Montagu family.

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Montagu was an English writer and one of the first Bluestockings.

From the guide to the Montagu family papers, 1739-1920., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Montagu family papers, 1739-1920. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith A H Hallam Murray. person
correspondedWith Albani, Emma, 1852-1930 person
correspondedWith Alison, Dorothea (Gregory). person
correspondedWith Anna Louisa (Flint) Jekyll person
correspondedWith Anna Louisa (Flint) Montagu person
correspondedWith Anna Maria Flint person
correspondedWith Anta, Maria d' person
correspondedWith Aplin, O. V. person
correspondedWith Armstrong, William George Armstrong, baron, 1810-1900 person
correspondedWith Ashbrook, Emily (Abingdon) Flower, viscountess. person
correspondedWith Ashford, John. person
correspondedWith Aspinwall, P M person
correspondedWith Auckland, William Eden, 1st baron, 1744-1814 person
correspondedWith Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron, 1834-1913 person
correspondedWith Bath, William Pulteney, earl of, 1684-1764 person
correspondedWith Benjamin, Lewis Saul, 1874-1932 person
associatedWith Benjamin Thompson. person
correspondedWith Bentinck, Arnold Adolph, baron, 1798-1868 person
correspondedWith Beresford, Marcus Gervais, abp. of Armagh, 1801-1885 person
correspondedWith Bigland, Ralph. person
correspondedWith Blagden, Sir Charles, 1748-1820 person
correspondedWith Bolam, William. person
correspondedWith Botham, Henry. person
correspondedWith Bowles, Edward. person
correspondedWith Braila, . person
correspondedWith Broadley, Alexander Meyrick, 1847-1916 person
correspondedWith Bryce, James Bryce, viscount, 1838-1922 person
correspondedWith Butler, Elizabeth Southerden (Thompson) lady. person
correspondedWith Butson, A A (Rigby) Strange. person
correspondedWith Cadorna, (Chevalier). person
correspondedWith Carnota, John Smith Athelstane, conde da, 1813-1886 person
correspondedWith Caroline Montagu person
correspondedWith Catherine? Southby person
correspondedWith C Darby-Griffith person
associatedWith C. Eliot. person
correspondedWith Charlton, Francis. person
correspondedWith Charlton, J . person
correspondedWith Chat, Edward. person
correspondedWith Cheales, Alan Benjamin. person
associatedWith Chelsea Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Cholmeley, L. C. person
correspondedWith Clayton, Sir William, bart. person
associatedWith College of Arms. corporateBody
correspondedWith Collyer, John Monsey. person
correspondedWith Cork and Orrery, Richard Edmund, earl of Cork and Orrery. person
correspondedWith Curzon, George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st marquis, 1859-1925 person
correspondedWith Darby-Griffith, . person
correspondedWith Dawson, George. person
correspondedWith Decies, Stuart, de person
correspondedWith Delany, Mary (Granville) Pendarves, 1700-1788 person
correspondedWith De la Warr, earl. person
correspondedWith Devonport, Hudson Ewbanke Kearly, 1st viscount, 1856-1934 person
correspondedWith Ditchfield, P H person
correspondedWith Donnellan, Anne. person
correspondedWith Dorothea (Gregory) Alison person
correspondedWith Downe, L M person
correspondedWith Dr.) Gooch person
correspondedWith Druce, C. J. person
correspondedWith Duggan, Joseph N person
correspondedWith Dumas, Marie. person
correspondedWith Dunraven, Edwin Richard Windham Wyndham-Quin, 3d earl of, 1812-1871 person
correspondedWith Edith Climenson person
associatedWith Edmund Butler. person
correspondedWith Edward Eliot, baron Eliot person
correspondedWith Edward Jebight person
correspondedWith Edward Montagu person
correspondedWith Edward Montagu, 5th baron Rokeby person
associatedWith E. Hardwicke person
correspondedWith Eliot, Edward Eliot, baron, 1727-1804 person
correspondedWith Elizabeth (Charlton) Montagu person
correspondedWith Elizabeth (Charlton) Montagu, baroness Rokeby person
correspondedWith Elizabeth (Drake) Robinson person
correspondedWith Elizabeth Handcock (Vesey) Vesey person
associatedWith Elizabeth Montagu person
correspondedWith Elizabeth (Robinson) Montagu person
correspondedWith Elizabeth (Robinson) Montagu's person
correspondedWith Emerson, William. person
