. Baconian essays by Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], ca. 1900.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Poetical miscellany [manuscript], [1724-1728].
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bibliographical lists and other memoranda relating to Bacon [manuscript], 1873-1903.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Smithson, E. W. (Edward Walter), 19th cent. Autograph letter signed from E.W. Smithson, Hitchin, to unidentified recipient [manuscript], 1905 June 7.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Tracts, ca. 1550-1665.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Morgan, Appleton, 1845-1928,. Papers of Appleton Morgan [manuscript], 1901-1904.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Dixon, William Hepworth, 1821-1879. Story of Lord Bacon's life [manuscript], 1862.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Pott, Henry, Mrs., 1833-1915,. Autograph letters signed from Constance M. Pott to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1889-1908.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Hunt, F. C. (Frederick C.),. Typescript letters signed from Frederick C. Hunt, Guthrie, Oklahoma, to Isaac Hull Platt, 1908 June-September.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Sterring, Henry, 1867-. Henry Sterring notes.
UC Berkeley Libraries
Tracts, ca. 1550-1665.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Murray, John, 1808-1892,. Autograph letters signed from John Murray, London, to Hepworth Dixon [manuscript], 1860.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Brown, John Warren, fl. 1898,. Typescript copy of letter from John Warren Brown to William Henry Burr [manuscript], 1898 June 27.
Folger Shakespeare Library
The Office of a Constable written by Sir Francis Bacon, c1617-1634
Senate House Library (University of London)
Vitzthein, fl. 1883,. Autograph letter signed from Vitzthein, Paris, to an unidentified recipient [manuscript], 1883 April 11.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bompas, George Cox, 1827-1905,. Autograph letters signed from George Cox Bompas to various people [manuscript], 1902-1903.
Folger Shakespeare Library
John DePol Collection, 1935-1996
Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
Bacon, Nathaniel, 1547-1622. Collection of Francis Bacon Library Manuscripts, 1460-1967 (bulk 1510-1650).
Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
Stobbs, John, fl. 1875. Bacon and Shakespeare [manuscript], 1875.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Donnelly, Ignatius, 1831-1901,. Autograph letters signed from Ignatius Donnelly to various recipients [manuscript], 1885-1898.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bazalgette, Léon, 1873-1928,. Autograph letters and postcard signed from Léon Bazalgette to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1908-1909.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Autograph File, B, ca.1500-1982
Houghton Library
Speeches by William [Cecil] Lord Burleigh [Burley]; Nicholas Bacon; the Lord Chancellor of France, Nicolas Bruslart; Francis Bacon. Letters by Francis Bacon and others, c1500-1700
Senate House Library (University of London)
Timmins, Samuel, 1826-1902,. Papers of Samuel Timmins [manuscript], 1885-1895.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Dickinson Family. Dickinson family library. 1810-1943.
Houghton Library
Marriott, Elizabeth. Letter to Horace Howard Furness, 1899.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
Woodward, Parker,. Typed letter from Parker Woodward, Nottingham, to Mr. Smith [manuscript], 1909 January 4.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Mudie, Alfred,. Copy of letter from Alfred Mudie, London, to Robert Atwater Smith, Esq., September 3, 1906 [manuscript], 20th century.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Reed, Edwin, 1835-1908,. Autograph letter signed from Edwin Reed, Chicago, to William Winter, New York [manuscript], 1890 November 3.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Books from the library of Amos Bronson Alcott, 1579-1893.
Houghton Library
Miscellaneous British documents, 1624-1640 and undated.
Houghton Library
Francis Bacon Library Archive, 1846-1996, 1920-1990
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, Rare Book Department
Tracts, ca. 1550-1665
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Windle, Catharine F. Ashmead,. Autograph letter signed from Catharine F. Ashmead Windle, San Francisco, to Edward Dowden [manuscript], 1881 September 22.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Hutchinson, Jonathan, Sir, 1828-1913,. Autograph letter signed from Jonathan Hutchinson, London, to Issac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1908 August 18.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Howard, H. S. (Harold), fl. 1926-1931,. Autograph letter signed from Harold S. Howard, Chepstow, to H.C. Folger, New York [manuscript], 20th century December 2.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Noyes, Carleton Eldredge, 1872-1950,. Autograph letters signed from Carleton Noyes, Cambridge, to Platt [manuscript], 19th or 20th century.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Covington, Annette, 1872-1964. Annette Covington letters to Luther P. Eisenhart, 1935-1953.
