Stephenson, Shelby, 1938-

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Shelby Stephenson (1938- ), poet; professor of literature and creative writing at Campbell College (now University), Buies Creek, N.C., 1974-1978, and at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke (formerly Pembroke State University) after 1978; and editor of "Pembroke Magazine" beginning in 1979.

From the description of Shelby Stephenson papers, 1965-2006. WorldCat record id: 31069855

Shelby Stephenson was born 14 June 1938, near Benson, N.C. The youngest of four children, he lived in a three-room shanty on the 62-acre family farm until 1951, when the family built a ranch house on the property. The Stephensons lived off the farm, where they hunted, fished, and raised livestock.

As a child, Stephenson learned to play the guitar and to appreciate and write poetry. He was graduated from Cleveland High School in 1956 and was named the most outstanding student of his class. The following fall, Stephenson began working his way through the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where he cleaned tables in the dining hall. While in college, Stephenson also worked at as janitor and disc jockey at WMPM radio in Smithfield. After graduation from UNC in 1960, Stephenson worked at WTVD-TV in Durham, N.C. At the same time, Stephenson began studying at the UNC Law School, but quit after two and a half years, leaving one semester short of graduation.

Stephenson then worked for American Telephone & Telegraph for a year and a half. In April 1965, he entered graduate school in English at the University of Pittsburgh. In 1966, he married Linda Letchworth Wilson, and, in 1968, he was admitted to the doctoral program in English at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Stephenson received his Ph.D. in May 1974 with a dissertation on law in the novels of William Faulkner. In 1974, Stephenson became chairman of the English Department at Campbell College in Buies Creek, N.C. In 1978, he left for a position at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke (formerly Pembroke State University), Pembroke, N.C., where he has edited Pembroke Magazine since 1979.

Stephenson began to publish his own poetry in spring 1973, gaining a reputation as one of the finest poets of eastern North Carolina. His first book, Middle Creek Poems (1979) was the co-winner of the Zoe Kincaid Brockman Memorial Award. Other books include Carolina Shout! (1985); Finch's Mash (1990); The Persimmon Tree Carol (1990); Plankhouse (1993), a poetic documentary with photographs by Roger Manley; and Poor People (1998). He and his wife have also recorded a CD called Tribute to Hank Williams .

Stephenson lived in Southern Pines, N.C., from August 1978 to March 1996, when he moved to his birthplace near Benson.

