Edgerton, Clyde, 1944-

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Clyde Edgerton is a writer and educator of Durham County, N.C.

From the description of Clyde Edgerton papers, 1918-2004. WorldCat record id: 33082391

Clyde Edgerton was born in 1944 in Bethesda, N.C., a small community in east Durham County. He was an Air Force pilot, 1966-1971, serving in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War, 1970-1971. Following the war, he attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, earning masters and Ph.D. degrees in English education.

Raney, his first novel, was published in 1985. The plot of the novel, revolving around the marriage of a Free Will Baptist and an Episcopalian, led to Edgerton's leaving the teaching staff at Campbell University in Buies Creek, N.C., a Baptist institution. He later taught at Saint Andrew's College in Laurinburg, N.C.; at Duke University; at Millsaps College; and, beginning in 1998, at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

Edgerton's other published novels include Walking Across Egypt (1987), The Floatplane Notebooks (1988), Killer Diller (1991), In Memory of Junior (1992), Redeye: A Western (1995), Where Trouble Sleeps (1997), and Lunch at the Piccadilly (2003). His short story Changing Names appeared in New Stories from the South: The Year's Best, 1990, a collection published by Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill. Other works include Understanding the Floatplane (1987) and Cold Black Peas (1990), both published in limited editions by Mud Puppy Press.

