Goodman, Paul, 1911-1972

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Paul Goodman was a social critic, essayist, writer of fiction, poet and psychotherapist.

From the description of Paul Goodman papers, 1925-1983 (inclusive), 1929-1972 (bulk). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612452789

Paul Goodman, a New Yorker, wrote some novels and poetry, but was primarily known for his many non-fiction works on political theory, psychology, city planning, education, and other social issues. He was a literary critic for the Partisan review and television critic for the New republic. His best-known work was Growing up absurd, a study of adolescence published in 1960.

From the description of Paul Goodman letter to Marshall Bean, [1968]. (Pennsylvania State University Libraries). WorldCat record id: 60573847

Author, poet, social critic and educator Paul Goodman was born in New York City on September 9, 1911. After graduating from City College in New York, he received his Ph.D. in Humanities from the University of Chicago. Goodman has taught at the University of Chicago, New York University, Black Mountain College, and Sarah Lawrence, and has lectured widely at various universities throughout the country. He is associated with the New York and Cleveland institutes for Gestalt Therapy and the University Seminar on the Problems of Interpretation at Columbia. He is also a Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC.

Goodman has written for Commentary, Politics, Kenyon Review, Resistance, Liberation, Partisan Review, Dissent, The Quarterly Review of Literature, The New Republic, Moviegoer, and the Village Voice . His fiction includes The Facts of Life, The Break-Up of Our Camp, Parent's Day, The Empire City, Making Do, and a volume of verse, The Lordly Hudson . He has also written two books of criticism, Kafka's Prayer and The Structure of Literature . In the area of social studies, in addition to co-authoring Communitas and Gestalt Therapy, he has written Art and Social Nature, Growing Up Absurd (the book for which he is best known), Utopian Essays and Practical Purposes, Drawing the Line, Community of Scholars, and Compulsory Mis-Education .

Mr. Goodman is married and has three children.

