Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658

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From the description of Letter signed "Oliver P" : Westminster, to Colonel Underwood, 1657 Feb. 4. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270537898

Epithet: Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000357.0x0002c4

Army officer, Puritan, and statesman of Great Britain.

From the description of Oliver Cromwell papers, 1874. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 70980329

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Document signed : Whitehall, to Thomas Belasyse, Earl Fauconberg, 1658 May 25. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Portrait file: Guide. Houghton Library
referencedIn SECRET ARTICLE between Louis XIV. of France and the Protector, Oliver Cromwell, for the expulsion of Charles II. and others, Royalists, from France and of certain Frenchmen from England within forty days; [3 Nov. 1655]. Latin. On three single sheets ... British Library
referencedIn VERNON PAPERS. Vol. XXVIII (ff. 177). "Originall Treaties and Ratifications lying in Mr. Secretary Vernon's Office," chiefly with the Dutch, German and Scandinavian Powers, 1689-1698, followed (f. 62) by other treaties, etc., taken from copies and r..., 1689-1700 British Library
referencedIn Original Letters and papers relating to the affairs of the Commonwealth; 1655-1659, and (one letter) 1668. They include forty letters of John Thurloe, Secretary of State, to Henry Cromwell, Maj. Gen. of the Forces in Ireland, a collection of ciphers ..., 1655-1668 British Library
referencedIn Vol. II. (ff. 226). 1653-1746. 1. Letters and papers relating to the sale of fee-farm rents, 1653-1655. Included are:-(a) Order from the " Commissioners for removing obstructions in ye Sale of the Honours, etc., of ye late King, Queene and Prince," ... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CXL (ff. 254). 1643-1714.includes:f.1 Tobacco: Ordinance conc. excise on: 1643. f. 4 Oliver Cromwell of England: Council order for pay ment for a jewel for Gen. Blake: 1657. f. 4 George Alkington: Council order for payment of, for jewel for Ge..., 1643-1714 British Library
creatorOf Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Autograph letter signed : London, to [Edward Chapman], [1846 Jan. 28?]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS MISCELLANY; 1626-1719. Mostly copies. This volume was originally begun as an apparently first-hand account of the proceedings of the parliament of 1626, possibly by Peter Peke, covering the period from 14 April to 16 June (ff...., 1626-1719 British Library
referencedIn Vol. LXXI (ff. 287). Apr. 1894-Apr. 1895.includes:f. 1 Francis Leveson Bertie, 1st Viscount Bertie of Thame: Letter to Lord Gladstone: 1894.f. 2 Francis John Pakenham, KCMG 1898: 1898. Despatch to Lord Rosebery: 1894.: Copy.ff. 7-16, 20-25, 236 ... British Library
referencedIn Pierre Séguier, Duc de Villemor, d 1672, Chancellor of France: The delivery of Dunkirk to the English, defended by, from the malice of libellers and enemies: 1658.: Transl.Sir William Lockhart, English Ambassador in Paris: Treaty between England and ... British Library
referencedIn 1. "A BREIFE Declaration of Moneys received and of moneys paid att the receipt of his Highnesse [Oliver Cromwell's] Exchequer"; 1656-1657, 1657-1658. ff. 2, 15. 2. "A Diary of the Proceedings in the treaty of peace betweene the Lords Commissioners on..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters of Oliver Cromwell, 1648-1654, viz.:-1. To Lord Fairfax, urging the reinforcement of Bristol, and recommending Lieut.-Col. Rolfe for the command there, and Lieut.-Col. Blackmore as adjutant-general to the army; 9 May, 1648. Hol. f. ..., 1648-1654 British Library
referencedIn HARINGTON PAPERS. Vol. XI (ff.116). Newspapers and political tracts, etc., chiefly relating to the Civil War; 1641-1677. Printed. From a note on f. 56 they appear to have been assembled principally by John Harington of Corston, captain in the Parliam..., 1641-1677 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1519Paper, in folio, ff. 243, XVII century. A collection of letters illustrative of English History, addressed for the most part to Thomas third Lord Fairfax.Index of contents. ff. 1-11.1. Letter of Philip II, King of Spain, to Queen Elizabeth... British Library
referencedIn Wargrave Hundred, Berkshire: Assessment for supplies to the Commonwealth armies, etc.: 1657.Sonning Hundred, Berkshire: Assessment for supplies to the Commonwealth armies, etc.Ripplesmere Hundred, Berkshire: Assessment for supplies to Commonwealth ar... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL DOCUMENTS, as follows:-(1) Will of Richard Claridge, of St. James, Clerkenwell; 18 Apr. 1723. Copy. ff. 1-9. (2) 'Brief of the evidence of ye conspiracy by John Gerard and others', against 0. Cromwell, Protector; 1654. Followed (..., 1654-1723 British Library
creatorOf England and Wales. Copies of parliamentary acts and a proclamation, 1656 [manuscript], 1658. Folger Shakespeare Library
creatorOf HENRY MARTEN PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. ii+24). Henry Marten: Eleven tracts on political questions, with some verses in Latin, etc.; circa 1642-circa 1656, n.d. Mostly autograph drafts, and fragments. These tracts are apparently unpublished: for others see..., 1637-1661 British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Copy of original letter : Bazinstoke, to the Speaker of Parliament, 1645 Oct. 14. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron, 1803-1873. The plays of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. Cromwell. University of Missouri -- Columbia, MU Libraries; University of Missouri; MU; Ellis Library; University of Missouri Columbia
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. 170). (1) Instructions to George Downing, Extraordinary Ambassador to Geneva, Basle, etc., John Pell, Resident with the Evangelical Cantons of Switzerland, and Samuel Morland, Envoy to the Duke of Savoy; 28 July 1655. Draft, partly in Sec..., 1653-1661 British Library
referencedIn Cardonnel-Lawson, Mansfeldt de,. British autograph collection, ca. 1500-1899. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn RALPH THORESBY TRANSCRIPTSTranscripts in the autograph of Ralph Thoresby, antiquary (d. 1725). Purchased at the sale of his museum, 7 March 1764, by Thomas Birch (see note in Birch's autograph on f. lb). For other Thoresby MSS. purchased by Birch see..., approximately 1707 British Library
referencedIn GRANT by Oliver Cromwell of a fortnightly cattle fair at Seaton Ross, E.R., co. York; 8 Sept. 1656. Ink and pencil portrait of the Protector.Seaton Ross, East Riding of Yorkshire: Grant of a cattle fair in: 1656.Oliver Cromwell of England: Grant of a... British Library
referencedIn Lawrence, Henry, 1600-1664. Letter, 1655 March 27, to Mayor and Justices of the Peace of Gloucestershire, Eng. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS (chiefly originals) of the xvith, xviith, and xviiith centuries ; in the following order :-Order of Thomas [Howard], Duke of Norfolk, " Lieutenant General of the voward and rereward" of the King's army, against the purchase of v..., 16th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn ANGLO-PORTUGUESE RELATIONSCollection of State Papers concerning the relations between the Commonwealth of England and the Kingdom of Portugal, and consisting mostly of articles, propositions, objections, etc., during the negotiations of João Rodrigue..., approximately 1653-1656 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS relating to the revenue, coinage, etc., tempp. Hen. III.-Geo. I. Among the contents are:-1. " Extracts from the Statute books concerning the revenues of the Crown, alphabetically digested"; tempp. Hen. III.-Jas. I. f. 1. 2. " Ab... British Library
