Sherman, J. Gilmour (John Gilmour), 1931-

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Epithet: surveyor

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000471.0x000305

Epithet: of Add MS 32489

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000878.0x00033b

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Cox, William, d. 1811. Chair, ca. 1767-1811. Winterthur Library
referencedIn National Academy Of Sciences, Archives. Rg 192: Commissary General Of Subsistence.
creatorOf Cowen, Benjamin R. (Benjamin Rush), 1891-1908. Papers 1846-1897. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Hicks, Benjamin Franklin, 1865-. Historical data record : Hicks family, 1932. Boulder Public Library
referencedIn Martin, Fredericka I. Papers, 1926-1990 (bulk 1968-1984). Churchill County Museum
referencedIn Library Of Congress, Manuscript Division. John Sherman Papers.
creatorOf Campbell, Lewis D. (Lewis Davis), 1811-1882. Papers 1850-1877. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Second Baptist Church (Boulder, Colo.). Photocopied photographs of Second Baptist Church 1961-1971. Boulder Public Library
referencedIn Dent, Frederick T., 1821-1892. Frederick T. Dent papers, 1847-1890. Southern Illinois University, Morris Library
creatorOf Robinson, James Sidney, 1827-1892. Papers 1860-1878. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf Tappan, Eli T. (Eli Todd), 1824-1888. Family papers 1826-1904. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf Brasee, John Trafford, 1800-1880. Papers 1828-1898. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf Robinson, James Sidney, 1827-1892. Papers [microform], 1860-1878. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf Hassaurek, F. (Friedrich), 1831-1885. Papers 1849-1881. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf Sherman, John. John Sherman correspondence, 1883-1886. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Coast Guard. National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Vance, J. Wilson. Papers 1885-1890. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf Sherman, John. Letter, 1816 Dec. 12, Vergennes, Vt., to John D. Ward, Sacket's Harbor, N.Y. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn LL. 1-80. Miscellaneous.includes:1 Constantine Lowe: Sepulchral brass of him and Napoleon G. Lowe: 1854. 2 John Sherman: Sepulchral brass of him, his son and grandson, at Ottery St. Mary: circ. 1620. 4, 5 Stradsett, Norfolk: Sepulchral brass: 1418...., 1360-1854 British Library
creatorOf Rice, Charles Elmer. Papers 1735-1924. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf Young, Thos. L. (Thomas Lowry), 1832-1888. Papers 1877-1878. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn CIVIL WAR AND COMMONWEALTH PAPERS. Vol. I B. Warrants, mostly for payment and receipted, orders, certificates and letters of the Council of State, the Revenue, Army, Navy and Admiralty Committees etc.; 1605-1675, n.d. Some of the accompanying transcr..., 1605-1675 British Library
creatorOf Janney family. Papers. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Coffin, James H. (James Henry), 1806-1873. James Henry Coffin Papers, 1848-1884 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn National Archives And Records Administration. Trent Collection.
creatorOf Klippart, John H. (John Hancock), 1823-1878. Papers 1833-1933. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf Dick, Charles W. F., 1858-1945. Papers 1887-1928. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Cox, William, d. 1811. Chair, ca. 1767-1800. Winterthur Library
referencedIn Cox, William, d. 1811. Chair, ca. 1767-1796. Winterthur Library
creatorOf Washington, George, 1732-1799. Papers, 1766-1790. Boston Athenaeum
referencedIn Cox, William, d. 1811. Chair, ca. 1770-1796. Winterthur Library
referencedIn Rhees, William Jones, 1830-1907. William Jones Rhees Papers, 1744-1907 The Huntington Library
creatorOf Ewing, Hugh, 1826-1905. Papers 1841-1893. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf American Friends of Spanish Democracy. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1937. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf Hopley family. Papers 1860-1957. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Cox, William, d. 1811. Chair, ca. 1800. Winterthur Library
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1863-1879 Smithsonian Institution Archives
creatorOf Ryan, Daniel J. (Daniel Joseph), 1855-1923. Papers 1846-1923. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn National Archives And Records Administration. Rg 233: House Of Representatives.
