Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961

Variant names

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American journalist.

From the description of Letter, 1936 July 22, South Pomfret, Vermont, to Perry Walton, Boston. (Boston Athenaeum). WorldCat record id: 184904428


From the description of Dorothy Thompson typed letter signed, 1957. (Maine Historical Society Library). WorldCat record id: 74986046

Thompson and Sinclair Lewis married in 1928 and divorced in 1942. In 1943 Thompson married the Austrian artist Maxim Kopf (1892-1958). In her memoir Mein Leben, Alma Mahler recounts an evening that she and Franz Werfel spent with Lewis and Thompson sometime in the 1930s, and mentions that the two couples would visit each other. Auersperg was Thompson's secretary.

From the description of Correspondence to Alma Mahler, ca. 1937-1958. (University of Pennsylvania Library). WorldCat record id: 155864608

American journalist and author.

From the description of Dorothy Thompson miscellaneous papers, 1938-1947. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 754871801

Dorothy Thompson was born in Lancaster, New York, on July 9, 1893. She graduated from Syracuse University in 1914, then went to work for the women's suffrage movement. In 1917, she moved to New York and began a long and successful career as a journalist and political commentator. She headed the Berlin bureau of the New York Post and the Public Ledger from 1925 until 1934, when she was expelled from Germany because of her vocal opposition to 1930s fascism and to the rise of Adolf Hitler. Beginning in 1936, she wrote "On the Record", a syndicated column which appeared in newspapers across the country while also working as a lecturer and NBC radio commentator. She was married three times, most notably to Nobel Prize-winning novelist Sinclair Lewis from 1928 to 1942. Dorothy Thompson died in Portugal in 1961.

From the description of Dorothy Thompson collection, 1913-1953. (Millersville University Library). WorldCat record id: 59670540

Dorothy Thompson (1893-1961) was an American broadcast and print journalist, best known for her work as a foreign correspondent and her column "On the Record" that appeared in the New York Herald Tribune from 1936-1941. For a more detailed biography, see the Dorothy Thompson Papers at this repository.

From the guide to the Dorothy Thompson Collection, circa 1935-1985, (Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries)

Dorothy Thompson was an American journalist, broadcaster, and activist. An instinctive reporter, she was distinguished by her curiosity, intelligence, nose for news, and disregard for personal safety when following a story. Her second husband was Sinclair Lewis. She became president and co-founder of the American Friends of the Middle East in 1951.

From the description of Dorothy Thompson letters, 1951, n.d. (Pennsylvania State University Libraries). WorldCat record id: 50152872

Dorothy Thompson, journalist, author, wife of Sinclair Lewis.

Emily Balch, enconomist, author, poet, 1946 Nobel Peace Prize winner (with John R. Mott), professor at Wellesley College.

From the description of Letter to Miss Balch, 1945 November 5. (University of Virginia). WorldCat record id: 55102664

Biographical/Historical Note

American journalist and author.

From the guide to the Dorothy Thompson miscellaneous papers, 1938-1947, (Hoover Institution Archives)

Dorothy Thompson (1893-1961) was an American broadcast and print journalist, best known for her work as a foreign correspondent and her column "On the Record" that appeared in the New York Herald Tribune from 1936-1941.

[Following biographical sketch by Lisa Sergio]

If the word "journalist" means a writer who records public events, then Dorothy Thompson was a journalist in the fullest sense of the definition. Her column, On the Record, published for more than twenty consecutive years in scores of newspapers bears witness to this fact. The international fame she achieved and the political influence she wielded, however, were due less to her skillful recording of events than to her extraordinary percipience in analyzing them. A sound knowledge of history, a well-trained memory, and a surprisingly wide range of personal contacts with the great and near-great, many of which became enduring friendships, enabled her to measure any situation against its background as well as to assess its consequences and foresee new situations likely to derive from it.

To find the starting point, one may well go back to the unhappiness of a sensitive little girl of twelve whose mother had died and whose adored father, an English-born Methodist preacher, soon married the church organist. Neither love nor understanding prevailed between Dorothy and her step-mother and the girl was sent to Chicago to live with an aunt. She left no significant marks either at public school or at the Lewis Institute. Only when she worked her way through college, at Syracuse University, did Dorothy truly discover the world of the intellect. Even so she was better remembered as an embracer of causes than as a student of note. Her interest was politics and economics and when she failed in grammar and could not be a teacher, she joined the suffrage movement, making powerful speeches for it all over New York State. This was her first crusade.

