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(XII. ff. 392). Jan. 1757-Aug. 1759.includes:ff. 1, 2, 6, 28 Philip Carteret Webb, Solicitor to the Treasury; MP for Haslemere: Correspondence with the 1st Lord Hardwicke: 1741-1763. f. 8 Richard Mountney, Baron of the Irish Exchequer: Letters to th...
British Library |
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Vol. xxiii.(ff. 402). Home Correspondence Aug-.-Sept. 1746.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:ff. 2, 120, 165, 279 George II of England: Correspondence with the Duke o...
British Library |
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(XIII. ff. 463). Sept. 1759-Dec. 1761.includes:ff. 1, 16 Sir Richard Lloyd, Solicitor General, Baron of the Exchequer: Correspondence with the 1st Lord Hardwicke: 1756-1759. ff. 5, 13, 64, 67, 131, 197, 202 Gilbert Heathcote, 3rd Baronet 1759: Corre...
British Library |
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HARDWICKE PAPERS. Vol. LXXXII. Political correspondence of the Hon. Charles Yorke, including:-1. Letters from Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquis of Rockingham; 1759-1770. With a few drafts of answers. ff. 1-167. 2. Letters from William Pitt, afte..., 1747-1770
British Library |
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(III. ff. 348). 1762-1766.includes:ff. 4, 47, 95 Humphrey Dell, MD: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1746 -1764. ff. 6, 7, 25, 27, 104, 113, 296 Philip Stephens, Secretary of the Admiralty: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1755-1786. f. 10 Wel..., 1762-1766
British Library |
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Vol. CCLIII. (ff. 451). General Correspondence 1-25 May, 1762.George III of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1760-1768.includes:ff. 1, 73, 251 Ferdinand, Prince of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel: Correspondence ...
British Library |
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MISCELLANE0US TREASURY WARRANTS, receipts, private accounts, and other papers; 1670-1785. Included is a warrant (f. 16), dated 23 Oct. 1739, for the repayment of a debt of £10,000 to the executors of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, endorsed ..., 1670-1785
British Library |
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Vol. CXIV (ff. 405). 1751-1756.includes:f. 1 Hugh Boscawen, 2nd Viscount Falmouth: Letter to Lord Holdernesse: 1751.ff. 3, 5 Charles Bennet, Lord Ossulstone, afterwards 2nd Earl of Tankerville: Correspondence with Lord Holdernesse: 1751.f. 7 Si..., 1751-1756
British Library |
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(VIII. ff. 454). Jan. 1750-Dec. 1752.includes:ff. 1, 104,411, 429, 431 Sir William Lee, Chief Justice of the King's Bench (1737): Correspondence with the 1st Lord Hardwicke: 1722-1754. ff. 3, 169, 341 Sir Thomas Burnet, Justice of the Common Pleas: ...
British Library |
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(V. ff. 409). July, 1769-June, 1771.includes:f. 1 Sir John Hynde Cotton, 4th Baronet; MP: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1757-1787. ff. 2, 15, 23, 40, 62, 208, 223, 235, 261, 263, 348, 393 John Green, DD, Dean and (1761) Bishop of Lincoln: Lette...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS autograph letters; 1702-1829, viz.: 1. [Thomas Thynne] Viscount Weymouth to Sir Robert Southwell and to Edward Southwell, Secretaries of State for Ireland; Longleat, 16 Aug. 1702, 29 Nov. 1704, ff. 1, 4. 2. Knightley Chetwood, D. D. [af..., 1702-1829
British Library |
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(X. ff. 359). Sept. 1754-Dec. 1755.includes:ff. 1, 16, 79, 128, 164 Thomas Secker, Bishop of Oxford; Archbishop of Canterbury: Correspondence with the 1st Lord Hardwicke: 1740-1763. ff. 4, 69, 166, 219, 221, 271, 279 Thomas Robinson, 1st Baron Grant...