correspondedWith Emily J. Climenson person
associatedWith Emily J. Climenson's person
correspondedWith Emin, Emin Joseph, 1726-1809 person
correspondedWith Falmouth, Evelyn Edward Thomas (Boscawen), 8th viscount, 1847-1918 person
correspondedWith Fearon, F person
correspondedWith Fellows, Henry. person
correspondedWith Flint, Anna Maria. person
associatedWith Flint, Sir Charles William. person
associatedWith Frances Southby. person
correspondedWith Francis, Beata. person
correspondedWith Francis Montagu person
correspondedWith Frederick, William. person
correspondedWith Freind, William, 1669-1745 person
correspondedWith Frere, George. person
correspondedWith Gambier, James Edward. person
correspondedWith Garcia, Manuel Rafael, 1827- person
correspondedWith G. A. Robins person
associatedWith Garrick, David person
correspondedWith Gennadius, Ioannes, 1844-1932 person
correspondedWith George, 7th duke of Cambridge, 1819-1904 person
correspondedWith George Lyttelton, 1st baron Lyttelton person
correspondedWith Gibson, Susanna Arethusa Milner, 1814- person
correspondedWith Gilbert West person
correspondedWith Glenelg, Charles Grant, baron, 1778-1866 person
correspondedWith Goulburn, E . person
correspondedWith Goulburn, Henry, 1784-1856 person
correspondedWith Goulburn, Jane (Montagu). person
correspondedWith Goulding, Richard William, 1868-1929 person
correspondedWith Grattan, Thomas Colley, 1792-1864 person
correspondedWith Greenland, Angus. person
correspondedWith Grosvenor, Eleanor, lady. person
correspondedWith Halifax, George Montagu Dunk, 2d earl of, 1716-1771 person
correspondedWith Hardwicke, Caroline (Yorke), Lady. person
correspondedWith Harmsworth, Cecil, 1869- person
correspondedWith Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, 2nd baron, 1762-1847 person
correspondedWith Harrowby, Elizabeth (Terrick) Ryder, baroness. person
correspondedWith Headfort, Thomas Taylour, 2d marquis of. person
correspondedWith Hedges, Shirley. person
correspondedWith Henry Home, lord Kames person
correspondedWith Henry Montagu, 6th baron Rokeby person
correspondedWith Hester, Mary. person
correspondedWith Hill, F and P person
correspondedWith Hill, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Hobhouse, Lady Mary (Farrar). person
correspondedWith Holden, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Holmes, Ernest Edward. person
correspondedWith Holmes, Richard Rivington, 1835-1911 person
correspondedWith Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st baron, 1809-1885 person
correspondedWith Huchon, René Louis, 1872- person
correspondedWith Hunter, Sir Claudius Stephen, 1st baronet, 1775-1851 person
correspondedWith Hunt, William Holman, 1827-1910 person
associatedWith James Woodhouse. person
correspondedWith Jane (Montagu) Goulburn person
associatedWith Jean de Saint-Sardos, Marquis de Mondenard. person
correspondedWith Jean Hector Henrí Gambart person
correspondedWith Jekyll, Anna Louisa (Flint). person
correspondedWith John Climenson person
correspondedWith Jones, Benjamin. person
correspondedWith Joseph Hill person
associatedWith J. Warren person
correspondedWith Kames, Henry Home, lord, 1696-1782 person
correspondedWith Katherine Montagu person
correspondedWith Kilmane, John Cavendish (Browne), 4th baron, 1794-1873 person
correspondedWith King, Alice. person
correspondedWith Kinnaird, Arthur Fitzgerald (Kinnaird), 2d baron, 1814-1887 person
correspondedWith Kuo Tajen. person
correspondedWith Lady Anna Maria Flint person
correspondedWith Lady Charlotte Anne Phillimore person
correspondedWith Lady) Duncombe person
correspondedWith Lane, John, firm, publishers person
correspondedWith Lane, Thornhill. person
correspondedWith Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912 person
correspondedWith Langford, Hercules Langford (Rowley), baron Langford of Summerhill, 1795-1839 person
correspondedWith Law, Andrew Bonar, 1858-1923 person
correspondedWith Leighton, Frederic Leighton, baron, 1830-1896 person
correspondedWith Leinster person
associatedWith Lewis Melville. person
correspondedWith Lindsay, Blanche, lady. person
correspondedWith Lloyd George, David, 1863-1945 person
associatedWith Longmans, firm, publishers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lowell person