From the guide to the Shelby Stephenson Papers, 1965-2007, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection.)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn William Harmon Papers (#4568), 1939-2000 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Clyde Edgerton Papers, 1918-2004 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Fred Chappell papers, 1944-2013 and undated David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Ragan, Sam, 1915-1996. Sam Ragan papers, 1950-1996. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
creatorOf Shelby Stephenson Papers, 1965-2007 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
creatorOf Stephenson, Shelby, 1938-. Shelby Stephenson papers, 1965-2006. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Sam Ragan Papers, 1948-1996 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Jeffery Beam Papers (#4888), ca. 1968-2007 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Mary Bernetta Quinn Papers, ., 1937-1998 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Joel Oppenheimer Papers, 1925-1988. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Paul Jones Papers (#4787) 1978-2000s University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Carolina Wren Press Records, and undated, 1940-1994 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Will Inman Papers, 1910-2009 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Paul Jones Papers (#4787) 1978-2000s University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Richard Gaither Walser Papers, 1918-1988 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Guy Owen Papers (#4287), 1951-1981 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abbott, Anthony Tony person
correspondedWith Adcock, Betty person
correspondedWith Aldrich, Myrl person
correspondedWith Allen, Gilbert person
associatedWith Alternate Roots corporateBody
associatedWith American Biographical Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Ammons, A. R., 1926-2001. person
correspondedWith Anderson, Wendell person
correspondedWith Anders, Shirley person
associatedWith Appalachian Writers Workshop, August 1987 corporateBody
associatedWith A. R. Ammons person
associatedWith Arts Council of Moore County corporateBody
associatedWith Associated Writing Programs corporateBody
correspondedWith Baca, Jimmy Santiago person
correspondedWith Baddour, Margaret Boothe person
correspondedWith Baird, Ansie person
correspondedWith Balazs, Mary person
correspondedWith Ball, Richard person
correspondedWith Barnes, Katherine Russell person
correspondedWith Bartlett, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Bathanti, Joseph person
correspondedWith Bayes, Ron person
correspondedWith Bayman, Tricia person
correspondedWith Bayzun, Barbara person
correspondedWith Beam, Jeffery, 1953- person
correspondedWith Beasley, Sherry person
correspondedWith Bell, Mae Woods person
correspondedWith Berry, Wendell person
correspondedWith Betts, Doris person
correspondedWith Blair, John F. person
correspondedWith Brannen, Jonathan person
correspondedWith Bridges, Elinor person
correspondedWith Brobst, Richard person
correspondedWith Brodsky, Louis Daniel person
correspondedWith Bruce, George person
correspondedWith Buckner, Sally person
correspondedWith Bugeja, Michael person
correspondedWith Butters, Avery J. person
correspondedWith Byer, Kay (Kathyrn) person
correspondedWith Caldwell, Erskine person
associatedWith Campbell College, 1974-1978 corporateBody
correspondedWith Campbell, Mary Belle person
correspondedWith Campbell, Nicholas person
associatedWith Campbell University (Buies Creek, N.C.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Caris, Jane person
associatedWith Carolina Wren Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Carrier, Constance person
correspondedWith Carruth, Hayden person
correspondedWith Carter, Jared (Jeb) person
correspondedWith Chace, Joel person
associatedWith Chappell, Fred, 1936- person
associatedWith Chappell, Fred, 1936- person
correspondedWith Chitwood, Michael person
correspondedWith Chorlton, David person
correspondedWith Christmas, Frank person
correspondedWith Clark family family
correspondedWith Clark, LaVerne Harrell person
correspondedWith Coleman, Mary Ann person
correspondedWith Collins, Bob person
correspondedWith Cooper, John person
correspondedWith Cooperman, Robert person
associatedWith Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines corporateBody
correspondedWith Copeland, Helen person
correspondedWith Corey, Stephen person
correspondedWith Corrie, Dan person
correspondedWith Corwin, Phillip person
correspondedWith Crews, Judson person
correspondedWith Cummings, J. M. person
correspondedWith Dalmas, Victor person
correspondedWith Daniel, Hall J., III person
correspondedWith Deagon, Ann person
correspondedWith Denham, Robert (Bob) person
correspondedWith DeVaney, Edward person
correspondedWith Dezarn, Mary person
correspondedWith Diamond, Bernard person
correspondedWith Dickey, James person
correspondedWith DiGirolamo, John person
correspondedWith DiSanto, Grace person
correspondedWith Doar, Harriet person
correspondedWith Doreski, Bill person
correspondedWith Doyle, James person
correspondedWith Durgin, Eunice King person
correspondedWith Eason, Wayne person
associatedWith East Carolina University corporateBody
correspondedWith Eaton, Charles Edward person
correspondedWith Edgerton, Calvin person
correspondedWith Edgerton, Clyde person
correspondedWith Edgerton, Clyde, 1944- person
correspondedWith Eisiminger, Skip person
correspondedWith Empty folder person
correspondedWith Engell, John person
correspondedWith Engstrom, Dale and Lena person
correspondedWith Ervin, Sam person
associatedWith Eudora Welty Writers Symposium corporateBody
correspondedWith Ewing, Patricia person
correspondedWith Faircloth, Lauch person
correspondedWith Farmer, Rod person
correspondedWith Farrell, Mary Ann person
correspondedWith Faucher, Real person