By the time America entered the first World War, Dorothy Thompson's effort to be sent overseas having failed like her grammar, a deep concern for the needs of humanity drew her into social work. But this was not her calling, and saving enough from the pittance earned she sailed to Europe the moment the guns were silenced. A group of Zionists on the same boat, traveling to a convention, attracted her interest and she secured her first journalistic assignment by reporting their meetings for the International News Service. This first bite of the reportorial apple produced growing hunger for more and soon she was traveling all over Europe on the trail of every uprising or budding revolution and selling stories to whatever newspaper would buy them. Then it was that the makings of her later successes began to take shape; she set no limit to the time and effort invested in the story at hand; she considered no person or detail too insignificant to be pursued; she never discounted intuition; yet spared herself no work in tracking down the facts which would give validity to her hunches. Whatever knowledge she already possessed about any given situation, she never stopped looking for more, allowing little or no margin for error in facts or in reasoning. These forms of self-discipline added to the sharpness of her mind and the beauty of her face, with its sparkling blue eyes, fair skin and generous smile, pushed open many a door which other and more seasoned reporters found forbiddingly closed.

Concentrating finally on Central Europe, she acquired an excellent command of the German language and some of its dialects and soon became Vienna correspondent for the Philadelphia Public Ledger . Her marriage in 1921 to Josef Bard, a Hungarian writer, gave her unusual insights into much of Central Europe. By 1925, she had been appointed Chief of the Central European Service for the Ledger as well as for the New York Evening News, both then owned by the Curtis Publishing Company. Much personal unhappiness and a divorce already lay behind her when she went to Russia in 1927 to report on the tenth anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. While the articles on Russia appeared in book form in America, Dorothy Thompson resigned as Bureau chief and took a well-earned vacation in Italy. Sinclair Lewis met her in Berlin, proposed instantly, and pursued her wherever she went. By May of 1928, she married Lewis in a London ceremony that added more fame to her reputation.

When they both returned to the United States, the life of leisure that she might have led held no appeal for Mrs. Sinclair Lewis who, only at first and very briefly, used her new name to sign articles. In 1929, a series of articles on Canada and another on prohibition sparked the beginning of her reputation as a lecturer as well as writer. Her only child, a son, was born in 1930 and for a while Dorothy gave herself up to the full enjoyment of motherhood.

The following year, however, she returned to Europe for an extensive interview with Adolf Hitler, then leader of the National Socialist Party of Germany. The interview was expanded into the book I Saw Hitler . Readers who were inclined to believe the author said it was prophetic, but most of the American public let it go by unheeded or perhaps unread. Dorothy Thompson started writing on foreign affairs for the Saturday Evening Post and during the next four or five years her coverage-in-depth of international developments proved important to the thoughtful readers she increasingly acquired.

She went again to Germany in 1934. Hitler had risen to power and she suddenly found herself expelled from his country in a matter of hours, a measure without precedent at that time. The expulsion suddenly catapulted Dorothy Thompson into fame and, ironically enough, contributed vastly to her rise in political journalism. In 1936, she became a columnist for the New York Herald Tribune with wide syndication and complete freedom to write about whatever caught her fancy. The column appeared three times a week alternating with that of Walter Lippmann. Her approach to the subjects was as varied as the material itself: witty or acid; convincing when she pleaded for higher moral standards or better legislation; infuriating on some strictly political issue; devastatingly amiable if the occasion so required; and deeply moving when her own heart was moved. Much work went into her columns, but the stylistic ease never revealed the strain or effort that had gone into the writing. On the platform she was too often explosive, vehement or irritatingly asserting, but rarely, if ever, in her writing.

Nonetheless, Dorothy Thompson was as intrepid with her pen as she was with her lips and, as the Nazi menace grew, the drive of her denunciations and warnings grew likewise. The dedication to human freedom and self-respect which had motivated her strongly in school, now spurred her into a one-woman crusade, which also became a phenomenon of its kind. She was determined to awaken America and the Western world to the real and present menace of Nazism and of the fearful conflagration that might be required to prevent the conquest of the entire West. In the chain of crises which preceded Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939, she managed to reach the scene of each of them on time, her dual skill as reporter and analyst making resultant columns doubly effective. At this time, many Americans came to look upon her as an oracle, while others hated her for disturbing the security they thought they had found. She sparked many a controversy and whoever tangled with her was inevitably compelled to think quickly and with facts at hand.