referencedIn Vol. I.-Copies of documents and papers, with a few originals, relating to the Conferences at Nimeguen, the Popish Plot, etc., 1675-1685, in the following order:-Letters between Charles II. and various European Princes, Commissions of plein-pouvoir gi..., 1675-1728 British Library
referencedIn CALENDAR OF PRIVY SEAL WARRANTS; 9 Feb. 1653/4-4 Dec. 1656. Arranged chronologically, one entry to a page, and against each the note 'From the Register of the Signet-In the possession of William Eyre, of Lincoln's Inn, esquire'. Paper; ff. 212. Folio..., 1654-1656 British Library
referencedIn Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Letter: 1845 Dec. 12, Chelsea [London], to David Laing / T. Carlyle. University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library
creatorOf (29/268). COMMISSION of Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector appointing Robert Robinson an ensign in Col. Rowe's Company; 12 May 1658. English. Signed by Oliver Cromwell. Seal (fragment).Oliver Cromwell of England: Commission to Ensign R. Robinson: 1658... British Library
referencedIn PETTY PAPERS. VOL. XXV. Petty's account, written in the third person, of the making of the Down Survey, with the heading added in the hand of James Matthews, 'Sir William Petty's History of the Survey of Ireland in 18 chapters'; [late 1659-early 1660..., 1659-1660 British Library
referencedIn Blackhouse charters, 1304-1717 Glasgow University Archive Service
referencedIn Harrach, Ferdinand Bonaventura, graf von, 1636-1706. Diplomatic papers of graf von Harrach, [1670s?]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. 316). (1) Form of assignment of livings, etc., in the patronage of Lord Brereton; 1668. f. 1. (2) Three receipts for money paid by William Polden of Wakefield, as executor for Mrs. Mary Leake of York; 1633. ff. 2, 132, 277. (3) Acknowledg..., 1625-1770 British Library
referencedIn COMMISSION of Oliver [Cromwell], Lord Protector of England, appointing Lord Henry Cromwell to be Major-General in the army of Ireland; dat. 24 Aug. 1654. With signature. [Add. Ch. 8,484.] British Library
referencedIn English miscellaneous manuscripts collection, 1362-1945 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn HODGKIN PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. 192). Military and Naval papers, 1601-1786, including a number of letters and papers of Gen. Monck. Contents:— 1. Statement of a month's pay for Her Majesty's forces in the Low Countries, 13 May -9 June, 1601. With a re..., 1601-1786 British Library
referencedIn Colonel Henry Norwood, Esquire of the Body to Charles II., Treasurer to the Colony of Virginia, Lieutenant-Governor of Tangier, and Commander in Chief of the English Forces in Africa: Correspondence and papers during his command at Tangier: 1666-1669... British Library
referencedIn Privy Seal of Oliver Cromwell, 1655. From the matrix in the Ashmolean Museum; cf. H. W. Henfrey, Numismata Cromwelliana, 1877, pp. 20, 192, and pl. 1, no. 7.Oliver Cromwell of England: Privy Seal, as Protector: 1655. British Library
referencedIn Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Papers relating to the bequest of Carlyle's library, 1869-1894. Houghton Library
creatorOf Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Autograph letter signed : London, to [Edward Chapman], 1845 Dec. 29. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Letter: 1846 Mar. 6, Chelsea [London], to David Laing / T. Carlyle. University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library
referencedIn LETTERS Patent of Oliver [Cromwell], Protector of England, appointing arbitrators for the restoration of English ships in Portugal; dat. 27 Feb. 1654/5. With signature. [Add. Ch. 7,924.] British Library
referencedIn Cowley, Abraham, 1618-1667. The works of Mr. Abraham Cowley / published by Dr. T. Sprat : manuscript, [between ca. 1669 and ca. 1673] Houghton Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Letter, 1656. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Vol. XIX. LETTERS addressed chiefly to Augustin Neave, Estate Agent to Sir Oliver Cromwell, K.B., of Hinchinbrook; 1617-1661. Among the writers are:-(1.) Sir Oliver Cromwell; n. d., 4 Dec. 1633. ff. 5, 7;-(2.) Thomas Wentworth, of Bretton; 18 Dec. 1..., 1617-1661 British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS of dispatches from Swedish ambassadors and agents in England to Charles X (Charles Gustavus) of Sweden; 1655, 1656. Made for Samuel Rawson Gardiner, the historian. The writers are:-(1) J-Barkmann, commissioner; I Aug.-Dec. 1656. f. 2 (2)... British Library
creatorOf Hawthorne, Sophia Peabody, 1809-1871. Autograph letter signed : Lincoln, to her daughter Una, 1857 May 23-24. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS, facsimiles, and drafts of English and Foreign State letters; 1549-1765. A few of them have memoranda in the hand of Thomas Astle, and are copies of letters that have since been acquired by the British Museum. The contents are:-1. Henry ... British Library
referencedIn Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Letter: 1844 Feb. 10, Chelsea [London], to David Laing / T. Carlyle. University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Letter [manuscript]. Libraries Australia
referencedIn BARRINGTON PAPERS. Vol. VIII. (ff. 240). Political and other papers; 1580-1820. Included are:-1. "Sute" of the churchwardens and overseers of Maldon, co. Essex, to Sir John Popham, on a question of rating with opinion; [circ. 1580]. 2. Commission fr..., 1580-1820 British Library
referencedIn CORRESPONDENCE and papers of Col. Charles Fairfax relating to the siege of Pontefract, etc., including letters of 0. Cromwell, Major-Gen. John Lambert, Col. John Morris, Governor of Pontefract, and others; 12 Aug. 1645-8 Oct. 1651. A transcript from ... British Library
referencedIn Hood, Tom, 1835-1874. Letter : [London], to [Matthew] Noble, [ca. 1865]. Texas Christian University
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Letter, 1650 September 4, Dunbar, to Richard Major, Huntley. Dartmouth College Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Document signed : [n.p.], to Sir John Wollaston, Treasurer-at-War, 1651 Apr. 16. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. CCCLXXXIV (ff. 235). (1) Orders, etc., from Charles II, mostly concerning Irish troops in French service, 1656-1658; including (ff. 5-8) two copies (one signed by Charles) of a paper by Digby concerning preparations for an expedition to England...., 1649-1664 British Library
referencedIn Augustus van Holsteyn: Journal of voyage to Tripoli: 1675-1676.James II of England: MS. 2755 was dedicated to, when Duke of York, by A. van Holsteyn: circ. 1680.Kingdom of Tripoli, Barbary: Journal of voyage to, by A. Holstein: 1675-1676.includes:f. ... British Library
referencedIn Vol. II (ff. 399). (1) Johann Heinrich Rahn to J. Pell; Kyburg, near Zurich, 3 March 1658. Latin. ff. 5-6b. (2) John Pell to Theodore Hank, on scientific subjects; 1663, 1664. ff. 13-17b. (3) Ezerel Tonge, D.D., to J. Pell; 8 Oct. 1662. ff. 23-24. (4..., 1654-1714 British Library
