Biglietti epoca napoleonica, 1800-1809.


Biglietti epoca napoleonica, 1800-1809.

24.3 linear m. (130 v.)


SNAC Resource ID: 6838060

Bentley Historical Library

Related Entities

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This congregation is generally known simply as Bishops and Regulars. Its origin can be traced to the cardinalatial commission set up by Pius V (1566-1572) under the apostolic visitor, Bartolomeo di Porcia in 1570, to examine relations with the patriarch of Aquileia. The commission continued to function even after its initial task had been accomplished. Gregory XIII (1572-1585), recognizing the usefulness of these visits, used it for other purposes from 1573 to 1576, particularly for...

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Papal States. Congregazione del buon governo (corporateBody)

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Catholic Church (corporateBody)

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Catholic Church. Rota Romana (corporateBody)

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