British Library |
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(III. ff. 362). 1745-1747.includes:ff. 1, 142 Matthew Skinner, Serjeant at Lain: Correspondence with the 1st Lord Hardwicke: 1745-1748. ff. 1, 27, 142, 257, 355 County of Flint: Correspondence relating to Justices of the Peace, etc.: 1738-1753. ff...., 1745-1747
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXVII. (ff. 497). General Correspondence Jan.-15 Feb. 1756.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 28 George Montagu-Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax: Corre...
British Library |
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HARDWICKE PAPERS. Vol. DLXV. 1712-1764. 1. Copies of correspondence of the Board of Trade, relating to the Newfoundland fishery question before the treaty of Utrecht; 14 Jan. 17 11/12-13 Jan. 17 12/13. f. 1. 2. Copies of letters relating to Nova Scot..., 1712-1764
British Library |
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Vol. II, ff. 291, XVIII cent.includes:f. 1 George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton: Letters to Lord Bolingbroke: 1740-1749.: Copies.f. 1Ob Saul Levi Mortera, d 1660 rabbi, of Amsterdam: Notice of him and of his 'Providentia divina': 18th cent.f. 3 ..., 18th century
British Library |
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Vol. XXIV (ff. 204). Sept. 1765-Nov. 1768.includes:ff. 3, 5 Frederick North, 2nd Earl of Guilford; Lord North; Prime Minister: Correspondence with G. Grenville of Frederick North: 1763-1765.ff. 4, 86, 88, 100, 109, 117, 149, 190 George Chalmers, ...
British Library |
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(III. ff. 421.) 1737-1741.includes:f. 1 N-Vallet de la Touche, Secrétaire du Roi (Louis X V): Letter to the 1st Lord Hardwicke, with draft of answer: 1737.: Fr. f. 4 Sir William Wyndham, 3rd Baronet; Chancellor of Exchequer: Letter to the 1st Lord ..., 1737-1741
British Library |
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(VI. ff. 384). July, 1771-Dec. 1772.includes:f. 1 Hon Frederic Cornwallis, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1768-1782. ff. 2, 16, 22 Thomas Rutherforth, DD; Regius Professor of...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXV. (ff. 493). General Correspondence 11 Oct.-15 Nov. 1755.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 13, 30, 86, 180, 187, 268, 324, 432 Philip Yorke,...
British Library |
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P. A. TAYLOR PAPERS. Vol. III. Poems, English and Latin, written or collected by William Taylor, of South Weald (1673-1750). Most of Taylor's own pieces are printed in Taylor Fam., pp. 204-222. A few are also contained in Dodsley's Collection, ed. 1..., 1730
British Library |
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(XVII. ff. 356). Aug. 1762-Nov. 1763.Hugh Valence Jones, Clerk in Secretary of State's Office afterwards Solicitor to the Treasury: Letters to the 1st Lord Hardwicke: 1748-1763.includes:f. 16 Comte François Marie Joseph Justin de Viry,; Sardinian Env...
British Library |
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(I. ff. 381). 1737-1750.John Lawry, F R S; Prebendary of Rochester: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1738-1773.includes:f. 1 P-Berard: Letter to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1737. ff. 5, 18, 30, 35, 41, 60, 66, 98, 111, 229, 230, 236, 243, 259, 260, 2..., 1737-1750
British Library |
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COLLECTION of original letters, warrants, and papers, many of which refer to the expenses of the Tower Establishment and other offices, the repayment of Crown Loans, tho transfer of South Sea Stock, etc.; 1576-1763. On f. 29 is a portrait of Sir Edwa..., 1576-1763
British Library |
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HARDWICKE PAPERS. Vol. DCCCCXXII. Miscellaneous letters and papers, chiefly literary; 1707-1794. Included are:-1. Alexander Pope to [the Rev. Ralph] Bridges, in answer to criticisms on his Homer; 5 April, [1708]. Copy. Printed in Elwin's Works of Po..., 1707-1794
British Library |
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(1) 'A Letter to Sir Wm. Windham', written in several different hands (i, pp. 1-106). ff. 3-45b. (2) Letter in French 'From the Earl of Stair ... to James Craggs junior' (i, pp. 106-108). f. 46. (3) 'Reflexions upon Exile' (i, pp. 109-128). if. 47-64..., approximately 1754
British Library |
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Vol. I, ff. 236.James Ingram, DD President of Trinity College, Oxford (1824): Annotations by(?): bef. 1826.includes:ff. 1, 11 Reverend Richard Tomkyns, of New College, Oxford: Letters to Rev. J. Warton: 1742, 1746.ff. 2, 177 passim Reverend Josep...