referencedIn Smithsonian Archives. Ru 60: Meteorological Project, 1849 1875.
creatorOf McMillen, William L. Papers 1852-1896. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1865-1891 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn FFF. 1-52. Civilians, circ. 1600-1773.includes:1 Daniel Hardeley: Sepulchral brass of him and family at Evedon: circ. 1600. 1 Evedon, Lincolnshire: Sepulchral brass of D. Hardeley: circ. 1600. 2 Felmersham, Bedfordshire: Sepulchral brass: circ. 161..., approximately 1600-1773 British Library
creatorOf Locke, Robinson, 1856-1920. Papers 1881-1935. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf Gard, Daniel Hosmer, 1844-1925. Papers 1794-1925. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
creatorOf Medical Bureau and North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1937-1939. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf SHERMAN, JOHN. Artist file : miscellaneous uncataloged material. Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Adams, Calvin M. person
associatedWith Adams, Frank E. person
correspondedWith Aken, H. K. person
correspondedWith Alden, George M. person
associatedWith Alexander, Joseph person
associatedWith American Friends of Spanish Democracy. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ames, John W. person
correspondedWith Anderson, Andrew person
correspondedWith Anderson, James person
correspondedWith Anderson, John person
associatedWith Anderson Merchant & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Anderson, Peter L. person
correspondedWith Andrews, Daniel L. person
correspondedWith Anthony, H. B. person
correspondedWith Armbuster, John person
associatedWith Arnett, John D. person
correspondedWith Arnold, Frances E. person
associatedWith Arscott, Richard person
correspondedWith Ashley, B. A. person
associatedWith Atherton, Mr. person
correspondedWith Atkins, James person
correspondedWith Babcock, O. E. person
associatedWith Bailey, George A. person
correspondedWith Bailey, George G. person
correspondedWith Baird, Spencer F. person
correspondedWith Baldwin, W. H. person
correspondedWith Barenson, A. F. person
associatedWith Barnard, A. P. person
associatedWith Barnett, Oliver N. person
correspondedWith Barney, Samuel L. person
correspondedWith Barr, Jacob M. person
associatedWith Bayles, Albert person
correspondedWith Bechtel, Joseph C. person
correspondedWith Beebe, John A. person
associatedWith Bell, Jesse C. person
correspondedWith Bell, Thomas J. person
associatedWith Benjamin, George D. person
correspondedWith Benson, W. H. person
correspondedWith Bethel, Theophilus I. person
associatedWith Betzeman, Frederick person
associatedWith Bien, Julius person
correspondedWith Bills, Thomas person
correspondedWith Bingham, C. V. S. person
associatedWith Bird, George M. person
correspondedWith Birdsall, George I. person
associatedWith Black, E. C. person
correspondedWith Blizzard, David R. person
correspondedWith Bold, Joseph Walker person
correspondedWith Botts, D. T. person
associatedWith Bowker, J. W. person
correspondedWith Boyd, S. T. person
correspondedWith Boyd, William J. person
associatedWith Brady, Patrick person
associatedWith Brasee, John Trafford, 1800-1880. person
correspondedWith Brewer, John W. person
correspondedWith Brewster, William person
correspondedWith Brightman, Daniel S. person
correspondedWith Brooks, Enoch person
correspondedWith Bryan, Andrew person
correspondedWith Buckridge, John N. person
associatedWith Bumpus, Jesse P. person
associatedWith Bundick, Thomas I. person
correspondedWith Burdick, Albert H. person
correspondedWith Burgess, Walter person
correspondedWith Burns, John person
correspondedWith Burrus, E. D. person
correspondedWith Butterworth, Alice S. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Bernard M. person
associatedWith Campbell, Lewis D. (Lewis Davis), 1811-1882. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Lorenza D. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Thomas person