Princeton University Library
Townsend, George H. (George Henry), d. 1869. Copy of William Shakespeare not an imposter, by an English critic [manuscript], 1882.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Stephen, Leslie, 1832-1904,. Autograph letters signed from Sir Leslie Stephen, London, to various people [manuscript], 1873-1898.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Booth, William Stone, 1864-1926. Typescript of Subtle shining secrecies [manuscript], ca. 1925.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Spedding, James, 1808-1881. Letter: 1859 Mar. 24, 60 Inchcolm Inn Fields W.C [London] to David Laing / Jas. Spedding.
University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library
Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950,. Letters and postcards signed to and from Bernard Shaw [manuscript], 1898-1928.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Wyman, W. H. (William Henry),. Autograph letters signed from William Henry Wyman to Albert R. Frey [manuscript], 1887 July 22-27.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Allen, Charles, 1827-1913. Papers of Charles Allen [manuscript], ca. 1900-ca. 1910.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Johnson, Harold, lawyer, fl. 1905,. Typed letter signed from Harold Johnson, St. Louis, to Dr. Isaac Hall Platt, The New Shakespearean Society, Bryn Mawr, near Philadelphia, Pa. [manuscript], 1905 January 13.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret), 1828-1897,. Autograph letter signed from M.O.W. Oliphant, Windsor, to unidentified recipient [manuscript], 19th century January 5.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Firth, C. H. (Charles Harding), 1857-1936. Collection of Jacobean political tracts, [ca. 1650].
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Morgan, Appleton, 1845-1928,. Typescript letter signed by Appleton Morgan, Westfield, New Jersey, to William Winter [manuscript], 1903 October 2.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Pott, Henry, Mrs., 1833-1915,. Autograph letters signed from Constance M. Pott, London and Brighton, to various recipients [manuscript], 1897-1901.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Howard, H. S. (Harold), fl. 1926-1931,. Autograph letter signed from H.S. Howard, Sedbury Park Hotel, Chepstow, England, to Mr. H.C. Folger, New York [manuscript], 1927 February 3.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Samuels, Jack Harris, d. 1966,. English and American literary manuscripts and letters collection, 1663-1964.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
The Moldenhauer Archives at Harvard University: Correspondence, literary manuscripts, sound recordings, and other material, 1873-2001.
Houghton Library
Burr, William Henry, 1819-1908. Autograph revisions and additions by William Henry Burr to Bacon and Shakspere [manuscript], 1885-1898.
Folger Shakespeare Library
James, George, of Edgbaston, 19th/20th cent.,. Autograph letter signed from George James, Edgbaston, to unidentified recipient, [manuscript], 19th or 20th century?
Folger Shakespeare Library
Excerpte und Notizen, [1885].
Folger Shakespeare Library
Selected items copied from a book of Sir Richard Grosvenor, 1637
Senate House Library (University of London)
Spedding, James, 1808-1881. Letter: 1859 Mar. 19, 60 I.I.F [Incholm Inn Fields, London] to David Laing / Jas. Spedding.
University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library
Fane, Francis, d. 1680,. Miscellany given to Henry Fane by his father Sir Francis Fane [manuscript], compiled ca. 1655-1656.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Singer, Samuel Weller, 1783-1858,. Autograph letters signed and other material of Samuel Weller Singer [manuscript], 1852-1858.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Pollock, Walter Herries, 1850-1926,. Autograph letter signed from Walter Herries Pollock, Alton, Hampshire, to William Winter, New Brighton [manuscript], 1915 April 2.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Garnett, Richard, 1835-1906,. Autograph letters signed from Richard Garnett, British Museum, to various people [manuscript], 1859-1897.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Wyman, W. H. (William Henry),. Autograph letter signed from William Henry Wyman, Cincinnati, to [Karl] Knortz [manuscript], 1884 July 11(?).
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Delia Salter, 1811-1859. Papers of Delia Salter Bacon [manuscript], 1820-1952 (bulk 1827-1859).
Folger Shakespeare Library
Hutchinson, Jonathan, Sir, 1828-1913,. Autograph letter signed from Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, London, to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1908 September 29.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Holmes, George Frederick, 1820-1897. Notes on Francis Bacon [manuscript] ca. 1858.