British Library |
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SUPPLEMENTARY GRENVILLE PAPERS. Vol. XXXIV (ff. 146). 1. ff. 1-125v. Poems and verses, some published; circa 1729-circa 1801. 2. ff. 126-135v. Eight MS. numbers of 'The Impartialist'; [1763?], n.d. 3. ff. 136-138. Advice to a son; probably composed b..., 1724-1806
British Library |
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Vol. XLIX. (ff. 402). Home Correspondence Jan.-Mar. 1754.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:ff. 3, 25, 57, 129, 142, 269, 281, 307, 359 Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardw...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXVIII. (ff. 486). General Correspondence 16 Feb.-25 Mar. 1756.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 39, 112, 200 Bunge, Swedish Minister at Paris:...
British Library |
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Vol. xxxix. (ff.503). Home Correspondence Jan.-July, 1751.Henry Vane, 2nd Earl of Darlington: Letters to the Duke of Newcastle: 1741-1767.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.:
British Library |
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Vol. XXV (ff. 188+115*, 116*, 165*, 168*). Dec. 1768-1772.includes:ff. 1, 3, 7, 9 Jeremiah Milles, Dean of Exeter: Letters to G. Grenville from Jeremiah Milles: 1767, 1768.ff. 5, 135 Lieutenant-General Sir Richard Lyttelton, KB; MP; Governor of M...
British Library |
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Vol. ccxxx. (ff. 408). General Correspondence 21 Nov.-11 Dec. 1760.George III of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1760-1768.includes:ff. 1, 48, 52, 129, 131, 226, 232, 306, 308, 351 Joseph Yorke, Baron Dover: Cor...
British Library |
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ORIGINAL, correspondence of the family of Osborne, Dukes of Leeds, on matters of private business; 1669-1788. Among the writers are:-[Thomas Osborne, Viscount] Latimer, [and as Earl of] Danby [afterwards lst Duke of Leeds] ff. 21-176 passim. [Sir] W[..., 1669-1788
British Library |
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PHELPS PAPERS. Vol. IV. (ff. 212). 1 Aug.-30 Nov. 1764. 1. Letters to R. Phelps from (a) [James Caulfield, 1st Earl of'] Charlemont ; Mount Street, [London], 13 Oct. f 144;-(b) Sit. J. Goodricke; Stockholm, 21 Sept. 12 Oct. ff. 103, 142;-(c) Robert G...
British Library |
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Vol. xxii. (ff. 514). Home Correspondence Apr.-July, 1746.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 249 Dr Thomas Parne: Letters to the Duke of Newcastle: 1742-1748. ...
British Library |
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Vol. V (ff. 190). 2 Jan. 1769-17 Oct. 1777.includes:ff. 1, 5, 39, 67, 83, 85, 91 William Knox: Letters to G. Grenville: 1768-1769.ff. 3-148 passim Thomas Whately, politician: Correspondence with G. Grenville: 1766-1770.f. 7 William Dowdeswell, ...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXIV. (ff. 461). General Correspondence 6 Sept.-10 Oct. 1755.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 3, 32, 363, 386 Thomas Robinson, 1st Baron Grant...
British Library |
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Vol. III, ff. 230includes:ff. 1, 25, 93, 193, 197 Allen Bathurst, 1st Earl Bathurst: Letters to J. Swift: 1730-1737.ff. 5-82 passim John Gay, poet: Letters to J. Swift: 1714-1732.ff. 6, 12b, 22b, 32, 68b, 73b, 89, 97, 101, 107, 109, 115 Catheri...