From the guide to the Paul Goodman Papers, 1961-1965, (Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Malina, Judith, 1926-. Judith Malina diaries, 1947-1959. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Paul Goodman Papers, 1961-1965 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Deming, Barbara, 1917-1984. Papers: Series I-III, 1908-1985 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Gordon Cairnie papers, 1922-1973. Houghton Library
referencedIn Macdonald, Dwight. Dwight Macdonald papers, 1865-1984 (bulk 1920-1978) Yale University Library
creatorOf Goodman, Paul, 1911-1972. Paul Goodman letter to Marshall Bean, [1968]. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
creatorOf Goodman, Paul. [Paul Goodman] :artist file John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art Library, Ringling Museum Library
referencedIn Living Theatre Collection, 1951-1961 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Rorem, Ned, 1923-. Poem : "Driver, what stream is it ..." / [music by] Ned Rorem ; [text by] Paul Goodman. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Goodman, Paul. A fragment of victory : the history of a diverse military force 1942-1945 : a special study / by Paul Goodman. U.S. Army Heritage & Education Center
referencedIn Dwight Macdonald papers, 1865-1984 (bulk 1920-1978) Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Ruth Nanda Anshen Papers, 1938-1986. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn New Directions Publishing records Houghton Library
referencedIn Living Theatre records, 1945-1991 The New York Public Library. Billy Rose Theatre Division.
referencedIn Tate, Allen, 1899-1979. Papers of Allen Tate [manuscript], 1950-1960. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Mac Low, Jackson. Papers, 1923-1995. University of California, San Diego, UC San Diego Library; UCSD Library
creatorOf McReynolds, David. David McReynolds papers, 1943-1978. Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC
creatorOf Goodman, Paul, 1911-1972. Letters from Paul Goodman to Julian Beck and Judith Malina, 1958-1969. Houghton Library
referencedIn Leser, Paul, 1899-. Paul Leser papers, 1850-1984. University at Albany, University Libraries
creatorOf Colt Press. Colt Press records, ca. 1941-1942. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Rorem, Ned, 1923-. Ned Rorem collection, 1935-2006 (bulk 1950-2000). Library of Congress
creatorOf Nadelson, Andrew, 1949-. Making love : 3 choral songs on texts by Paul Goodman / by Andrew Nadelson. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Goodman, Paul, 1911-1972. Office files of The American Poetry Review, 1972-1983. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf Rorem, Ned, 1923-. Bawling blues / [music by] Ned Rorem ; [words by] Paul Goodman. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Furioso papers, 1938-1951 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Rorem, Ned, 1923-. Spring rain / words by Paul Goodman ; music by Ned Rorem. University of North Texas Library, UNT
referencedIn Oates, Joyce Carol, 1938-. Office files : of The American Poetry Review, 1972-1992. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Vanguard Press. Vanguard Press Records, ca. 1925-ca. 1985. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Goodman, Percival. Reminiscences of Percival Goodman : oral history, 1989. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Manuscripts and proofs of New Directions books, 1937-1997. Houghton Library
referencedIn Papers, 1908-1985 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Rorem, Ned, 1923-. Seven little prayers / [music by] Ned Rorem ; [text by] Paul Goodmand [sic]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Vanguard Press Records, ca.1925-ca.1985 Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Paul Goodman papers, 1925-1983. Houghton Library
creatorOf Hovsepian, Vanig. [Faustina] / Vanig Hovsepian. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Anshen, Ruth Nanda. Ruth Nanda Anshen papers, 1938-1986. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Goodman, Paul, 1911-1972. Paul Goodman papers, 1925-1983 (inclusive), 1929-1972 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Judith Malina diaries, 1947-1959 The New York Public Library. Billy Rose Theatre Division.
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Ackerman, Gerald. person
associatedWith Adlai E. Stevenson III person
correspondedWith Agarwal, Vinod. person
correspondedWith A. J. Muste person
correspondedWith Alfredo. person
correspondedWith Allen, Gene. person
associatedWith A. L. Rowse person
correspondedWith Altman, Dennis. person
associatedWith Americans for Democratic Action corporateBody
correspondedWith Ann Gries. person
associatedWith Anshen, Ruth Nanda. person
associatedWith Anshen, Ruth Nanda. person
correspondedWith Appleman, Herb. person
associatedWith Aquinas, Thomas person
associatedWith Army War College (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Asch, Sholem person
correspondedWith Attwood, William person
associatedWith Avon Institute of the American Friends Service Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Babbs, John person
correspondedWith Bailey, Charity person
correspondedWith Baker, Dave. person
associatedWith BARBARA DEMING, 1917-1984 person
correspondedWith Barnes, Leo. person