In the thirties, the apathy of Americans towards international affairs filled her with increasing dismay. She knew what was at stake if Hitler carried out the plans he had so brashly set forth in the book, Mein Kampf, which few in the United States had bothered to read. Americans had to be awakened before the first deadly blows struck at Western civilization. The successive crises of that period which weakened Europe helped her crusade to enlist supporters at home.

The disastrous events in Europe during 1935-1941 were a tragic vindication of Dorothy Thompson's words, yet the core of Americans who believed that the United States should and could stay out of any European entanglement was still unyielding. But on December 7, 1941, when Japan struck at Pearl Harbor, the American people, stunned as they were, rallied more swiftly, united more tightly, acted more determinedly because, consciously or otherwise, Dorothy Thompson's crusading had, in some measure, prepared them for the ordeal.

In the war years, donning a correspondent's uniform, she was again as the woman of twenty years earlier following her hunches and being on the spot wherever the news was breaking. In or out of the country the network of her unique contacts became thicker and vaster than ever before. Such men in positions of command as Winston Churchill sought her counsel and tapped her experience and knowledge. Her power to influence American public opinion was still soaring. She was not always right, as she well knew, and often too vehement in her public expression to suit her listeners, but despite these drawbacks and despite the forces of good and of evil which whirled around her, she preserved intact her integrity as a writer, her dedication to the quest for truth and--remarkable in any human being--her total lack of vanity. In a Europe darkened by the horrors of Nazi occupation, patriots by the thousands knew Dorothy Thompson by name while the clandestine radios quoted her words as proof that America was determined to restore freedom to the world.

The marriage with Sinclair Lewis had inevitably gone on the rocks, and a divorce had set them free in 1940. For Dorothy Thompson, despite her ever-present preoccupation with public affairs and with the danger that freedom might be lost, despite the recognition she received and the honors which came to her, the failure of her second marriage scarred her deeply and left a trail of self-reproach and pain.

In 1943, while engrossed in aiding the refugees who were finding their way across the Atlantic, Dorothy found a new sort of happiness laced with a serenity she had never thought existed. This appeared in the person of Maxim Kopf, a Czechoslovak artist whom she married in 1943 and of whom she often said: "He is the man I should have married in the first place." The war was still far from being won and her crusade was not yet at an end. She remained very much in the limelight and her power had not waned. But in herself there was a new quality which seemed to cut down her vehemence.

Once the war was over the nature of the problems changed. She became involved in the struggle between Israel and the Arab countries in addition to a continuing concern with the plight of all refugees. The cold war against Communism had little in common with the war against Hitler and the Nazis and the American people were inclined to rest on their laurels. Dorothy Thompson did not lay down her pen nor step off completely from the platform, but times had changed and so had the mood of the public. There was no need for a crusade now, at least not the same kind of a crusade, and some of the fire and spark began to go out of her writing. Dorothy was happy at home and gave more thought to broader issues.

Dorothy wrote a monthly article for the Ladies' Home Journal for twenty-four years, the last piece appearing shortly after her death in 1961. In this magazine she dealt mostly with domestic and personal matters of particular interest to women. The subjects might be as removed from politics as gardening, the wisdom of believing in fairy tales, the disciplining of children, the importance of loving animals, the necessity of voting or the superb artistry of Arturo Toscanini. These pieces appealed to millions of readers, mostly women, who might otherwise have felt that Dorothy Thompson, the foreign affairs expert, was over their heads. The shifting of her tone from authoritative on public affairs, to warm, friendly, and often humble in human affairs, and the enormous range of her appeal gave her the extraordinary power over public opinion of which every political figure in America eventually became very fully aware.

Dorothy Thompson knew America in depth through its history, laws, Constitution, government, literature, social problems and the arts. She knew its strength and its weakness and loved all of them with a sincerity that startled those who had never seen this side of her many-faceted personality. Yet this love of country--a patriotism that disliked flag-waving but would accept any challenge--was at the root of her ability to influence the thinking of her countrymen for the better part of a quarter-century.

When she gave up her newspaper column in 1958, she intended to devote herself to writing an autobiography, but her health began to fail and the task was barely started when it was brought to an end. Her two grandchildren, the sons of her only son, Michael, were in Portugal and at Christmas time, 1960, she flew over to spend the holidays with them and her daughter-in-law. She only lived through one month of the new year and died in Lisbon.