British Library |
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(II. ff. 377). 1751-1761.includes:f. 1 Robert D'Arcy, 4th Earl of Holdernesse; Ambassador at Venice (1744), Minister at the Hague (1749), Secretary of State (1751): Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke.: 1749-1768. ff. 3, 49 Sir William Watson, MD; Tru..., 1751-1761
British Library |
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Vol. LII. (ff. 551). Home Correspondence Oct.-Dec. 1754.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:ff. 12, 455, 526 William Poole, junior, of Poole: Correspondence with the Du...
British Library |
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Vol. II.(ff. 301). LETTERS On various topics; 10 May 1730-13 Dec. 1756.includes:f. 1 'Boulephorus': Letter to C. Lyttelton: 1730.f. 3 Thomas Tanner, Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, afterwards Bishop of St. Asaph: Letter to Dr. C. Lyttelton: 1735....
British Library |
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DROPMORE PAPERS (SERIES II). Vol. CCCLV. 1. Miscellaneous correspondence; [1512?]-1784, n.d. 2. Political and miscellaneous papers; [after 1538]-1868, n.d. Including a late 16th-cent. copy of the submission to Henry VIII by the Prior, Subprior and el..., 1511-1868
British Library |
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DROPMORE PAPERS. Vol. DLXXXV (ff. 109). Miscellaneous literary papers, including: 1. ff. 6-9. Peroration of Cicero's Pro Milone by George, Lord Lyttleton; [bef. 1774]. 2. ff. 11-44v. Poems and prose ascribed to Lyttleton, in various hands; circa 1757..., 1752-1831
British Library |
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Vol. CCLXXI. (ff. 443). General Correspondence 16 Feb.-12 Mar. 1764.George III of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1760-1768.includes:ff. 1, 17 Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham; Prime Minister...
British Library |
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Vol. IV (ff. 172). 1 Jan.-25 Dec. 1768. 42987.includes:ff. 1-157 passim Thomas Whately, politician: Correspondence with G. Grenville: 1766-1770.f. 5 George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton: Letters to Lord Temple: 1767-1769.ff. 9, 22 Richard Gren...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS Original letters, etc.; 1561-1801. 1. Elizabeth [daughter of Henry II., of France, and wife of Philip II., of Spain], to her brother, Charles IX., announcing the imprisonment of Don Carlos; 21 Jan. [1568]. Fr. f. 1. 2. Philip, Landgrave..., 1561-1801
British Library |
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(VII. ff. 268). 1756-1761.George II of England: Warrants to Lord Hardwicke signed by: 1727-1760.Hon Charles Yorke, Lord Chancellor: Warrants to, as Solicitor General and Attorney General: 1756 -1766.includes:f. 1 Hugh Valence Jones, Clerk in Secreta..., 1756-1761
British Library |
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Vol. II (ff. i + 255). This contains nothing, apart from the assignments, of special interest.includes:f. 8 John Andrews: Assignment of his History of the Revolutions of Denmark: 1773. f. 10 Arnoux Deslandes): Assignment of his Art of teaching Frenc..., 1707-1820
British Library |
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(XIV. ff. 379). Jan. 1762-Feb. 1764, and undated.includes:ff. 1, 5 Richard Terrick, Bishop of Peterborough and of London: Letters to the 1st Lord Hardwicke: 1748-1762. ff. 3, 11, 17 George Lavington, Bishop of Exeter: Letters to the 1st Lord Hardwic...
British Library |
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(VII. ff. 351). Jan. 1773-June, 1774.includes:f. 1 Francis Greville, 1st Earl of Warwick: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1757-1773. f. 3 Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield: Letter to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1773. f. 4 William Park...