referencedIn Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Letter: 1845 Mar. 25, Chelsea [London], to David Laing / T. Carlyle. University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of Parliamentary Documents, mostly originals, relating to events in the years 1624-1659, viz. :-Copy of the Declaration by James I. to his Parliament, upon breaking off the treaties of the match with Spain, and of the Palatinate, [25 Mar..., 1624-1659 British Library
referencedIn Letters of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., collected and edited by George Birkbeck Hill, extra-illustrated, 1413-1900 (inclusive), 1775-1839 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of Original Letters and Papers, viz.:-Letter from Edward [Stafford], Duke of Buckingham, to Sir Ed ward Chamberlain, Knt., touching his claim to Penshurst, co. Kent; dat. Thornbury, 16 Oct. [temp. Hen. VIII.] , f. 1 ;-Letter from Thomas..., 1509-1779 British Library
referencedIn CORRESPONDENCE and papers of Thomas Coxe, special Envoy to the Swiss Cantons to negotiate a treaty for levying troops in Switzerland 18 Nov. 1689-19 Alay, 1692. A précis of the negotiations will be found at ff. 9-11 b, and various projects for the tr..., 1654-1759 British Library
referencedIn HARDWICKE PAPERS. Vol. CCCCXC. The principal contents are:-1. Contract of marriage between Mary, Queen of Scots, and James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell; 14 May, l567. Copy. f. 17. 2. Account of the reception by the Emperor Charles V. at Bologna of Sir ..., 1559-1775 British Library
referencedIn ORDER of the Council of State for proclaiming Oliver Cromwell Protector of the Commonwealth; Whitehall, 17 Dec. 1653. With the signatures of Col. John Disbrowe, P[hilip, Viscount] Lisle, Col. John Lambert, Col. Edward Mountagu, Gilbert Pickering, Wal... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL LETTERS of sovereigns and noblemen, actors, artists, and authors; arranged in each class, according to the nationalities of the writers, under the beads of England, Flanders, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and th..., 16th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn Bennet, Robert, 1605-1683. Papers of Robert Bennet [manuscript], 1603-1678 (bulk 1642-1663). Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn Fairfax, Rupert. [Depositions, take at Boston in the County of Lincolne, concerning allegations against Joseph Whiting for treasonable and seditious utterances against the Lord Protector] 1655 Aug. 24. University of Michigan
referencedIn X. 1. James Heave to Oliver Cromwell; "the Leaguer before Eliz[abeth] Castle in the Island of Jersey," 15 Nov. 1651. Hologr. With engraved portrait of Cromwell. f. 110. 2. "On Hampden:" a poem by Elizabeth Rowe; n.d. Hologr. f. 112. 3. [Firmin] Abauz... British Library
creatorOf Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874,. Charles Sumner autograph collection, 1482-1812. Houghton Library
referencedIn THURLOE PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 280. Vil:-(1) The Dutch Commissioners for the treaty with Sweden, to the States General; Copenhagen, 16/26 Apr. 1660. Dutch and English translation. Copies. Op. cit . vii, p. 898. ff. 1-4. (2) Charles Longland, Agent at Le... British Library
creatorOf Short, Ames, fl. 1653-1660. Petition signed : [n.p.], to Oliver Cromwell, [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn HEATH AND VERNEY PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 321). Miscellaneous State papers, etc., 1603-1659. The principal contents are as follows :-1. Weekly statistics of burials in London from the plague and otherwise, 24 Dec. 1602-22 Dec. 1603, and 6 Jail.-22 Dec. 16..., 1602-1659 British Library
referencedIn PORT OF MARDICK: two tracts on the handover of the port by the French government to the English in Oct. 1657; circa 1658. Italian translation. Copies. The first tract (art. 1, ff. 2-41) is the Italian translation of a French pamphlet published anonym... British Library
referencedIn HOUSEHOLD accompt-book of Rachel, wife of Thomas Pengelly [ob. 6 Jan. 169.5/6], Merchant of Leadenhall-street, London, during residence at Finchley and Cheshunt: containing memoranda of payments made by Richard Cromwell, ex-Protector of England, who ..., 1693-1709 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical letters, etc.; 1375-1810. In two series, English or relating to England and (artt. 87-106) foreign. 1. Andrea Contarini, Doge of Venice, to Edward III. of England, desiring a safe conduct for merchant-ships about to be sent t... British Library
referencedIn Arnolfini, José,. Conferencias en los espacios imaginarios entre los Emmos. Sres. cardenales Richlieux, Mazarin y Oliberio Cromuel : s[obr]e negocíos de estado d[es]ta compendio de sus maximas : manuscript, [not before 1661] Houghton Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters, viz.:-1. Lieut.-General Oliver Cromwell to Sir Peter Wentworth, in favour of the appointment of Major Temple as governor of Newport-Pagnell; 4 May, 1645. Holograph; with seals. f. 1. 2. Queen Caroline [wife of George II.] to [Henr..., 1645-1736 British Library
referencedIn ROBIN HOOD Ballads, transcribed and annotated by Francis Peek; taken from a larger collection, and consisting of "Songs," numbered L., Ll., LIII., LIV., LVIII., LIX. At the end is "The Editor's Conclusion: opening a most curious Piece of Secret Histo..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn Oliver Cromwell of England: Summons to Parliament to his son Richard Cromwell, with a list of others summoned at the same date: 1657.: Copy.Richard Cromwell, afterwards Lord Protector: Summons to Parliament to, from his father: 1657. British Library
creatorOf "Oliver Cromwell - autograph letters and historical documents 1646-1658", 1646-1658 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Collection regarding Oliver Cromwell 1640-1970. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS ROYAL DOCUMENTS, VIZ:-(1) Letters of Protection granted by James III of Scotland to Sir Alexander Napier of Merchiston for his mission to the Court of Burgundy; 1 May 1473. Latin. Seal en placard (fragment). This document, while still ..., 1473-1683 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I, 1656-1658;Gualter Frost, Treasurer to Council of State: Warrants for payments to: 1656-1660.Sir Adam Loftus: Warrants for payments to: 1656-1660.John Lindsay, 17th Earl of Crawford and 1st Earl of Lindsay: Warrants for payments to: 1656-1659..., 1656-1658 British Library
referencedIn AUTOGRAPH LETTERS and miscellaneous papers; A.-Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector, to his son " the Lord Henry Cromwell," remonstrating with him for deeming Fleetwood an enemy, and referring to Lieut.-Col. Brafeild's business and Lord Broghill's account..., 14th century-19th century British Library
creatorOf FAMILY OF WESTON: Correspondence and notes relating to the genealogy, etc.; circa late 18th cent.-1903, n.d. Partly printed.Paper: ff. 58. Included are:-1. f. 1-4v. Letter of Thomas Stratton of Lincoln’s Inn to his nephew, ‘G. J.’, rel. to the Wes... British Library
referencedIn " KILLING no Murder," by Colonel Silas Titus, under the pseudonym of William Allen, addressed to the Protector Cromwell in 1657. A contemporary transcript of the printed tract. Paper; ff. 17. Folio. Presented by the Rev. D. J. Davies, Rector of North... British Library