University of Virginia. Library
Theobald, R. M. (Robert Masters), 1829-1914,. Autograph letter signed from R.M. Theobald, London, to unidentified recipient [manuscript], 1905 June 15.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Smyth, Albert Henry, 1863-1907,. Autograph letters signed from Albert H. Smyth, Philadelphia, to William Winter, New York and Mentone, California [manuscript], 1902.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Field, Kate, 1838-1896. Literary reviews by Kate Field [manuscript], 1876 December 28.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Jones, Brummell, b. 1845,. Autograph letter signed from Brummell Jones, Kansas City, Mo., to W.H. Wyman [manuscript], 1894 November 6.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Spedding, James, 1808-1881. Letter: 1859 Feb. 23, 60 Inchcolm Inn Fields W.C [London] / Jas. Spedding.
University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library
Wright, William Aldis, 1831-1914,. Autograph letter signed from W. Aldis Wright, Cambridge, to R.M. Theobald, London [manuscript], 1886 September 4.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Stubbs, William, 1825-1901,. Autograph letter signed from William Stubbs, Romford, to an unidentified recipient [manuscript], 19th or 20th century June 3.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910. Is Shakespeare dead? From my autobiography [manuscript], 1909.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919,. Autograph letter signed from Andrew Carnegie, New York, to S.L. Clemens [manuscript], 1909 April 28.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Jean Andr de Luc: Bacon Tel Qu'il Est, c. 1827
Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
Owen, Orville Ward, 1854-1924. Bacon cipher collection, 1893-1948.
New York Public Library System, NYPL
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665. State letters from 1533 to ca. 1630 [manuscript], copied ca. 1650.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Ingleby, C. M. (Clement Mansfield), 1823-1886,. Autograph notebook of Clement Mansfield Ingleby [manuscript], ca. 1850-1870.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Copy of an original MS. of Bacon's Essays. In J. Payne Collier's handwriting., 1867-1883
Senate House Library (University of London)
Blackmore, R. D. (Richard Doddridge), 1825-1900,. Autograph letter signed from Richard Doddridge Blackmore to Sydney Smith [manuscript], 1888 January 10.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. (James Orchard), 1820-1889,. Autograph letters signed from J.O. Halliwell-Phillipps, London and elsewhere, to William Hepworth Dixon [manuscript], 1860-1875.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Maitland, Samuel Roffey, 1792-1866,. Autograph letter signed from Samuel Roffey Maitland, Gloucester, to James Spedding [manuscript], 1862 September 4.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797. The parish register of Twickenham, ca. 1758.
Yale University, Lewis Walpole Library
Dixon, William Hepworth, 1821-1879. History of Francis Bacon [manuscript], ca. 1863.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. (James Orchard), 1820-1889. J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps correspondence, 1883.
Library of Congress
Platt, Isaac Hull, 1853-1912,. Letters from Isaac Hull Platt, Bryn Mawr and Wallingford, to various recipients [manuscript], 1903-1908.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Russell, Elizabeth Cooke Hoby, Lady, ca. 1540-1609,. Autograph letter signed from Lady Elizabeth Cooke Hoby Russell to Judge Francis Gawdy, Serjeants' Inn [manuscript], between 1574 and 1584.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Francis Bacon Foundation. Francis Bacon Foundation records, 1936-1997.
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Calder, Ellen M. O'Connor,. Autograph letters signed from Ellen M. (Tarr) O'Connor Calder to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1903-1904.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905,. Autograph letter signed from Joseph Jefferson, The Breakers, Palm Beach, Fla., to William Winter, Staten Island [manuscript], 1902 February 10.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Theobald, R. M. (Robert Masters), 1829-1914,. Papers of R.M. Theobald [manuscript], 1904-1909.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Speeches, 1864-1899
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Donnelly, Ignatius, 1831-1901. Letters of Ignatius Donnelly [manuscript] 1888-1900.
University of Virginia. Library
Herrick, Margaret Foster, 1868?-1958. Papers, 1934-1938, n.d. (inclusive).