British Library |
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Vol. VIII, 1710-1776, ff. 282.includes:ff. 1, 3 Joseph Kelly, of Kilkenny: Letters to, from C. Mein: 1707, 1710.ff. 1, 3 Charles Mein, of the Custom House: Letters to J. Kelly: 1707, 1710.f. 5 William Congreve, dramatist: Letter to J. Kelly: 17..., 1710-1776
British Library |
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Vol. III (ff. 197). 5 Jan.-31 Dec. 1767.includes:f. 1 John Stewart, 7th Earl of Galloway 1773; Lord Garlies: Letter to G. Grenville: 1767.ff. 3, 21, 176 John Wilkes, politician: Correspondence with Lord Temple: 1766-1768.ff. 3, 21, 176 Richard ...
British Library |
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Vol. ccxxviii. (ff. 506). General Correspondence 10-31 Oct. 1760.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.George III of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec...
British Library |
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BLENHEIM PAPERS. Vol. CCCLXVII (ff. 209). (1) Letters from George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton, secretary to Frederick, Prince of Wales; [173-?]-1737. Including copies of correspondence between George II, Queen Caroline, and the Prince and Princess..., 1715-1744
British Library |
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Montagu family papers, 1739-1920.
Houghton Library |
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Vol. XXIII (ff. 192). May-Aug. 1765.includes:ff. 1, 38 Field-Marshal George Townshend, 1st Marquess Townshend: Letters to G. Grenville: 1755-1765.f. 3 Hugh Percy, 1st Duke of Northumberland; formerly Smithson: Letters to G. Grenville from Hugh Pe...
British Library |
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Vol. v. (ff. 447). July, 1764-Mar. 1765.includes:ff. 1, 3, 7, 15, 21, 29 Lord John Clinton, 4th son of Henry, 2nd Duke of Newcastle: Correspondence with the Duke of Newcastle: 1764. ff. 5, 13, 257, 414 Major William Battine: Letters to Dr. Hurdis: 1...
British Library |
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BIRCH'S BOWER COLLECTIONS Collection by Thomas Birch of papers, letters, etc., relating to Archibald Bower, lapsed Jesuit, author of the History of the Popes, etc., and Keeper of Queen Caroline's library (d. 1766); circa 1746-1758. The principal cont..., approximately 1746-1758
British Library |
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Vol. II (ff. 204). H -O.includes:f. 1 Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax: Treasury warrant authorised by: 1698: Signed. f. 2 Charles Wood, 1st Viscount Halifax: Letter to A. Panizzi: 1857. f. 3 Henry Hallam, historian: Letter to A. Panizzi: circ...
British Library |
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Vol. CCXXXIII. (ff. 524). General Correspondence 22 Jan.-14 Feb. 1761.Edward Sedgewick, Riding Purveyor in Royal Mews: Letters to the Duke of Newcastle: 1752-1762.George III of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 17...
British Library |
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Miscellaneous letters, originals and copies, collected by Thomas Birch. The names of the writers will be found in the Index of the present Catalogue. The contents include:-(1) Charles Davenant, Inspector-General of Imports, etc., to his son Henry Da..., 17th century-18th century
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXXIII. (ff. 615). General Correspondence Oct.-10 Nov. 1756.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 3, 408, 420, 435, 437 Andrew Stone, Under-Secretary ...
British Library |
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(I. ff. 405). 1740-June, 1754.includes:ff. 5-7 Reverend Hadley Cox: Minutes of the " Committee of the Temple": 1740 -1741. ff. 17, 19, 21, 29, 33-39, 42-45 Reverend Hadley Cox: Letters to the Committee: 1740, 1741. f.23 Sir John Cust, 3rd Baronet;..., 1740-1754
British Library |
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(IX. ff. 411). Jan. 1753-Aug. 1754.includes:ff. 1, 38 Robert Bolton, Dean of Carlisle: Letters to the 1st Lord Hardwicke: 1745-1761. f. 4 Eyton Butts, Prebendary of Ely: Letter to Hon. P. Yorke: 1753. ff. 6, 23 John Hervey, MP: Letters to the 1st L...
British Library |