associatedWith Caperton, Lizzie person
correspondedWith Cartwright, George W. person
associatedWith Case, George A. person
associatedWith Centennial Exhibition (Philadelphia, 1876) corporateBody
correspondedWith Chalmers, James R. person
correspondedWith Chamberlain, Edwin G. person
associatedWith Chandler, C. H. (Prof) person
correspondedWith Chase, L. G. person
correspondedWith Chauncey, Frank L. person
correspondedWith Chichester, William S. person
correspondedWith Chisman, John M. person
correspondedWith Church, James C. person
associatedWith Church, Samuel corporateBody
correspondedWith Clark, Henry person
associatedWith Clark, Henry W. person
associatedWith Coats, Thomas person
associatedWith Cocking, Mary person
correspondedWith Cocking, Stephen person
correspondedWith Collins, Frank person
correspondedWith Collins, John L. H. person
correspondedWith Collins, Joseph person
associatedWith Conley, George W. person
correspondedWith Conner, David person
correspondedWith Conners, David person
correspondedWith Conway, Alexander S. person
correspondedWith Corgan, James person
correspondedWith Corgan, Mary person
correspondedWith Cornell, James S. person
correspondedWith Cornwall, John S. person
correspondedWith Costin, Thomas W. person
associatedWith Cowen, Benjamin R. (Benjamin Rush), 1891-1908. person
associatedWith Cox, William, d. 1811 person
correspondedWith Craig, C. C. person
associatedWith Craven, T. August person
correspondedWith Crawford, Lydia A. person
correspondedWith Crusor, Annie person
associatedWith Cudworth, James C. person
associatedWith Culleton, George F. person
correspondedWith Currie, J. M. person
associatedWith Cushing, L. Foster Waterman person
associatedWith Custom House, Chicago corporateBody
associatedWith Custom House, New York corporateBody
associatedWith Custom House, Philadelphia corporateBody
associatedWith Custom House, San Francisco corporateBody
correspondedWith Cuthbert, William person
correspondedWith Dangerfield, W. F. person
correspondedWith Daniels, Thomas W. person
correspondedWith Daniel, Thomas W. person
correspondedWith Davidson, Alexander person
correspondedWith Davidson, Christine person
correspondedWith Davidson, Emanuel person
correspondedWith Davis, James Hall person
correspondedWith Davis, M. J. person
associatedWith Davis, Stephe person
associatedWith Davis, W. H. person
correspondedWith Davis, William H. person
associatedWith Dear, S. A. (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Denny, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Dent, Frederick T., 1821-1892. person
correspondedWith Dewey, George person
associatedWith Dick, Charles W. F., 1858-1945. person
correspondedWith Diggs, John L. person
correspondedWith Dinan, Jeremiah person
associatedWith Doane, G. W. person
correspondedWith Dodge, Charles E. person
associatedWith Donaldson, Ellen person
associatedWith Donnell, George S. person
associatedWith Downing, Mary H. person
correspondedWith Doykin, W. P. person
correspondedWith Doyle, Thomas person
correspondedWith Drisko, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Dumont, Andrew person
correspondedWith Duncan, Charles W. person
associatedWith Dundon, Thomas person
correspondedWith Dunn, Edward M. person
associatedWith Eagan, Patrick person
correspondedWith Edwards, Jay D. person
correspondedWith Edwards, John T. person
associatedWith Egan, John person
correspondedWith Elmore, William M. person
associatedWith Ewing, Hugh, 1826-1905. person
correspondedWith Faltenz, Enno person
associatedWith Ferguson, E. R. person
correspondedWith Ferreira, Alexander person
associatedWith Fields, A. E. person
correspondedWith Fife, George person
correspondedWith Fife, Mariam person
associatedWith Finn, Philip P. person
associatedWith Fisher, J. A. person
associatedWith Fisher, William C. person
