Codman, John Thomas

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Brook Farm was a cooperative community, based on a transcendental utopian model, that was founded in West Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1841. In 1844, it began to run on a model inspired by Charles Fourier and in 1845 officially declared itself a Fourierist Phalanx, but folded by 1847.

George Ripley (1802-1880) was an American Unitarian minister, critic, journalist, and social reformer associated with the Transcendentalist movement. He was an 1823 graduate of Harvard College and also studied at the Harvard Divinity School. In1841 he founded the Utopian community of Brook Farm in West Roxbury, Massachusetts.

John Thomas Codman (1826-1907) received a DMD degree in 1870 from the Harvard Dental School, and was a Clinical Instructor of Operative Dentistry there from 1879-1881. He was associated in dental practice for many years with his uncle, Dr. Willard W. Codman, and later with Dr. N. C. Keep of Boston and in 1875 he was the president of the Massachusetts Dental Society. In 1859, he married Kezzie Hinckley Clark of Brewster, Massachusetts. He was a member of the Brook Farm community, a long-time vegetarian, and a writer for newspapers and magazines. In 1894 he was the author of Brook Farm, Historic and Personal Memoirs.

From the description of John Thomas Codman Brook Farm collection, 1840-1901. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 745597924

Brook Farm was a cooperative community, based on a transcendental utopian model, that was founded in West Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1841. In 1844, it began to run on a model inspired by Charles Fourier and in 1845 officially declared itself a Fourierist Phalanx, but folded by 1847.

George Ripley (1802–1880) was an American Unitarian minister, critic, journalist, and social reformer associated with the Transcendentalist movement. He was an 1823 graduate of Harvard College and also studied at the Harvard Divinity School. In1841 he founded the Utopian community of Brook Farm in West Roxbury, Massachusetts.

John Thomas Codman (1826-1907) received a DMD degree in 1870 from the Harvard Dental School, and was a Clinical Instructor of Operative Dentistry there from 1879-1881. He was associated in dental practice for many years with his uncle, Dr. Willard W. Codman, and later with Dr. N. C. Keep of Boston and in 1875 he was the president of the Massachusetts Dental Society. In 1859, he married Kezzie Hinckley Clark of Brewster, Massachusetts. He was a member of the Brook Farm community, a long-time vegetarian, and a writer for newspapers and magazines. In 1894 he was the author of Brook Farm, Historic and Personal Memoirs.