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America
Molitor, David A. (David Albert), 1866-1939. Francis First unacknowledged king of England [manuscript], 1937 May.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Walters, John Cuming,. Autograph letter signed from John Cuming Walters, Birmingham, to an unidentified recipient [manuscript], 1899 August 16.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Upham, Warren, 1850-1934,. Autograph letter signed from Warren Upham, St. Paul, to Dr. Isaac Hull Platt, New York [manuscript], 1906 February 5.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910,. Autograph letter signed from Frederick James Furnivall, London, to W.M. Sterling [manuscript], 1909.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Dunn, Jesse James, 1867-1926,. Typescript letter signed from Jesse James Dunn, Guthrie, Oklahoma, to Frederick C. Hunt, 1909 December 16.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Smith, Robert Atwater, 1849-. Typed letter signed from Robert Atwater Smith, Washington, D.C., to Isaac Hull Platt, Wallingford, Pennsylvania [manuscript], 1907 December 31.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Looney, J. Thomas,. Autograph letter signed from J. Thomas Looney, Gateshead-on-Tyne, to Sir George Greenwood, London [manuscript], 1922 March 14.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Roe, J. E. (John Elisha), 1840-1927,. Autograph letters signed from J.E. Roe, Sherwood, New York, to Mr. R.M. Theobald, London [manuscript], 1891-1892.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Winter, John Strange, 1856-1911,. Autograph letter signed from John Strange Winter, London, to Mr. Smith [manuscript], 1888 September 30.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Edwards, William H. (William Henry), 1822-1909. Typescript of Shaksper not Shakespeare [manuscript], ca. 1900.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Catherine Drinker Bowen Papers, 1793-1980, (bulk 1934-1972)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
Arensberg archives, 1905-1957.
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Wyman, W. H. (William Henry),. Shakspearean selections [manuscript], compiled ca. 1870-ca. 1905.
Folger Shakespeare Library
A Treatise of the Lord Franc: Bacon of Verulam: high Chancelour of England concerning the Wisdome of the Ancients: translated by M[ichael] N[ewman]., 1668
Senate House Library (University of London)
Myers, F. W. H. (Frederic William Henry), 1843-1901,. Autograph letter signed from F.W.H. Myers, Leckhampton House, Cambridge, to Sydney Smith, Esq., Edinburgh [manuscript], 1890 April 27.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Morgan, Appleton, 1845-1928,. Autograph letter signed from Appleton Morgan, New York, to William Winter, Soo Nipi Park, Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire [manuscript], 1913 August 13.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Gibson, James, 1819-1886,. Autograph letters signed from James Gibson, Shakespeare Memorial Library, Stratford-upon-Avon, to [William Winter?] [manuscript], 1885.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Townsend, Richard, fl. 17th century. Assignment, 1630, December 30.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Stronach, George, d. 1915,. Autograph letter signed from George Stronach, Edinburgh, to Mr. Bagley [manuscript], 1904 January 8.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Hutchinson, Jonathan, Sir, 1828-1913,. Autograph letter signed from Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, London, to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1907 July 29.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Fiske, John, 1842-1901,. Autograph letter signed from John Fiske, Cambridge, Massachusetts, to Richmond [manuscript], 1896 January 4.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Vaughan, Benjamin, 1751-1835. Papers, 1746-1900
American Philosophical Society
Some reflections on the life of William Shakespeare. A paper Read before the Ipswich Philosophic Society by James Corton Cowell, February 7, 1805. [And a second paper, April 1805]., 1805
Senate House Library (University of London)
Parliamentary speeches and copies of letters by Francis Bacon, Sir Robert Cotton, Robert Earl of Salisbury, Oliver St. John, Sir John Eliott, Sir Francis Seymour, Sir Benjamin Rudiard and Sir Philip Sidney., 1607-1640
Senate House Library (University of London)
Hutchinson, Jonathan, Sir, 1828-1913,. Autograph letter signed from Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, London, to Isaac Hull Platt [manuscript], 1905 October 5.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Related names in SNAC
Adee, David Graham, 1837-1901,
Alcott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888
Alexander, Louis C. (Louis Charles), 1839-1913,
Allen, Charles, 1827-1913.
Anders, Henry R. D., b. 1873,
Arensberg, Walter, 1878-1954.
Bacon, Delia Salter, 1811-1859.
Bacon, Nicholas, Sir, 1509-1579.
Bacon, Nicholas, Sir, d. 1624,
Baranzano, Redento, 1590-1622
Bazalgette, Léon, 1873-1928,
Bertz, Edward, fl. 1803-1905,
Besant, Walter, Sir, 1836-1901,
Blackmore, R. D. (Richard Doddridge), 1825-1900,
Bodley, Thomas, Sir, 1545-1613.
