Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

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Papers are actually undated 20th century transcriptions of two letters from Mormon missionaries found in the Evening and Morning Star (EMS), a monthly Mormon newspaper, in Ohio and Mich. The letters include one from Samuel Bent in Pontiac, Feb. 16, 1833, published in the April 1833 EMS, and a letter from Gideon (Simeon?) H. Carter in Kirtland (Ohio), dated May 1833 published in the July 1833 EMS. Also, there are notes on the obituaries of William Scoby who died on Dec. 4, 1833 age 22, published in the March 1834 EMS, and the obituary of Mrs. Bethie Fordham, in Pontiac (Mich.), published in the March 11, 18(34?) EMS. Fordham and Scoby may have been Mormons. The letters refer to the "Church of Christ," or the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Bent is listed as a member of the General Convention High Council in Nauvoo of the Reorganized Church in 1844 and President of the same Council in 1845. He was also appointed to a special committee in 1845. He wrote that he was baptized by Carter, another Mormon missionary. u.

From the description of Papers, 1833,1834. (Clarke Historical Library). WorldCat record id: 41091531

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Forscutt, Mark Hill, 1834-1903. Collection, 1855-1900. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Hancock, Louis. Plan for stake study in preparation for Aaronic priesthood quorum organization / by Louis Hancock. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Sanders, P. J. (Peter James), b. 1871. Debate transcripts, 1908. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Forman, Ward H. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Wolverton, Floyd Craig,. Letters, 1962-1977. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Graham, Kimberly. New old clothes / Kimberly Graham. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn MS 2111, Newby, Robert Gordon 1898-. Robert G. Newby papers 1925-1951 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Hunt, Charles J. Line of authority, 1943. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Curtis, J. F. (James Franklin), 1875-1966. The polygamy question examined and refuted / J.F. Curtis. Community of Christ Library and Archives
creatorOf Renner, Ila Odell Whitley. Whitley family collection, 1983-1984. Latah County Historical Society
creatorOf Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Photographs, 1885-1993. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Fry, Evan, 1902-1959. Basic doctrines of the church : Aaronic priesthood school / Evan A. Fry. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn McDowell, Floyd M., 1889-1964. Religious education / by Floyd M. McDowell. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Judd, Peter A., 1943-. RLDS attitudes toward World War I / by Peter A. Judd. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Holmes, Reed M. Report of 1967 attitude survey / by Reed M. Holmes and Merle P. Guthrie. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Brookover, Alma May. The prophet Wallace B. Smith / by Alma Brookover. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn MS 1160, United States Court of Appeals (8th Circuit). United States testimony 1892. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Tyree, Alan D. Divine calling in human history / by Alan D. Tyree. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Ritchie, Malcolm. Possibilities for graduate and professional education / by Malcolm Ritchie. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Smith, Israel A., 1876-1958. Letters, 1945-1962. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Harder, Earl L. Tulsa District : campaign for Christ / by Earl L. Harder. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Whitsitt, William Heth, 1841-1911. Papers of William Heth Whitsitt, 1885-1908. Library of Congress
referencedIn Winholtz, Wilford G. War and the Christian ethic : an open letter to the RLDS Joint Council and others / by Wilford G. Winholtz. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Badder, Nelson J. A study of stake high councils in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints / by J. Nelson Badder. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn McDowell, Floyd M., 1889-1964. The new plan for religious education : outline of lectures / by Floyd M. McDowell. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Smith, Jehovah. Letter, 1876. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Smith, Wallace B. Inspiring times for Temple planners. Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn Lea, Leonard, 1897-1960. Rules of representation at General Conference, etc. / by Leonard Lea, compiled under the direction of the First Presidency. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Beadnall, Margi. The rose, the wall, and the poet / Margi Beadnall and Isaac Odupa. Andrew Shields, illustrator. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn McLean, Gary N. An exploration of the future of higher education within the RLDS Church / by Gary N. McLean. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Cackler, Harold W. A study of personnel relationships : stake presidents and stake bishops / H.W. Cackler. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn MS 17756, Youngreen, Erwin Paul 1939-. Erwin P. Youngreen collection 1840-1938 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Smith, Frederick Madison, 1874-1946. Letters, 1939-1944. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Cheville, Roy Arthur, 1897-. Scriptures of the Latter Day Saints : a survey study of the writings of the several groups of Latter Day Saints, considered by the respective groups to be divinely inspired / Roy A. Cheville. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn AV 351, Vernon, Robert Gerard 1935-2007. Robert G. Vernon audio recordings collection 1958-1976 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Burgess, S. A. (Samuel A.). Review of general conference resolutions and conference enactments having to do with the work of the bishopric in connection with the implementation of the program of the church : 1863-1924 / by S.A. Burgess. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Stobaugh, Kenneth E. The historic site, a living document of the past. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Koehler, J. A. The mission of the church in the crisis of civilization : an outline of a group of lectures delivered at the 1944 general conference of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints / by J.A. Koehler. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Arthur Millikin letter, 1863 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Owens, Mark. How I feel about abortion / Mark Owens ; illustrated by Kim Graham. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Brookover, Alma May. The prophet Joseph Smith Jr / by Alma May Brookover. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Hield, Charles R., 1896-1988. Position of Utah Mormons examined in the light of scriptures / by Charles R. Hield and Russell F. Ralson. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Smith, Joseph, 1832-1914. Letters, 1867-1914. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Journals and notebook, 1894-1908 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Stobaugh, Kenneth E. Getting a foothold again : the development of the Joseph Smith Historic Center in Nauvoo / by Kenneth E. Stobaugh. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Charles W. Penrose papers, 1906-1922 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Mercer, Corwyn L. The council of twelve and F.M. Smith : a struggle for control / by Corwyn L. Mercer. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Gardner, Robert R., 1841-. Journals and notebook, 1894-1896, 1907-1908. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Booth, Howard J. Shifts in restoration thought : a paper delivered at the John Whitmer Historical association / by Howard J. Booth. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Barker, Clarence Marcellus, 1884-1953. Papers, 1905-1987, 1905-1908. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn McMurray, W. Grant. True son of a true father : Joseph Smith III and the succession question / by W. Grant McMurray. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Tillman, Chad. [No title] / Chad Tillman, Lynnae Burns, Matt Robison, and Shari M. Miller. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Russell, William D. The historian and RLDS Church archival policy / by William D. Russell. Community of Christ Library and Archives
creatorOf Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. [Miscellaneous pamphlets, tracts, etc.]. Chicago History Museum
referencedIn Illinois. County Court (Kendall County). Kendall County, Illinois Court writs, 1877-1904. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Potter, Floyd. The Adam-God doctrine / [Floyd Potter]. Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
referencedIn Stahl, Dale. Searching's quiet place / Dale Stahl. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Hacker, Kristin. The forum experience / Kristin Hacker. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Wilfred E. Rogers sermons, 1902-1939 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Loving, Adolphus Elmer. Incarnation and atonement : myth or miracle? / by Adolphus E. Loving. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn MS 13918, Germany Bundesarchiv (Abteilung Potsdam). Selected documents from the Staatssekretar fur Kirchenfragen collection 1950-1990 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Couey, Duane E. Historical review of the joint council seminar program / Duane E. Couey. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Cheville, Roy Arthur, 1897-. The latter day saints in Iowa / Roy A. Cheville. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Fox, Michael Barrie Holmes. Men with a mission : the story of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the British Isles Mission / M.B.H. Fox. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn E. Cecil McGavin papers, circa 1925-1960 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Conway, John. The Aaronic priesthood and angelic ministry / by John Conway. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Cornish, Bertha, fl. 1899-1903. Correspondence, 1899,1903. Clarke Historical Library
referencedIn Emmons, E. C. E. C. Emmons letter, 1861. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Edwards, Paul E. Why the schism in the Latter Day Saint Church / Paul E. Edwards. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn MS 6104, Taylor, John 1808-1887. Missionary reports 1831-1900 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
creatorOf Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Papers, 1833,1834. Clarke Historical Library
referencedIn Runkle, Jerry. Order of Enoch / by Jerry C. Runkle. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Smith, Joseph, 1832-1914. Joseph Smith III portrait, 1860-1869. Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
referencedIn Pement, Jacques Valjean. An historical examination of theological education including priesthood education and leadership training in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints including a certain proposal for consideration / Jacques Valjean Pement. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Morrissette, Cerissa. Words of love / Cerissa Morrissette, Sam Towner, and Sheyne Bendict. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Stock, James S. The Answer, ca. 1950. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Koehler, J. A. The great enterprise : a study of the message, outlook, and design of the prophet of restoration / by J.A. Koehler. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Koehler, J. A. The great enterprise : a condensed study of the message, outlook, and design of the prophet of Restoration / by J.A. Koehler. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Burke, Nicole D. Walls / Nicole D. Burke. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Mortimore, Jeri I. History of the involvement of the RLDS Church with the Indians of North America : section I:1900-1920 / by Jeri L. Mortimore. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Taylor, Arthur B. Know your church / by Arthur B. Taylor. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Black, Orion V. Words of serenity / Orion V. Black. Community of Christ Library and Archives
creatorOf Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Records of the Reorganized Church in Utah; including membership rolls, marriages, 1865-1915, and minutes of conferences, 1887-1910. [microfilm]. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Winship, Jeffrey B. Doctrinal differences between the R.L.D.S. and L.D.S. Churches / by Jeffrey B. Winship. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Koehler, J. A. Social and moral contents of Restoration. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Hobart, C. Houston. The Church of Jesus Christ : restored and reorganized / by C. Houston Hobart and Glen H. Johnson. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Johnson, Jeffery Ogden, 1944-. Joseph Smith III's view of the Utah Mormons : A selected bibliography, 1978. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn MS 8648, Historical Department (1972-2000). Newspaper clippings 1831-1993 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Jehovah Smith letter, 1876 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Brookover, Alma May. The prophet Israel A. Smith / by Alma Brookover. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Protest Movement (Independence, Mo.). Detailed record of protesting group of Latter Day Saints in Independence, kept from June 29, 1925 / by E.D. Moore. Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
referencedIn Holmes, Geoffrey K. T. History of the Church in the British Isles : 1837-1977 / by G.K.T. Holmes. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn McDowell, Floyd M., 1889-1964. An adventure with youth : camping through the years / by Floyd M. McDowell ; compiled by the Religious Education Department from the files of Floyd M. McDowell, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Fenn, Monica Kristen. Be original : be at peace / Monica Kristen Fenn. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Walker, Joseph C., 1830-1908. Joseph C. Walker papers, 1864-1907. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Watson, Wingfield, d. 1923. Collection, 1868,1982. Clarke Historical Library
referencedIn Barker, Clarence Marcellus, 1884-1953. Papers, 1905-1987, (bulk dates: 1905-1908). Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Ralston, Russell F. (Russell Frederick), 1913-2001. Matching ourselves to the kingdom / by Russell F. Ralston. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Potter, Floyd. The doctrine of blood atonement / [Floyd Potter]. Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