referencedIn "CONFERENCIAS del otro Mundo en los Espazios imaginarios entre los eminentissimos Señores Cardenales de Richelieu, Mazarin, y Oliverio Cromuel." "Traducido por el Signor Don Simon de Santander, secretario de S. M. C. residente en Bruselas, año de 174..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS papers, principally copies of the xviith cent., viz.:-1. Part of a chartulary of the abbey of Croyland, co. Linc.; tempp". Hen. III.-Edw. I.; xvth-xvith centt. Lat. f. 1. 2. Valuation of monastic lands, chiefly in co. Stafford, f. 9. 3...., 17th century British Library
referencedIn SHREWSBURY (TALBOT) PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 194). Estate papers of the Talbots and their relatives, mainly of the 16th and 17th centuries (with transcripts of earlier documents). Both this and the preceding volume contain papers relating to the Wellys al... British Library
referencedIn PETTY PAPERS. VOL. XXIX (ff. 112). Papers relating to Ireland, chiefly the Restoration land settlement; 1661-1672. See also Add. 72854, ff. 2-5, 'Severall Accompts and Estimates in order to the distribution, settlement and Government of Ireland', cir..., 1656-1679 British Library
referencedIn Vol. II. (ff. 320). ANGLO-BELGlCA, or state-papers relating to affairs between England and the Netherlands, many of which refer to the trade of the two countries to the East Indies; 1585-1659. 1. Treaties of England with the United Provinces, viz.: 1... British Library
referencedIn VOL. II.-Letter from Theodore Haak to John Evelyn, 27 Nov. 1671 (with a portrait), f 6;-Fac-simile of a letter from John Hampden to Col. Bulstrode and others, 31 Oct. 1631 (with a portrait), f. 8;-Order signed by Sir William Hamilton for Major Robert..., 1624-1712 British Library
creatorOf Sandford, Francis, 1630-1694. Scuta scutarum, or, The geographie and armes of the empires, kingdomes, principalities ... and free-estates ... of Europe, as also the Orders of Knighthood : [n.p.] : manuscript on paper dedicated to the Lord Protector (Oliver Cromwell), 1656. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn ORIGINAL LETTERS and documents, written or signed by the following persons, viz. [Walter, Lord] Hungrefforde, H[umphrey Plantagenet, Duke of] Gloucester, H[enry Chicheley], Archbishop of Canterbury, P[hilip Morgan], Bishop of Ely, J[ohn Stafford], Bi..., 1433-1817 British Library
referencedIn PAPERS partly printed of Jacques Auguste de Thou, Baron de Meslay, French Ambassador to the States General of Holland, principally relating to affairs of 1657; with further papers concerning the relations of Holland with other countries; 1656-1662. A..., 1656-1662 British Library
referencedIn LETTER-BOOK of Sir Samuel Luke, Knt., M.P. for Bedford, when in command of Newport Pagnell, co. Bucks, garrisoned for the Parliament; 10 Oct. 1644-12 Mar. 1644 [5]. The contents consist of transcripts of letters to Sir S. Luke from his father Sir Oli... British Library
referencedIn THURLOE PAPERS. Vol. IV (ff. 207). Viz:-(1) Frederick III, of Denmark, to the States General; 30 Aug. 1659. English translation. Cf. art. 32. Followed by translations of correspondence of W. Boreel and other Dutch and French ministers on the affairs ... British Library
referencedIn Autograph File, C Houghton Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Document signed : Whitehall, 13 March 1653, to a customs agent. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Document on vellum : [n.p.], 1654 Oct. 9. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Letter: 1846 Jan. 10, Chelsea [London], to David Laing / T. Carlyle. University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library
referencedIn LETTERS To HENRY CROMWELL. Forty-three original letters (supplementary to Lansdowne MSS. 821-823) written to Henry Cromwell in Ireland; 1655-1659. All, except that at f. 31 (see below), are printed by Dr Thomas Birch in A Collection of the State Pape..., 1655-1659 British Library
creatorOf Petition, dated 6 Nov 1657, from the East India Company to the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell for a naval convoy, with Cromwell's recommendation thereon., 1657 British Library
referencedIn RETURNS made by the various Major-Generals and their Deputies presiding over the Military Districts into which the Protector Cromwell divided the country in 1655. Seven volumes. Paper. Folio. Given to Ralph Thoresby, the antiquary, in 1718 by Robert ..., 1650-1674 British Library
referencedIn INSTRUCTIONS FROM OLIVER CROMWELL, Lord Protector, to Charles Fleetwood, Lord Deputy of Ireland; 17 Aug. 1654 British Library
referencedIn PAPERS relating to Matthew Alured, Colonel in the Parliamentary service; consisting chiefly of accounts of his regiment of foot, his instructions as commander-in-chief in the Islands of Moola [Mull] and Skye, and charges against him of conduct inciti..., 1650-1654 British Library
referencedIn Historical manuscripts collection, 1347-1969, bulk: 1775-1885 Free Library of Philadelphia: Rare Book Department
referencedIn SOUTHWELL, PAPERS, 1654-1699, including:-1. "Articles of Treaty with the Kinge of Portugall, read and approoued the 23th of June, 1654": artt. 1-24 of an English draft or translation of the treaty signed 10/20 July, 1654. The full Latin text, with a..., 1654-1699 British Library
referencedIn Vol. III (ff. 280). Viz:-(a) James Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrews, 1661, to John Maitland, 2nd Earl and 1st Duke (1672) of Lauderdale, on Church matters; London, 28 Apr. 1657. ff. 46-47;-(b) Robert Long to John Colepeper, Lord Colepeper; The Hague,..., 1657-1681 British Library
referencedIn ROLLO PAPERSMiscellaneous Official and Private Papers of the Rollo family, Lords Rollo of Duncrub; 1649-1867. The papers consist chiefly of correspondence, etc., of and relating to Brig.-Gen. Andrew Rollo, 5th Lord Rollo 1758, including his correspon..., 1649-1867 British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION of transcripts of political tracts and poems, satires, lampoons, epigrams, ballads, etc., illustrating the history of the reigns of Charles II.-Anne, and more particularly the period of the Revolution, with a few pieces dating earlier in t... British Library
creatorOf CIVIL WAR AND COMMONWEALTH PAPERS. Vol. I A. Warrants for payment, partly receipted, issued by the Revenue and Army Committees, together with warrants of Oliver Cromwell and Charles II, five engraved portraits, etc.; temp. Chas. I-1672, 1816 [1625-1..., 1625-1816 British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. [Document] 1651 Oct. 27 / O. Cromwell. Smith College, Neilson Library
referencedIn "A BOOKE of such letters as from tyme to tyme have been sent from this Office [of Registry, in London, established by order, 20th Oct., 1655] to the Major Generalls of the respective associacions of the severall counties of this nation;" a Register o..., 1655-1657 British Library
referencedIn Lease, 1776 August 30 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Copy of the original proclamation : to the citizens of Bristol, 1645 Aug. 25. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. I. English historical autographs, etc., circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Henry VII, Charles I, Oliver Cromwell, William III, Anne, and George II; Sir Philip Sidney, Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford, Thomas, 3rd Bar..., approximately 16th century-20th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. II (ff. 212). (1) Sermon preached by an Aberdeen M.A. in 1666, 'When the Whiggamores, alias Covenanters, were in Arms'; apparently in Birch's early hand. ff. 1-2b. (2) Extract from Domesday-book, relating to the lands of Ilbert de Lacy in the We... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS autograph letters, etc.; 1438-1829., 1438-20th century British Library