Bompas, George Cox, 1827-1905,
Booth, William Stone, 1864-1926.
Boswell, James, 1740-1795
Bowen, Catherine Drinker, 1897-1973.
Brown, John Warren, fl. 1898,
Buchanan, Thomas, fl. 1604.
Burne, George H. P.
Burr, William Henry, 1819-1908.
Caesar, Julius, Sir, 1558-1636.
Calder, Ellen M. O'Connor,
Carew, Nicholas, Sir
Carew, Peter.
Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919,
Carterett, John de, fl. 1597.
Cartwright, William.
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910.
Clifford, Arthur, 1778-1830.
Coke, Edward, Sir, 1552-1634
Conway, Edward, Sir
Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907,
Cotton, John, Sir, 1621-1701.
Covington, Annette, 1872-1964.
Crawford, Charles,
Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909,
Cruise, Francis Richard, 1834-1912,
Curzon, A., fl. 1820,
Day, Frederick E.
Denham, John, Sir, 1559-1639.
DePol, John, 1913-2004
Dixon, William Hepworth, 1821-1879.
Dobell, Bertram, 1842-1914.
Dobson, Austin, 1840-1921,
Donnelly, Ignatius, 1831-1901,
Doyle, John T. (John Thomas), 1819-1906.
Dunn, Jesse James, 1867-1926,
Durning-Lawrence, Edwin, Sir, 1837-1914,
Edwards, William H. (William Henry), 1822-1909.
Egerton, Thomas, Sir, 1540?-1617.
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1566-1601
Evans, John,
Fane, Francis, d. 1680,
Field, Kate, 1838-1896.
Fiske, John, 1842-1901,
Ford, William Hutson, of St. Louis, fl. ca. 1903,
Fortescue, Dudley, fl. 1604.
Friedman, William F. (William Frederick), 1891-1969,
Frierson, J. Nelson, (James Nelson).
Frohman, Daniel, 1851-1940,
Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910,
Gale, Harlow Stearns, 1862-1945
Garnett, Richard, 1835-1906,
Gibson, James, 1819-1886,
Gibson, R. W. (Reginald Walter)
Gilder, Richard Watson, 1844-1909,
Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680.
Greenwood, G. G. (Granville George), Sir, 1850-1928,
Hallam, Arthur Henry, 1811-1833,
Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. (James Orchard), 1820-1889,
Hamilton, T., fl. 1861,
Herrick, Margaret Foster, 1868?-1958.
Hill, Barton,
Holmes, George Frederick, 1820-1897.
Holmes, Nathaniel, 1815-1901.
Holzer, Gustav,
Hony, H., 19th/20th cent.,
Howard, H. S. (Harold), fl. 1926-1931,
Howard, H. S. (Harold S.), fl. 1926-1931,
Hunt, F. C. (Frederick C.)
Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, Earl of, 1586-1643,
Hutchinson, Jonathan, Sir, 1828-1913,
Hutton, Richard, Sir, 1561?-1639.
Ingleby, C. M. (Clement Mansfield), 1823-1886,
Ingoldsby, Thomas, 1788-1845
James, George, of Edgbaston, 19th/20th cent.,
James I, King of England, 1566-1625.
Jean Andr de Luc
Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905,
Johnson, Harold, lawyer, fl. 1905,
Jones, Brummell, b. 1845,
Jones, William, Sir, 1566-1640.
Kennedy, George Golding, 1841-1918.
King, Thomas D. (Thomas Davies), 1819-1884,
Landor, Walter Savage, 1775-1864,
Looney, J. Thomas,
Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford, 1838-1915,
Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Luce, Morton, 1849-1943,
Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron, 1803-1873,
MacCarthy, Desmond, 1877-1952
Macie, Maximilian, fl. 1656.
Maitland, Samuel Roffey, 1792-1866,
Marriot, M., fl. 1903,
Marriott, Elizabeth.
Massey, Gerald, 1828-1907,
McChuney, C. N., fl. 1909,
Miles, Martin, fl. 1587,
Moldenhauer, Hans, collector.
Molitor, David A. (David Albert), 1866-1939.
Monson, Thomas, Sir, 1564-1641.
