Davis, Edward M., 1811-1887

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Davis, a Philadelphia Quaker, son-in-law of Lucretia Mott, and a director of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, was active in the American anti-slavery movement.

From the description of Papers, 1830-1941 (inclusive), 1837-1850 (bulk). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 122468854

From the guide to the Edward Morris Davis papers, 1830-1941 (inclusive), 1837-1850 (bulk)., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Davis, Edward Morris, 1811-1887. Papers, 1830-1941 (inclusive), 1837-1850 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Mickle, Isaac. Bloomfield deeds collection, 1853-1855. Camden County Historical Society
referencedIn James Russell Lowell papers, 1835-1919. Houghton Library
referencedIn Letters from Wendell Phillips Garrison, 1865-1906. Houghton Library
creatorOf Mott Manuscripts Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
creatorOf Edward Morris Davis papers, 1830-1941 (inclusive), 1837-1850 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. Letter from Charles Sumner to E. M. Davis, 1856 November 2. Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
creatorOf Neall, Daniel, 1817-1894. Papers, 1834-1977, bulk 1834-1884. Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Aaron, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Appold, H person
correspondedWith Ballou, Adin, 1803-1890 person
correspondedWith Beals, S J person
associatedWith Benjamin C Bacon person
correspondedWith Brun, Georgiana. person
correspondedWith Burleigh, Charles Calistus, 1810-1878 person
correspondedWith Burton, Edward N person
correspondedWith Burton, S F person
correspondedWith Cavender, Thomas S person
correspondedWith Channing, William Henry, 1810-1884 person
correspondedWith Chapman, Maria (Weston) 1806-1885 person
associatedWith Charles Dexter Cleveland. person
correspondedWith Child, Henry S person
correspondedWith Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880 person
correspondedWith Chur, A Theodore. person
correspondedWith Churchill, Lucretia Mott. person
correspondedWith Clay, Cassius Marcellus, 1810-1903 person
correspondedWith Coates, Lindley. person
correspondedWith Coates, Sarah. person
correspondedWith Coeson, Hiram. person
correspondedWith Collins, John Anderson, ca. 1810-1879 person
correspondedWith Corbit, H C person
correspondedWith Courier person
correspondedWith Cowgill, H person
correspondedWith Cronkhite, James Paine. person
correspondedWith Davis, Benjamin B person
correspondedWith Davis, Isaac R person
correspondedWith Davis, William Morris. person
correspondedWith Douglas, William. person
correspondedWith Earle, George H person
correspondedWith Edward Hopper person
correspondedWith Elder, William, 1806-1885 person
correspondedWith Ellery, G H person
correspondedWith European Abolutionists corporateBody
correspondedWith Evans, Mary M person
correspondedWith Executive Committee of the Anti-Slavery Society of Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. corporateBody
correspondedWith Foster, Stephen Symonds, 1809-1881 person
correspondedWith Fuller, James Cannings. person
correspondedWith Fulton, J person
correspondedWith Furness, William Henry, 1802-1896 person
associatedWith Garrison, Wendell Phillips, 1840-1907 person
correspondedWith Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879 person
correspondedWith Gay, Sidney Howard, 1814-1888 person
correspondedWith George Thompson person
correspondedWith Gibbons, Charles, 1814-1885 person
correspondedWith Gibbons, James Sloan, 1810-1892 person
correspondedWith Gilbert, Howard Worcester, 1819-1894 person
correspondedWith Gilmore, Hiram S person
correspondedWith Goodell, William, 1792-1878 person
associatedWith Grew, Mary person
correspondedWith Hallowell, J S person
correspondedWith Hallowell, W L person
correspondedWith Haughton, James, 1795-1873 person
associatedWith Haworth Netherald. person
correspondedWith Hayworth?, Hannah W person
correspondedWith Hayworth?, R H person
correspondedWith Hicks, Thomas Holiday, 1798-1865 person
correspondedWith Hopper, Isaac Tatem, 1771-1852 person
correspondedWith Horton, G F person
correspondedWith Hovey, C F person
correspondedWith James Miller McKim person
associatedWith James Mott person
correspondedWith Janes Mott person
correspondedWith Jay, William, 1789-1858 person
correspondedWith Johnson, J Warner. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Oliver, 1809-1889 person
correspondedWith Johnson, William H person
correspondedWith Jones, Benjamin S person
correspondedWith Jones, J Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Joseph Sturge person
correspondedWith Kelley, Abigail, 1811-1887 person
correspondedWith Knapp, Isaac, 1775-1847 person
associatedWith Langenheim, Frederick, 1809-1879 person
correspondedWith Lant Carpenter person
correspondedWith Ledell, Robert. person
associatedWith Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891, person
associatedWith Lowell, Maria, 1821-1853, person
associatedWith Lucretia Mott person
associatedWith Lucretia Mott Churchill. Received: 1941 Apr. 15. person
correspondedWith Lundy, Benjamin, 1789-1839 person
associatedWith Maria Lowell person
correspondedWith Maria M Davis person
associatedWith Mary Grew person
correspondedWith McKim, James Miller, 1810-1874 person
correspondedWith Meagle, John. person
correspondedWith Merrick, Samuel Vaughan, 1801-1870 person
associatedWith Mickle, Isaac. person
correspondedWith Moore, William, 1810-1878 person
correspondedWith Morris, Edward Joy, 1815-1881 person
associatedWith Morris Hallowell. person
correspondedWith Mott, Lucretia (Coffin) 1793-1880 person
correspondedWith Mott, Mary S person
correspondedWith Mrs. Richard Price Hallowell person
associatedWith Mrs. Rich'd P. Hallowell person
associatedWith Neall, Daniel, 1817-1894. person
correspondedWith Pease, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Philbrick, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884 person
correspondedWith Pike, H person
correspondedWith Ponson ainé. person
associatedWith Porvis, Robert person
correspondedWith Price, Eli Kirk, 1797-1884 person
associatedWith Pugh, Sarah person
correspondedWith Richardson, William H person
associatedWith Samuel Porter person
correspondedWith Sartain, John, 1808-1897 person
correspondedWith Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874 person
correspondedWith Smyth, Lindley. person
correspondedWith Snodgrass, Joseph Evans, d. 1880 person
correspondedWith Stait, William person
correspondedWith Stanton, Henry Brewster, 1805-1887 person
associatedWith Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874 person
correspondedWith Thompson, George, 1804-1878 person
correspondedWith Thomson, John Edgar, 1808-1874 person
correspondedWith Tyndale, Hector, 1821-1880 person
correspondedWith Webb, B person
correspondedWith Weld, Theodore Dwight, 1803-1895 person
correspondedWith Welsh, William, 1807-1878 person
correspondedWith Weston, Anne Warren. person
correspondedWith Wharton, Deborah F person
correspondedWith Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892 person
correspondedWith William Ely person
correspondedWith William Foyner person
associatedWith William Langenheim, 1807-1874 person
correspondedWith Wilson, David, 1818-1887 person
associatedWith Winslow, Isaac person
correspondedWith Wright, Henry Clarke, 1797-1870 person
correspondedWith Wright, Paulina S person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Antislavery movements


Birth 1811

Death 1887


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6pr8jt1

Ark ID: w6pr8jt1

SNAC ID: 4846358