Minnesota. Dept. of Education.

Variant names
Active 1962
Active 1993
Active 1965
Active 1996
Active 1903
Active 1994
Active 1911
Active 1991
Active 1918
Active 1935
Active 1941
Active 1949
Active 1946
Active 1959
Active 1947
Active 1972
Active 1983
Active 1984
Active 1942
Active 1994
Active 1937
Active 1963
Active 1901
Active 1910
Active 1985
Active 1993
Active 1926
Active 1937
Active 1919
Active 1972
Active 1928
Active 1934
Active 1912
Active 2007
Active 1924
Active 1991
Active 1967
Active 1973
Active 1941
Active 1957
Active 1914
Active 1960
Active 0192
Active 1962
Active 1934
Active 1944
Active 1969
Active 1981
Active 1954
Active 1959
Active 1923
Active 1956
Active 1971
Active 1975
Active 1911
Active 1939
Active 1973
Active 1977
Active 1924
Active 1919
Active 1991
Active 1921
Active 1946
Active 1921
Active 1969
Active 1867
Active 1948
Active 1918
Active 1962
Active 1935
Active 1941
Active 1918
Active 1939
Active 0189
Active 1948
Active 1952
Active 1920
Active 1935
Active 1883
Active 1887
Active 1975
Active 1992
Active 0193
Active 1947
Active 1968
Active 1943
Active 1948
Active 1952
Active 1953
Active 1891
Active 1910
Active 1966
Active 1974
Active 1930
Active 1933
Active 1946
Active 1973
Active 1939
Active 1978
Active 1905
Active 1926
Active 1878
Active 2004
Active 1921
Active 1971
Active 1951
Active 1966
Active 1949
Active 1956
Active 1932
Active 1948
Active 1933
Active 1960
Active 1950
Active 1957
Active 1899
Active 1909
Active 1943
Active 1950
Active 1929
Active 1956
Active 1929
Active 1954
Active 1970
Active 1973
Active 1920
Active 2008
Active 1970
Active 1976
Active 1955
Active 1959
Active 1942
Active 1978
Active 1910
Active 1970
Active 1881
Active 1978
Active 1968
Active 1971
Active 1917
Active 1945
Active 1907
Active 1959
Active 1878
Active 1918
Active 1954
Active 1957
Active 1930
Active 1935
Active 1944
Active 1974
Active 1919
Active 1920
Active 1940
Active 1947
Active 1977
Active 1987
Active 1946
Active 1961
Active 1917
Active 1918
Active 1966
Active 1982
Active 1920
Active 1950
Active 1962
Active 1970
Active 1934
Active 1969
Active 1970
Active 1999
Active 2000
Active 2005
Active 1881
Active 1970
Active 1946
Active 1971
Active 1910
Active 1940
Active 1934
Active 1936
Active 1931
Active 1976
Active 1972
Active 1976
Active 1892
Active 1955
Active 1884
Active 1925
Active 1909
Active 1913
Active 1912
Active 1940
Active 1935
Active 1942
Active 1934
Active 1943
Active 1915
Active 1957

History notes:

not available for this record

Links to collections


This is only a preview comparison of Constellations. It will only exist until this window is closed.

  • Added or updated
  • Deleted or outdated




  • Achievement tests
  • Adult education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Agricultural education
  • AIDS (Disease)
  • Apportionment
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Attorney general's opinions
  • Blind
  • Charter schools
  • Children of migrant laborers
  • Children with disabilities
  • Children with disabilities
  • Children with mental disabilities
  • College-school cooperation
  • College teachers
  • Compensatory education
  • Competency based education
  • Computer managed instruction
  • Concentrated study
  • Current events
  • Curriculum evaluation
  • Curriculum planning
  • Deaf
  • Distributive education
  • Educational equalization
  • Educational evaluation
  • Educational law and legislation
  • Educational planning
  • Educational surveys
  • Educational tests and measurements
  • Education and state
  • Education, Rural
  • Special education
  • Elementary School
  • Elementary school libraries
  • Elementary school principals
  • Elementary schools
  • Elementary schools
  • Encyclopedias and dictionaries
  • School enrollment
  • Environmental education
  • Students
  • Students
  • Evening and continuation schools
  • Evening and continuation schools
  • Examination
  • Examinations
  • Federal aid to education
  • Federal aid to education
  • Funding
  • Government aid to education
  • Government aid to education
  • High school
  • High school
  • High schools
  • High schools
  • High schools
  • High schools
  • High schools
  • High schools
  • Home economics
  • Home economics
  • Income tax
  • Indians of North America
  • Information storage and retrieval systems
  • Intermediate service units (Education)
  • International education
  • Junior colleges
  • Junior high schools
  • Language and languages
  • Public libraries
  • Magnet schools
  • Manual training
  • Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
  • Mathematics
  • Middle school education
  • Minority teachers
  • Monitoring
  • Multiculturalism
  • National school lunch program
  • Nongraded schools
  • Nongraded schools
  • People with disabilities
  • Private schools
  • Problem children
  • Publicizing
  • Public school closings
  • Public schools
  • Real property tax
  • Referendum
  • Rural schools
  • Rural schools
  • Rural schools
  • Schedules, School
  • School attendance
  • School attendance
  • School boards
  • School buildings
  • School buildings
  • School buildings
  • School buildings
  • School children
  • School children
  • School children
  • School choice
  • School discipline
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School elections
  • School facilities
  • School facilities
  • School
  • School grade placement
  • School ground
  • School hygiene
  • School integration
  • School lands
  • School libraries
  • School libraries
  • School management and organization
  • School management and organization
  • School management and organization
  • School purchases
  • Schools
  • Schools
  • Schools
  • Schools
  • Schools
  • Schools
  • Schools
  • School superintendents
  • School superintendents
  • Science
  • Sex discrimination in education
  • Sex discrimination in sports
  • Special education teachers
  • Special funds
  • Speech therapy
  • Spelling bees
  • State aid to schools
  • State departments of education
  • Summer schools
  • Taxation
  • Taxation
  • Taxation of personal property
  • Teacher certification
  • Teacher exchange programs
  • Technical education
  • Textbooks
  • Undistributed profits tax
  • Vocabulary tests
  • Vocational education
  • Vocational education
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Education
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Children with disabilities
  • Elementary schools
  • Students
  • Evening and continuation schools
  • Federal aid to education
  • Government aid to education
  • High school
  • High schools
  • High schools
  • High schools
  • High schools
  • High schools
  • Home economics
  • Nongraded schools
  • Rural schools
  • Rural schools
  • School attendance
  • School buildings
  • School buildings
  • School buildings
  • School children
  • School children
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School districts
  • School facilities
  • School libraries
  • School management and organization
  • School management and organization
  • Schools
  • Schools
  • Schools
  • Schools
  • Schools
  • Schools
  • School superintendents
  • Taxation
  • Vocational education


not available for this record


  • Dakota County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • Kittson County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • Minnesota--Minneapolis (as recorded)
  • Beltrami County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • Martin County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • Chisago County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • Wilkin County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • Minnesota--Austin (as recorded)
  • Minnesota--Hibbing (as recorded)
  • Otter Tail County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • Big Stone County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • Wadena County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • Minnesota (as recorded)
  • Pope County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • Houston County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • Swift County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • Minnesota--Saint Paul (as recorded)
  • Minnesota--Statistics (as recorded)
  • Kandiyohi County (Minn.) (as recorded)
  • China (as recorded)
  • Minnesota--Hopkins (as recorded)
  • Chippewa County (Minn.) (as recorded)