From the guide to the John Thomas Codman Brook Farm collection, 1840-1901., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873, person
associatedWith Alcott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888, person
associatedWith Allen, John person
associatedWith Allen, Joshua person
associatedWith Allen, William B. person
correspondedWith Ballon, Adin. person
associatedWith Barker, Joseph A. person
associatedWith Benjamin Howard Codman person
associatedWith Billings, ? person
associatedWith Blackwell, Elizabeth, 1821-1910 person
correspondedWith Blake, T. person
associatedWith Boston Union of Associationists. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brisbane, Albert, 1809-1890 person
associatedWith Brook Farm Association corporateBody
associatedWith Brook Farm Association for Industry and Education. corporateBody
associatedWith Brook Farm Association for Industry and Education (West Roxbury, Boston, Mass.) corporateBody
associatedWith Brook Farm Institute of Agriculture and Education. corporateBody
associatedWith Brook Farm Phalanx. corporateBody
associatedWith Brook Farm Phalanx (West Roxbury, Boston, Mass.) corporateBody
associatedWith Brown, Calvin person
associatedWith Brownian?, O. A. person
associatedWith Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 1803-1876 person
associatedWith Buchanan, Joseph R. (Joseph Rodes), 1814-1899 person
associatedWith Buckminster, William, 1784-1865 person
correspondedWith Bunne?, John W. person
associatedWith Burnham, Frederick P. person
associatedWith Burton, Warren, 1800-1866 person
associatedWith Butterfield, J. person
correspondedWith Butterfield, Jonathan person
correspondedWith Cabot, Frederick S. person
associatedWith Calvert, George Henry, 1803-1889 person
associatedWith Caper, Ephraim person
associatedWith Carew, J. person
associatedWith Carew, Joseph person
correspondedWith Carew, Thomas A. person
associatedWith Channing, W. H. (William Henry), 1810-1884, person
correspondedWith Channing, William F. (William Francis), 1820-1901 person
associatedWith Chapin, S. Pierce person
correspondedWith Charlie. person
associatedWith Cheevers, John person
associatedWith Child, Lydia Maria, 1802-1880 person
associatedWith Clarke, ? person
associatedWith Clark, Peppercorn? person
associatedWith Clark, Taylor? person
associatedWith Cobb, Laura Lillie, 1846-1919 person
correspondedWith Codman, John Thomas. person
correspondedWith Columbian College. corporateBody
associatedWith Cook, L., Rev. person
correspondedWith Cotton, David R. person
correspondedWith Cotton, M. Davies. person
associatedWith Cranch, Christopher Pearse, 1813-1892, person
correspondedWith Cummings, George W. person
associatedWith Curtis, George William, 1824-1892 person
associatedWith Dana, Anderson G. (Anderson Green), 1791-1861 person
associatedWith Dana, Charles A. (Charles Anderson), 1819-1897, person
associatedWith Dana, Richard Henry, 1815-1882 person
associatedWith Davis, John person
associatedWith Debs, Eugene V. (Eugene Victor), 1855-1926, person
associatedWith Dewey, Orville, 1794-1882 person
associatedWith Dixwell, Eliza B. person
associatedWith Doucet, ? person
correspondedWith Drew, John G . person
associatedWith Durand, Lodoiska Manesca person
correspondedWith Dwight, John Sullivan, 1813-1893 person
associatedWith Dyckman, L. W. person
correspondedWith Eliot, Charles William, 1834-1926 person
correspondedWith Ellis, Charles person
associatedWith Elma P. Gove person
associatedWith Emerson, George B. (George Barrell), 1797-1881 person
associatedWith Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882. person
associatedWith E. S. Dana person
associatedWith Farrington, E. F. person
correspondedWith Fitch, C. D. person
associatedWith Fourier, Charles person
associatedWith Fox, Thomas B. (Thomas Bayley), 1808-1876 person
associatedWith Francis, C. person
associatedWith Fuller, Charles C., secretary. person
correspondedWith Fuller, Richard F. person
associatedWith Gannett, Ezra S. (Ezra Stiles), 1801-1871 person
correspondedWith Gawlor, H. person
associatedWith Gerry, Elbridge, 1744-1814, person
associatedWith Godwin, Parke, 1816-1904 person
associatedWith Goodwin, E. C. person
correspondedWith Gove, Mary S. person
associatedWith Gove, Mary Sargeant person
associatedWith Gove, S? person
associatedWith Gray, Frederick T. (Frederick Turell), 1804-1855 person
associatedWith Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872, person
associatedWith Greene, William Batchelder, 1819-1878 person
associatedWith Greenleaf, E. H. (Edward Hale) person
correspondedWith Gunning, Mary person
associatedWith Haskell, Hirman B. person
correspondedWith Hastings person
associatedWith Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864, person
associatedWith Hawthorne, Sophia Peabody, 1809-1871, person
associatedWith Hayward, John, 1781-1869 person
correspondedWith Hedge, L. person
correspondedWith Henry J. person
associatedWith Hewitt, Abram S. (Abram Stevens), 1822-1903 person
associatedWith Hewitt, S. C. (Simon Crosby), b. 1816 person
associatedWith Hoar, E. R. (Ebenezer Rockwood), 1816-1895 person
correspondedWith Hosmer person
associatedWith Houghton, George W. person
correspondedWith Hoxie, John A. person
associatedWith Hunt, Freeman, 1855-1929 person
associatedWith James, Henry, 1843-1916, person
associatedWith James, Lewis G. person
associatedWith J. B. Hitchcock person
correspondedWith Jefferson Co. Industrial Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith John Clark Ridpath person
correspondedWith John D. McIntyre person
associatedWith John Hood Company (Boston, Mass.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Kay, James. person
correspondedWith Kendall, Joshua. person
associatedWith King, Lenus, Jr. person
associatedWith Kittredge, George Lyman, 1860-1941 person
associatedWith Kraissir?, Charles person
associatedWith Lazarus, M. E. person
associatedWith Lindsay, Nathaniel A. person
associatedWith List, Christopher person
correspondedWith Longley, Alexander. person
associatedWith Loring, Ellis Gray, 1803-1858 person
correspondedWith L. W. Ryckman person
correspondedWith MacDaniel, D. person
correspondedWith Mann, Brestonia. person
correspondedWith Maria M. Ellis. person
associatedWith Marion? person
associatedWith Miles, L? A. person
associatedWith Mrs. Abbie A. Tower person
correspondedWith Osgood, Samuel, 1812-1880 person
correspondedWith Otis, Horatio. person
associatedWith Palfrey, John Gorham, 1796-1881 person
associatedWith Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860, person
correspondedWith Pettigrew, Richard F. (Richard Franklin), 1848-1926 person
associatedWith Pinkham, ? person
correspondedWith P., M. person
correspondedWith Pratt, Minot. person
associatedWith Prescott, Anna person
correspondedWith Quincy, Eliza Susan, 1798-1884 person
associatedWith Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916, person
correspondedWith Ripley, Elizabeth B. person
correspondedWith Ripley, George person
associatedWith Ripley, George, 1802-1880. person
correspondedWith Robert Watson. person
correspondedWith Russell, A. E. person
associatedWith Sargent, John T. (John Turner), 1808-1877 person
associatedWith Sartain, John person
correspondedWith Savage, Minot J. (Minot Judson), 1841-1918 person
correspondedWith Saxton, S. Willard. person
associatedWith Sears, Charles. person
associatedWith Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872, person
associatedWith Shaw, Francis George, 1809-1882 person
correspondedWith Sloane, C. M. person
associatedWith Smith, J?. N. C. person
associatedWith Southworth, Sydney person
correspondedWith Stedman, C. S. person
correspondedWith Sumner, Charles person
associatedWith Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874, person
associatedWith Teil?, H? person
associatedWith The New England Anti-Vivisection Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith Tickman, M. A. person
correspondedWith Traubel, Horace, 1858-1919 person
associatedWith Treadwell, Thomas D. person
correspondedWith Truman, James. person
associatedWith Tweedy, Edmund person
correspondedWith Walton, B. person
associatedWith Ward, Samuel E. person
associatedWith Wells, Daniel person
correspondedWith Whitmarsh, Joseph A., 1810-1855 person
associatedWith Wilder, Burt G. (Burt Green), 1841-1925. person
associatedWith Wilder, David, Jr. person
correspondedWith Williams, George Fred, 1852-1932 person
associatedWith Wilson, N. person
associatedWith Wright, Paulina S. person
correspondedWith Wright & Potter corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
Transcendentalism (New England)
Utopian socialism


Active 1840

Active 1901



Ark ID: w6w11zc4

SNAC ID: 3348646