correspondedWith Fitzgerald, Richard A. person
correspondedWith Flowers, John person
associatedWith Fontaine, Joseph C. person
associatedWith Ford, John person
correspondedWith Foster, D. E. person
correspondedWith Frasier, John person
associatedWith Fullmer, Henry B. person
associatedWith Funck, Joseph person
correspondedWith Funk, Martin person
correspondedWith Gage, Henry person
associatedWith Gard, Daniel Hosmer, 1844-1925. person
associatedWith Gaze, Mark person
correspondedWith Geber, Joseph person
associatedWith Genth, Frederick Augustus person
associatedWith Gibson, R. L. person
correspondedWith Glanz, John person
correspondedWith Goffigan, John person
correspondedWith Goldsmith, Daniel person
correspondedWith Gorham, E. Lewis person
associatedWith Grieres, William person
correspondedWith Griffin, Jonathan person
associatedWith Griffin, Mary Jane person
associatedWith Grim, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Gum, John A. person
correspondedWith Gunn, Catharine person
correspondedWith Haffard, William person
correspondedWith Hagensen, Hans Lewis person
correspondedWith Hains, Peter C. person
correspondedWith Hall, C. F. person
correspondedWith Hall, William H. person
correspondedWith Hamblin, Ebenezer R. person
correspondedWith Hammond, Frederick person
associatedWith Hanna, Alexander B. person
correspondedWith Hanna, James T. person
associatedWith Hansen, B. A. person
associatedWith Hanson, Hans L. person
associatedWith Hardy, Paul person
correspondedWith Harrison, D. K. person
associatedWith Hassaurek, F. (Friedrich), 1831-1885. person
correspondedWith Hatch, Isaac person
associatedWith Hattick, J. R. person
correspondedWith Haughton, Robert H. person
associatedWith Hayden, John G. person
correspondedWith Hayes, William person
correspondedWith Hazel, Gowan person
correspondedWith Hazel, Manlore person
associatedWith Hazen, Winchester person
associatedWith Heal, William L. person
correspondedWith Heath, H. W. person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
correspondedWith Herbert, Frederick person
correspondedWith Herbert, Julius person
correspondedWith Hess, Henry J. person
associatedWith Hicks, Benjamin Franklin, 1865- person
correspondedWith Hicks, Fannie E. person
correspondedWith Hilgard, Julius Erasmus person
correspondedWith Hill, Edward T. person
associatedWith Hinson, Thomas person
correspondedWith Hobbose, W. J. E. person
correspondedWith Holbrook, E. W. person
correspondedWith Holland, Frederick person
correspondedWith Holloway, W. R. person
associatedWith Holmes, W. H. person
correspondedWith Holmes, William person
correspondedWith Holyhunter, R. person
correspondedWith Hope, Daniel person
correspondedWith Hopkins, Stephen A. person
associatedWith Hopley family. family
correspondedWith Hoskins, J. T. person
correspondedWith Houghton, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Howard, C. H. person
correspondedWith Howard, George V. person
correspondedWith Howard, Harriet person
associatedWith Howard, Levin S. person
correspondedWith Hubbard, Stephen person
correspondedWith Huckins, Joseph person
correspondedWith Hudgins, Augustus F. person
associatedWith Hunter, G. M. person
correspondedWith Hutchinson, Henry person
correspondedWith Hutt, C. Warren person
correspondedWith Hyland, Richard person
associatedWith Italy, Louis person
associatedWith Jackson, Albert person
associatedWith Jackson, Susie D. person
associatedWith Jackson, William person
associatedWith Janes, Emma person
associatedWith Janney family. family
correspondedWith Jarrell, Alexander person
associatedWith Jenkins, Levin A. person
correspondedWith Jennett, W. R. person
associatedWith Jerome, E. A. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Charles A. person
associatedWith Johnson, Charles B. person
associatedWith Johnson, Charles R. person
associatedWith Johnson, Henry person
correspondedWith Johnson, John person
