Beam, Jeffery, 1953-

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Jeffery Scott Beam (1953- ) is a North Carolina poet.

From the description of Jeffery Beam papers, ca. 1968-2007. WorldCat record id: 38149761

Jeffery Beam's lyrical, metaphysical work fuses the physical and spiritual worlds, creating a conversation between the natural world, the body, and the spirit. Beam is the author of nine books of poems, The Golden Legend (Floating Island, 1981), Two Preludes for the Beautiful (Universal, 1981, limited edition), Midwinter Fires (French Broad, 1990, nominated for a 1991-1992 Pushcart Prize), The Fountain (North Carolina Wesleyan College Press, 1992, nominated as a Notable Book by the American Library Association), Visions of Dame Kind (The Jargon Society, 1995), Submergences (Off the Cuff Books, 1997, nominated for an American Library Association Gay/Lesbian Book Award), little (diminishing books, Green Finch Press, 1997), Light & Shadow: The Photographs of Claire Yaffa (Aperture Books, 1997), and An Elizabethan Bestiary: Retold (Horse & Buggy Press, 1999, awarded an 2000 IPPY Award as one of the Ten Best Books of the Year--with a special notation for Best Book Arts Craftsmanship from Independent Publisher magazine, awarded one of the 50 Books 2000 Awards from the American Institute for the Graphic Arts).

Two recently completed volumes seek publishers: The Beautiful Tendons: Uncollected Queer Poems, 1977-2000, and The Broken Flower. He is currently at work on a enhanced compact disk of new and selected poems entitled What We Have Lost, the libretto for an opera on the myth of Demeter and Persephone, a poem sequence The Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Virtues, They Say: A Commonplace Book on Poetry and the Spirit, and a manuscript The Life of the Bee. The distinguished composer Lee Hoiby has recently accepted a commission to set five of the Life of the Bee poems to music. This work will premier in late spring 2002 at the opening celebrations of the new University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Institute for the Arts and Humanities building.

Beam has published widely in small magazines and anthologies, including Word and Witness: 100 Years of North Carolina Poetry, The Son of the Male Muse, Earth and Soul: A Russion/English Anthology of North Carolina Poetry, The Asheville Poetry Review, Brightleaf A Southern Review of Books, North Carolina Literary Review, Pembroke Magazine, Sparks of fire: Blake in a New Age, The Double Dealer Redux, Cardinal, The Carolina Quarterly, The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review, modern words, Evergreen Chronicles, Oyster Boy Review, The James White Review, Gay Roots: 20 Years of Gay Sunshine, The Worcester Review, Dreamworks, Black Men/White Men, Kiss of the Whip, and Yellow Silk (first ten year anthology). In 1998, his short poems were subject of a special issue of Hummingbird: The Magazine of the Short Poem . In late 2000, his work will be featured in Charlotte, North Carolina's Main Street Rag . His book reviews and criticism have appeared in The Advocate, Smithsonian, The Front Page, Garden Design, The North Carolina Literary Review, The American Book Review, The Christian Science Monitor, Lambda Book Report, The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review, The Independent Weekly, Small Press Review, Yellow Silk, and loblolly .

Beam has been a judge in the Poetry Division of the Lambda Book Awards for ten years, and, in 1996, served as preliminary judge in The Independent Weekly 's annual poetry contest. In the spring 1996, he began teaching workshops, among them The Dog of Art in the Garden of Toads, and Fossil Poetry: Seeing the Word, Hearing the World, sponsored by the North Carolina Writers Network. With grants and other support from the Durham and Orange County Arts Council, the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, the Duke Museum of Art, the North Carolina Zoological Park, and private contributions, the publication of An Elizabethan Bestiary: Retold included exhibitions at DUMA, the North Carolina Zoological Park, and readings and interactive presentations across North Carolina during 1999. The Duke University student newspaper, The Chronicle, chose the Bestiary exhibit as the best exhibit on campus during the academic year 1998-1999. Beam was recently interviewed for the Duke Triangle Rainbow Oral History Project.

Beam is the recipient of a 1991 Orange County Emerging Artist Grant from the Durham Arts Council, a 1998-1999 Grant from the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, and a 2000 Office of the Provost Public Service Award from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for Public Service. In 2000, he served as one of ten notable Parade Masters for the North Carolina Gay Pride Parade. He and his poetry are the subject of North Carolina filmmaker Tom Whiteside's experimental film, PoemBeam . The author, born and raised in Kannapolis, N.C., earned his Bachelor of Creative Arts from University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 1975. At UNCC, he served as first poetry editor, then editor of the arts magazine Sanskrit .

Poetry editor of Oyster Boy Review (, and an occasional contributor to Lambda Book Review, Beam is also known for readings that bring together music, poetry, and theater. Beam oftentimes sings his own poems as well as the poetry of others, incorporating Afro-American and Bluegrass gospel, show tunes, and folk songs into his performances. 2000 marks the eighth year he will perform Winter Stories for Children of All Ages at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He lives in Hillsborough, N.C., and works as the assistant to the biology librarian in the Botany Library at the UNC-Chapel Hill.

(Biographical note supplied by Jeffery Beam, February 2001.)

