Davis, Hope Hale

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Writer, feminist, one-time Communist, and teacher, Frances Hope Hale Davis was born on November 2, 1903, in Iowa City, Iowa, the fifth and youngest child of Hal and Frances McFarland Hale. Davis studied art and worked for the Stuart Walker Repertory Company as a scenery painter. After a short-lived marriage to scenery designer George Patrick Wood, Davis moved to New York City. She worked in the advertising industry, eventually becoming a freelance writer, publishing stories in magazines such as Collier's, The New Yorker, and Bookman. She married her second husband, British journalist and Communist Claud Cockburn, in 1932, and gave birth to their daughter, Claudia, in 1933. Cockburn returned to Europe, and Davis went to work in the Consumers' Counsel of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration in Washington, D.C. Davis and Cockburn divorced in 1934. That same year, she married German economist Karl Hermann Brunck and together they joined the Communist Party. Soon after, Brunck suffered a mental breakdown; Davis chronicles his breakdown, and eventual suicide in 1937, in her memoir Great Day Coming (1993).

After Brunck's death Davis returned to New York City, where she worked as a free-lance writer, crafting short stories with subtle Communist themes. She met fellow Communist, professor, and literary critic Robert Gorham Davis at a congress of The League of American Writers; they were married in 1939. Soon after the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact with Germany, the couple quit the Communist Party, but they continued to press for progressive reforms throughout their lives. Davis helped edit her husband's work, and continued writing stories for magazines such as Redbook and Town & Country, as well as literary criticism for the New Leader and other publications. She published a volume of short stories, The Dark Way to the Plaza, in 1968. In 1983-1984 she was a fellow at the Bunting Institute at Radcliffe College. She taught writing at the Radcliffe Seminars from 1985 until a month before her death on October 2, 2004, at age 100. Hope and Robert Davis had two children, Stephen Davis (born in 1943) and writer Lydia Davis (born in 1948).

From the description of Papers, 1831-1835, 1916-2002 (inclusive). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 232009157

Writer, feminist, one-time Communist, and teacher, Frances Hope Hale Davis was born on November 2, 1903, in Iowa City, Iowa, the fifth and youngest child of Hal and Frances McFarland Hale. Davis' father died shortly before she was born, and she was raised in Iowa primarily by her mother. Following the death of her stepfather, John Overholt, Davis moved with her mother to Washington, D.C. She studied at the Corcoran School of Art and George Washington University, as well as Cincinnati University and the Portland School of Art. As assistant to the art director of the Stuart Walker Repertory Company (1924-1926), Davis painted scenery and designed costumes. While working for the Stuart Walker Company, she met and married her first husband, scenery designer George Patrick Wood, known as "Pat." The marriage was short-lived.

Davis moved to New York City and worked as a secretary to an advertising executive at the Frank Presbrey Agency, where she wrote copy and sold drawings for advertising. She left to become a freelance writer, publishing stories in magazines such as Collier's, The New Yorker, and Bookman . Davis became promotion manager for Life magazine in 1929, and in 1931, she became editor of Love Mirror, a pulp magazine for women.

Davis married her second husband, British journalist and Communist Claud Cockburn, in 1932. Cockburn returned to Europe, and Davis moved to Washington, D.C., after giving birth to their daughter, Claudia, in February 1933. She went to work in the Consumers' Counsel of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, where she edited and wrote for the Consumer Guide, in addition to writing radio scripts for programs produced by the government. Davis and Cockburn divorced in 1934. While in Washington, she met and married German economist Karl Hermann Brunck in 1934. The same year, they joined the Communist Party. Soon after, Brunck suffered a mental breakdown, and Davis admitted him to a mental institution where he was treated by noted psychologist Frieda Fromm-Reichmann. Davis chronicles his breakdown, and eventual suicide in 1937, in her memoir Great Day Coming (1993).