correspondedWith Fishman, Charles person
correspondedWith Flinn, Eugene person
correspondedWith Fosso, Doyle person
associatedWith Fred Chappell person
correspondedWith Freeman, Grace person
correspondedWith Fried, Philip person
associatedWith Friends of Weymouth. corporateBody
correspondedWith Funge, Robert person
correspondedWith Funk, Allison person
correspondedWith Furuta, Soichi person
correspondedWith Galvin, Brendan person
correspondedWith Gearhart, Jean B. person
correspondedWith Gibbs, Kathryn Lee person
correspondedWith Gibson, Grace person
correspondedWith Gilbert, Marie person
correspondedWith Gilbo, Anna-Carolyn person
correspondedWith Gill, Evalyn person
correspondedWith Gill, Glenda person
correspondedWith Givens, Bettye person
correspondedWith Glen, Emilie person
correspondedWith Goodenough, Judith B. person
associatedWith Governor's School of North Carolina, 1990-1991 corporateBody
correspondedWith Grace, Eugene V. person
correspondedWith Grassi, Carolyn person
correspondedWith Greene, Jonathan person
correspondedWith Green, Paul person
associatedWith Green, Paul, 1894-1981. person
correspondedWith Grey, Lucinda person
correspondedWith Grey, Robert Southern Poetry Review person
correspondedWith Grimsley, Linda person
correspondedWith Guest, Barbara person
correspondedWith Gurkin, Kathryn person
correspondedWith Hammond, Karla person
associatedWith Harmon, William, 1938- person
correspondedWith Harmon, William, 1938- person
correspondedWith Harmon, William (Bill) person
correspondedWith Hart, Bobby Sidna person
correspondedWith Hawkins, Anna Wooten person
correspondedWith Hay, Richard F. person
correspondedWith Hedin, Robert person
correspondedWith Henning, Dianna person
correspondedWith Herman, Grace person
correspondedWith Heynen, Jim person
correspondedWith Hoeveler, Kim and Kris person
correspondedWith Hogan, Judy person
correspondedWith Horne, J. Phillip person
correspondedWith Hotvedt, Kris person
correspondedWith Howell, Patricia Goldwayne Writer's Guild person
correspondedWith Hoyle, Bernadette person
correspondedWith Hughes, Gladys person
correspondedWith Humes, Harry person
correspondedWith Hutchinson, Earl R. person
correspondedWith Inman, Will person
correspondedWith Inman, Will, 1923- person
associatedWith John C. Campbell Folk School corporateBody
correspondedWith Johnston-Hale, Ellen person
correspondedWith Johnston, Lee person
correspondedWith Jones, H. G. person
correspondedWith Jones, Jean person
correspondedWith Jones, Paul person
associatedWith Jones, Paul, 1950- person
associatedWith Jones, Paul, 1950- person
correspondedWith Jones, Paul, 1950- person
correspondedWith Jones, Richard person
correspondedWith Joyner, William (Bill) person
correspondedWith Kenedy, Robert and Monique person
correspondedWith Kenedy, Robert C. person
correspondedWith Key, Bruce R. person
correspondedWith Kimball, Sue person
correspondedWith King, Marie L. person
correspondedWith Kitajima, Fujisato person
correspondedWith Kolin, Philip C. person
correspondedWith Kremen, Barbara person
correspondedWith Kretz, Tom person
correspondedWith Kroll, Ernest person
correspondedWith Larson, Kris person
correspondedWith Lautermilch, Steve person
correspondedWith Leffler, Merrill person
associatedWith Lincoln County Arts Council, 1992 corporateBody
correspondedWith Logue, Christopher person
correspondedWith Long, Julian person
associatedWith Louisburg College, 1986 corporateBody
correspondedWith Lucas, Marie B. person
correspondedWith Lynskey, Edward person
correspondedWith MacGavern, Louise person
correspondedWith Macleod, Norman person
associatedWith Macleod, Norman, 1906-1985. person
correspondedWith Maginnes, Al person
correspondedWith Malone, Paul Scott person
correspondedWith Mariposa person
correspondedWith Maron, Margaret person
correspondedWith Martin, Mike person
associatedWith Mary Livermore Library, Friends of the Library corporateBody
correspondedWith McDonald, Agnes person
correspondedWith McDonald, Walter person
correspondedWith McFee, Michael person
correspondedWith McLamb, Teresa person
correspondedWith McQuilkin, Rennie person
correspondedWith Medley, Mary Louise person
associatedWith Methodist College corporateBody
correspondedWith Miles, S. P. person
correspondedWith Miller, Heather Ross person
correspondedWith Miller, Jim Wayne person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Joseph person
correspondedWith Mize, Ray person
associatedWith Modern Language Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Moody, Shirley person
correspondedWith Moore, Lenard person
correspondedWith Moose, Ruth person
correspondedWith Morgan, Frederick person
correspondedWith Morgan, Jean person
correspondedWith Morgan, Robert person
correspondedWith Moser, Norman person
correspondedWith Murphy, Rich person
correspondedWith Myles, Naomi person
associatedWith National Endowment for the Arts corporateBody
correspondedWith Nepo, Mark person
correspondedWith Newman, Paul Baker person
correspondedWith Nick, Vanya person
correspondedWith Nischan, Gerda person
correspondedWith Nixon, Sallie person
associatedWith North Carolina Arts Council corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Folklore Society corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Governor's School corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Literary and Historical Association. corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina People corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Poetry Society. corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Poverty Project and North Carolina Writer, 1987-1990 corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Scholastic Press Association, 1983 corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina State University corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program, 1992 corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina-Virginia College English Association corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina-Virginia College English Association, 1975-1992 corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Writers' Conference, 1978-1991 corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Writers' Network. corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Writing Project, 1985-1986 corporateBody