From the guide to the Clyde Edgerton Papers, 1918-2004, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection.)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Ketchin, Susan. Susan Ketchin Papers, 1980-1994. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Richard Gaither Walser Papers, 1918-1988 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill (Firm). Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill records, 1982-2007 (author abstract D-K). University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Sam Ragan Papers, 1948-1996 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Wang, Daren. Porches: The South and her writers interviews, 1996-1998. Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn Rubin, Louis Decimus, 1923-. Louis Decimus Rubin papers, 1929-1992. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Reynolds Price Papers, bulk, 1927-2010 and undated, 1956-2006 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
creatorOf Clyde Edgerton Papers, 1918-2004 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
creatorOf Edgerton, Clyde, 1944-. Clyde Edgerton papers, 1918-2004. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Moose, Ruth. Ruth Moose papers, 1960s-2000 [manuscript]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn [North Carolina authors literary ephemera : E]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Shelby Stephenson Papers, 1965-2007 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Fred Chappell papers, 1944-2013 and undated David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill Records, 1982-2013 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Adams, Noah person
correspondedWith Agnes Scott College corporateBody
correspondedWith Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Algonquin corporateBody
associatedWith Algonquin Books corporateBody
associatedWith Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill (Firm) corporateBody
correspondedWith Algonquin Books of New York corporateBody
correspondedWith Amberg, Rob person
correspondedWith Amber Vogel person
correspondedWith American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers corporateBody
correspondedWith American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) corporateBody
correspondedWith AMI corporateBody
correspondedWith Angelo, Katherine B. person
correspondedWith AOPA corporateBody
correspondedWith ASCAP corporateBody
correspondedWith Author's Guild, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ballantine Publishers corporateBody
correspondedWith Ballentine Books corporateBody
correspondedWith Bamberger, Bill person
correspondedWith Barard, Michelle person
associatedWith Bass, Rick, 1958- person
correspondedWith Bayes, Ron person
correspondedWith Bell, Madeline person
correspondedWith Bill Stephens person
correspondedWith Bill, Tony person
correspondedWith Bloom, Ken person
correspondedWith Boston University corporateBody
correspondedWith Brown, W. Dale person
correspondedWith Buster Quinn person
correspondedWith Butchart, Lee person
associatedWith Camelot Academy corporateBody
correspondedWith Campbell, Christopher D. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Hilbert person
correspondedWith Campbell University corporateBody
associatedWith Campbell University (Buies Creek, N.C.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Cape Fear Theater corporateBody
correspondedWith Castaway Films, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Catfish Johnny person
correspondedWith Cedar Fork township corporateBody
correspondedWith Centerfest corporateBody
correspondedWith Center for Documentary Studies, Duke University corporateBody
correspondedWith Chane, Peggy person
associatedWith Chappell, Fred, 1936- person
associatedWith Clem R. Warren person
correspondedWith Collins, Terry person
correspondedWith Darhansoff Literary Agency corporateBody
correspondedWith Darhansoff, Liz person
correspondedWith Daugharty, Janice person
correspondedWith Davidson, Cathy person
correspondedWith Dick Massey person
correspondedWith Dorn, Thomas person
associatedWith Doug Marlette. person
correspondedWith Duke corporateBody
correspondedWith Duke University corporateBody
correspondedWith Durand, Bob person
correspondedWith Edgerton, Dale person
correspondedWith Elliott, Sara person
correspondedWith Emerson person
associatedWith Ernest C. Edgerton person
correspondedWith Faith and Politics Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Feldman, Leigh person
correspondedWith Fellowship of Southern Writers corporateBody
correspondedWith Ferraro, Clare person
correspondedWith Fordyce, Doug person
correspondedWith Gaillard, Frye person
correspondedWith Garrett, George person
correspondedWith Gingher, Robert person
correspondedWith Goldwasser, Marion person
correspondedWith Guggenheim Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Guggenheim Memorial Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Guilford-Kardell, Margaret person
associatedWith Gurganus, Allan person
correspondedWith Gurganus, Allen person
associatedWith Gurgunas, Allan, 1947- person
correspondedWith Hackney, Sarah person
correspondedWith Hands, Jennifer person
correspondedWith Hannah, Barry person
correspondedWith Harmon, John person
correspondedWith Harris, Lucille B. person
correspondedWith Harris, Stuart person
correspondedWith Heavy Hand Productions corporateBody
correspondedWith Hennis, R. Sterling, Jr person
correspondedWith Henry Holt and Company corporateBody
associatedWith Heritage House corporateBody
correspondedWith High Museum of Art, Atlanta corporateBody
correspondedWith Hirose, Norio person
correspondedWith Hirt, Betty person
correspondedWith Hovis, George person
correspondedWith Ingram, Lucille person
correspondedWith Jahnke, Dudley person