correspondedWith Jones, George W. person
correspondedWith Jones, Hugh person
associatedWith Jones, Samuel T. person
correspondedWith Kane, David P. person
correspondedWith Kangen, Patrick person
correspondedWith Keeler, Charles D. person
correspondedWith Keeler, Edward L. person
correspondedWith Keliher, Solomon Y. corporateBody
associatedWith Kemper, James L. person
associatedWith Kendig, Rose person
associatedWith Kennedy, D. person
associatedWith Kierman, Harriet J. person
correspondedWith Kildahl, Charles F. person
correspondedWith Kilgore, David person
correspondedWith Killecky, Thomas person
associatedWith King, J. H. person
correspondedWith King, John E. person
associatedWith Klippart, John H. (John Hancock), 1823-1878. person
correspondedWith Knapp, Benjamin F. person
associatedWith Korts, Y. D. person
correspondedWith Kruger, Anthony O. person
associatedWith Kundsen, Peter person
correspondedWith Kynaston, William M. person
correspondedWith Lachey, John person
associatedWith Lamb, John person
correspondedWith Lamont, F. A. person
correspondedWith Lane, Albert person
associatedWith Lane, Sidney person
correspondedWith Langston, John T. person
correspondedWith Larner, John J. person
associatedWith Larson, Lewis person
associatedWith Lathrop, Martha person
associatedWith Lathrop, Mattie person
correspondedWith Lawrence, Samuel J. person
correspondedWith Lawrence, S. C. person
correspondedWith Lawson, Lewis H. person
correspondedWith Leach, Frederick person
correspondedWith Leach. Frederick corporateBody
correspondedWith Leary, Martin person
associatedWith Leavitt, Henry A. person
associatedWith Lederle, Frank person
associatedWith Leedham, Edward person
associatedWith Lee, Edward H. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Martin T. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Simeon L. person
associatedWith Lewis, William C. person
associatedWith Lindale, Joshua (Dr.) person
associatedWith Linne, John C. person
associatedWith Locke, Robinson, 1856-1920. person
correspondedWith Lomax, Julia L. person
correspondedWith Loughborough, Margaret person
associatedWith Lowell, James D. person
associatedWith Lugo, Orazio (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Lynch, Daniel person
correspondedWith Lyons, William R. person
correspondedWith Lyon, W. H. person
correspondedWith Lyon, W. R. person
correspondedWith Lytle, B. F. person
correspondedWith Maher, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Malone, John H. person
correspondedWith Marchant, E. B. person
correspondedWith Marshall, William person
correspondedWith Martin, Charles person
associatedWith Martin, Fredericka I. person
associatedWith Martin, James person
correspondedWith Martus, George W. person
associatedWith Matthewson, Edward N. person
associatedWith Mcarthur, Valentine B. person
correspondedWith Mccabe, James person
correspondedWith Mccall, Daniel person
correspondedWith Mcclellan, William B. person
correspondedWith Mcdonald, George O. person
correspondedWith Mcdowall, George C. person
correspondedWith Mcdowell, George C. person
correspondedWith Mcglovin, William person
correspondedWith Mcguire, Annie person
associatedWith Mckenzie, Daniel person
associatedWith Mcleod, Maggie person
associatedWith Mcmahon, J. person
associatedWith Mcmahon, John person
associatedWith McMillen, William L. person
associatedWith Medical Bureau and North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy. corporateBody
correspondedWith Meek, William person
associatedWith Merchant, W. F. person
correspondedWith Merriam, James E. person
correspondedWith Merriman, James C. person
correspondedWith Meyer, John H. person
correspondedWith Miller, Charles person
correspondedWith Miller, George A. person
correspondedWith Miller, Henry M. person
correspondedWith Miller, Robert J. person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Oscar M. person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Quinton person