Montagu, Basil
More, George, Sir, 1553?-1632,
Morgan, Appleton, 1845-1928,
Morris, Lewis, 20th cent.,
Mudie, Alfred,
Murchison, Roderick Impey, Sir, 1792-1871,
Murray, John, 1808-1892,
Myers, F. W. H. (Frederic William Henry), 1843-1901,
Nibley, John,
Northampton, Henry Howard, Earl of, 1540-1614
North, William North, Baron, 1678-1734,
Noyes, Carleton Eldredge, 1872-1950,
O'Brien, Edward Joseph Harrington, 1890-1941,
Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret), 1828-1897,
O'Neill, George, b. 1863,
Ormsby, John, 1829-1895,
Overbury, Thomas, Sir, 1581-1613.
Perceval, John, Earl, 1683-1748,
Pierrepont, Edwards, 1817-1892,
Pitt, Mr.
Pitt, Mr., fl. 1613-1623,
Platt, Isaac Hull, 1853-1912,
Pollock, F. (Frederick), 1783-1870,
Pollock, Walter Herries, 1850-1926,
Pott, Constance Mary Fearon, 1833-1914
Pott, Henry, Mrs., 1833-1915,
Pourtalès, Guy de, comte, 1881-1941.
Priest, William, 17th cent,
Radford, William, fl. 1888,
Redmond, Roland Livingston, 1892-1982,
Reed, Edwin, 1835-1908,
Richards, Mary.
Ripley, George, 1802-1880.
Robertson, George Croom, 1842-1892.
Roe, J. E. (John Elisha), 1840-1927,
Rolfe, W. J. (William James), 1827-1910,
Rose, Mary, 1843 or 4-1921.
Russell, Elizabeth Cooke Hoby, Lady, ca. 1540-1609,
Rutherford, Gideon, fl. 1690-1725.
Sáez, Santiago fl. 1786.
Sailer, William S.
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl of, 1563-1612.
Samuels, Jack Harris, d. 1966,
Sangorski, Alberto, 1862-1932.
Seymour, Henry, fl 1921
Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950,
Shorthouse, J. H. (Joseph Henry), 1834-1903,
Singer, Samuel Weller, 1783-1858,
Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Walter Raleigh, Henry Howard, Sir Henry Wotton, Sir Robert Naunton, Robert Johnson and others.
Smedley, William Thomas, 1851-
Smith, Robert Atwater, 1849-
Smithson, E. W. (Edward Walter), 19th cent.
Smith, William Henry, fl. 1856-1880,
Smyth, Albert Henry, 1863-1907,
Somerset, Frances Howard Carr, Countess of, 1593-1632,
Somerset, Robert Carr, Earl of, d. 1645,
Spedding, James, 1808-1881.
Steel, William G., fl. 1888,
Steeves, G. Walter (George Walter), 1854-1915,
Stephen, Leslie, 1832-1904,
Stephenson, William F. H.
Sterring, Henry, 1867-
Stewart, Helen Hinton,
St. John, Oliver, 17th cent,
Stobbs, John, fl. 1875
Stopes, C. C. (Charlotte Carmichael), 1841-1929,
Stronach, George, d. 1915,
Stubbs, William, 1825-1901,
Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874,
Sutton, William A., Rev,
Talbott, William, 17th cent,
Theobald, R. M. (Robert Masters), 1829-1914,
Timmins, Samuel, 1826-1902,
Townsend, George H. (George Henry), d. 1869.
Towse, John Ranken, 1845-1933,
Upham, Warren, 1850-1934,
Vaughan, Benjamin, 1751-1835
Vaughan, John, 1756-1841
Vaughan, R., 19th cent.,
Villiers, George, 1592-1628, 1st Duke of Buckingham
Vitzthein, fl. 1883,
Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797.
Walters, John Cuming,
Warde, Frederick B., 1851-1935,
Wigston, William Francis C.
Windle, Catharine F. Ashmead,
Winter, John Strange, 1856-1911,
Winter, William, 1836-1917.
Winwood, Ralph, Sir, 1563?-1617.
Witham, Jo.
Woodward, Parker,
Wright, Ichabod Charles, 1795-1871,
Wright, Richard, 17th cent,
Wright, William Aldis, 1831-1914,
Wrigley, Elizabeth S.
Wyman, W. H. (William Henry),
Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary), 1823-1901,
Dickinson family, collector.
Palfrey family.
CentreStage Theatre Archives.
England and Wales. Commission on building.
England and Wales. Court of Chancery.
England and Wales. Court of Star Chamber.