correspondedWith Lumley, Lydia. person
correspondedWith Lyttelton, George person
correspondedWith Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, 1st baron, 1709-1773 person
correspondedWith Lytton, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st baron, 1803-1873 person
correspondedWith Macdonell, James, 1842-1879 person
associatedWith Magdalen (Huxley) Croft Montagu. person
correspondedWith Malkum Khān, mīrzā, 1833-1908 person
correspondedWith Mandeville, M . person
correspondedWith Margaret Cavendish (Harley) Bentinck person
correspondedWith Markham, Sir E person
correspondedWith Mathias, Thomas James, 1754? -1835 person
correspondedWith Matthew Montagu person
correspondedWith Matthew Montagu, 4th baron of Rokeby person
correspondedWith Matthew Montagu, 4th baron Rokeby person
associatedWith Matthew Robinson person
correspondedWith Maude, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Messenger Monsey person
correspondedWith Middleton, Conyers, 1683-1750 person
correspondedWith Miller, Thomas Hodgson. person
correspondedWith Miss) Colston person
correspondedWith Miss) Hodge person
correspondedWith Mohamed, Mirza al. person
correspondedWith Mondenard, Jean Saint-Sardos de Montaigu, marquis de, ca. 1755-1823 person
correspondedWith Money, Walter, 1836-1926 person
correspondedWith Monsey, Messenger, 1693- person
correspondedWith Montagu, Anna Louisa (Flint). person
associatedWith Montagu, Edward person
correspondedWith Montagu, Edward, d. 1775 person
correspondedWith Montagu, Edward Wortley, 1713-1776 person
correspondedWith Montagu, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Montagu, Elizabeth (Robinson) 1720-1800 person
correspondedWith Montagu, Henry person
correspondedWith Montagu, John. person
correspondedWith Montagu, Katherine. person
correspondedWith Montagu, Matthew person
correspondedWith Montagu Pennington person
associatedWith Montagu, Spencer Dudley. person
correspondedWith Montagu, William. person
correspondedWith Morris Robinson, 3rd baron Rokeby person
correspondedWith Mowbray, Sir John, 1st bart., 1815-1899 person
correspondedWith Mrs.) Bacchus person
correspondedWith Mrs.) Baskerville person
correspondedWith Mrs.) Colston person
correspondedWith Mrs.) Darby-Griffith person
correspondedWith Mrs.) Frances? Southby person
correspondedWith Mrs.) Hill person
correspondedWith Mrs.) Tickell person
associatedWith Mrs. William) Robinson. person
correspondedWith Münster, graf. person
correspondedWith Murray, John person
correspondedWith Nathaniel Ryder, 1st baron Harrowby person
correspondedWith Negrete, Pepa u, de person
correspondedWith Neville, (Mrs.) Latimer. person
correspondedWith Newton, Thomas, bp. of Bristol, 1704-1782 person
correspondedWith Osborne, Caroline (Montagu), lady. person
correspondedWith Paget, Francis, bp. of Oxford, 1851-1911 person
correspondedWith Palgrave Ker, K person
correspondedWith Pantlet, Matthewana Granville, lady. person
correspondedWith Pardoe person
correspondedWith Parker, William. person
correspondedWith Patterson, Talbert. person
correspondedWith Paul, Sir James Balfour, 1846- person
correspondedWith Peel, Sir Robert, 3rd bart, 1822-1895 person
associatedWith Pembroke, Elizabeth (Spencer) Herbert, countess of, 1737-1831 person
correspondedWith Perceval, Spencer, 1762-1812 person
correspondedWith Phillimore, Catherine Mary. person
correspondedWith Phillimore, Charlotte Anne, lady, 1813-1892 person
correspondedWith Phillimore, Lucy. person
correspondedWith Phillimore, Walter George Frank Phillimore, baron, 1845-1929 person
correspondedWith Pindang person
correspondedWith Plowden, Barbara M person
correspondedWith Plowden, William Francis. person
correspondedWith Ponsonby, Sir Henry Frederick, 1825-1895 person
correspondedWith Pope-Hennessy, Catherine, lady. person
correspondedWith Portland, Margaret Cavendish (Harley) Bentinck, duchess of, 1715-1785 person
correspondedWith Portland, William Cavendish-Bentinck, 6th duke of, 1857- person
correspondedWith Pott, Alfred, archd. of Berks. person
correspondedWith Price, S person
correspondedWith Pugh, Warren. person
correspondedWith Pulteney, William person
correspondedWith Raikes, Thomas, 1777-1848 person
correspondedWith Raphael, Sir Herbert Henry, 1859- person