correspondedWith Bastarr, Jacques. person
associatedWith Bean, Marshall, person
associatedWith Beck, Julian, person
correspondedWith Beck, Julian. person
correspondedWith Ben person
correspondedWith Berger, Arthur, 1912- person
correspondedWith Berger, John J. person
associatedWith Berthold Wezy person
correspondedWith Bewley, Marius. person
associatedWith Black Mountain College corporateBody
correspondedWith Blair, William McC., Jr. person
correspondedWith Boas, Georg, 1891- person
associatedWith Bob person
correspondedWith Bobbs-Merrill Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Bodenheim, Maxwell, 1893-1954 person
correspondedWith Boston Globe corporateBody
correspondedWith Bosworth, Francis. person
associatedWith Boudin, Leonard, 1912- person
correspondedWith Boyers, Robert. person
correspondedWith Brind, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Bronx High School of Science. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brown, Edmund G. (Edmund Gerald) person
associatedWith Burden, Carter, person
associatedWith Burton Weiss. person
correspondedWith Bush, Martin H. person
correspondedWith Cairnie, Gordon. person
correspondedWith Cannell, Arnold. person
correspondedWith Carroll, Paul. person
associatedWith Carruth, Hayden, 1921-2008. person
correspondedWith Catalano, Clare. person
correspondedWith CBS News. corporateBody
correspondedWith Charles Evans Hughes High School corporateBody
correspondedWith Charles H. Silver person
correspondedWith Charles R. Novitz person
correspondedWith Chelsea Clinton News corporateBody
associatedWith CIDOC. corporateBody
correspondedWith Clemens, Cyril, 1902- person
associatedWith Cleveland institute corporateBody
associatedWith Cleveland Institute for Gestalt Therapy corporateBody
correspondedWith Clodius, Robert person
correspondedWith Cohen, Joel I. person
correspondedWith Cohen, Morris Raphael, 1880-1947 person
correspondedWith Cohn, Mildred. person
associatedWith Colt Press. corporateBody
associatedWith Columbia Daily Spectator corporateBody
correspondedWith Columbia University. corporateBody
associatedWith Commonweal corporateBody
associatedWith Complex corporateBody
associatedWith Cornell Program in Oral History corporateBody
associatedWith Cornell University corporateBody
associatedWith Council of Southern Mountains corporateBody
correspondedWith Crane, Ronald person
correspondedWith Cronkite, Walter person
correspondedWith Curry, Robert person
associatedWith Cut (slit) person
correspondedWith David A. Warren person
associatedWith Davis, Peter L. person
correspondedWith Davis, Robert Gorham. person
correspondedWith Dellinger, Dave person
associatedWith Deming, Barbara, 1917-1984. person
associatedWith Dennison, George, 1925- person
associatedWith Diana Liben person
correspondedWith Dissent corporateBody
correspondedWith Downing, Tom. person
correspondedWith Downs, Julia. person
correspondedWith Dr. Kolodney person
correspondedWith Duberstein, Helen. person
correspondedWith Eberhart, Richard, 1904- person
associatedWith Edna person
correspondedWith Edwards, Sam person
associatedWith E. E. Cummings person
correspondedWith Eliot, Robert. person
correspondedWith Epstein, Barbara person
associatedWith Eric F. Goldman. person
correspondedWith Ervin, Frank person
correspondedWith Evening Star (Washington, D. C.) . corporateBody
correspondedWith Evergreen Review corporateBody
correspondedWith E. William Henry person
associatedWith Farrell, James T. (James Thomas), 1904-1979 person
correspondedWith Farrell, Jim person
associatedWith F.B.I. corporateBody
associatedWith Feuer, Lewis person
correspondedWith Feuer, Lewis Samuel, 1912- person
associatedWith First Street School. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fishkind, Mildred. person
correspondedWith Fishkind, Sy. person
correspondedWith Flanagan, Dennis person
correspondedWith Foremost Dairies Hawaii Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fox, P. O. person
correspondedWith FPD Newsletter corporateBody
correspondedWith Frank, Melvin, 1917- person
correspondedWith Frier, Ernest A. person
associatedWith Fritz Perls person
correspondedWith Gallagher, Buell G. (Buell Gordon), 1904- person
correspondedWith Garrison, Lloyd person
correspondedWith Garson, Marvin person
associatedWith G. B. Shaw person
associatedWith George Dennison. person
associatedWith George Mautner. person
correspondedWith Gershinowitz, Harold. person
associatedWith Glassheim, Eliot, 1938- person
correspondedWith Glimp, Fred L. person
correspondedWith Goldman, Louis. person
correspondedWith Gonzalez, Mario. person
correspondedWith Goodman, Alice person
associatedWith Goodman, Augusta. person
correspondedWith Goodman, Daisy person
associatedWith Goodman, Matthew. person
associatedWith Goodman, Percival. person
correspondedWith Goodman, Sally person
associatedWith Goodman, Sally. person
correspondedWith Goodman, Susan person
correspondedWith Gopal, V. person
correspondedWith Gottlieb, Eddie person
associatedWith Gottlieb, Edward person
associatedWith Grace Paley. person
associatedWith Gregory, Lady person
correspondedWith Gries, Konrad, 1911- person
associatedWith Gripari, Pierre person
correspondedWith Guggenheim Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Hadley, David. person
correspondedWith Hagan, Roger person
correspondedWith Halpern, Florence Cohn, 1900- person