referencedIn Butterworth, F. Edward. Sons of the sea : history of Polynesian origins and opening of the restoration and RLDS church in French Polynesia / by Frank Edward Butterworth. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Planting RLDS churches in the 1990s / conference sponsored by the Pacific Southwest Field, William T. Higdon, apostle. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Koehler, J. A. Outline of the industrial institutions of Zion / by J.A. Koehler. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Judd, Peter A., 1943-. Sacraments within the RLDS tradition / by Peter A. Judd. Community of Christ Library and Archives
creatorOf Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Miscellaneous Papers. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Hyrum Jenkins Smith diaries and correspondence, 1835-1940 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Sharier, Dennis E. The ministering of angels : a key of the Aaronic priesthood / by Dennis E. Sharier. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Lindgren, A. Bruce. Theological themes of the Book of Mormon / byA. Bruce Lindgren. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Koury, Aleah G. An evaluation survey of the Restoration Witness / : y Aleah G. Koury. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Brookover, Alma May. Jason W. Briggs : fore-runner of the reorganization / by Alma May Brookover. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Dykes, Pauline. Historical report of the Utah district, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Spease, Samuel. Reference book / by Samuel Spease. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn LR 3039 21, Society Islands Mission. Society Islands Mission presidents' records 1893-1905. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Billings, Derrick. [No title] / Derrick Billings. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn McDowell, Floyd M., 1889-1964. International youth conferences / by Floyd M. McDowell. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Briggs, Jason W., b. 1821. A condensed account of the rise and progress of the reorganization of the Church of Latter Day Saints / by Jason W. Briggs ; Mark H. Forscutt, editor. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Hummel, Gene M. The impact of world economics on Zion and world missions / by Gene M. Hummel. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Kelty, Daniel M. Wear broadcloth : a history of the church in the Detroit, Michigan area from 1830 to 1983 / by Daniel M. Kelty. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Koury, Aleah G. Development of districts in the church / by Aleah G. Koury. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Smith, Joseph B. Joseph B. Smith letter, 1925. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Hergert, Jeffery K. Evangelism worker's handbook / compiled by the Central Washington District Commission on Evangelism of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ; Jeffery K. Hergert, editor. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn McGuire, Larry M. Education cost me my job, theology saved my soul / by Larry M. McGuire. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Davies, Fred O. A study of stake organization and administration / by Stake Presidency and Bishopric and First Presidency for the Kansas City Stake, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Hartley, William G. The historical development of priesthood offices in the LDS and RLDS churches : a call for comparative studies / by William G. Hartley. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn MS 24059, Roberts, John Lloyd 1880-1942. John L. Roberts missionary journal 1902 January-1903 July, 2011 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Higdon, William T. Study proposing the foundation of a church historical society / by William T. Higdon and Barbara Higdon. Community of Christ Library and Archives
creatorOf MS 8315, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints historical documents 1830-1867 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn McLean, Gary N. The role of vocational education in the church : final report of the vocational education study committee of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints / Gary N. McLean, committee chairperson. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Church, Olive. A socio-economic study of the political and religious conflicts in the Nauvoo community : 1839-1844 / Olive Church. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Hallier, Sara. Library and archives proposal : projected temple plans / by Sara Hallier and Madelon Brunson. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Wheatley, Warren. Coming from a green planet / Warren Wheatley. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Holmes, David I. The growth and development of the Stone Church / by David I. Holmes. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Lyon, T. Edgar. Collection, 1915-1991. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Anderson, N. V. Behold, the day of the lord! / N.V. Anderson. Gene Autry Western Heritage Museum
referencedIn Bradley, Stephen J. Josephites in Utah / by Stephen J. Bradley. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Bolton, Andrew, 1950-. Engaging history : stewardship as redemptive economics / by Andrew Bolton. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Pearl, Bernard. Michigan and Ontario RLDS saints : newspaper clippings of news of Michigan RLDS members / Pearl Bernard, compiler. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn McClain, W. Blair, 1911-. The RLDS Church in Canada : Arthur A. Oakman series / by W. Blair McClain. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Henricks, Paul. The hub of the mission : a centennial history of the Balmain-Drummoyne branch of the Saints' Church / by Paul Henricks. Community of Christ Library and Archives
creatorOf Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Autumn leaves, 1910-1926. Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn Elefson, Don. Stewardship fund : its origin, purpose, resources, and commitment ; research study prepared for the Presiding Bishopric of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints / Don Elefson. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Rhodes, Leonard S. Misconceptions concerning laws governing marriage, divorce and remarriage (revised) / by Leonard S. Rhodes. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Stone Church Staff. The Stone Church [brochure] Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn Joseph Byron Smith correspondence, 1962 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Ruch, Velma. Temple symbolism and meaning : of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints / by Velma Ruch. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Jones, Steve. The emerging theologians and their potential impact on the theological direction of the R.L.D.S. Church / by Steve Jones. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Ministry to Native American Nations task force : full report to the First Presidency of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Hall, C. A. (Charles A.). C.A. Hall letters, 1892-1894. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Lea, Leonard. Christian marriage : a collection of materials from scripture and other sources / by Leonard Lea. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Restoration Trail Foundation. Promotional program of the Restoration Trail Foundation. Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn Schaefer, Roy H. Approved proposal for the Saints' Church world hunger and self-development program implementation / prepared by Roy H. Schaefer and Parris R. Watts. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Kellogg, Steven C. The development of purpose in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Smith, Joseph Byron. Joseph Byron Smith correspondence, 1962. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Joseph Smith letters, 1867-1914 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Martin, David C. (David Chancellor), 1939-. Mormon splinter groups collection, 1844-1976. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Edwards, Paul M. Historical relationships of higher education to the RLDS church / Paul M. Edwards. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Colyer, Sandra L. Zionic/stewardship endeavors : prepared for Zionic Community Commission, Thomas Noffsinger, commissioner / by Sandra L. Colyer. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn PH 800, Beeman, Newell C., photographer 1942d. Salt Lake area meetinghouse photographs circa 1915 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Koury, Aleah G. An evaluation of missionary literature : compiled from reports of 24 field men, February 2, 1963, for the literature and communications committee / by Aleah G. Koury. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Goodyear, Imogene. Proposal for sesquicentennial congregational kits : unpublished paper commissioned by and presented to the commission on history / Imogene Goodyear. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn McMurray, W. Grant. Close communion : a study prepared for the basic beliefs committee / W. Grant McMurray. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Dyer, Alvin R. (Alvin Rulon), 1903-1977. Memorandum, 23 Apr 1964. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn [Tracts] [microform]. University of Wyoming, William R. Coe Library
referencedIn Hutchins, Richard G. Mormon collection, 1911,1958. Clarke Historical Library
referencedIn Moriarty, Leta B. Story of the Stone Church choir / by Leta B. Moriarty. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Sermon and presentations transcripts for "Faith of Our Fathers Festival, November 23, 1979, at the Auditorium of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Wagenheim, E. D. The sociological development of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (The Saint's Church) / by E.D. Wagenheim and Allen Taylor. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Higdon, Richard T. Polygamy in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints / by Richard T. Higdon. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Baggette, S. Pat. The temple lot case : fraud in God's vineyard / S. Pat Baggette, II. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Salyards, R. S. (Richard S.), 1857-1944. Compilation of information concerning questions of prerogatives in church government / by R.S. Salyards. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Koehler, J. A. The call of restoration : four lessons / by J.A. Koehler. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn John Whitmer Historical Association. Publications Committee Report, 1 Mar 1980. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Crum, James C. A study of the impact of Duane E. Couey on the theology of the RLDS Church / James C. Crum. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Mink, Kevin. The peaceful story of how a serial killer was converted to Christianity / Kevin Mink. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Romig, Ronald E. Richland County, Ohio, Latter Day Saints : a collection of unpublished studies, newspaper articles, and book excerpts / by Ron Romig. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Lundeen, Adolph W. The celestial gathering and the generation of the temple : and other writings / by W.W. Lundeen. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Ham, Wayne. Report of the interfaith relations committee / Wayne Ham, chair. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Edwards, Paul M. The credibility of existence : philosophy of religion and the RLDS Church / Paul M. Edwards. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Castle, Claire. Paths of awareness / Claire Castle, Rachelle Kent, and Zac Mountenay. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Livingston, Henry L. A brief history and documentation of radio broadcasting in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints : 1915-1975 / by Henry L. Livingston. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Dailey, D. Vaughn. Conceptual foundations of the Independence temple of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints / D. Vaughn Dailey. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Clarence Marcellus Barker papers, bulk 1905-1908, 1905-1987; bulk 1905-1908 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Smith, H. Alan. The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Indians : the early church, the Reorganization until 1890, attitudes expressed in the Herald / by H. Alan Smith. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Koury, Aleah G. Material covering the historical development of the work of the twelve / by Aleah G. Koury, compiler. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Kimball, Croxier. A biography of Alexander Williams, ca. 1950. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Holmes, Reed M. Studies in family evangelism / by Reed M. Holmes. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Nunn, Velma L. The white masque players presents "Amboy 1860-onward" / Velma L. Nunn. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Henry Peterson papers, 1895-1940 Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library. Special Collections and ArchivesUniversity Archives
referencedIn McLellin, William E. (William Earl). The William E. McLellin papers. 1832-1997. University of Utah, J. Willard Marriott Library
referencedIn Smith, Joseph, 1832-1914. Letters, 1863. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Joseph B. Smith letter, 1925 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Holm, Francis. Inspired leadership / by Francis Holm. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn McGavin, E. Cecil (Elmer Cecil), 1900-1975. E. Cecil McGavin papers, circa 1925-1960. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Thomas Edgar Lyon, Sr. collection, 1802-1991 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Sills, Evalena. Four Decades in Review : History of the Phoenix Local Church of Christ, 1928-1968. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn E. Jay Bell letters, 1972 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Conrad, Larry. The RLDS priesthood : a proposal for revision / Larry Conrad and Paul Shupe. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Restoration Trail Foundation. Informational sheet and letter, 1972. Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn CR 695 3, Peterson, Harold Burke 1923-2013. H. Burke Peterson journal 1972-2001 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Brookover, Alma May. The prophet Frederick Madison Smith / by Alma May Brookover. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Christensen, Emma Diamond. Things I remember : book I / by Emma Diamond Christensen. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Ralston, Russell F. (Russell Frederick), 1913-2001. Approach to church in Utah elders / Russell F. Ralston, editor ; James Everett, Israel A. Smith, and Stephen L. Carr. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Curry, Earl R. Divine endowment and its author / Earl R. Curry. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Curry, Earl R. A definitive study of the holy gift of prophecy / Earl R. Curry. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Kessler, Merle. Saints : an imaginary history / by Merle Kessler. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Joseph Byron Smith papers, 1923-1975 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Barbara J. Potts Papers Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn On behalf of Christ's restored gospel : a collection of essays defending the traditional beliefs of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in response to some common criticisms ; volume 1 / Committee for Apologetics Research and Education (CARE). Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Wilcox, Pearl. Pearl Wilcox papers. Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn Mary Murphy's Butte oral history project, 1980-1981 University of Montana--Missoula Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library Archives and Special Collections
referencedIn Lundeen, Adolph W. The temple and other writings : the fulfilment of the scriptures / by Adolph W. Lundeen. Community of Christ Library and Archives
creatorOf United States. Circuit Court (8th circuit). Court proceedings, 1892-1894. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Jensen, Philip. Our earth / Philip Jensen, Michael Stratton, Scott Anger, and Geoff Gunderson. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Joseph C. Walker papers, 1864-1907 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Farkas, Phyllis. Synoptic listing of revelations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jan. 1989 / by Phyllis Farkas. Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
referencedIn Miller, Howard. The world conference / by Howard Miller. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Kirlin, Lynn. An interview with Emma Barrett, [19--?] / Lynn Kirlin. Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
referencedIn Smith, Joseph, 1832-1914. Typescripts of letterpress books, 1876-1897. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Howard, Richard P. Some historical considerations on the Temple Lot : revised copy / by Richard P. Howard. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Stobaugh, Kenneth E. The historic site : a living document of the past / by Kenneth E. Stobaugh. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Paul E. Reimann collection. Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn Tickemyer, Garland E. The regional administrator : a study of principles, history, and policy statements relating to the establishment of the program of regional administration in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints / by Garland E. Tickemyer. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Center Stake of Zion. Your church community center. Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn P. J. Sanders and J. F. Curtis debate transcripts, 1908 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Brown, Christi. The presidency's editorial role : a survey of Herald Publishing House historical resources / by Christi Brown. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Launius, Roger D. Joseph Smith III as a religious editor / by Roger D. Launius. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Spillman, W. B. Adult religious education curriculum as an indication of sociological typology of a religious organization / by W.B. (Pat) Spillman. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Detailed record of protesting group of Latter Day Saints in Independence kept from June 29, 1925, / by E. D. Moore. University of New Mexico, Los Alamos, UNM-Los Alamos Library
referencedIn MS 1650, Stout, David Fisk 1855-1932. David F. Stout diaries 1882-1929 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Don C. S. Millikin and Joseph Smith letters, 1863 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Curry, Ebenezer. Organized confusion, 1928 July 8. Lake County Historical Society
referencedIn Burgess, Eveline A. The people that walked in darkness / by Eveline A. Burgess. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Mesley, Cycril George, 1900-. Study : Independence church locations / by C.G. Mesley. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Vlahos, Clare D. Images of orthodoxy : self-identity in early reorganization apologetics / by Clare D. Vlahos. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Diggle family. Papers, 1854-1893. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Mesle, C. Robert. History, faith, and myth / by C. Robert Mesle. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Floyd Craig Wolverton letters, 1962-1977 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn MS 1304, Post, Stephen 1810-1879. Stephen Post papers 1835-1921 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Hiles, Norma Derry. Women at Liberty Hall / by Norma Hiles. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn MS 14131, Smith, Andrew Kimball 1893-1951. Andrew K. Smith papers 1841-1847; 1911-1943 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Edwards, Paul M. Manual for court procedures / Paul M. Edwards, compilor. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Morain, Thomas J., 1947-. Mormons and nineteenth-century Iowa historians / by Thomas J. Morain. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Fry, Evan, 1902-1959. The voice of warning / Evan Fry. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn MS 10626, Heinerman, Joseph 1948-. Joseph Heinerman papers 1979-1981 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn MS 656, Straub, Walter L. Walter L. Straub notebooks undated Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Fry, Charles, 1872-1969. Memoirs and writings of Charles Fry : dedicated to all his relatives and many friends of this great Latter Day Restoration movement / Charles Fry ; Francis T. Schrunk, compiler. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn The Atherton adventure. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Smith, Hyrum Jenkins. Hyrum Jenkins Smith diaries and correspondence, 1835-1940. Harold B. Lee Library
creatorOf Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Times and seasons. Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn Smith, Joseph, 1832-1914. Letter, 1856. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Wardle, James D., 1915-. The James D. Wardle papers. 1812-2001. University of Utah, J. Willard Marriott Library
referencedIn Kellogg, Steven C. The significance of temples in the restoration and reorganization movements / by Steven C. Kellogg. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Chicago Historical Society. Miscellaneous Mormon material. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Penrose, Charles W. (Charles William), 1823-1925. Papers, 1906, 1915, 1922. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Elliott, Peter. Reasons for disbelief : a survey of the historical and theological beliefs of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints / Peter Elliott. Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