After Brunck's death Davis returned to New York City, where she worked as a free-lance writer, crafting short stories with underlying Communist themes. She met fellow Communist, professor, and literary critic Robert Gorham Davis at a congress of The League of American Writers; they were married in 1939. Soon after the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact with Germany, the couple quit the Communist Party, but they continued to press for progressive reforms throughout their lives. Robert Gorham Davis held teaching positions at Harvard University and Smith College and eventually became a professor of English at Columbia University. Davis helped edit her husband's work, and continued writing stories for magazines such as Redbook and Town & Country, as well as literary criticism for the New Leader and other publications. She published a volume of short stories, The Dark Way to the Plaza, in 1968. In 1983-1984 she was a fellow at the Bunting Institute at Radcliffe College, remaining there the following year as a visiting scholar. During these years she continued working on the memoir that would become Great Day Coming . She taught writing at the Radcliffe Seminars from 1985 until a month before her death on October 2, 2004, at age 100.

Hope and Robert Davis had two children, Stephen Davis (born in 1943) and writer Lydia Davis (born in 1948). Claudia Cockburn married the British performer Michael Flanders; they had two daughters, journalists Stephanie Flanders and Laura Flanders.

From the guide to the Papers, 1831-1835, 1916-2002, (Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Deihl, Marcia, 1949-. Papers of Marcia Deihl, 1965-2004 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Davis, Hope Hale. Letter, 1983, to Lewis Mumford. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf Davis, Hope Hale. Papers, 1831-1835, 1916-2002 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Plath mss. II, 1932-1977 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
creatorOf Papers, 1831-1835, 1916-2002 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Agricultural Adjustment Administration. corporateBody
correspondedWith Albert Goldman person
correspondedWith Alec Waugh. person
correspondedWith Allanbrook, Wendy person
correspondedWith Allen Weinstein person
correspondedWith Anne Pringle Harris person
correspondedWith Auster, Paul person
correspondedWith Bachrach, Marion person
correspondedWith Bing, Crystal person
correspondedWith Boger, Stephanie person
correspondedWith Borroff, Marie person
correspondedWith Brickner, Richard person
correspondedWith Britten, Rollo person
associatedWith Britten, Roy J. person
associatedWith Brunck, Karl Hermann. person
associatedWith Bunting Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Burnett, Hallie person
correspondedWith Calisher, Hortense person
correspondedWith C. Alpheus Stanfield person
correspondedWith Capote, Truman person
correspondedWith Caroline Bynum. person
correspondedWith Caskie Stinnett person
correspondedWith Clarence Britten person
correspondedWith Cockburn, Alexander person
associatedWith Cockburn, Claud, 1904-1981. person
correspondedWith Cockburn, Patricia person
correspondedWith Columbia University corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party corporateBody
correspondedWith Cooper Graham person
associatedWith Cowley, Malcolm, 1898-1989. person
correspondedWith Crowther, Prudence person
correspondedWith Davenport, William person
associatedWith David T. Williams person
correspondedWith Davies, Robertson person
associatedWith Davis, Lydia, 1947- person
associatedWith Davis, Robert Gorham. person
correspondedWith Davis, Stephen person
associatedWith De Heras, Anita. person
associatedWith Deihl, Marcia, 1949- person
associatedWith Delmar, Viña person
correspondedWith Deutsch, Babette person
correspondedWith Dixon, Stephen person
correspondedWith Doubleday corporateBody
correspondedWith Erica Jong, PHOTOGRAPH (#5. 13). (3 folders) person
correspondedWith Ernst Volkmann. person
correspondedWith Estela Canto person
