Richardson, Robert Dale

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Robert Dale Richardson (1901-1969) graduated from Harvard College in 1924; Queens College, Oxford, England, in 1926; and Meadville Theological Seminary in 1928. He was ordained to the Unitarian ministry in 1928 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and also served parishes in Laconia, New Hampshire; and Medford, Wayland, Concord, and Sharon, Massachusetts. From 1959 to 1968, he served as the Protestant chaplain at the Boston State Hospital. He published 125 Years of Unitarian Sunday Schools in 1952 and the article "Eastern and Western Liturgies: The Primitive Basis of Their Later Differences" in the Harvard Theological Review (v. 42, no. 2, April, 1949).

From the guide to the Richardson, Robert Dale. Papers, 1920-1969., (Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Harvard Divinity School)

Robert Dale Richardson (1901-1969): Unitarian minister. A.B. Harvard, 1924; B.D. Meadville Theological School, 1928. Minister in Keokuk, Iowa (1928-1934); Laconia, N.H. (1934-1936) and Medford, Mass. (1936-1951).

From the description of Papers, 1920-1969 (inclusive). (Harvard University, Divinity School Library). WorldCat record id: 122470760

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Harry Levin papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Richardson, Robert Dale, 1901-1969. Papers, 1920-1969 (inclusive). Harvard University, Divinity School Library
creatorOf Richardson, Robert Dale, 1901-1969. Papers, 1920-1969 (inclusive). Harvard University, Divinity School Library
creatorOf Richardson, Robert Dale. Papers, 1920-1969. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
referencedIn Richardson family. Richardson Family papers, 1807-2000. Concord Free Public Library, Special Collection
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Abraham Lincoln person
associatedWith Abraham Lincoln's person
correspondedWith Anne and George Marshfield person
correspondedWith Anne Crowther person
correspondedWith Arthur Bryant person
correspondedWith Benevolent Fraternity corporateBody
correspondedWith Bethania Meradith Smith person
associatedWith Boston State Hospital. corporateBody
correspondedWith B. Wormald person
correspondedWith Carter, Joan person
correspondedWith Charles E. Snyder person
correspondedWith Charles J. Dixon person
correspondedWith Charles M. Sheldon person
correspondedWith C. H. McIlwain person
correspondedWith C. N. Clark person
correspondedWith Coolidge, Brad person
correspondedWith Cornish, Frances person
associatedWith Cornish, Frances Eliot Foote. person
associatedWith Cornish, Louis Craig, 1870-1950. person
correspondedWith Craster, Edmund person
correspondedWith David Allan person
correspondedWith David Douglas. person
correspondedWith David Ogg. person
correspondedWith Davies, Godfrey person
correspondedWith E. G. Vaudrey person
correspondedWith Eileen person
associatedWith Eliot, Frederick May, 1889-1958. person
correspondedWith Emmet L. person
correspondedWith E. M. Waller person
associatedWith First Church (Medford, Mass.) corporateBody
correspondedWith First Parish in Medford corporateBody
associatedWith First Unitarian Church (Keokuk, Iowa) corporateBody
associatedWith First Unitarian Society of Laconia (N.H.) corporateBody
correspondedWith F. Kenworthy person
correspondedWith Flaherty, Judy person
correspondedWith Fleming, Joan person
correspondedWith F. M. Ragg person
correspondedWith Fraley N. Weidner person
correspondedWith Frazier, John person
associatedWith Frothinghamn, Paul Revere, 1864-1926. person
correspondedWith G. B. Hope person
correspondedWith George F. Patterson person
correspondedWith Gladys Scott Thomson person
correspondedWith Grant, Harold person
associatedWith Greeley, Dana McLean, 1908- person
correspondedWith Hall, Livingston person
correspondedWith Harriet F. Richardson person
associatedWith Harvard University corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvey, Barbara F. person
correspondedWith Hayward, Barbara person
correspondedWith H. Butterfield person
correspondedWith H. B. Wroughton. person
correspondedWith Henry Cabot Lodge person
correspondedWith Hirshberg, Samuel person
correspondedWith H. J. Paton person
correspondedWith Howard W. Odum person
correspondedWith H. Stewart Carter person