referencedIn Barrett, Emma Marie Larson, 1871-. Interview. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Backman, G. H. Abstract of title . . . 1902 / prepared by G. H. Backman. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Chaney, Eugene R. Restoration truth survives Nauvoo / Eugene R. Chaney. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn McDowell, Floyd M., 1889-1964. Young people's organizations / by Floyd M. McDowell. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Shields, Steven L. Wayne A. Ham and the liberation of RLDS theology / by Steven L. Shields. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Breckenridge, Allen J. Alena's tales of Tahiti / by Allen J. Breckenridge ; Carol Lei Breckenridge Post, editor. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Shields, Steven L. The Latter Day Saint movement : a study in survival / by Steven L. Shields. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Church history study outline : of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Community of Christ Library and Archives
creatorOf MS 22577, Burrup, Jay Greaves 1957-. Jay Burrup postcard collection circa 1898-2000 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Kirby, Ruth. Ministers of the church (Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints : an untitled letter / by Ruth Kirby. Community of Christ Library and Archives
creatorOf Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Bibliographies from Herald and Ensign Publishing Houses. Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn Brookover, Alma May. The prophet W. Wallace Smith / by Alma Brookover. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Bell, E. Jay. Letters, 1972. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Burkart, Annette D. I learn about Christ's church : Teacher's manual ; beginning study course, ages 5 through 8 and up / by Annette D. Burkart. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Burgess, Alice Chase. The Centennial Pageant: Fulfillment, a panorama of the Christian cycle. Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn Brookover, Alma May. The prophet Joseph Smith the III : successor to his father Joseph Smith Jr. ; 1832-1914 / by Alma May Brookover. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Standing high council statement on homosexuality / distributed by the First Presidency of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Peterson, Henry, 1868-1957. Henry Peterson papers, 1895-1940. Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
referencedIn Waller, Gilbert Johnson. Autobiography, 1859-1938 (inclusive) [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Cutler, Richard K. Israel study elements / Richard K. Cutler. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Curry, Earl R. Divine endowment and related concerns / Earl R. Curry. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Romig, Ronald E. The growth of militarism in the restoration / by Ron Romig. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Schondelmeyer, Brent. Building the faith and preserving the neighborhood: the conflict in the Truman neighborhood. Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn Breckon, Donald J. Higher education in the reorganization / by Donald J. Breckon. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Brookover, Alma May. Zenas H. Gurley Sr : fore-runner of the reorganization / by Alma May Brookover. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn James D. Wardle papers, 1812-2001 J. Willard Marriott Library. University of Utah Manuscripts Division
referencedIn White Eye, Deborah Dee. My reflections on Native American ministries in the RLDS Church / Deborah Dee White Eye. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Millikin, Arthur. Arthur Millikin letter, 1863. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Davis, Paul. On the horns of a community : the Mesle/Shupe correspondence / Paul Davis. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Kendall County, Illinois Court writs, 1877-1904 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Goetz, Ellen. The blooming : a history of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Saint Louis District - 1914 until stakehood, volume 2 / by Ellen Goetz. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Wandell, Charles Wesley, d.1875. Collection. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Gleazer, Edmund J. Mutual expectations of church and church-related colleges / by Edmund J. Gleazer Jr. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Brookover, Alma May. Cradle of the reorganization / by Alma May Brookover. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Brigham, Jim. Elijah Banta : community builder of the early reorganization / by Jim Brigham. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Diggle family papers, 1854-1893 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn E. C. Emmons letter, 1861 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Luffman, Dale. Wood's Chapel apostolic lectureship : includes six lectures / by Dale E. Luffman. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Mormon splinter groups collection, 1844-1976 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Curry, Earl R. Kirtland temple meditations and testimonies / Earl R. Curry. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn MS 17393, Forscutt, Mark Hill 1834-1903. Mark H. Forscutt journal 1855-1900 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn McMurray, W. Grant. Close communion / by W. Grant McMurray. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Edwards, Paul M. Manual for court procedures / Paul M. Edwards, compilor. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Walker, Joseph, fl. 1860-1900. Description of experiences had in crossing the plains and mountains in the spring of 1863, settling in the eastern and unorganized portion of Idaho territory, and experiences had in that country in 1863-4, 1904. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Orientation manual for ethnic ministry : Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints /the Ethnic Group Evangelism Committee. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Oakman, Arthur A. Revelation and our approach to divinity / by Arthur A. Oakman. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Joseph Smith III portrait, 1860-1869 Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library. Special Collections and ArchivesUniversity Archives