correspondedWith Moore, Charles person
associatedWith Moore, Gideon E. (Dr.) person
associatedWith Moore, R. B. person
associatedWith Mordecai, Edward person
correspondedWith Morgan, Philip person
correspondedWith Morris, B. F. person
associatedWith Morse, Benjamin H. person
correspondedWith Mott, Sylvanus person
associatedWith Muhlenbruck, Edward person
associatedWith Mulenon, John person
correspondedWith Mulerone, Michael person
associatedWith Munson, J. W. person
correspondedWith Munson, T. V. person
correspondedWith Murat, D. J. person
correspondedWith Murphy, Charles E. person
correspondedWith Murphy, Daniel N. person
correspondedWith Murphy, Daniel V. person
correspondedWith Murray, Patrick W. person
associatedWith Nauch, Kurt person
correspondedWith Nazro, John person
correspondedWith Neiset, Lawrence person
associatedWith Nelson, E. W. person
associatedWith Nelson, F. W. person
associatedWith Newberry, John Strong person
correspondedWith Ninal, Joseph B. person
correspondedWith Noonan, John C. person
correspondedWith Norman, Harry person
correspondedWith Norman, P. B. person
correspondedWith Oakes, John person
associatedWith Ohio Agricultural & Mechanical College corporateBody
correspondedWith O'hogan, John person
correspondedWith Olson, Byron person
correspondedWith Parker, Anthony person
correspondedWith Parker, J. B. person
correspondedWith Parker, Josephus person
associatedWith Parker, Southey person
correspondedWith Parker, W. M. person
correspondedWith Parkinson, A. C. person
correspondedWith Partlow, W. C. person
correspondedWith Pasque, John person
correspondedWith Payne, James person
correspondedWith Payne, William B. person
correspondedWith Paynter, Richard person
correspondedWith Pendleton, E. F. person
correspondedWith Perry, Edward E. person
correspondedWith Perry, Knott C. person
associatedWith Phelps, W. T. person
correspondedWith Philbrook, John person
associatedWith Pierson, James person
correspondedWith Pinder, Mary E. person
associatedWith Pinkham, Charles L. person
correspondedWith Plummer, Frank M. person
correspondedWith Plunkett, James G. person
correspondedWith Poland, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Pooler, R. H. person
correspondedWith Pratt, Fred A. person
correspondedWith Pratt, W. F. person
associatedWith Prince, George A. person
correspondedWith Quarterman, George M. person
correspondedWith Quinn, Samuel person
associatedWith Reeve, James E. person
associatedWith Retting, Julius person
associatedWith Rice, Charles Elmer. person
correspondedWith Richardson, Charles person
associatedWith Rider, E. person
correspondedWith Ridlon, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Riggs, Rebecca H. person
correspondedWith Riggs, Richard person
associatedWith Roache, William H. person
correspondedWith Robbins, Howard P. person
correspondedWith Roberts, John person
correspondedWith Roberts, John H. person
associatedWith Robinson, Ezra person
associatedWith Robinson, James Sidney, 1827-1892. person
associatedWith Robinson, Thomas E. person
correspondedWith Robinson, William K. person
associatedWith Rockwell, Dudley H. person
associatedWith Rodgers, John person
correspondedWith Ross, Frank P. person
correspondedWith Rowland, Peter person
correspondedWith Rue, Oscar F. person
associatedWith Ryan, Daniel J. (Daniel Joseph), 1855-1923. person
associatedWith Sadtler, Samuel P., Dr. person
correspondedWith Sandy, E. M. person
correspondedWith Sargent, Aaron A. person
associatedWith Schaeffer, George C. person
associatedWith Schanzlin, H. person
associatedWith Schauzlin, Hermann person
associatedWith Scheineider, Sebastian person
associatedWith Schoomaker, A. person
correspondedWith Schuetter, Paul person
correspondedWith Scott, J. G. person
associatedWith Seaman, Edwin person
associatedWith Second Baptist Church (Boulder, Colo.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Senter, George person