correspondedWith Hargrove, Murray. person
associatedWith Harold Gershinowitz person
associatedWith Harold Oatfield person
associatedWith Harold Rosenberg person
correspondedWith Harper's Magazine corporateBody
associatedWith Harris, Marguerite person
associatedWith Harry Tyler person
correspondedWith Harvard Crimson corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard Educational Review corporateBody
associatedWith Hazaz, Hayim person
correspondedWith Hechinger, Fred M. person
correspondedWith Henle, James. person
correspondedWith Henrici, Anthony. person
correspondedWith Henrici, Max, 1884- person
correspondedWith Honolulu Advertiser corporateBody
correspondedWith Honolulu Star-Bulletin corporateBody
correspondedWith Hopper, Paul J. person
associatedWith Hovsepian, Vanig. person
correspondedWith Howe, Florence. person
correspondedWith Howe, Irving person
correspondedWith Howell, Hampton. person
correspondedWith Hoyt, Robert G. person
correspondedWith Humphreys, James. person
correspondedWith I. F. Stone person
associatedWith Institute for Gestalt Therapy. corporateBody
associatedWith Institute for Policy Studies corporateBody
correspondedWith Isherwood, Christopher, 1904- person
associatedWith Jacques Barzun. person
associatedWith James B. Conant person
correspondedWith James Edward Allen person
associatedWith James Goode person
associatedWith Jerry. person
associatedWith Jewish Community Forum in Palm Beach, Florida. corporateBody
associatedWith J. M. Cobb person
associatedWith Joan Tyler person
associatedWith John Chace person
associatedWith Judith Malina. person
correspondedWith J. William Fulbright person
correspondedWith Kähler, Wolfgang person
correspondedWith Kahn, Judd person
associatedWith Kaufman, Michael T. person
correspondedWith Kennedy, Robert person
correspondedWith Klima, Helena. person
correspondedWith Klotsche, J. Martin. person
associatedWith Koch, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Koht, Harald person
associatedWith Kwee-Kwee person
correspondedWith Laguilhomie, Micheline. person
correspondedWith Latham, Earl. person
associatedWith Leo Abraham. person
correspondedWith Lerner, Max person
associatedWith Leser, Paul, 1899- person
correspondedWith Levertov, Denise, 1923- person
correspondedWith Liben, Meyer. person
correspondedWith Liberation corporateBody
associatedWith Lindsay, John V. (John Vliet), person
correspondedWith Livingston, Robert. person
associatedWith Living Theatre (New York, N.Y.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Local Board #59, Jamaica, N.Y. corporateBody
associatedWith Lockwood Memorial Library, Buffalo corporateBody
correspondedWith Loretan, Joseph O. person
associatedWith Mabel person
associatedWith Macdonald, Dwight. person
associatedWith MacDonald, Dwight. person
associatedWith Mac Low, Jackson. person
correspondedWith Magary, Alan person
associatedWith Malina, Judith, 1926- , person
correspondedWith Manas corporateBody
associatedWith Margy F. person
correspondedWith Markel, Robert person
associatedWith Mark Hedden person
correspondedWith Martin, John. person
associatedWith Maryland Personnel and Guidance Associaiton corporateBody
associatedWith Matthew Goodman person
correspondedWith McCarthy, Eugene J. person
correspondedWith McCorkle, Stephen J. person
associatedWith McKeon, Richard person
correspondedWith McKeon, Richard Peter, 1900- person
correspondedWith McLoughlin, Frederic O. X. person
associatedWith McReynolds, David. person
associatedWith McReynolds, David. person
associatedWith Memorial University of Newfoundland. Institute of Social and Economic Research. corporateBody
associatedWith Mike Liben person
correspondedWith Mildred J. Loomis person
correspondedWith Miller, Cerille. person
correspondedWith Milwaukee Journal corporateBody
associatedWith Miriam Gideon. person
correspondedWith Miwa, Ralph person
associatedWith Molly Harrower. person
correspondedWith Morningsider corporateBody
associatedWith Mr. Dombrowski person
correspondedWith Mr. Howland person
correspondedWith Mrs. Claybourne person
correspondedWith Mr. White person
associatedWith Mr. Zill person
correspondedWith Muller, Steven. person
correspondedWith Myricks, Noel. person
associatedWith Nadelson, Andrew, 1949- person
associatedWith Naomi Goodman. person
correspondedWith Nation corporateBody
correspondedWith National Catholic Reporter) corporateBody
associatedWith National Security Industrial Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith Neill, Alexander Sutherland, 1883-1973 person
correspondedWith Nelson, Benjamin person
associatedWith New Directions Publishing Corp. corporateBody
correspondedWith New Left Notes corporateBody
correspondedWith New Republic corporateBody
correspondedWith New York Civil Liberties Union corporateBody
correspondedWith New York Herald Tribune corporateBody
associatedWith New York institute corporateBody
associatedWith New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy corporateBody
correspondedWith New York Post corporateBody
correspondedWith New York Review of Books corporateBody
correspondedWith New York Telephone Company corporateBody
correspondedWith New York Times corporateBody
correspondedWith New York Times Magazine corporateBody
associatedWith New York University. corporateBody
associatedWith Nicely, Tom person
correspondedWith Nichols, Den. person