referencedIn Sharier, Dennis E. The ministering of angels : a key of the Aaronic priesthood / by Dennis E. Sharier. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Draper, Maurice. Sermon, 30 Aug 1970. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Ashenhurst, Harry J. Common consent : a historical perspective / by Harry J. Ashenhurst. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn AV 632, Mormon History Association. Mormon History Association eighth annual meeting : Salt Lake City, Utah 1973 April 5 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Butterworth, Bernard B., 1923-. A journey through church history through music / by Bernard B. Butterworth. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Rogers, Wilfred E., 1880-. Wilfred E. Rogers sermons, 1902-1939. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Goodyear, Mary Lou. Report to the temple school division of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints regarding the computer needs for the history commission and library, July 1986 / Mary Lou Goodyear, Marcie Dunning, Edward P. Miller, and Beth Warner. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn AV 2070, Brigham Young University Division of Continuing Education. Exploring the Joseph Smith translation of the Bible 1997 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Hunt, Larry E. Frederick Madison Smith, the formative years, 1874-1916; The making of a mug wump. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn MS 12130, United States Department of State. U.S. State Department correspondence regarding Mormons and Mormonism 1910-1940 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Golec, Jason. Off center : a messy book of poetry / Jason Golec. Community of Christ Library and Archives
creatorOf Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Records of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1879-1965 (inclusive) [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Butterworth, F. Edward. Sons of the sea [microform] / by F. Edward Butterworth. Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn Forscutt, Mark Hill, 1834-1903. Collection, 1855-1900. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Edwards, F. Henry (Francis Henry), 1897-. Historians and the department of history of the reorganization / Frank Henry Edwards. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Binnicker, Larry W. Transforming love : helping people and the church learn how to really love / by Larry W. Binnicker. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Smith, Joseph, 1832-1914. Letter, ca. 1870. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Brookover, Alma May. The dark and cloudy day / by Alma May Brookover. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Koehler, J. A. The great enterprise : a condensed study of the message, outlook and design of the prophet of restoration / by J.A. Koehler. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Neal, F. C. Josephite affidavits, 1896. Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
referencedIn McDowell, Floyd M., 1889-1964. The boy movement and boy scouting in the church / by Floyd M. McDowell. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Jorgensen, Danny L. Latter-Day saints of Tampa Bay / by Danny L. Jorgensen. Community of Christ Library and Archives
referencedIn Wells, Lola Taylor. Biographical sketch of Andrew and Rebecca Curry Moore. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
referencedIn Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Auditorium Staff. Pamphlets 1960, 1962. Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters
referencedIn Olson, Carroll L. The church in court : includes a brief historical background / by Carroll L. Olson. Community of Christ Library and Archives
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Anderson, N. V. person
associatedWith Andrew, Elizabeth Whitaker, 1822-1894 person
associatedWith Anthony, R. J. person
associatedWith Ashenhurst, Harry J. person
associatedWith Australian National University. Pacific Manuscripts Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith Backman, G. H. person
associatedWith Badder, Nelson J. person
associatedWith Baggette, S. Pat. person
associatedWith Banks, Mary Moors person
associatedWith Barker, Clarence Marcellus, 1884-1953. person
associatedWith Barrett, Emma Marie Larson, 1871- person
associatedWith Bay, William M. person
associatedWith Beadnall, Margi. person
associatedWith Beeman, Newell C., photographer 1942d person
associatedWith Bell, E. Jay person
associatedWith Bell, E. Jay. person
associatedWith Bent, Samuel. person
associatedWith Billings, Derrick. person
associatedWith Binnicker, Larry W. person
associatedWith Black, Orion V. person
associatedWith Bolton, Andrew, 1950- person
associatedWith Booth, Howard J. person
associatedWith Bradley, Stephen J. person
associatedWith Breckenridge, Allen J. person
associatedWith Breckon, Donald J. person
associatedWith Briggs, Jason W., b. 1821. person
associatedWith Brigham, Jim. person
associatedWith Brigham Young University Division of Continuing Education corporateBody
associatedWith Brookover, Alma May. person
associatedWith Brown, Christi. person
associatedWith Brunson, L. Madelon. person
associatedWith Burgess, Alice Chase. person
associatedWith Burgess, Eveline A. person
associatedWith Burgess, S. A. (Samuel A.) person
associatedWith Burkart, Annette D. person
associatedWith Burke, Nicole D. person
associatedWith Burrup, Jay Greaves 1957- person
associatedWith Butterworth, Bernard B., 1923- person
associatedWith Butterworth, F. Edward. person
associatedWith Butterworth, Nancy Whitaker, 1820-1891 person
associatedWith Cackler, Harold W. person
associatedWith Calavrese, Joseph person
associatedWith Carter, Gideon H. person
associatedWith Castle, Claire. person
associatedWith Chaney, Eugene R. person
associatedWith Cheville, Roy Arthur, 1897- person
associatedWith Chicago Historical Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Christensen, Emma Diamond. person
associatedWith Church, Olive. person
associatedWith Colyer, Sandra L. person
associatedWith Conrad, Larry. person
associatedWith Conway, John. person
associatedWith Cornish, Bertha, fl. 1899-1903. person
associatedWith Couey, Duane E. person
associatedWith Cowdery, Oliver 1806-1850 person
associatedWith Crum, James C. person
associatedWith Curry, Earl R. person
associatedWith Curry, Ebenezer. person
associatedWith Curtis, J. F. (James Franklin), 1875-1966. person
associatedWith Cutler, Richard K. person
associatedWith Dailey, D. Vaughn. person
associatedWith Davies, Fred O. person
associatedWith Davis, Paul. person
associatedWith Diggle family family
associatedWith Diggle family. family
associatedWith Diggle, Mary person
associatedWith Diggle, Samuel, ca. 1827- person
associatedWith Diggle, Sarah Whitaker, 1827- person
associatedWith Diggle, William person
associatedWith Draper, Maurice. person
associatedWith Dyer, Alvin R. (Alvin Rulon), 1903-1977 person
associatedWith Dykes, Pauline. person
associatedWith Edwards, F. Henry (Francis Henry), 1897- person
associatedWith Edwards, Paul E. person
associatedWith Edwards, Paul M. person
associatedWith Elefson, Don. person
associatedWith Elliott, Peter. person
associatedWith Emmons, E. C. person
associatedWith Emmons, E. C. person
associatedWith Evening and Morning Star. corporateBody
associatedWith Farkas, Phyllis. person
associatedWith Fenn, Monica Kristen. person
associatedWith Flanders, Bruce person
associatedWith Fordham, Bethie, Mrs. person
associatedWith Forman, Ward H. person
associatedWith Forscutt, Mark Hill, 1834-1903. person
associatedWith Fox, Michael Barrie Holmes. person
associatedWith Fry, Charles, 1872-1969. person
associatedWith Fry, Evan, 1902-1959. person
associatedWith Gardner, Neil S. person
associatedWith Gardner, Robert R., 1841- person
associatedWith Germany Bundesarchiv (Abteilung Potsdam) corporateBody
associatedWith Gleazer, Edmund J. person
associatedWith Goetz, Ellen. person
associatedWith Golec, Jason. person
associatedWith Goodyear, Imogene. person
associatedWith Goodyear, Mary Lou. person
associatedWith Graham, Kimberly. person
associatedWith Hacker, Kristin. person
associatedWith Hall, C. A. (Charles A.) person
associatedWith Hallier, Sara. person
associatedWith Ham, Wayne. person
associatedWith Hancock, Louis. person