correspondedWith Shaw, George N. person
correspondedWith Sheridan, Thomas J. person
correspondedWith Sherman, Henry person
correspondedWith Shipp, John G. person
associatedWith Shockmorton, Mary T. person
correspondedWith Simmons, Lewis N. person
correspondedWith Simmons, William A. person
correspondedWith Smith, Christ person
correspondedWith Smithers, Leonard person
associatedWith Smith, Frederick J. person
associatedWith Smith, Levi person
correspondedWith Smith, S. H. person
correspondedWith Smith, Sidney K. person
correspondedWith Smith, Tillman F. person
correspondedWith Sommers, Charles person
correspondedWith Sparks, William Andrew Jackson (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Splain, James person
correspondedWith Stanter, Charles person
associatedWith Stanton, John W. person
associatedWith Staple, E. B. person
correspondedWith Staples, John person
associatedWith Steel, John S. person
correspondedWith Stevens, Frank W. person
associatedWith Stiles, John R. person
correspondedWith Stilwell, Samuel person
correspondedWith Strong, H. L. person
correspondedWith Strout, Joseph W. person
associatedWith Stuart, Isabella person
correspondedWith Studley, Amiel person
correspondedWith Sturzengger, J. M. person
correspondedWith Stygall, James S. person
correspondedWith Sutton, John A. person
correspondedWith Sutton, Wilson R. person
associatedWith Swan, James G. person
associatedWith Swan, James J. person
associatedWith Tappan, Eli T. (Eli Todd), 1824-1888. person
associatedWith Taylor, Alice E. person
correspondedWith Taylor, John person
associatedWith Taylor, William B. person
correspondedWith Teachout, Frederick W. person
correspondedWith Tennyson, Otto person
correspondedWith Terry, William person
correspondedWith Thayer, Daniel person
associatedWith Thompson, Anthony I. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Thompson, G. B. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Gustavus B. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Henry C. person
correspondedWith Thorndike, L. V. person
correspondedWith Thornton, William person
correspondedWith Thurston, George A. person
associatedWith Tift, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Tooker, Charles person
associatedWith Topping, Stephen person
correspondedWith Torton, William D. person
associatedWith Toucey, Isaac person
associatedWith Touchton, W. H. person
correspondedWith Townsend, Samuel person
correspondedWith Toy, George person
correspondedWith Trawin, Edward W. person
correspondedWith Trawin, Ida M. person
associatedWith Trenchard, Edward person
correspondedWith Tress, Mary A. person
correspondedWith Tune, Helen C. person
associatedWith Turner, James F. person
associatedWith Turner, Lucien person
associatedWith Turner, Sucien M. person
correspondedWith Tuttle, David person
correspondedWith Tuttle, H. D. person
associatedWith Upton, George L. person
associatedWith Vance, J. Wilson. person
correspondedWith Van Cott, D. person
correspondedWith Vanderbilt, George W. person
associatedWith Van Deusen, Cornelius person
associatedWith Van Hoef, Andrew person
correspondedWith Veronee, George W. person
correspondedWith Wageman, Hans person
associatedWith Wakefield, John W. person
associatedWith Walker, A. G. person
associatedWith Walker, Captain person
associatedWith Walker, J. F. person
correspondedWith Walker, J. G. person
correspondedWith Wallace, Courtenay H. (Miss) person
associatedWith Wallace, D. person
associatedWith Wallace, David A. person
correspondedWith Wallace, Jacob W. person
associatedWith Wall, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Walling, Schenck person
associatedWith Walls, Andrew A. person
correspondedWith Walter, Henry C. person
associatedWith Ward, John D. person
correspondedWith Ward, Neil person
associatedWith Warner, Nellie F. person
correspondedWith Warner, Stephen A. person
associatedWith Washington, George, 1732-1799. person
