Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii

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Shortly after the closing of the Council of Trent on December 4, 1563, Pius IV (1559-1565) appointed a commission of cardinals (Dec. 30, 1563) to ensure the application of the council's disciplinary decrees. With the motu proprio Alias Nos nonnullas (Aug. 2, 1564), he formally recognized this commission and established it as a permanent congregation called Congregatio super Executione et Observantia Sacri Concilii Tridentini et Aliarum Reformationum. From the beginning it was commonly known as the Congregatio Concilii.

Pius V (1566-1572) ratified the congregation's functions, extended them to include the interpretation of the conciliar decrees, even in judicial processes, and changed the congregation's name to Congregatio Cardinalium Concilii Tridentini Interpretum (May 1567).

Sixtus V (1585-1590), with the apostolic constitution Immensa aeterni Dei (22 Jan 1588), confirmed the congregation, defined its functions more clearly, increased its faculties, declared that the interpretation of the Tridentine decrees relating to dogmas of faith was to be reserved to himself while that of disciplinary decrees would be left to the interpretation of this congregation, and formally named it the Congregatio pro Interpretatione et Executione Concilii Tridentini.

Gregory XIV (1590-1591), with the brief Ut securitati (Feb. 22, 1591), empowered the congregation to interpret all the disciplinary orders of the Council of Trent, to handle all cases relating to those orders, and to publish their own decrees in the name of the pope. By the end of the sixteenth century the congregation's faculties had increased to include interpretative power, administrative power, judicial power, and beneficent power. This was the high point of the Congregation of the Council.

Because of the almost limitless scope of its original purpose and the ever-changing character of the needs of the church, the function of the Congregation of the Council was constantly revised, usually with increased responsibility. It gradually absorbed four other lesser congregations that, although autonomous by design, operated almost as its subsidiaries. All were suppressed before or by the curial reform of 1908.

1) Congregatio super Residentia Episcoporum (ID VATV147-A) was instituted by Urban VIII in 1636 and revitalized by Benedict XIV with the constitution Ad universae christianae (3 Sep 1746). After suppression in 1908 its competencies were transferred to the Consistorial Congregation (ID VATV003-A).

2) Congregatio Iurisdictionis et Immunitatis Ecclesiasticae (ID VATV785-A), instituted by Urban VIII in 1620 vivae vocis oraculo, was eventually united by Leo XIII (1878-1903) to the Congregation of the Council (1879).

3) Congregatio super Statu Ecclesiarum (ID VATV150-A) was erected by Benedict XIV with the constitution Decet Romanum Pontificem (23 Nov 1740). Pius X transferred its competencies to the Consistorial Congregation (constitution Romanis Pontificibus, 17 Dec 1903).

4) Congregatio super Revisione Synodorum Provincialium (ID VATV786-A) was created by Pius IX (1846-1878) vivae vocis oraculo (3 Jun 1849).

Under the reorganization of the Curia by Pius X, with the constitution Sapienti consilio (29 Jun 1908), the transformation of the Congregation of the Council was so complete that its original purpose was scarcely discernible, and its title became of little more than historical significance. The reorganization also united to the Congregation of the Council the Congregatio Lauretana (ID VATV466-A), but the latter was quietly suppressed in 1917.

The functions assigned to this congregation varied over time. From the beginning (1564), the Congregation of the Council was charged with caring for the practical implementation of the disciplinary decrees of the Council of Trent. This was followed by interpretation of the decrees (1567). Then it was charged with examining the decrees of the provincial councils. The congregation also had the responsibility for examining the reports of the state of the dioceses, which the bishops presented to the Holy See on the occasion of their ad limina visits. The congregation would respond to their questions and needs and would watch vigilantly over the discipline of the clergy and the faithful (1600).