referencedIn VERSE MISCELLANY: comprising copies of eleven poems by or attributed to John Dryden, Thomas Sprat, the Earls of Orrery and Dorset, etc.; circa 1667-1668. The two poems of Dryden (ff. 33-63v, 64-65v) may have been copied from one of the three issues o..., approximately 1667-1668 British Library
referencedIn Notebooks of transcriptions, drafts and proofs of Cromwell, our chief of men, 1970-1973 British Library
referencedIn "TRATADOS varios:" miscellaneous political tracts and papers; 1617-1683. Span. Among them are a few papers concerning the proposed marriage of Charles, Prince of Wales, with the Infanta Maria, sister of Philip IV. Paper; xviith cent. Folio.Kingdom of..., 1617-1683 British Library
referencedIn (I. ff. 333). 1720-June, 1724.includes:ff. 11, 14, 90, 95, 97, 103-107 Charles Delafaye, Under Secretary of State: Letters to the 1st Lord Hardwicke: 1725-1733. f. 14 Thomas Parker, 1st Baron Parker; 1st Earl of Macclesfield: Warrants signed by, as ..., 1720-1724 British Library
referencedIn 1. TREATY between England and Portugal, dated 10 July, 1654. Followed by:-(1) Powers from King John IV. of Portugal and from Oliver, Protector, to their several commissioners to conclude the treaty; and (2) the ratification of the same by King John, ... British Library
referencedIn GRANTS and dockes of arms, with the arms in trick, chiefly tempp. Eliz.-Chas. II. With an index of names. At the end of the volume, reversed is an index to some other heraldic collection. The volume also contains copies of:-(a) Speech of Charles I. a... British Library
referencedIn NOTEBOOK of George Sacheverell. At the beginning is "These notes tooke I in Oxford in August 1651, while I was resident there." The entries are continued to 1666, and consist of extracts, miscellaneous notes, copies of letters, and poetical pieces. A..., 1651-1666 British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Letter : to Richard Major, 1648 Feb. 26. Houghton Library
referencedIn SPEECHES in Parliament, etc.; 1558-1695. 1. "Queen Elizabeths speech (a) to her secretary [Sir W. Cecil] and other her Lords," 20 Nov. 1558. In a hand of the 18th cent. f. 1; -(b) to the two Houses, 12 Nov. 1586. f. 2. 2. "Answeres to the first part ... British Library
referencedIn THURLOE PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. 206). Viz:-(1) John Owen, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, to the Lord Protector; 20 Oct. 1655. Op. cit. iv, p. 65. ff. 3-4b. (2) Decree of Daniel Searle, Lt.-General and Governor of Barbados, in a suit there between Rober... British Library
referencedIn Helsby, Mary, 17th cent. Autograph letters signed from Mary Helsby to various recipients [manuscript], 1651-1668. Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters addressed to the Rev. Thomas Orlebar Marsh, Vicar of Steventon, co. Bedford, chiefly upon subjects relating to natural history and topography; 1787-1822. The writers are John Whiteham; Ampthill, 3 June, 1787, f. 5. Henry H[umphrey] G..., 1787-1822 British Library
creatorOf Crompton, John, 1611-1669. Document signed : Whitehall, to Oliver Cromwell, 1656 June 22. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn COMMONPLACE-BOOK of Sir John Gibson (1606-1665), of Welburn, near Kirkby Moorside, co. York, a Royalist prisoner in Durham Castle, circ. 1653-1660. The compilation is dedicated, in a letter (f. 5 b) dated March, 1656, to his son John Gibson. Holograp..., approximately 1653-1660 British Library
referencedIn THE KNYVETT LETTERS: eighty-eight letters from Thomas Knyvett, of Ashwellthorpe, co. Norf. (1596-1658), de jure 5th Lord Berners, addressed to his wife Katherine, daughter of Thomas Burgh, 5th Baron Burgh of Gainsborough; 18 Ma[rch] 162.0/[1]-11 July..., 1620-1644 British Library
referencedIn Vol. LXXII (ff. 290). May 1895-1897.includes:f.1 Harriet Mary Gott, wife of John Gott: Letter to Lord Gladstone: 1895.f. 3 Frances Anna Maria Russell, wife of John, 1st Earl Russell: Letters to Lord Gladstone: 1883-1895.ff. 4, 246 Admiral Charl... British Library
referencedIn includes:f. 2 Charles I of England: Sonnet sur la mort de: 17th cent.f. 2 Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden: Sonnet sur la mort de: 17th cent.f. 3 Charles Emmanuel II; Duke of Savoy: Sonnet à, par F. Boniel: 17th cent.f. 3 Charles Emmanuel II; D... British Library
referencedIn Oliver Cromwell of England: Common Pleas seal: 1656.Court of CommonPleas: Seals of: 1555-1663.Fleckney, Leicestershire: Deeds rel. to: 1555-1656. British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS Of political papers, letters, treatises and poems, chiefly relating to the times of James I. and Charles l., with a few original papers. Several of the documents relate to Francis Fane, 1st Earl of Westmoreland, in his connection with co...., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. III (ff. 283). M-S.includes:ff.1-5 Thomas Madox, d 1727 Historiographer Royal: Biographical notice: 18th cent.ff. 6-12 Sir John Marsham, 1st Baronet d 1685: Biographical notice: 18th cent.: Fr.ff. 13,16 John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlboro... British Library
referencedIn Vol. II (ff. 324). D-Z; circ. 1624-1683. Included are letters of Samuel Hartlib, Marin Mersenne, Sir Samuel Morland, Johann Jacob Stockar, etc.includes:ff. 1, 3, 6, 7 John Davis, of Horndon-on-the-Hill: Correspondence with J. Pell: 1662.f. 5 Eliz..., approximately 1624-1683 British Library
referencedIn VOL. II. Transcripts from 1503 to 1682; chiefly in English. A large portion of the volume consists of private and business letters from noblemen, bishops, abbats and others, to officers of the Exchequer; and of papers relating to the Augmentation Off..., 1503-1682 British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. ALS : to Mr. Robinson, Southampton, England, 1648 [i.e., 1649] Feb. 1. Rosenbach Museum & Library
referencedIn BLENHEIM PAPERS. Vol. CCCCI (ff. 110). Articles of agreement of, and memorials, etc., relating to, diplomatic and military agreements, 1655-1720; including (ff. 37-39b) an original protocol of the Anglo-Tripolitanian peace treaty of 1703; (ff. 68-69..., 1655-1720 British Library
referencedIn Watson, John F. (John Fanning), 1779-1860. Oliver Cromwell vindicated from the aspersions of enemies, 1847. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn " INROLLMENTS of Letters Patents and other Instruments of State during the Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, of his son Richard, and of the Government of the Persons who stiled themselves Keepers of the Liberties of England, namely from June 24th 1654... British Library
referencedIn FRANCIS PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. i + 291). Miscellaneous papers of Sir P. Francis, including, letters and copies of diplomatic and political documents. The most noteworthy are:-(1) A letter, "To the Frequenters of THEATRES," subscribed "An Enemy to Impos..., 1652-1763 British Library
referencedIn Petitions from Nottinghamshire to Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658), Lord Protector, c.1658, 1658 The University of Nottingham
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS political and other papers; 1640-circa 1660; belonging to the preceding collection:-1. Reports of speeches, etc., in Parliament, and London news-letters; 3 Nov. 1640-16 Feb. 164.0/1, f. 1. 2. Proposicions sent from Kilkenny touchinge a..., 17th century British Library