correspondedWith Rawnsley, Hardwicke Drummond, 1850-1920 person
correspondedWith Redesdale, Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford, 1st baron, 1837-1916 person
associatedWith Reginald Blunt/ person
correspondedWith Reyser, Charles E person
correspondedWith Robinson, Charles. person
associatedWith Robinson family family
correspondedWith Robinson, Jane (Greenland). person
correspondedWith Robinson, John. person
correspondedWith Robinson, Matthew, 1694-1778 person
associatedWith Robinson, Morris. person
associatedWith Robinson, William. person
correspondedWith Rokeby, Edward Montagu, 5th baron, 1787-1847 person
correspondedWith Rokeby, Elizabeth (Charlton) Montagu, baroness. person
correspondedWith Rokeby, Henry Montagu, 6th baron. person
associatedWith Rokeby, Matthew Montagu. person
correspondedWith Rokeby, Matthew Montagu, 4th baron, 1762-1831 person
correspondedWith Rokeby, Richard Robinson, 1st baron, Primate of Ireland, d. 1794 person
correspondedWith Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th earl of, 1847-1929 person
correspondedWith Rothschild, Louisa (Montefiore) de, baroness, 1821-1910 person
correspondedWith Sainton-Dolby, Charlotte Helen, 1821-1885 person
correspondedWith Saldanha, , duchess de person
correspondedWith Salles, José de. person
correspondedWith Salvin, Francis Henry, 1817-1904 person
correspondedWith Sarah (Robinson) Scott person
correspondedWith Sarum, John. person
correspondedWith Saye & Sele, 17th baron of. person
correspondedWith Saye & Sele, Augustine, lady. person
correspondedWith Scott, George Lewis. person
correspondedWith Scott, Margaret. person
correspondedWith Scott, Sarah (Robinson) 1723-1795 person
correspondedWith Seaton, John Colborne, 1st baron, 1778-1863 person
correspondedWith Sharp, A Mary. person
correspondedWith Shorter, Clement King, 1857-1926 person
correspondedWith Sichel, Walter, 1855-1933 person
correspondedWith Sidmouth, Viscount. person
correspondedWith Simdet, Charles. person
correspondedWith Sir Thomas Hesketh person
correspondedWith Snell, Leonard. person
correspondedWith Snow, J person
correspondedWith Sonlin, Ellen Farren. person
correspondedWith Southby, Catherine. person
correspondedWith Southby, Frances. person
correspondedWith Spencer Dudley Montagu person
correspondedWith Spencer Perceval person
correspondedWith Stanhope, (Miss) Edwin S . person
correspondedWith Strafford, Sir John Byng, earl of, 1772-1860 person
correspondedWith Strathnairn person
correspondedWith Stubbs, William, bp. of Oxford, 1825-1901 person
correspondedWith Sturdy, Robert. person
correspondedWith Suffolk, Isabella Howard, countess of. person
correspondedWith Surtees, Aubone. person
correspondedWith Swinny, H Hutchinson. person
correspondedWith Tait, Catherine. person
associatedWith Tate person
correspondedWith Temple, Sir Richard, 1st bart, 1826-1902 person
correspondedWith Tennyson, Hallam Tennyson, 2d baron, 1852-1928 person
correspondedWith Tenterden, Charles Stuart Aubrey Abbott, 3rd baron, 1834-1882 person
associatedWith Thomas Combe. person
correspondedWith Thomas Shaw person
correspondedWith Thomas, W person
correspondedWith Thomlinson, Mary. person
correspondedWith Thomond, Anne (Flint) O'Brien, lady. person
correspondedWith Thring, Edward, 1821-1887 person
correspondedWith Tickell, Mary. person
correspondedWith Verney, Francis Parthenope (Nightingale), lady, 1819-1890 person
correspondedWith Vesey, Agmondesham. person
correspondedWith Vesey, Elizabeth Handcock (Vesey) 1715? -1791 person
correspondedWith Villebois, F person
correspondedWith Vincent, James Edmund, 1857- person
correspondedWith Wapshore, James. person
correspondedWith Webb person
correspondedWith Weldon, William H. person
correspondedWith Wellesley, Gerald. person
correspondedWith Wicklow, , earl. person
correspondedWith William Freind person
correspondedWith William Griffith person
correspondedWith William Montagu person
correspondedWith William Robinson person
correspondedWith Wilson person
correspondedWith Winchester, M. person
correspondedWith Wood person
correspondedWith Woods, Albert W person
correspondedWith Yee, Fung. person
correspondedWith Yorke, Anne. person
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Ark ID: w6f05698

SNAC ID: 42877976