Since the conciliar decrees touched almost every ecclesiastical discipline, the congregation was obliged before long to be concerned with the rights and duties of bishops, priests, chapters, benefices, ecclesiastical goods, Mass stipends, matrimonial cases, and other affairs, and with granting dispensations, indults, and privileges. Pius X changed all this with his curial reform of 1908.

The Congregation of the Council no longer had authority to legislate or to render judgment on questions relating to the sacraments; could no longer issue decrees regarding the validity of marriage or of ordination; nor issue decrees on daily communion. These were now in the hands of the Congregation on the Discipline of the Sacraments (ID VATV010-A). The Congregation of the Council was no longer to be concerned with the duties of bishops or with the reports (relatio status) given by them. Sapienti consilio assigned these to the Consistorial Congregation (ID VATV003-A). The Congregation for the Affairs of Religious (ID VATV013-A) would pronounce on the validity or invalidity of religious profession. The Congregation of the Council would no longer have jurisdiction to try cases by judicial process; these cases were to be handed over to the Tribunal of the Rota (ID VATV030-A).

Sapienti consilio (29 Jun 1908) charged the Congregation of the Council with the entire discipline of the secular clergy and the faithful of the Latin rite. It gave it the task of fostering observance of the commandments of Christian life and the precepts of the Church, exclusive competence in matters pertaining to the duties of parish priests and canons, and authority to dispense in appointments reserved to bishops.

It was empowered to govern all pious sodalities (except Third Orders, secular institutes, and Catholic Action associations), to handle administration and alienation of Church property, all cases involving pious legacies, Mass stipends, diocesan taxes, immunities, and precedence (except for rights of the Congregations of Ceremonies (ID VATV018-A) and Religious (ID VATV013-A)). It was charged with regulating the holding of plenary and provincial councils and meetings of bishops, and approving their decrees and pronouncements except in countries subject to the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith.

Pius XI's motu proprio Orbem caholicum (29 Jun 1923) established two special offices attached to the Congregation of the Council: Pastoral Activity and Catechesis, and Administration of Ecclesiastical Property.

Paul VI's constitution Regimini Ecclesiae universae (Aug. 15, 1967) completely reorganized the Congregation of the Council, giving it the new name Congregatio pro Clericis and defining it as having authority over all matters affecting clergy who exercise their apostolate in a diocese as well as over their pastoral ministry and functions. In 1973 Paul VI annexed the International Office for Catechetics to the Congregation for the Clergy. In 1988 John Paul II added to it the Pontifical Commission for the Preservation of the Artistic and Historic Patrimony of the Church.

In general, much of what one finds in the various series of the congregation consists of decrees, deliberations, and supporting material concerning problematical cases (positiones). In addition, as the records reflect, the congregation undertook (1) the examination of reports of diocesan synods; (2) the soliciting and review of episcopal diocesan visits (relationes ad limina); (3) the enforcement of episcopal residence; (4) clerical reform; (5) review of issues concerning worship and the administration of the sacraments; (6) surveillance of popular piety, morality, and religious rebelliousness; and (7) decisions and dispensations involving marriage disputes. The concerns of the Congregation of the Council extended into almost all aspects of religious, social, and family life. The records of the synods and the relationes ad limina are especially useful to historians of art, popular piety, and social life. The abundance of material relative to marriage offers promising sources to historians of family life, economics, and gender relations.

To see a general agency history for the Curia Romana, enter "FIN ID VATV214-A2

From the description of Agency history record. (University of Michigan). WorldCat record id: 145567086