creatorOf JAMES CHALONER: correspondence and papers, etc., of James Chaloner, regicide and antiquary; 1640-1685, n.d. Partly copies. Belonged, on 3 Sept. 1930, to Mrs Eleanor Colville Corbally of Newbridge House, Donabate, co. Dublin (note on f. ii). Formerly ..., 1640-1685 British Library
referencedIn STATE PAPERS RELATING TO EUROPEAN AFFAIRS as affected in many cases by the Quadruple Alliance in 1718, with a few earlier documents; 1653-1730. The principal contents are as follows:-(1) Drafts, etc., of a treaty between George I as 'Electeur de Brun..., 1653-1730 British Library
creatorOf Pride, Thomas, d. 1658. Document signed, being the petition of Pride and Dr. H. Young : [London], to Cromwell, 1657 Sept. 23. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Portraits and pictures collection, circa 1750-1900. Cornell University Library
referencedIn LETTERS and papers of the time of the Civil War and Commonwealth; 1641-1660. Included are:-1. Answers of Charles I. to the Scotch Commissioners at London, as to his visit to Scotland and a conformity of church-government between the two kingdoms; 9,... British Library
referencedIn EGMONT PAPERS. Vol. CXCII (ff. i+169). Egmont MS. 255. Commonplace book of Sir John Perceval, 1st Bart., probably compiled while at Magdalene College, Cambridge; 1646-1649, n.d. The chief contents are poems, mostly with no indication of authorship, a..., 1646-1649 British Library
referencedIn Oliver Cromwell, Republic, rev. only.Oliver Cromwell of England: Reverse of Great seal. British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Letter signed "Oliver P" : Westminster, to Colonel Underwood, 1657 Feb. 4. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. III., 1625-May 1660:-1. "Desadueu des armes de M. de Soubize par le Synode Prouincial de L'Isle de France, Picardie, Champa-ne et Beausse, 17 Auril 1625." 2. "Responses du Conseil du Roy [Louis XIII.] sur les plaintes et demandes de ceux de la ... British Library
referencedIn Locker-Lampson, Warburg, Grimson autograph album, 1552-1890. Houghton Library
referencedIn Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Autograph signature to a receipt : London, 1846 Jan. 7. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Burrell, Andrewes. Newes from the narrow seaes : a reply to A golden legend, published in the name of the Comissioners of the Navye; wherein the present condition of Englands Navie, is discoursed, and deplored, and manie abuses, lately cast upon Englands Commonwealth, impartially discovered : holograph manuscript, [ca. 1647-1648]. Rosenbach Museum & Library
referencedIn LETTERS and papers chiefly relating to the Civil War; 1633-1655. 1. Declaration by Charles I. of the intent of an award, made 8 July, 1632, between the Earls of Arundel and Pembroke relative to the management of certain lands unspecified, and to the... British Library
referencedIn Noyes, H. Wallace,. H. Wallace Noyes lantern slides collection, ca. 1900. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical and other letters and papers, including correspondence, etc. of Sir William Clarke [ob. 1666], secretary to Gen. George Monck, and his son, George Clarke, Judge Advocate, Secretary at War, etc. [ob. l737]; 1556-1753 1. Warran..., 1556-1753 British Library
referencedIn Vol. LXIII (ff. 379). Mar.-13 May, 1813.includes:f. 1 J-Hardy, priest, Professor at the Royal College, Valognes: Letter to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1813. ff. 3-8, 32, 34, 353, 355 British America, and United States: Papers rel. to claims of Brit... British Library
referencedIn Vol. XVI (ff. 158). 1654.includes:f. 1 Colonel Randall Clayton, of Mallow, county Cork: Letters to W. Dobbins: 1652, 1654.f. 3 James McJames Barry, tenant of the Perceval family: Letter to Sir J. Perceval: 1654.ff. 4, 11, 12 Colonel Randall Cla..., 1654 British Library
referencedIn Collection of letters and papers made by Thomas Birch, chiefly transcripts in his autograph but including a few original letters; 17th-I 8th centt. Included are: (a) copies of the correspondence of Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury, made from..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn Oliver Cromwell of England: Seal. British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION of political, satirical and other poems of the reign of Cliarles II., chiefly relating to the years 1679-1681. The whole MS. is in one hand down to art. 39, which is an addition dated 1687. With lists of contents at ff. 2, 165. 1. " The Ci..., approximately 1679-approximately 1687 British Library
creatorOf Oliver Cromwell letter to John Cotton, 1651 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Sloane 2251Paper, in folio, ff. 125; XVII Century.1. 'Proposalls to be made to Dr. Cox' — in behalf of the College of Physicians; relative to an exchange of land near the college for the purpose of building.' f. 1.2. Brief summaries of the characters... British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Letter signed : Whitehall, to Captain John Pickering, 1655 June 29. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn DROPMORE PAPERS (SERIES II). Vol. CCCXXXIX. 1. Papers of and relating to Oliver Cromwell and his family, descendants and friends; 1654-circa 1845. Preceded by a photograph of Cromwell's baptismal record, 1599, and a facsimile letter of Cromwell's, 13..., 1647-1850 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. 276). Viz:-(1) Appointment by Edward IV of John Russell, Bishop of Rochester, and Anthony Wydville, Earl Rivers, to be Governors of Edward, Prince of Wales; 28 Sept. 1473. Copy. ff. 1-5b. (2) Sir Richard Morison to the Council; Spires, 7... British Library
referencedIn Vol. VI., 1700-1762:-1. John Locke to Edward Clarke, on private affairs; Oates, 23 Jan. 1699[1700]. f. 1. 2. "A Collection of the several Addresses in the late King James's time: Concerning the Conception and Birth of the pretended Prince of Wales";..., 1700-1762 British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 25, 37, 93 Oliver Cromwell of England: Prescriptions for, by Dr. Goddard: 1650, 1656/7.: Lat.ff. 33 b, 96 Elizabeth Cromwell, wife of the Protector Oliver: Prescriptions for: [1653].: Lat.f. 96 b Elizabeth Claypole, daughter of the... British Library
referencedIn Vol. II. (ff. 289). (1) John Thurloe, Secretary of State, to Henry Cromwell, Major-General of the Forces in Ireland, on the Protector's refusal to take the title of King; 12 May 1657. From a letter 'in ye possession of the ... Earl of Shelburn'. Cop... British Library
referencedIn SUMMARY relation, in Latin, of the Civil War in England down to the latter part of 1655, preceded by a short explanation of its causes, beg " Ad liquidiorem earum rerum intelligentiam quæ in hac Narratione referentur, necessarium omnino videtur in te..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn PETTY PAPERS. VOLS. XIX-XXIV. 'Down Survey' of various baronies in Ireland, consisting of maps and terriers commissioned from Petty by the Cromwellian government as a preliminary to the transfer of lands confiscated from Irish Catholics after the ris..., 1655-1659 British Library
referencedIn Vol. II.Charles I of England: Official correspondence and papers of R. Major, Member of the Council of State: 1639-1659.Richard Major, alias Maijor; of Hursley, Member of the Council of State: Letters and papers: 1639-1659.includes:f. 8 Sir John Mayn..., 1639-1659 British Library