From the guide to the Dorothy Thompson Papers, 1914-1961, 1940-1961, (Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1927-1928. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Jerome New Frank papers, 1918-1972 (bulk 1929-1957) Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Papers, 1941-1944. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Wald, Lillian D., 1867-1940. Lillian D. Wald Papers, 1895-1936. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Jerome New Frank papers, 1918-1972 (bulk 1929-1957) Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958. Papers of James Branch Cabell [manuscript], 1915-1930. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Dorothy Thompson miscellaneous papers, 1938-1947 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Whitcomb, John Merrall, 1907-,. Ethel Fogg and William Brooks Clift memorial collection, 1769-1992 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company correspondence, 1881-1981 (inclusive), 1940-1979 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Hobson, Laura Keane Zametkin. Laura Keane Zametkin Hobson papers, 1930-1986. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Flagg, Mildred Buchanan, 1886-1980. Papers, 1876-1955 (inclusive), 1900-1955 (bulk). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn John Mason Brown papers, 1922-1967. Houghton Library
referencedIn Elmer Rice letters from various correspondents, 1915-1967. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company correspondence and records, 1832-1944. Houghton Library
referencedIn Laidlaw, H. B. (Harriet Burton), b. 1874. Papers: Series I-IV, 1851-1958 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Ralph E. Flanders Papers, 1903-1958 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Holtz, William V. William Holtz collection, 1910-1990. Herbert Hoover Library
referencedIn Laidlaw, Harriet Burton, 1873-1949. Papers, 1851-1958 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Lawrence E. Spivak Papers, 1917-1994, (bulk 1945-1983) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Kortner, Fritz. Fritz Kortner and Dorothy Thompson manuscript, 1937. University at Albany, University Libraries
creatorOf Dorothy Thompson Collection, circa 1935-1985 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Bismarck, Mona Strader, 1897-1983. Mona Strader Bismarck : papers, 1916-1982. The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn Lillian D. Wald Papers, 1895-1936 Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951. Sinclair Lewis letters to Ramon and Marguerite Guthrie, 1926-1933. Middlebury College
referencedIn Decision magazine papers, 1940-1942 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Ernest Joseph King Papers, 1908-1966, (bulk 1936-1952) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Arthur H. Vandenberg papers, 1884-1974, 1915-1951 Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Smith, Martha V., 1858-1952. Vermont history and biography collection, 1926-1930s. Vermont Historical Society
referencedIn Lamont, Thomas W. (Thomas William), 1870-1948. Thomas W. Lamont papers, 1894-1948 Harvard Business School, Knowledge and Library Services/Baker Library
referencedIn Michael Lewis Collection, 1951-1953 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Anne Henrietta Martin papers, 1892-1951. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Lania, Leo, 1896-1961. Papers, 1916-1959. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Wald, Lillian D., 1867-1940. Papers, 1895-1936 [microform]. Twentieth Century Legal Treatises
referencedIn Sheean, Vincent, 1899-1975. Papers, 1933-1980. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Central Committee on Friendship Dinners. Records, 1927-1950 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Boni & Liveright. Correspondence : with Theodore Dreiser, 1917-1938. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Peter Gulbrandsen Papers, 1917-1954 Bancroft Library
referencedIn Kirstein, Louis Edward, 1867-1942. Business records, 1909-1942 Harvard Business School, Knowledge and Library Services/Baker Library
referencedIn Joseph Barnes Papers, 1923-1970 Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Robert E. Sherwood papers, 1917-1968 (inclusive), 1934-1955 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Jaffe, Louis I. (Louis Isaac), 1888-1950. Editorial correspondence files, S-V, of the Virginian-Pilot, 1907-1950. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Lerner, Max, 1902-2001. Max Lerner papers, 1927-1992 (inclusive). Yale University Library
creatorOf Hopwood Awards Collection, 1930- University of Michigan
referencedIn Moldenhauer Archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990 Library of Congress. Music Division
referencedIn Emerson C. Ives collection 1932-1970 Ives, Emerson C. collection William L. Clements Library
creatorOf Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961. Letter, 1936 July 22, South Pomfret, Vermont, to Perry Walton, Boston. Boston Athenaeum
referencedIn Ethel Fogg and William Brooks Clift memorial collection, 1769-1992 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf Enit Kaufman, American Portraits, Papers, TXRC99-A1., 1914-1958 Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