associatedWith Washington Philosophical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Waters, George person
correspondedWith Waterworth, James M. person
correspondedWith Waterworth, Thomas J. person
correspondedWith Way, George person
correspondedWith Way, Julia R. person
correspondedWith Webb, John person
correspondedWith Webster, Adelbert G. person
correspondedWith Weedon, John F. person
associatedWith Weldin, Keyworth person
associatedWith Went, Alexander person
correspondedWith Wentzel, Rudolp person
correspondedWith Whaley, H. A. person
correspondedWith White, Alden W. P. person
associatedWith White, D. M. person
associatedWith Whitehead, Frederick person
correspondedWith Whitehurst, Joseph B. person
associatedWith White, James person
correspondedWith Wilcox, Mary E. person
correspondedWith Wilde, John person
associatedWith Williams, A. C. person
correspondedWith Williams, Arthur C. person
correspondedWith Williams, Edward person
correspondedWith Williams, Edward W. person
correspondedWith Williams, Frederick person
correspondedWith Williams, George W. person
associatedWith Williams, James person
correspondedWith Williams, John W. person
associatedWith Williamson, C. S. person
correspondedWith Williamson, John S. person
correspondedWith Williams, Thomas B. person
correspondedWith Willis, Josephus person
correspondedWith Willson, Carl person
correspondedWith Wilson, Charles S. person
associatedWith Wilson, Elizabeth C. person
correspondedWith Wilson, John H. person
correspondedWith Wilson, John W. person
associatedWith Wilson, Mamie A. person
associatedWith Winns, William J. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, William G. person
associatedWith Wood, George P. person
associatedWith Wright, Silas B. person
associatedWith W. S. Jordan & Company corporateBody
associatedWith Young, Henrietta person
associatedWith Young, Ira A. person
associatedWith Young, James person
associatedWith Young, Thos. L. (Thomas Lowry), 1832-1888. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Ottery St. Mary, Devon
Dartmouth, Devon
Cirencester, Gloucestershire
Girton, Cambridgeshire
Elsenham, Essex
Herne, Kent
London, England
St. Minver, Cornwall
Truro, Cornwall
Ipswich, Suffolk
York, Yorkshire
North Weald-Basset, Essex
Long Itchington, Warwickshire
Wensley, Yorkshire
Fleet, Dorset
Madron, Cornwall
East Lockinge, Berkshire
Ruislip, Middlesex
Beer Ferrers, Devon
Manchester, Lancashire
Llangattock-by-Usk, Monmouthshire
St. Mary Cray, Kent
Hinton St. George, Somerset
Goring, Oxfordshire
Latton, Essex
Dagenham, Essex
Houghton-le-Skerne, Durham
Woodstock, Oxfordshire
Fowey, Cornwall
Stradsett, Norfolk
Wycliffe, Yorkshire
Wedmore, Somerset
Bromham, Wiltshire
Barton-on-the-Heath, Warwickshire
Yaxley, Suffolk
Collingbourne Ducis, Wiltshire
Sampford-Peverell, Devon
Great Durnford, Wiltshire
Stepney, Middlesex
Boxford, Suffolk
Heigham, Norfolk
Burlingham, Worcestershire
Scarborough, North Riding of Yorkshire
Biddenden, Kent
Felmersham, Bedfordshire
Harrow, Middlesex
Biddulph, Staffordshire
Cliff-at-Hoo, Kent
Coventry, Warwickshire
Edwardstone, Suffolk
Hambleden, Buckinghamshire
Croscombe, Somerset
Easton-Neston, Northamptonshire
Hackney, Middlesex
Fowey, Cornwall
Broad Blunsden, Wiltshire
Great Bookham, Surrey
London, England
Wantage, Berkshire
Stopham, Sussex
East Donyland, Essex
Edmonton, Middlesex
Evedon, Lincolnshire
Great Leigh, Essex
Berden, Essex
Harlow, Essex
Rawmarsh, Yorkshire
Washfield, Devon
Crewkerne, Somerset
Exchanges Of Publications
Light House Board
Matter, Structure Of
National Academy of Sciences
National Museum
Natural history
Patent Office
Recommendations For Positions
Scientific publications
Smithsonian Exchange
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Publications
Smithsonian Weather Service
Surveys And Explorations, General
Treasury Department
Wilkes Expedition


Birth 1931



Ark ID: w6zg6w7h

SNAC ID: 68584110