referencedIn " RELAZIONE dell' Ambasciata straordinaria d'Inghilterra di Giovanni Sagredo, Cavalier"; [1655-1656]. A resumé by a Venetian diplomatic agent of the history of the civil war and of the Commonwealth from a catholic and royalist standpoint, concluding ..., 1655-1656 British Library
creatorOf MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS; 1594-1936, n.d. Paper and (article J) vellum; ff. 59. Folio. A. Letter of introduction from George Bubb Dodington, Baron Melcombe, to Edmond Waller at Montaubon, also commenting on English politics; 3 Feb. 1750. Pres..., 1594-1936 British Library
referencedIn JESSOP PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. 198):-(1) Business and private correspondence, accompts, papers, etc., of William Jessop and other members of his family; 1628-1692. ff. 1-167b. (2) Miscellaneous papers; 1625-(?)1650, n.d. The principal contents are:-(..., 1625-1692 British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. LS to the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy. Whitehall, 1658 Mar 27. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters, etc.:-1. Sir Robert Melvill to the Lord Justice Clerk [Sir John Ballenden] reporting news from France; dat. London, 24 Mar. [1560 ?]. Unsigned. f. 1. 2. John Spens [Advocate General of Scotland to Marion Scott, Lady of Fordell ; 21..., 16th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION of State papers, letters, and miscellaneous documents, many of which relate to the Civil War and the affairs of the Commonwealth; 1564-1760. The letters at the end relate to literature and kindred subjects, and several of them are addresse... British Library
referencedIn Vol. XV (ff. 173). 1653.includes:ff. 2,4 Major William Hamilton: Letters to W. Dobbins: 1653.f. 6 John Clotworthy, 1st Viscount Massereene: Letter to Sir J. Perceval: 1654.: Signed.ff. 8,10 (signed), 22 Lucy Hay, wife of James, 2nd Earl of Carl..., 1653 British Library
referencedIn 1. " THE CROWNE OF THORNES": a religious poem in rhymed heroic verse. in twelve books, beg.: " I sing of thornes transform'd in bloody springs." f. 1. Written in two different hands, the second beginning at f. 85. A work under this title (in eight bo..., approximately 1660 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. (ff. 283). 1628-1651. 1. Message of the King to the House of Commons concerning liberty of speech; [? circ. 1628]. Copy (18th cent.). f. 1. 2. Privy Council to the " Chiefe officers of the Towne of Colchester," commanding them to assist the o... British Library
referencedIn FLEETWOOD PAPERSOriginal letters and papers (including two autograph letters from Oliver Cromwell) written to, or concerning Gen. Charles Fleetwood, Commander-in-Chief in, and (1654-1657) Lord Deputy of, Ireland; 1652-1659, 1666. Most of the letters..., 1652-1666 British Library
referencedIn Vol. II. (ff. 231). (1) 'Ere You Read this now You'll Suppose'; song (8 x 5 lines). f. 1. (2) Epitaph on Mrs. Mary Wynn, beg. 'Stay, reader, and with deep concern'. Two versions. ff. 2-3. (3) The Epilogue to Don Carlos, by T. Otway; 1676. f. 4. (4) '... British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Document signed : [n.p.], 1649 June 25. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn COLLECTION Of political and other papers, chiefly contemporary transcripts, with a few originals and modern copies, the majority relating to the events of the 17th cent. Included are:-1. Petition to Richard II. from Margaret, dau. and heir of the la... British Library
referencedIn 0RIGINAL DAY-BOOK of Proceedings of the Trustees appointed 14 May, 1656, "for satisfying of the armyes arrears due for service in Ireland since the 6th of June, 1649, as also English arrears satisfyable in Ireland by Act of Parliament." Preceded by a... British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Autograph letter signed : Knottingley, to Philip Wharton, 4th Baron Wharton, 1648 Nov. 27. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn British patents of nobility manuscript, between 1825-1875. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Solt, Leo F. (Leo Frank), 1921-. Leo F. Solt papers, 1643-1996, bulk 1940-1996. Indiana University
creatorOf COMMISSIONERS FOR DISCOVERIES: the only surviving original minute-book of the Commissioners for Discoveries; 10 June 1656-21 May 1657. The Commissioners were established by order of the Council of State on 5 Dec. 1653, see Calendar of State Papers Do... British Library
referencedIn LETTER-BOOK of Sir Theodore Turquet de Mayerne, Physician to James I. and Charles I. of England, containing copies of his letters, some of them with autograph signatures, and a few letters addressed to him; 1611-1653. Fr., Lat., and Eng. At the end a..., 1596-1653 British Library
referencedIn Knotts family. Papers of the Knotts and Scott families, 1810-1985. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn PETTY PAPERS VOL. XXVIII (ff. 171). Papers relating to the 'Down Survey' and redistribution of land; 1654-1659, n.d. See also Add. MS 35102, Petty's day-book as commissioner for settling the army's arrears, 1656-1659. Including a label by James Matth..., 1650-1664 British Library
referencedIn Poetry ENGLISH: Collections of miscellaneous pieces: 17th cent.includes:ff. 3, 4, 48, 49, 51, 56, 61 John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester: Poetical pieces: 17th cent.ff. 10-13 Matthew Prior, poet and diplomatist: Poetical satire on modern translato... British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Summons to Praise God Barebone [manuscript]. Libraries Australia
creatorOf CIVIL WAR AND COMMONWEALTH PAPERS. Vol. I B. Warrants, mostly for payment and receipted, orders, certificates and letters of the Council of State, the Revenue, Army, Navy and Admiralty Committees etc.; 1605-1675, n.d. Some of the accompanying transcr..., 1605-1675 British Library
referencedIn VERNON PAPFRS. Vol. XXV (ff. 90). Treaties between England and various states, viz.:-Portugal, 1576 Holland, 1654 (printed) and 1675; France, 1655 (printed) Sweden, 1661; Morocco, 1666 (printed); Savoy, 1669. Followed (f. 71) by copies of powers and ..., 1576-1675 British Library
referencedIn Books from the library of Amos Bronson Alcott, 1579-1893. Houghton Library
referencedIn Edward Horseman: Resignation of his Tellership in the Exchequer: 1656.Exchequer: Schedule of fees paid to the Tellers: 1656.Oliver Cromwell of England: Portrait, in pen and ink: 1656.Oliver Cromwell of England: Grant from, to G. Downing, of a Tellers... British Library
referencedIn Petition to Oliver Cromwell : London : ms., [16--]. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Oliver Cromwell papers, 1874. Library of Congress
referencedIn Tangye, Richard, Sir, 1833-1906. Letters to Horace Howard Furness, 1897-1899. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Maclise, Daniel, 1806-1870. An interview between Charles the First and Oliver Cromwell [manuscript], 1840? Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn WEST PAPERS. Vol. III. (ff. 365). Historical documents, extracts from records, naval and parliamentary papers, etc., many original; 1065-1759. Among them are:-1. "Homagium Malcolmi [ Malcolm III. Canmore] Regis Scocie et Edwardi filii ejus primogeni..., 1065-1759 British Library
referencedIn Miscellaneous letters, originals and copies, collected by Thomas Birch. The names of the writers will be found in the Index of the present Catalogue. The contents include:-(1) Charles Davenant, Inspector-General of Imports, etc., to his son Henry Da..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn Signet of Oliver Cromwell (cast).Oliver Cromwell of England: Signet: n.d.: (recent impression). British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Document signed : "camp near St. Johnstone", 1650 Aug. 3. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Hood, Tom, 1835-1874. Letter : [London], to [Matthew] Noble, [ca. 1865]. University of Chicago Library