referencedIn Kirstein, Louis Edward, 1867-1942. Business records, 1909-1942 Harvard Business School, Knowledge and Library Services/Baker Library
referencedIn Stephen R. Pastore Collection on Sinclair Lewis 1907-1997, bulk 1917-1950. Salve Regina University Library
creatorOf Rice, Elmer, 1892-1967,. Elmer Rice letters from various correspondents, 1915-1967. Houghton Library
referencedIn Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951. Sinclair Lewis papers, 1866-1964 (bulk 1910-1950). Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Jan Papánek Papers, 1917-1967, (bulk 1939-1948) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961. Dorothy Thompson typed letter signed, 1957. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn Vincent Sheean Papers, 1940-1965 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Angoff, Charles, 1902-1979. Charles Angoff collection, 1927-1978. Boston University. School of Medicine
referencedIn Sinclair Lewis papers, 1866-1964, 1910-1950 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Decision Magazine papers, 1940-1942 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Enit Kaufman, American Portraits, Papers, TXRC99-A1., 1914-1958 Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
referencedIn Sinclair Lewis Family Papers TXRC99-A22., 1909-1962 Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
referencedIn Gannett, Lewis, 1891-1966. Papers, 1681-1966 (bulk 1900-1960) Houghton Library
referencedIn Chamberlain, John, Archive AR 2011-360., 1923-1991 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Decision magazine papers, 1940-1942 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton papers, circa 1917-1948 Bancroft Library
referencedIn William Ernest Hocking papers Houghton Library
creatorOf Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961. Dorothy Thompson miscellaneous papers, 1938-1947. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Ruth Fischer papers, 1925-1961 (inclusive) 1940-1961 (bulk) Houghton Library
creatorOf Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948. Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton papers, circa 1917-1948. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Papers, 1915-1948. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961. Papers, 1939-1944. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn The Nation, records, 1879-1974 (inclusive), 1920-1955 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Dell, Floyd, 1887-1969. Floyd Dell papers, 1908-1969. Newberry Library
creatorOf Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961,. Dorothy Thompson collection, 1913-1953. Millersville University Library, McNairy Library
referencedIn Max Lerner papers, 1927-1998 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Women United for United Nations. Records, 1946-1978 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Sage Colleges Archives. Honorary degree recipient for 1937, Dorothy Thompson. The Sage Colleges Libraries
referencedIn Reid Family Fapers, 1795-1970, (bulk 1869-1970) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Marshall, Lenore, 1897-1971. Papers, 1887-1980. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Arthur Bliss Lane papers, 1904-1957 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951. Sinclair Lewis papers [manuscript], 1904-1953. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Freedom House (U.S.). Freedom House archives, 1936-1997. Princeton University Library
creatorOf Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961. Correspondence with Marian Anderson, 1954. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961. Letter to Miss Balch, 1945 November 5. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961. Dorothy Thompson letters, 1951, n.d. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Records, 1946-1966, 1978 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Joseph Barnes Papers, 1923-1970 Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn World Organization of Mothers of All Nations, Inc. Collection, 1950-1951. Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC
creatorOf Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961. Correspondence to Alma Mahler, ca. 1937-1958. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Sanders, Marion K., 1905-1977. Papers, 1958-1975. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Stephen R. Pastore collection on Sinclair Lewis, Pastore (Stephen R.) collection on Sinclair Lewis, 1907-1997, (bulk 1917-1950) Salve Regina University Archives
creatorOf Dorothy Thompson Papers, 1914-1961, 1940-1961 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Newman, Pauline. Papers, 1903-1982 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Lewis, Grace Hegger. Sinclair Lewis Family Papers, 1909-1962. Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith American Friends of the Middle East. corporateBody
correspondedWith Angoff, Charles, 1902-1979. person
associatedWith Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948. person
associatedWith Auersperg, Hilda. person
associatedWith Bard, Josef, b. 1892 person
associatedWith Barnes, Joseph, 1907-1970. person
associatedWith Baruch, Bernard M. (Bernard Mannes), 1870-1965 person
associatedWith Bismarck, Mona Strader, 1897-1983. person