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. Variae resolutiones : manuscript, [1621-1660]. Princeton University Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio de Propaganda Fide. Indulgenze, 1722-1934. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. Positiones : archivi secreti, 1814-1900. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. Agency history record. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Miscellaneorum armarium X, 1535-1805 (scattered dates). Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Lorenzo Barili, [18--]-[18--]. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Miscellaneorum armarium XIII, 1405-1806. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spogli Mario Mattei, ca. 1820-1870. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. Vota S. Congre[gatio]ne Concilij Emin[entissi]mi Praefecti : anno 1689 p[er] totum annum 1691 : manuscript, [169-?]. Princeton University Library
creatorOf Sperelli, Sperello, 1639-1710. Carte Sperelli, 1700-1710. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Massimo Massimi, [18--?]-[19--?]. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Miscellaneorum armarium VII, 1569-1778. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Pietro Giannelli, [18--]-[18--]. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. Archivio segreto : varia, 1700-1890. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Dataria Apostolica. [Miscellaneous SF/142], ca. 1400-1879. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. [Decizione, suppliche], 1713-1870. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Instrumenta miscellanea, 819-1921. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. Copy of declarations and decisions of the Roman congregation for the execution and interpretation of the Council of Trent, 1591-1658 [manuscript], ca. 1700. Folger Shakespeare Library
creatorOf Macchi, Vincenzo, 1770-1860. Carte Macchi, 1742-1877 (bulk 1825-1860). Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Paolo Polidori, ca. 1820-1847. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. [Records], 1564-1930. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Emanuale DeGregorio, [17--?]-[18--?]. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio super Disciplina Regulari. Decreta, 1656-1906. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. Relationes : visita ad limina, 1588-1901. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. In Augustensi decretorum inter Reverendiss. captulum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Civitatis Augustae Praetoriae et Illustriss. & Reverendiss. episcopum civitatis : manuscript, [between 1644 and 1696]. Princeton University Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Prospero Caterini, 1860-1874. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Lorenzo Simonetti, ca. 1849-1856 Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. Visite apostoliche, 1571-1803. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. [Miscellanea : buste, scatole e volumi], 1574-1930. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. Positiones, 1564-1922. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. [Supplicationes], 1664-ca. 1801. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Fantuzzi, Gaetano, 1708-1778. Miscellanea Fantuzzi, 1643-1778. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Carte varie, 1745-1833. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. Positiones et resolutiones ad dubia, 1650-1667. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Tosi, Gioacchino, d. 1837. Archivio Tosi, 1788-1836. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Teodolfo Mertel, 1846-1899. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. [Miscellanea : volumi], 1565-1730. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Consalvi, Ercole, 1757-1824. Fondo Consalvi, ca. 1755-1823. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Clemente Villecourt, ca. 1787-1867. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. Vota, 1675-1694. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Camillo Di Pietro, ca. 1840-1869. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. De regularibus non alienandis, 1610-1660. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. [Variae resolutiones]. Princeton University Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Biglietti epoca napoleonica, 1800-1809. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Federico Tedeschini, 1914-1959. Bentley Historical Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Catholic Church corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Apostolic Nunciature (Spain) corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Congregatio Consistorialis. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Congregatio Lauretana. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Congregatio super Disciplina Regulari. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Dataria Apostolica. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Consalvi, Ercole, 1757-1824. person
associatedWith Council of Trent (1545-1563) corporateBody
associatedWith Fantuzzi, Gaetano, 1708-1778. person
associatedWith Hortense, Queen, consort of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, 1783-1837. person
associatedWith Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, 1778-1846. person
associatedWith Macchi, Vincenzo, 1770-1860. person
associatedWith Paulinus, C. person
associatedWith Paulinus, C. person
associatedWith Princeton University Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939, person
associatedWith Sperelli, Sperello, 1639-1710. person
associatedWith Tosi, Gioacchino, d. 1837. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Loreto (Italy)
Benefices, Ecclesiastical
Canon law
Canon law
Canon law
Chapters, Cathedral, collegiate, etc.
Charitable bequests
Church history
Church property
Councils and synods, Diocesan
Councils and synods, Episcopal (Catholic)
Councils and synods, Provincial
Mass stipends
Visitations, Ecclesiastical

Corporate Body

Active 1644

Active 1696


Spanish; Castilian,





Ark ID: w6ns5wsm

SNAC ID: 5167306