correspondedWith Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Flanders, Claudia Cockburn. person
associatedWith Flanders, Laura. person
correspondedWith Flanders, Michael person
correspondedWith Frances McFarland Hale person
correspondedWith Frank Day Tuttle person
correspondedWith Frank Dobo. person
correspondedWith Franklin D. Roosevelt person
correspondedWith Galbraith, John Kenneth person
correspondedWith Gilman, Dorothy person
associatedWith Gold, Herbert, 1924- person
correspondedWith Hadas, Rachel person
associatedWith Hagar Wilde. person
associatedWith Hagar Wilde. (2 folders) person
correspondedWith Harker, Joseph person
correspondedWith Harvey Swados. (2 folders) person
associatedWith Havoc, June. person
associatedWith Heilbrun, Carolyn G., 1926-2003. person
correspondedWith Henrietta Wiegel. person
correspondedWith Heywood Hale Broun. person
associatedWith Hicks, Granville person
correspondedWith Houghton Mifflin Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Ingrams, Richard person
correspondedWith Jackson, Gardner person
correspondedWith James T. Farrell person
correspondedWith Jean Ross person
correspondedWith Jill Ker Conway. person
correspondedWith John Hawkins person
correspondedWith Johnson, Buffie person
correspondedWith Joseph K. Lash person
associatedWith Kazin, Alfred, 1915-1998. person
correspondedWith Kempner, Natalie person
correspondedWith Klehr, Harvey person
correspondedWith Kunin, Madeline person
correspondedWith Langer, Elinor person
correspondedWith Lash, Joseph person
associatedWith Lesley University corporateBody
correspondedWith Library of Congress corporateBody
associatedWith Mailer, Norman. person
associatedWith Mansfield, Katherine person
associatedWith Maxwell, William, 1908-2000. person
correspondedWith Mayhall, Jane person
associatedWith Meredith, William, 1919-2007. person
correspondedWith Monroe Engel. person
correspondedWith Mumford, Lewis person
correspondedWith Ned Rorem. person
correspondedWith Oderman, Stuart person
correspondedWith Olsen, Tillie person
associatedWith Palmer Dodge Agency corporateBody
associatedWith Pat Wood person
correspondedWith Paul de Laszlo person
correspondedWith Paul Reynolds Agency) corporateBody
associatedWith Pember, Timothy, 1910- person
correspondedWith Peter Viereck person
associatedWith Plath, Sylvia. person
associatedWith Radcliffe Seminars corporateBody
correspondedWith Reinitz, Neale person
correspondedWith Richard Brickner. person
correspondedWith Riding, Laura person
associatedWith Riesman, David, 1909-2002. person
correspondedWith Riesman, Evey person
correspondedWith Robert Phillips. person
associatedWith Rorem, Ned person
associatedWith Roth, Philip. person
correspondedWith Sarton, May person
associatedWith Schlesinger, Arthur M. (Arthur Meier), 1917-2007. person
correspondedWith Schorer, Mark person
correspondedWith Scott, Georgette person
correspondedWith Sid Perelman person
correspondedWith S. J. Perelman person
correspondedWith Snodgrass, DeWitt person
correspondedWith Sontag, Susan person
correspondedWith Spock, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Stephanie Flanders person
correspondedWith Stephen Davis. person
correspondedWith Steve Davis person
correspondedWith Stoney Lodge corporateBody
correspondedWith Suzanne La Follette person
correspondedWith Swados, Bette person
correspondedWith Thaddeus, Janice Farrar person
associatedWith Trilling, Diana. person
correspondedWith Tuttle, Lauralee person
correspondedWith Updike, John person
correspondedWith Val Henry Gielgud person
correspondedWith Victor Navasky person
correspondedWith Volkmann, Ernst person
correspondedWith Wald, Alan person
correspondedWith Wallace, Betty person
associatedWith Warner, Sylvia Townsend, 1893-1978. person
correspondedWith Waugh, Alec person
correspondedWith Weinstein, Allen person
associatedWith Weyl, Nathaniel, 1910-2005. person
correspondedWith Wilde, Hagar person
correspondedWith William W. Scott. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
Authors, American
Mothers and daughters


Birth 1903


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6n88hg0

Ark ID: w6n88hg0

SNAC ID: 41338360