England and Wales. Lord Chancellor's Dept
England and Wales. Lord Chancellor's Dept.
England and Wales. Lord Chancellor's Dept.
England and Wales. Parliament.
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords.
England and Wales. Privy Council.
England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I)
England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I)
Francis Bacon Foundation.
Francis Bacon Library.
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords
Howard Publishing Co.
Virginia Company of London.
Collection Locations
no collection locations known
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- Great Britain (as recorded)
- Great Britain (as recorded)
- England (as recorded)
- Ireland (as recorded)
- Great Britain (as recorded)
- Great Britain (as recorded)
- Ireland (as recorded)
Variant Names
Bacon, Francis
Bacon, Francis, viscount St. Albans, 1561-1626
بيكون، فرنسيس، 1561-1626
Bacon, Francis f. 1561
Bacon, Francis (English lawyer, statesman, and philosopher, 1561-1626)
ביקון, פרנסיס, 1561-1626
Bacon, Francis, filozof
Bacon, Francis, viscount of St. Albans, 1561-1626
Бэкон, Фрэнсис, 1561-1626
Baco von Verùlam, Fr. 1561-1626
Bacon de Verulamius, Francis
باكون، فرنسيس، 1561-1626
培根, 仏蘭西斯
Baiḳon, Fransis, 1561-1626
Verulam, Francis Viscount St. Albans
Verulamio, Franciscus, baro de, 1561-1626
Verulamius, Franciscus de 1561-1626
ביקון, פרנסיס
Verulam, Franz B. de
Bacon, Francisco 1561-1626
Verulamio, Franciscus Baconus de
Bacon Lord, 1561-1626 (Francis),
Bekon Verulamskiĭ
Saint Albans, Francis Bacon
Bacon Lord 1561-1626
Bacon, ... 1561-1626
Baconus, Fr
Bacchon, Francesco 1561-1626
Beĭkŭn, Fransis
Bêkon, Frênsis 1561-1626
Verulam, Francis Viscount St. Albans 1561-1626
Baiḳon, Fransis 1561-1626
Bacon, Francis, Baron Verulam, Viscount St Albans, 1561-1626
Bacon, Francis baró de Verulam 1561-1626
Bacon, Fr
Bacon, Franz 1561-1626
Verulamski&CRi, Bekon
Be&CRikǔn, Fransis
בייקון, פראנסיס
Beĭkŭn, Fransis 1561-1626
Verulamius, Franciscus de
Baco, Franciscus
Verulam, Francois de
Baco, Franz 1561-1626
Verulam, Francis Bacon Barón 1561-1626
Verulamio, Franciscus B. 1561-1626
Bekon Verulamskiĭ 1561-1626
Bacono, Francisco Barão de Verulamio
Verulam, Francis B. of 1561-1626
فرانسيس بيكون،
Baco, Fr.
Bacon of Verulam, Francis, Viscount St. Albans, 1561-1626
Baco van Verulam, ..., 1561-1626
Verulamius, Francis Bacon of 1561-1626
Verulam, Francis Bacon of
Vakōn, Phransis, 1561-1626
Bacone, Francesco 1561-1626
Verulamius, Francis Bacon of
Bacon, Frantz
Bacono, Francisco
Bēkons, F.
Verulam, Francois de
Bacon, Franciszek.
فرنسيس بيكون،
Beĭkŭn, Fransis, 1561-1626
Bacon, Frantz 1561-1626
Verulam, Francis Bacon 1561-1626
Bėkon Verulamskij, Francisk, 1561-1626
Baconius, Franciscus
Baconus, Franciscus, 1561-1626
Bèkon, Frensis
Baconis de Verolamio, Franciscus, 1561-1626
Verulamio, Franciscus de
St. Albans, Francis Bacon
Bėkon Verulamskij, Francisk 1561-1626
Bacon, Franciszek, 1561-1626
Verulam, Franz B. de 1561-1626
Verulamio, Franciscus Baconus de 1561-1626
Verulamius, Francis Bacon of 1561-1626
Bacon, François
Verulam, Francis of
Bēkons, F. 1561-1626
Bacon de Verulamius, Francis 1561-1626
Verulam, Francis Bacon
St. Albans, Francis Bacon vikomt 1561-1626
Baconus, Franciscus.