associatedWith Boni & Liveright. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brown, John Mason, 1900-1969 person
associatedWith Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958. person
associatedWith Central Committee on Friendship Dinners. corporateBody
associatedWith Chamberlain, John, 1903-1995 person
associatedWith Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965 person
associatedWith Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963 person
associatedWith Cornell, Katharine, 1893-1974, person
associatedWith Culbertson, Ely, 1891-1955 person
associatedWith Dell, Floyd, 1887-1969. person
associatedWith Don Wharton person
correspondedWith Fischer, Ruth, 1895- person
associatedWith Flagg, Mildred Buchanan, 1886-1980. person
associatedWith Flanders, Ralph E. (Ralph Edward), 1880-1970 person
associatedWith Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965 person
associatedWith Frank, Jerome, 1889-1957. person
correspondedWith Freedom House (U.S.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Gannett, Lewis, 1891-1966 person
associatedWith Gaulle, Charles de, 1890-1970 person
associatedWith Grynszpan, Herschel Feibel, 1921-ca. 1943. person
correspondedWith Gulbrandsen, Peter, 1890- person
associatedWith Gunther, John, 1901-1970 person
associatedWith Harriet Wright (Burton) Laidlaw, 1873-1949 person
associatedWith Hobson, Laura Keane Zametkin. person
correspondedWith Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966 person
associatedWith Holtz, William V. person
correspondedWith Houghton Mifflin Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Hull, Cordell, 1871-1955 person
associatedWith Irwin, Wallace. person
associatedWith Ives, Emerson C. person
associatedWith Jaffe, Louis I. (Louis Isaac), 1888-1950. person
associatedWith Kaufman, Enit, 1908? -1961 person
correspondedWith King, Ernest Joseph, 1878-1956. person
associatedWith Kirstein, Louis Edward, 1867-1942. person
associatedWith Kopf, Maxim, 1892-1958 person
associatedWith Kortner, Fritz. person
associatedWith Lagerkvist, Pär, 1891-1974. person
associatedWith Laidlaw, H. B. (Harriet Burton), b. 1874. person
associatedWith Lamont, Thomas W. (Thomas William), 1870-1948. person
associatedWith Lane, Arthur Bliss, 1894-1956. person
associatedWith Lane, Rose Wilder, 1886-1968 person
associatedWith Lania, Leo, 1896-1961. person
associatedWith Lerner, Max, 1902- person
associatedWith Lerner, Max, 1902-2001. person
associatedWith Lewis, Michael, 1930- person
associatedWith Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951. person
associatedWith Lilienthal, Alfred M. person
associatedWith Luce, Clare Boothe, 1903-1987 person
associatedWith MacLeish, Archibald, 1892-1982. person
associatedWith Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955 person
associatedWith Marshall, Lenore, 1897-1971. person
associatedWith Martin, Anne, 1875-1951. person
associatedWith Masaryk, Jan, 1886-1948 person
associatedWith Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892-1950. person
associatedWith Moldenhauer, Hans. person
associatedWith Mowrer, Edgar Ansel, 1892-1977 person
associatedWith Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 1918-1970 person
correspondedWith Nation (New York, N.Y. : 1865). corporateBody
associatedWith Newman, Pauline. person
correspondedWith Papánek, Jan, 1896-1991. person
associatedWith Pastore, Stephen R., 1946- person
associatedWith Rath, Ernst vom, d. 1938. person
associatedWith Rath, Ernst vom, dd. 1938. person
correspondedWith Reid family family
associatedWith Rice, Elmer, 1892-1967, person
associatedWith Richards, Augustus L. person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962 person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 person
associatedWith Sanders, Marion K., 1905-1977. person
correspondedWith Shafter, Toby person
associatedWith Sheean, Vincent, 1899-1975. person
correspondedWith Sherwood, Robert E. (Robert Emmet), 1896-1955 person
associatedWith Sinclair Lewis Family family
associatedWith Smith, Martha V., 1858-1952 person
associatedWith Spivak, Lawrence E. (Lawrence Edmund), 1900-1994. person
associatedWith Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972 person
associatedWith Urzidil, Johannes, 1896-1970 person
associatedWith Vandenberg, Arthur H. (Arthur Hendrick), 1884-1951 person
associatedWith Wald, Lillian D., 1867-1940. person
associatedWith Walton, Perry, 1865-1941. person
associatedWith West, Rebecca, 1892-1983 person
associatedWith Whitcomb, John Merrall, 1907-, person
associatedWith White, Leigh, 1914- person
associatedWith Women United for the United Nations, 1947- corporateBody
associatedWith Women United for United Nations. corporateBody
associatedWith World Organization of Mothers of All Nations, Inc. corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
United States
United States
American literature
War correspondents
Women authors, American
Women authors
Broadcast journalism
Jews France
Jews Germany
National socialism
Radio journalists
Radio, television, film
Women and journalism
Women broadcasters
Women in radio broadcasting
Women intellectuals
Women journalists
Women journalists
World War, 1939-1945
World War, 1939-1945
War correspondents
Radio journalists
Women journalists


Birth 1893-07-09

Death 1961-01-30






Ark ID: w68p637v

SNAC ID: 62020041