Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. AFA CONVENTION, WASHINGTON D. C. AND ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA


Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. AFA CONVENTION, WASHINGTON D. C. AND ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA


Covers activities of the AFA'S Eighteenth National Convention held at the Sheraton Park hotel and wreath-laying ceremonies at grave of President John F. Kennedy by Outstanding Airmen of the various AF Commands. VIP's include Secy Eugene N. Zuckert, Under Secretary Brockway McMillan, Gen Carl Spaatz (USAF Ret), Gen Curtis E. LeMay, Gen Thomas S. Power, Gen John P. McConnell, Gen Robert M. Lee, Gen Laurence S. Kuter (USAF Ret), Gen Frederic H. Smith (USAF Ret), Gen Thomas D. White (USAF Ret), Lt Gen William S. Stone, Lt Gen Herbert B. Thatcher, Lt Gen Waymond A. Davis, Maj Gen Arno R. Luehman, Maj Gen Robert H. Warren, Brig Gen Carroll W. McColpin, Brig Gen I.G. Brown, Dr. W. Randolph Lovelace II, Robert B. Considine and Tennessee Ernie Ford. (Shot list to follow.) Reel 1, 989': 1) Shows Dr. W. Randolph Lovelace II, AFA President being introdnced by Tennessee Ernie Ford, and speaking. 2) Scenes of the Hon Brockway McMillan, Under Secretary of AF speaking, presenting trophy to 1/Lt Gale I. Harris, top military scientist for 1964. 3) Lt Gen William S. Stone, DCS/Personnel, speaking and presenting civilian employee award to Dr. Gertrude Blanch. Reel 2, 916': 1) Scenes of MSgt Calvin M. Chappel, MSgt Ewing E. Bodine, Rev Edward A. Conway, Fritz M. Awe and Mrs. Blanch receiving special awards from Dr. Lovelace and AFA official. 2) Shows the Hon Eugene M. Zuckert, Secy of AF, being introduced and speaking. Reel 3, 835': Scenes of Dr. Lovelace, Capt Joe H. Engle (X-15 pilot), Robert M. Considine and Gen Curtis E. LeMay, CofS USAF, speaking at ceremonies honoring Outstanding Airmen. 2) TSgt John A. Miller receiving AFA Citation of Honor Award and speaking. Reel 4, 997': 1) Gen John P. McConnell, Vice CofS USAF, being introduced by Mr. Ford, speaking and presenting award to Capt Engle. 2) Secy Zuckert speaking, presenting Airman of The Year Award to CMSgt Frank M. Davis, representing ATC. 3) Gen Carl Spaatz (USAF Ret) being introduced, speaking and preparing to present award to Gen LeMay. Reel 5, 958': 1) Meeting of the Falcon Foundation showing Secy Zuckert, Gen Thomas D. White (USAF Ret), Maj Gen Robert H. Warren, Supt USAF Academy, Mr. Charles B."Tex" Thornton and Gen Spaatz (USAF Ret) speaking, and Gen Spaatz talking with Mr. Thornton. 2) Gen Spaatz (USAF Ret) presenting the Henry H. Arnold Trophy to Gen LeMay. Reel 6, 940': 1) Scenes of the Bell System, F-111A and XC-142A models, General Electric, Martin Company and IBM exhibits. 2) Shows chimpanzee operating control handles on panel in cage at the 653lst Aeromedical Research Laboratory exhibit. 3) Shows Gen LeMay speaking at luncheon. 4) Scenes of Dr. Lovelace, Secy Zuckert, Gen LeMay and wives in receiving line, greeting delegates. Gen McConnell presenting award to Capt Engle. 6) Maj Sidney J. Kubesch speaking. 7) Secretary Zuckert presenting CMSgt Davis the Airman of Year Award. Reel 7, 878': 1) Maj Gen Arno H. Luebman, Vice Comdr Air University, speaking at Night Fighters Association luncheon. 2) Brig Gen I.G. Brown, Asst Chief for ANG, speaking at luncheon, presenting Winston P. Wilson Trophy to Col Fred H. Bailey, Jr., Comdr 155th Fighter Group, Nebraska ANG. 3) Lt Gen Herbert B. Thatcher, Comdr ADC, speaking at luncheon. 4) Displays outside hotel showing X-15A No. 2 mockup, Gemini spacecraft mockup, Spad VII parked, propeller being turned and engine starting. 5) Signs in hotel lobby concerning convention events. Reel 8, 957': 1) Outstanding Airmen and wives touring USAF Art Exhibit and being introduced on honors night. 2) Gen Thomas S. Power, CINC, SAC and wife meeting delegates, and seated at table. 3) Lt Gen Waymond A. Davis, Vice Comdr AFSC, seated at table. 4) Dr. Lovelace and Mr. Considine speaking. 5) Delegates registering in hotel lobby. 6) Mr. Thornton presenting check for Falcon Foundation and talking with Gen Spaatz (USAF Ret). 7) Aerospace exhibits and displays in lobby. Reel 9, 801': 1) Capt Engle speaking at banquet. 2) TSgt Miller receiving award from Dr. Lovelace. 3) Gen LeMay speaking at banquet. 4) Manpower symposium in progress -- speakers include Dr. Lovelace, Judge Paul J. Kilday, Secy Zuckert and James R. Keer. Capt Engle talking with North American Aviation representatives in lobby. 6) Scenes of Sheraton Park Hotel and grounds. 7) Maj Gen Luehman speaking at Night Fighters Association luncheon. 8) Gen Robert M. Lee, Deputy, SACEUR; Gen Laurence S. Kuter (USAF Ret) and Lt Gen Thatcher seated at luncheon. 9) Brig Gen Brown presenting Wilson Trophy to Col Bailey. 10) Gen Frederic H. Smith (USAF Ret) presenting Smith Trophy to Brig Gen Carroll W. McColpin, Vice Comdr 28th Air Division, SAGE. Reel 10, 917': 1) Scenes of Gen Power, Secy Zuckert, Gen Lee and wives, among delegates arriving at hotel. 2) Delegates talking in lobby and eating at banquet. 3) Secy Zuckert speaking. 4) Secy Zuckert, Gen LeMay, Dr. Lovelace, Jack Gross and wives in receiving line. 5) Secy Zuckert, Gen McConnell and Gen LeMay at table. 6) Under Secretary McMillan presenting award to 1/Lt Harris. 7) Mr. Ford singing with the Singing Sergeants. 8) Col Thomas B. Kennedy speaking at banquet. 9) Dr. Blanch receiving award. Reel 11, 3377': 1) Outstanding Airmen and wives touring the White House grounds and entering the White House. 2) Outstanding Airmen and wives visiting grave of President John F. Kennedy at Arlington National Cemetery. 3) MS's of the eternal flame and grave.

Film Reel

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