correspondedWith Jean-Christian Rostagni person
correspondedWith Justice, John person
correspondedWith Keith Brodie person
correspondedWith Ketchie, Beth person
associatedWith Ketchin, Susan. person
correspondedWith King, Ed person
correspondedWith King, Sarah person
correspondedWith Krementz, Jill person
associatedWith Larry Brown person
correspondedWith Lassiter, Ann person
correspondedWith Lawing, Joyce person
associatedWith Louis Rubin person
associatedWith Louis Rubin's person
correspondedWith Lyndhurst Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Lynton, H. Ronken person
correspondedWith Lynton, Ronnie person
associatedWith Mailer, Norman person
correspondedWith Mandelbaum, Paul person
correspondedWith Mann, Joe person
associatedWith Marlette, Doug, 1949-2007. person
correspondedWith Marney, Annis person
correspondedWith McCann, John J. person
associatedWith McFee, Michael. person
correspondedWith McGirt, David person
correspondedWith Meadows, Noah D., Jr., M. D. person
correspondedWith Menuhin, Krov person
correspondedWith Miller, Vic person
correspondedWith Millsaps College corporateBody
correspondedWith Mills, Fetzer person
correspondedWith Mills, Jake person
associatedWith Moose, Ruth. person
correspondedWith Moser, Barry person
correspondedWith Murray, Elizabeth Reid person
correspondedWith National Humanities Center corporateBody
correspondedWith N. C. Editorial Forum corporateBody
correspondedWith Nordan, Lewis person
associatedWith Norman Wiggins person
correspondedWith North Carolina Museum of Art corporateBody
correspondedWith North Carolina Writers' Network corporateBody
correspondedWith Penguin corporateBody
correspondedWith Penick, John person
correspondedWith Perkins, David person
correspondedWith Peter Workman corporateBody
associatedWith Philip Roth. person
correspondedWith Pipkin, David person
correspondedWith Price, Judith person
correspondedWith Price, Reynolds, 1933-2011 person
associatedWith Ragan, Sam, 1915- person
correspondedWith Rankin, Tom person
correspondedWith Ravenel, Shannon person
associatedWith Ravenel, Shannon. person
correspondedWith Readers Theater corporateBody
correspondedWith Recorded Books, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Reddick, Niles person
correspondedWith Redick, Majel person
correspondedWith Renner, Cooper person
correspondedWith Richter, Curt person
correspondedWith Rippy, Mitch person
correspondedWith Rogers, Ann person
correspondedWith Rubin, Louis person
correspondedWith Rubin, Louis B., Jr. person
associatedWith Rubin, Louis Decimus, 1923- person
correspondedWith Saint Andrews corporateBody
correspondedWith Saltz, Cindi person
correspondedWith Sasaki, Hajima person
correspondedWith Scarlett, Ed person
correspondedWith Sermons, Debra person
correspondedWith Shannon Ravenel person
correspondedWith Share Our Strength (SOS) corporateBody
correspondedWith Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant corporateBody
correspondedWith Simpson, Lewis P. person
correspondedWith Smirnoff, Marc person
correspondedWith Smith, Lee person
associatedWith Smith, Lee, 1944- person
correspondedWith Snake Nation Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Solomon, Christopher Allen person
correspondedWith Somerville, Jane B. person
correspondedWith Southeastern Council of Foundations corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Baptist Convention corporateBody
associatedWith Southern High School corporateBody
correspondedWith Spirit Square Center corporateBody
correspondedWith St. Andrews' College corporateBody
correspondedWith Stephenson, Shelby person
correspondedWith Stephenson, Shelby, 1938- person
correspondedWith Steward School corporateBody
correspondedWith Stewart, Deborah person
correspondedWith Stiller, Matthew person
correspondedWith Strupp, Peter person
correspondedWith Styron, William person
associatedWith Susan Ketchin person
correspondedWith Talent Identification Program (T.I.P.), Duke University corporateBody
correspondedWith Tanner, Bruce person
correspondedWith Tarwater Band corporateBody
correspondedWith Taugher, Dennis person
correspondedWith The Captain's Bookshelf corporateBody
correspondedWith Thom Mount person
correspondedWith Thompson, Tommy person
correspondedWith Tim McLaurin person
correspondedWith Tobacco Study Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Triangle Travel corporateBody
associatedWith Truma Warren person
correspondedWith Tuck, Brion person
correspondedWith Tyson, Ruel person
associatedWith Umstead Park corporateBody
associatedWith UNC corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Army corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill person
correspondedWith Vogel, Amber person
associatedWith Wade Edwards person
associatedWith Walser, Richard Gaither, 1908- person
associatedWith Wang, Daren. person
correspondedWith Wankerl, Isaac person
correspondedWith Ward, Frank person
correspondedWith Ward, Frank P. person
associatedWith Warren, Henrietta person
correspondedWith Webb-Mitchell, Brett person
correspondedWith Welty, Eudora person
associatedWith Welty Symposium corporateBody
correspondedWith Wheeler, Billy Edd person
correspondedWith Whittington, Claudette person
correspondedWith Wiesepape, Betty person
correspondedWith Wignall, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Williams, Kenny person
correspondedWith Wilson, Heather person
correspondedWith Woodruff, Joy person
correspondedWith Writer's Harvest Books corporateBody
correspondedWith Wyatt, Bob person
correspondedWith Yow, John person
Place Name Admin Code Country
North Carolina
United States
Authors, American
Authors, American
Novelists, American
Novelists, American
Vietnam War, 1961-1975
World War, 1914-1918


Birth 1944-05-20


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6571kzr

Ark ID: w6571kzr

SNAC ID: 49894929