correspondedWith James D. Hunt. person
correspondedWith Janet Vaughn. person
correspondedWith John Carroll Perkins person
correspondedWith John C. Marsh person
correspondedWith John E. Powers. person
correspondedWith John Henry Wilson person
correspondedWith Jr., Robert S. Loring person
correspondedWith Judith person
correspondedWith J. W. Jones person
correspondedWith Kenneth B. Webb person
correspondedWith Kenneth Myrick. person
correspondedWith Kersey F. Coe person
correspondedWith Kielty family family
correspondedWith Kielty, John person
associatedWith Kielty, John, 1902- person
associatedWith Lamont, Corliss, 1902- person
correspondedWith Larxner, Jean person
correspondedWith Laura Bowman Galer person
associatedWith Levin, Harry, 1912-1994 person
correspondedWith Levy, Felix person
correspondedWith Lewis S. Haslam person
correspondedWith Library of Congress. corporateBody
associatedWith Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1902- person
correspondedWith Lyttle, Charles H. person
associatedWith Lyttle, Charles Harold, 1884-1980. person
correspondedWith Margaret A. Bragg person
correspondedWith Margaret James McDonald person
correspondedWith Marie Kielty person
correspondedWith Mary C. Moorman person
correspondedWith McKisack, May person
correspondedWith McLeary, Leslie person
correspondedWith M. D. Knowles. person
associatedWith Meadville Theological School corporateBody
correspondedWith Miller, Perry. person
associatedWith Miller, Perry, 1905-1963. person
correspondedWith M. Ingleby. person
correspondedWith Moore, Judy person
associatedWith Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887-1976. person
correspondedWith Mortimer Rowe person
correspondedWith Mrs. Charles C. Merrill person
correspondedWith Mrs. John C. Marsh person
correspondedWith Mrs. Lawrence E. Emmons, Jr. person
correspondedWith Mrs. Livingston Hall person
correspondedWith Mrs. Rivers person
correspondedWith Mrs. Woodward James person
correspondedWith Paul Revere Frothingham. person
correspondedWith P. Eaketb person
associatedWith Perry, Bliss, 1860-1954. person
correspondedWith Raible, Robert person
correspondedWith R. H. Hodgkin person
correspondedWith Richard F. Lufkin. person
associatedWith Richardson family. family
associatedWith Richardson, Robert Dale, 1901-1969. person
correspondedWith R. J. Collett person
correspondedWith R. J. Cruikshank person
associatedWith Robbins, Wallace W. (Wallace Woodsome), 1910- person
correspondedWith Robert B. Day person
correspondedWith Robert F. Needham. person
correspondedWith Robert W. Meserve person
correspondedWith Robert W. Steel person
associatedWith Rowse, A. L. (Alfred Leslie), 1903-1997. person
correspondedWith Rowse, Alfred Leslie person
correspondedWith R. P. Graham-Vivian person
correspondedWith Samuel E. Morison person
correspondedWith Scroggs, Edith person
associatedWith Sheldon, Charles Monroe, 1857-1946. person
correspondedWith Simmons, Minot person
correspondedWith S. M. Trevelyan. person
correspondedWith Solomon B. Freehof person
associatedWith Sperry, Willard Learoyd, 1882-1954. person
correspondedWith Stevenson, Adlai E. person
associatedWith Stevenson, Adlai E. (Adlai Ewing), 1900-1965. person
correspondedWith Stevens S. Stotzer. person
associatedWith Subseries A. Boston State Hospital corporateBody
correspondedWith Sydney B. Snow person
correspondedWith Sydney T. Guild. person
associatedWith The Junior Church, Medford, Massachusetts corporateBody
correspondedWith Walter Muir Whitehill person
correspondedWith W. B. Tavener person
correspondedWith Wheeler, Ruth person
associatedWith Whitehill, Walter Muir, 1905- person
associatedWith Wilbur, Earl Morse, 1866-1956. person
associatedWith Wilde, Reginald William, d. 1959. person
correspondedWith William H. Cooper person
correspondedWith William M. Bardens person
associatedWith Williamson, Joseph, Sir, 1633-1701. person
associatedWith Willkie, Wendell L. (Wendell Lewis), 1892-1944. person
correspondedWith Wilna L. Constable person
correspondedWith Wilson, Martha person
correspondedWith W. K. Jordan. person
correspondedWith W. S. H. Collins person
associatedWith X Club, Keokuk, Iowa corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
Keokuk (Iowa)
Laconia (N.H.)
Medford (Mass.)
Chaplains, Hospital


Birth 1901



Ark ID: w6572tn0

SNAC ID: 69605241