associatedWith Oates, Joyce Carol, 1938- person
correspondedWith Oatfield, John. person
correspondedWith Owusu, Rex. person
correspondedWith Pali Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Parrott, Kenneth. person
correspondedWith Pauker, John. person
associatedWith Paul Goodman, person
correspondedWith Paul Henry Lang person
correspondedWith Paulson, Stanley person
correspondedWith Pearson, Lester person
associatedWith Percival Goodman. person
correspondedWith Phillips, William person
associatedWith Phyllis person
associatedWith P. Kropotkin person
correspondedWith Playboy. corporateBody
correspondedWith Plumer, Amy Kovner. person
correspondedWith Politics corporateBody
correspondedWith Portley, Gregory J. M. person
correspondedWith Prall, David Wright, 1886- person
associatedWith Purdue Exponent. corporateBody
correspondedWith Q person
associatedWith Rainer Maria Rilke person
associatedWith Random House (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Random House, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ransom, John Crowe, 1888-1974 person
correspondedWith Raskin, Marcus G. person
associatedWith Recreation corporateBody
correspondedWith Reporter corporateBody
correspondedWith Reserve Tribune corporateBody
associatedWith R. Evans person
correspondedWith Richard, Duke of Devonshire. person
associatedWith Richard Savage. person
correspondedWith Rich, G. D. person
correspondedWith Ridge, George E. person
correspondedWith Riesman, David, 1909- person
correspondedWith Riley, Karl. person
correspondedWith Ripskis, A. Louis. person
correspondedWith Ritter, Paul, 1925- person
associatedWith R. M. Rilke person
associatedWith R. Novak person
correspondedWith Roditi, Edouard. person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt Torch corporateBody
correspondedWith Rorem, Ned person
associatedWith Rorem, Ned, 1923- person
associatedWith Rosenburg, Harold person
correspondedWith Ryan, William F., 1922-1972 person
associatedWith Sally Goodman. person
correspondedWith Sander Katz person
correspondedWith Sanders, Joseph R. person
associatedWith San Francisco State College corporateBody
correspondedWith Schapiro, Meyer person
associatedWith School of Living (York, Pa.) . corporateBody
correspondedWith Schwartz, Delmore, 1913-1966 person
associatedWith Schwartz, Margaret person
correspondedWith Scientific American. corporateBody
correspondedWith Scott, Winfield Townley, 1910-1968 person
associatedWith Scott, Winifred person
correspondedWith Seidenberg, Faith person
correspondedWith Senior, Clarence person
correspondedWith Seymour person
correspondedWith Shaftel, Oscar. person
associatedWith Shakespeare person
correspondedWith Silberman, James H. person
correspondedWith Skolnik, Michael L., 1941- person
correspondedWith Smythe, Tony person
correspondedWith Socialist Party, Washington Heights Branch. corporateBody
associatedWith State University of New York at Buffalo. University Libraries. corporateBody
associatedWith Stephen Zoll. person
correspondedWith Stevenson, Adlai E. (Adlai Ewing) person
associatedWith Stewart, Robert person
associatedWith Stoehr, Taylor person
associatedWith Studs Terkel person
correspondedWith Summerhill Bulletin corporateBody
associatedWith Susan Goodman. person
correspondedWith Sykes, Gresham person
associatedWith Sylvia person
associatedWith Symposium on liberal anti-Communism corporateBody
associatedWith Tate, Allen, 1899-1979. person
associatedWith Tausik, Joan. person
associatedWith Taylor Stoehr person
associatedWith The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art Library. corporateBody
associatedWith The Morningsider corporateBody
correspondedWith Thomin, Eugene. person
correspondedWith Threshold) corporateBody
correspondedWith Time corporateBody
correspondedWith Tobriner, Walter person
associatedWith Townsend Harris Hall. corporateBody
correspondedWith Trans World Airlines corporateBody
associatedWith Treasury Department. corporateBody
correspondedWith True, Michael. person
correspondedWith Tyler, Parker. person
associatedWith United States. Army. Infantry Division, 92nd corporateBody
associatedWith University of Chicago corporateBody
associatedWith Vanguard Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Village Voice corporateBody
correspondedWith Wagner, Robert F., 1910- person
correspondedWith Walton, Richard J. person
correspondedWith Warren, Earl, 1891-1974 person
correspondedWith Warren, Robert Penn, 1905- person
correspondedWith Waskow, Art person
associatedWith Waskow, Arthur I. person
correspondedWith Watson, Goodwin person
associatedWith Wayne State University. corporateBody
correspondedWith Weiss, Burton I. person
correspondedWith Wells, Joel. person
correspondedWith WFMT Perspective) corporateBody
correspondedWith Whelpton, E. W. person
associatedWith William Carlos Williams person
associatedWith Wilton High School, Connecticut corporateBody
correspondedWith Win magazine corporateBody
correspondedWith Winters, Elizabeth R. person
correspondedWith Wofford, Harris person
correspondedWith Workshop corporateBody
correspondedWith Worley, James. person
correspondedWith Zoll, Stephen. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
American literature
Authors, American
Authors, American
Poets, American
Gestalt psychology
World War, 1939-1945


Birth 1911-09-09

Death 1972-08-02





Ark ID: w64f1nv0

SNAC ID: 50502615