correspondedWith Olmstead, Sara King person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Joel person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Joel person
correspondedWith Owen, Guy, 1925- person
associatedWith Owen, Guy, 1925-1981. person
correspondedWith Owens, Scott person
correspondedWith Page, Carolyn and Roy Zarucchi person
correspondedWith Passera, Bill person
associatedWith Paul Green Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Paul Green Foundation, 1986-1992 corporateBody
correspondedWith Pauli, Kenneth person
associatedWith Pembroke State University corporateBody
correspondedWith Perchik, Simon person
correspondedWith Petreman, David A. person
associatedWith Philological Association of the Carolinas corporateBody
correspondedWith Piephoff, Bruce person
associatedWith Playwrights' Fund of North Carolina corporateBody
associatedWith Poetry contests Stephenson as judge corporateBody
associatedWith Poetry Society of America corporateBody
correspondedWith Pollak, Felix person
correspondedWith Powell, Russell person
correspondedWith Powell, William person
correspondedWith Press, John person
correspondedWith Price, Reynolds person
associatedWith Quinn, Mary Bernetta. person
correspondedWith Quinn, Sister Bernetta person
correspondedWith Raffa, Joseph person
associatedWith Ragan, Sam, 1915- person
associatedWith Ragan, Sam, 1915-1996. person
correspondedWith Ralph, James Walker person
correspondedWith Ramsey, Paul person
correspondedWith Reeves, Campbell (Cam) person
correspondedWith Reiter, Tom person
correspondedWith Rice, Taryn person
associatedWith Richmond Technical Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Rideout, Walter person
correspondedWith Rigsbee, David person
correspondedWith Rivers, J. W. person
correspondedWith Robbins, Martin person
correspondedWith Roberts, Claire person
correspondedWith Roberts, Terry person
associatedWith Robeson County Arts Council corporateBody
correspondedWith Robison, Shelba person
correspondedWith Ross, Aden person
correspondedWith Rubio, Gwyn Ellen Hyman person
correspondedWith Russell, Norman H. person
correspondedWith Sadler, Jeff person
correspondedWith Salerno, Salvatore person
correspondedWith Sanborn, John and Jean person
associatedWith Sandhills Community College. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sargent, Robert person
correspondedWith Schneider, Duane person
correspondedWith Schorb, E. M. person
correspondedWith Schreiber, Laurie person
correspondedWith Segrest, Mab person
correspondedWith Semken, Frederick person
correspondedWith Shami, Janset Berkok person
correspondedWith Sheehan, Thomas person
correspondedWith Sher, Steven person
correspondedWith Silverthorne, Marty person
correspondedWith Simmons, James person
correspondedWith Smith, Dave person
correspondedWith Smith, Rod person
correspondedWith Smith, Stephen person
correspondedWith Smoller, Sanford person
correspondedWith Snotherly, Mary Carleton person
correspondedWith Soifer, Mark person
correspondedWith Soo Ko, Chang person
associatedWith Southern Writers Lecture Series, 1984-1986 corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Writers Symposium, 1988, 1991 corporateBody
associatedWith South Johnston High School corporateBody
correspondedWith Spanel, Amy person
correspondedWith Spearman, Walter person
correspondedWith Stein, Deborah person
correspondedWith Stem, Thad person
correspondedWith Stephenson family
correspondedWith Stevens, Mike person
correspondedWith Stoloff, Carolyn person
correspondedWith Stuart, Nancy Lane person
correspondedWith Sutton, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Taylor, Peter person
associatedWith the University of North Carolina at Pembroke corporateBody
correspondedWith Thomas, Esther person
correspondedWith Thomas, Hazel Foster person
correspondedWith Thomas, Kate person
associatedWith Thomas Wolfe Society, 1986-1992 corporateBody
correspondedWith Thompson, Linda person
correspondedWith Tillinghast, Richard person
correspondedWith Tompkins, Leslie person
correspondedWith Tong-gyu, Hwang person
correspondedWith Toole, William B. person
correspondedWith Torbert, Eugene person
correspondedWith Townsend, John person
correspondedWith Trudel, Robert person
correspondedWith Tunstall, Catherine Stuart person
associatedWith University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina at Pembroke corporateBody
associatedWith University of Pittsburgh corporateBody
associatedWith University of South Carolina corporateBody
associatedWith University of Wisconsin corporateBody
correspondedWith Wald, Alan person
associatedWith Walser, Richard Gaither, 1908- person
correspondedWith Walters, Thomas person
correspondedWith Wardlaw, Jack person
correspondedWith Warren, Marsha White person
correspondedWith Warren, Robert Penn person
correspondedWith Welsh, Andrew person
correspondedWith Weslowski, Dieter person
correspondedWith Whitehead, J. W. person
associatedWith Who's Who. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wicker, Tom person
correspondedWith Williams, Anne Kinlaw person
correspondedWith Williams, Polly person
correspondedWith Wilson, Robert Letchworth person
associatedWith Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets corporateBody
correspondedWith Wright, Charles person
associatedWith Writing Workshops for People over 57, 1988-1989 corporateBody
correspondedWith Zimmer, Paul person
associatedWith Zoe Kincaid Brockman Book Award corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
North Carolina
Poets, American
College teachers


Birth 1938



Ark ID: w6f011b4

SNAC ID: 87253114