Бакон, Франциск Веруламский, барон, 1561-1626
Bekon Verulamski&CRi
Bacchon, Francesco
Baiḳon, Fransis
Bacon, Franz
ベイコン, フランシス
Baccon, Franciscus 1561-1626
Verulam, Francis, Lord, 1561-1626
Bacon of Verulam, Francis
Bēkons, Frensiss
Baco, Franciscus 1561-1626
Verulamius, Francis Bacon of
Verulam, Francis of
Verulamio Franciscus de 1561-1626
بيكون، فرانسيس،
Baco, Fr 1561-1626
Verulam, Francois de 1561-1626
Bacon, Francis, vescomte de Saint Albans, 1561-1626
Pʻei-ken, 1561-1626
Baco von Verùlam, Fr
Bacon de Verulamio, Franciscus
Verulamius, Franciscus de
Bekon Verulamski&CRi
Bacon von Verulam, ..., 1561-1626
Bêkon, Frênsis
Vakōn, Phransis 1561-1626
Verulamskiĭ, Bekon
Francis Bacon 1st Baron Verulam and Viscount St Albans
Baco, Franz
Orthodox man of the reformed religion, 1561-1626
فرنسيس بيكون، 1561-1626
Verulamius, Franciscus de 1561-1626
Be&CRikǔn, Fransis
Bako von Verulam, .. 1561-1626
Verulam, Francis of 1561-1626
Baco von Verulam, ... 1561-1626
Pei gen 1561-1626
Bacon of Verulam, Francis 1561-1626
Baconus de Verulamio, Franciscus
Bekon Verulamskiĭ, 1561-1626
Verulam, Francis Bacon of 1561-1626
Bacon, Francisco
Bacon, Francis of Verulam 1561-1626
Saint Albans, Francis Bacon vicomte de 1561-1626
Bākūn, Fransīs, 1561-1626
Bacon, Franciscus 1561-1626
Verulamus, Franciscus de 1561-1626
Verulam, Francis B. of
Bacon, Franciscus.
Bēkons, Frānsiss 1561-1626
Bacon of Verulam, Francis, Viscount St. Albans
Bēkons, Frensiss 1561-1626
Vakōn, Phransis
Verulam, Francis B. of
Baccon, Franciscus
Peigen, 1561-1626
Bākūn, Fransīs
بيكون، فرنسيس،
Bacon de Verulamio, Franciscus 1561-1626
Bekon, Frensis
Bacon, François, 1561-1626
Verulam, Franz B. de 1561-1626
فرنسيس باكون،
Bacon, Francis, 1st Baron Verulam and Viscount St Albans
培根佛蘭西斯, 1561-1626
Verulamski&CRi, Bekon
Francis Bacon
Baconus de Verulamio Franciscus 1561-1626
Bacono, Francesco
Baco von Verùlam, Fr 1561-1626
Bêkon, Frênsis, 1561-1626
Verulamio, Franciscus B.
Verulam Francis Bacon baron 1561-1626
Baconius, Franciscus 1561-1626
Baccon, Francesco
Bacono, Francesco, 1561-1626
Bacone, Francesco
Baiḳon, Fransis
Francis Lord Verulam.
Verulam, Franz B. de
Bêkon, Frênsis
بيكون، فرانسيس، 1561-1626
Bākūn, Fransīs 1561-1626
Baikon, Fransis 1561-1626
Verulamus, Franciscus de 1561-1626
Verulam, Francois de 1561-1626
Bacon de Verulamio, ... 1561-1626
培根 1561-1626
Verulamus, Franciscus de
Bacon, François 1561-1626
Bēkons, Frensiss, 1561-1626
Verulam, Francis Bacon of
Verulam, Francis B. of 1561-1626
Bēkons, F. 1561-1626 (Frensiss),
Bacon de Verulamio
Bagone, Francesco.
Baco von Verùlam, Fr.
Franciscus of Verulamo 1561-1626
Bacon, Francis vikomt ze St. Albans 1561-1626
Verulamius, Franciscus, 1561-1626
Bākūn, Fransīs
Verulam, Francis of 1561-1626
باكون، فرنسيس،
Verulamus, Franciscus de
St. Albans, Francis Bacon, Viscount, 1561-1626
Bakon, Francisk.
Franciscus Baron de Verulamio 1561-1626
Bacon, Francis Viscount Saint Alban, Baron of Verulam
Verulam, Francis Bacon of 1561-1626
Verolamio, Franciscus de, 1561-1626