From the guide to the Jeffery Beam Papers (#4888), ca. 1968-2007, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection.)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Harmon, William, 1938-. William Harmon papers, 1939-2000 (correspondents B). University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
creatorOf Jeffery Beam Papers (#4888), ca. 1968-2007 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Barden, Louise Cary. [North Carolina authors literary ephemera : B]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
creatorOf Beam, Jeffery, 1953-. Jeffery Beam papers, ca. 1968-2007. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Robert A. Wilson collection, 1906-2011 University of Delaware Library - Special Collections
referencedIn Fred Chappell papers, 1944-2013 and undated David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn William Harmon Papers (#4568), 1939-2000 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Paul Jones Papers (#4787) 1978-2000s University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Albright, Alex person
associatedWith Allen Ginsberg's person
correspondedWith Anderson, Sue person
correspondedWith Athas, Daphne person
correspondedWith Banned Books (Edward-William Publishing Company) corporateBody
correspondedWith Bayes, Ron person
correspondedWith Beerman, John person
correspondedWith Benz, Maudy person
correspondedWith Bezner, Kevin and Lilly person
associatedWith Black Mountain College corporateBody
correspondedWith Blake, Stacy person
correspondedWith Bly, Robert person
correspondedWith Boger, Allan person
correspondedWith Bolton, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Bonner, Jay person
associatedWith Bread and Board Cafe corporateBody
associatedWith Broughton, James, 1913-1999. person
correspondedWith Brown, Lightening person
associatedWith Cabarrus Rowan Community College corporateBody
correspondedWith Chambers, Douglas person
correspondedWith Chappel, Fred person
associatedWith Chappell, Fred, 1936- person
correspondedWith Chubb., J. M. person
correspondedWith Clerk, Bill person
correspondedWith Cobb, Tunney person
correspondedWith Corman, Cid person
correspondedWith Cory, Jim person
correspondedWith Curtis, Tom person
correspondedWith David, Giles person
associatedWith David Vintinner person
correspondedWith de Jong, Erik person
correspondedWith Des Harnais, Gaston person
correspondedWith Dillard, Annie person
associatedWith E. E. Cummings person
correspondedWith Ferlinghetti, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Finch, Patricia person
correspondedWith Finch, Stanley person
correspondedWith Fitzpatrick, Richard person
correspondedWith Floating Island Publications corporateBody
correspondedWith Flynn, Keith person
correspondedWith Fowlie, Wallace person
correspondedWith Frambrough, Ben person
correspondedWith Francis, H. E. person
correspondedWith Fries, Kenny person
correspondedWith Fullilove, Richard (Jack) person
correspondedWith Garden Design person
correspondedWith Garni, Ricky person
correspondedWith Giard, Robert person
associatedWith Giles David person
correspondedWith Gill, Willie Mae person
correspondedWith Gurganus, Allan person
associatedWith Harmon, William, 1938- person
correspondedWith Hays, Greg person
correspondedWith Holiman, Shauna person
correspondedWith Inman, Will person
associatedWith Jargon Society corporateBody
associatedWith Jones, Paul, 1950- person
correspondedWith Kapsalis, John person
correspondedWith Killough, Eric person
correspondedWith Koehnline, Bill person
correspondedWith Laughlin, James person
correspondedWith Lembke, Janet person
correspondedWith Lessing, Doris person
correspondedWith Leyland, Winston person
correspondedWith Matheson, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith McCoy, Rody person
correspondedWith McGarrell, James and Ann person
correspondedWith McKettner Publishing corporateBody
correspondedWith Meyer, Thomas person
associatedWith Meyer, Thomas, 1947- person
correspondedWith Miller, Patrick person
correspondedWith Morley, Hilda person
associatedWith National Endowment for the Arts corporateBody
associatedWith N.C. Wesleyan College corporateBody
associatedWith N.E.A corporateBody
correspondedWith Nin, Anais person
correspondedWith North Carolina Arts Council corporateBody
correspondedWith North Carolina Writers Network corporateBody
correspondedWith Patterson, Ippy person
correspondedWith Perkins, David person
correspondedWith Piperato, Sam person
correspondedWith Pope, Deborah person
correspondedWith Przeslawski, Jim person
correspondedWith Ray, Tom person
correspondedWith Roberts, Mark person
correspondedWith Rosenberg, Andrea person
associatedWith Rowan-Cabarrus Community College corporateBody
correspondedWith Rumaker, Michael person
correspondedWith Russell, Bruce person
correspondedWith Sauve, Damon person
associatedWith Sauvé, Damon. person
correspondedWith Shapiro, Alan person
correspondedWith Smith, Duncan person
correspondedWith Smith, Leverett T. (Terry) person
correspondedWith Stephenson, Shelby person
correspondedWith Strauss, Ronald person
correspondedWith Sykes, Michael person
correspondedWith Thorson, Tom person
associatedWith University of Toronto corporateBody
correspondedWith Wallace, Mary Beth person
correspondedWith Wherry, Fred person
correspondedWith Whitaker, Caleb person
correspondedWith Whitehead, Jett person
correspondedWith Whiteside, Tom person
correspondedWith Williams, Jonathan person
associatedWith Williams, Jonathan, 1929-2008. person
correspondedWith Willis, Julia person
associatedWith Wilson, Robert A. (Robert Alfred), 1922- person
Place Name Admin Code Country
North Carolina
American poetry
Poets, American
Poets, American
Gay community
Gay men's writings, American


Birth 1953





Ark ID: w6dz0gx3

SNAC ID: 16522718