associatedWith Harder, Earl L. person
associatedWith Hartley, William G. person
associatedWith Heinerman, Joseph 1948- person
associatedWith Henricks, Paul. person
associatedWith Hield, Charles R., 1896-1988. person
associatedWith Higdon, Richard T. person
associatedWith Higdon, William T. person
associatedWith Hiles, Norma Derry. person
associatedWith Hill, Marvin S. person
associatedWith Hobart, C. Houston. person
associatedWith Holmes, David I. person
associatedWith Holmes, Geoffrey K. T. person
associatedWith Holmes, Reed M. person
associatedWith Holm, Francis. person
associatedWith Howard, Richard P. person
associatedWith Hummel, Gene M. person
associatedWith Hunt, Charles J. person
associatedWith Hunt, Larry E. person
associatedWith Hutchins, Richard G. person
associatedWith Illinois. County Court (Kendall County) corporateBody
associatedWith Jensen, Philip. person
associatedWith Johnson, Jeffery Ogden, 1944- person
associatedWith John Whitmer Historical Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Jones, Steve. person
associatedWith Jorgensen, Danny L. person
associatedWith Judd, Peter A., 1943- person
associatedWith Kellogg, Steven C. person
associatedWith Kelty, Daniel M. person
associatedWith Kessler, Merle. person
associatedWith Kimball, Croxier. person
associatedWith Kirby, Ruth. person
associatedWith Kirlin, Lynn. person
associatedWith Koehler, J. A. person
associatedWith Koury, Aleah G. person
associatedWith Launius, Roger D. person
associatedWith Lea, Leonard. person
associatedWith Lea, Leonard, 1897-1960. person
associatedWith Lindgren, A. Bruce. person
associatedWith Livingston, Henry L. person
associatedWith Loving, Adolphus Elmer. person
associatedWith Luffman, Dale. person
associatedWith Lundeen, Adolph W. person
associatedWith Lyon, T. Edgar person
associatedWith Lyon, T. Edgar. person
associatedWith Martin, David C. (David Chancellor), 1939- person
associatedWith McClain, W. Blair, 1911- person
associatedWith McDowell, Floyd M., 1889-1964. person
associatedWith McGavin, E. Cecil (Elmer Cecil), 1900-1975. person
associatedWith McGuire, Larry M. person
associatedWith McLean, Gary N. person
associatedWith McLellin, William E. (William Earl) person
associatedWith McMurray, W. Grant. person
associatedWith Mercer, Corwyn L. person
associatedWith Mesle, C. Robert. person
associatedWith Mesley, Cycril George, 1900- person
associatedWith Miller, Howard. person
associatedWith Millikin, Arthur person
associatedWith Millikin, Arthur. person
associatedWith Millikin, Don C. S. person
associatedWith Mink, Kevin. person
associatedWith Morain, Thomas J., 1947- person
associatedWith Moriarty, Leta B. person
associatedWith Mormon History Association corporateBody
associatedWith Morrissette, Cerissa. person
associatedWith Mortimore, Jeri I. person
associatedWith Murphy, Mary, 1953- person
associatedWith Neal, F. C. person
associatedWith Newby, Robert Gordon 1898- person
associatedWith Nunn, Velma L. person
associatedWith Oakman, Arthur A. person
associatedWith Olson, Carroll L. person
associatedWith Openshaw, George, 1817-1906 person
associatedWith Owens, Mark. person
associatedWith Pement, Jacques Valjean. person
associatedWith Penrose, Charles W. (Charles William), 1823-1925. person
associatedWith Peterson, Harold Burke 1923-2013 person
associatedWith Peterson, Henry, 1868-1957. person
associatedWith Post, Stephen 1810-1879 person
associatedWith Potter, Floyd. person
associatedWith Protest Movement (Independence, Mo.) corporateBody
associatedWith Ralston, Russell F. (Russell Frederick), 1913-2001. person
associatedWith Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Auditorium Staff. corporateBody
associatedWith Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Center Stake of Zion. corporateBody
associatedWith Restoration Trail Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Restoration Trail Foundation. corporateBody
associatedWith Rhodes, Leonard S. person
associatedWith Rigdon, Sidney 1793-1876 person
associatedWith Ritchie, Malcolm. person
associatedWith Roberts, John Lloyd 1880-1942 person
associatedWith Robinson, Ebenezer 1816-1891 person
associatedWith Rogers, Israel L. person
associatedWith Rogers, Wilfred E., 1880- person
associatedWith Romig, Ronald E. person
associatedWith Ruch, Velma. person
associatedWith Runkle, Jerry. person
associatedWith Russell, William D. person
associatedWith Salyards, R. S. (Richard S.), 1857-1944. person
associatedWith Sanders, P. J. (Peter James), b. 1871. person
associatedWith Schaefer, Roy H. person
associatedWith Schondelmeyer, Brent person
associatedWith Scoby, William, 1811-1833. person
associatedWith Sharier, Dennis E. person
associatedWith Shields, Steven L. person
associatedWith Sills, Evalena. person
associatedWith Smith, Andrew Kimball 1893-1951 person
associatedWith Smith, Frederick Madison, 1874-1946. person
associatedWith Smith, H. Alan. person
associatedWith Smith, Hyrum Jenkins person
associatedWith Smith, Hyrum Jenkins. person
associatedWith Smith, Israel A., 1876-1958. person
associatedWith Smith, Jehovah. person
associatedWith Smith, Joseph, 1832-1914. person
associatedWith Smith, Joseph B. person
associatedWith Smith, Joseph B. person
associatedWith Smith, Joseph Byron person
associatedWith Smith, Joseph Byron. person
associatedWith Smith, Joseph Byron, 1906-1997 person
associatedWith Smith, Joseph F. (Joseph Fielding), 1838-1918 person
associatedWith Smith, Joseph, Jr., 1805-1844 person
associatedWith Smith, Wallace B. person
associatedWith Society Islands Mission corporateBody
associatedWith Spease, Samuel. person
associatedWith Spillman, W. B. person
associatedWith Stahl, Dale. person
associatedWith Stobaugh, Kenneth E. person
associatedWith Stock, James S. person
associatedWith Stone Church Staff. corporateBody
associatedWith Stout, David Fisk 1855-1932 person
associatedWith Straub, Walter L person
associatedWith Taylor, Arthur B. person
associatedWith Tickemyer, Garland E. person
associatedWith Tillman, Chad. person
associatedWith Tucker, Robin R. person
associatedWith Tyree, Alan D. person
associatedWith United States. Circuit Court (8th circuit). corporateBody
associatedWith United States Court of Appeals (8th Circuit) corporateBody
associatedWith United States Department of State corporateBody
associatedWith Vernon, Robert Gerard 1935-2007 person
associatedWith Vlahos, Clare D. person
associatedWith Wagenheim, E. D. person
associatedWith Walker, Joseph, fl. 1860-1900. person
associatedWith Walker, Marietta Hodges 1834-1930 person
associatedWith Waller, Gilbert Johnson. person
associatedWith Wandell, Charles Wesley, d.1875. person
associatedWith Wardle, James D., 1915- person
associatedWith Watson, Wingfield, d. 1923. person
associatedWith Wells, Lola Taylor. person
associatedWith Wheatley, Warren. person
associatedWith Whitaker, Robert B. person
associatedWith White Eye, Deborah Dee. person
associatedWith Whitmer, John 1802-1878 person
associatedWith Whitsitt, William Heth, 1841-1911. person
associatedWith Wight, Lyman (Log Cabin) person
associatedWith Williams, Frederick Granger 1787-1842 person
associatedWith Winholtz, Wilford G. person
associatedWith Winship, Jeffrey B. person
associatedWith Wolverton, Floyd Craig person
associatedWith Wolverton, Floyd Craig, person
associatedWith Youngreen, Erwin Paul 1939- person
Place Name Admin Code Country
French Polynesia
Pontiac (Mich.)
Malad (Idaho)
Lamoni (Iowa)
Plano (Ill.)
Graceland (Iowa)
Mormon Church
Mormon Church

Corporate Body

Active 1892

Active 1894



Ark ID: w696377v

SNAC ID: 49706284