creatorOf Boyle, Roger, Baron Broghill, 1621-1679. Letter signed : Edinburgh, to Oliver Cromwell, 1655 Mar. 15. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Quevedo, Francisco de, 1580-1645. Conferencias del oltro mundo en los espazios imaginarios entre los emmos. señores cardenales de Richelieu, Mazarini, y Oliverio Cromuel. University of California, Davis, Shields Library
referencedIn Cromwell Manuscripts, 11th-16th century Bodleian Library, Oxford
referencedIn 48988. MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS. Paper and (artt. J,N,O.) vellum; ff. 92. Folio. XI-XX centt., 1000-1940 British Library
referencedIn [The ancestry of Oliver Cromwell, with some collateral lines]. New England Historic Genealogical Society
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical papers, 1642-1817, chiefly collected by T. Astle. They include many letters to and from the Earl of Sandwich, while Secretary of State (1763-1765), and to and from Richard Phelps, Under Secretary. Among them are:-1. Warrant ..., 1642-1817 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I . (ff. 130). 1572-1666. 1. Treaty of commerce between England and Portugal, 2 Feb. 1571 [2] ; with papers relating to the same. Preceded by a reply of Qu. Elizabeth to the demands of [Francisco Giraldi] the Portuguese Ambassador, on the Englis..., 1572-1666 British Library
referencedIn A new songe ... of an Old Roundhead [167-?]. University of Michigan
referencedIn Thorpe, Rose Hartwick, 1850-1939. Curfew must not ring to-night. Mar. 1931. San Diego State University Library, SDSU Library and Information Access
referencedIn MISCELLANE0US LETTERS AND PAPERS, VIZ.:-A. Fragments taken from bindings in the Department of Printed Books:-(1) Parts of two consecutive leaves from a MS. of the Decretum of Gratian, written in Italy. XIV cent. Vellum. ff. 1-2;-(2) Two fragmentary..., 1200-1918 British Library
creatorOf CONTEMPORARY LEAD IMPRESSION of the obverse of Oliver Cromwell's Great Seal for Scotland; 1656. As Birch, no. 14844. Presented, with Add. MSS. 57309-57312, and Add. Ch. 75739-75746, by Mrs Estelle Winifred Fuller.Scotland General: Oliver Cromwell of ... British Library
referencedIn Hobart, John. A true coppy of severall verses made by John Hobart Esq.; who died Anno 1683. Obtaynd by ye favour of Madam Astley, August the 11th 1603. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Cleveland, John, 1613-1658. [Poems, letters, and minor writings], [ca. 1650-1660]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547. Inventories of English royalty, 1517-ca. 1740. Winterthur Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters, royal warrants, orders of council, etc., on military and other affairs, found among. the papers of, and partly addressed to, Sir William Sydenham, Governor of the Isle of Wight, etc.; 1618-1656 1. Warrants of James I. to Sir Oliver ..., 1618-1656 British Library
referencedIn AUTOGRAPHS OF OLIVER CROMWELL AND OTHERS, viz.: Order of the Council of State, signed by Oliver Cromwell, as " Præses pro tempore," for the delivery to Sir Oliver Fleming of certain duplicate books out of the Library of St. James, dat. 22 Feb. 1648 ;..., 1648-1676 British Library
referencedIn HARINGTON PAPERS. Vol. IX (ff. 40). Original documents and extracts chiefly relating to the Harington family, with some verses, circ. 1606-1809, abstracted from Add. MS. 46373 A. Partly printed. As follows:-(1) Pedigree of the Harington family, 13th..., 1601-1809 British Library
referencedIn Colonel John Penruddock: "Directions for all my fellow prisoners now to be tried for their lives by a special commission": 1655.Oliver Cromwell of England: Directions of Col. Penruddock for his fellow-prisoners on their trial for life: 1655. British Library
creatorOf Kinsman, Henry W. (Henry Willis), 1803-1859. Henry W. Kinsman Papers, 1838-1852. Peabody Essex Museum
referencedIn The royal house of Stuart, 1832 [-1869]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn English Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection, 1362-1945 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of letters and papers, of a commercial and diplomatic character, mostly referring to foreign affairs.Included are some original letters, imperfect or unsigned drafts, etc. The names of the writers, etc. are to be found in the..., 16th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn Simon, Thomas, 1623?-1665. [Oliver Cromwell medal] [realia]. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
referencedIn Vol. ii. (ff. 535). 1649-1660.1. " List of persons excluded out of France by the agreement with Cromwell "; 1649. f. 6. 2. Instructions for Sir Henry Hyde, "Consul for Greece and the islands there of "; St. 19 Sept. 11349, f. 9;-for a Royalist agent ..., 1649-1660 British Library
referencedIn THURLOE PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 215). Viz:-(1) Ratification by the Parliament of pension of £400 to Sir Archibald Johnston; 16 March 1649/50. Copy. f. 1. (2) Oliver Cromwell to John Cotton, Pastor of Boston, New England; 2 Oct. 1651. Copy. Printed in t... British Library
referencedIn Pickering, Gilbert, Sir, 1613-1668. Sir Gilbert Pickering pardon, 1660. Pitts Theology Library, Candler School of Theology
referencedIn Milton, John, 1608-1674. Letter book, 1649-1659. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn LETER BOOK of Roger [Boyle] Lord Broghill [afterwards Earl of Orrery], Governor of Youghal; containing copies of letters to the King, the Parliament, and others; with documents relating to Irish affairs during, the progress of the civil war; 1644-164..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet: Poems inscribed to: 18th cent.Poetry LATIN: Political satires, epitaphs, etc.: 18th cent.Poetry ENGLISH: Moral and political verses: 18th cent.Poetry FRENCH: Political satires, epitaphs, etc.: 18th cent.includes:ff. 1, 9, 15... British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Document signed : [n.p.], 1651 May 10. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Autograph letter signed : London, to [Edward] Strachey, 1848 Feb. 20. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Commonwealth. Document : [n.p.], to Oliver Cromwell, [ca. 1658]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn (ff. 29). BARRINGTON PAPERS. Select letters addressed to Sir Thomas Barrington, 2nd Bart., etc.; 1629, 1643. 1. Roger Williams, the Puritan minister, to Joan, Lady Barrington, desiring a marriage with her niece; n.d., 2 May, 1629. ff. 1, 3. 2. John P..., 1629-1643 British Library
referencedIn Art. Illuminations and Drawings ENGLISH: Grotesques in red and blue: 15th cent.includes:f. 1 Francis Bacon, Viscount St Albans: Letter to the Lord Chancellor, touching the history of Britain: [1609].f. 3 George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham: L... British Library
referencedIn Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Letter: 1844 Oct. 10, Chelsea [London], to David Laing / T. Carlyle. University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library
referencedIn Vol. VI (ff. 246). 1 Mar. 1739 -9 May 1762.includes:ff. 7-21 Army; England: Papers rel. to operations in the Netherlands and Germany: 1742-1748.f. 11 Captain Charles Mawhood, 18th Light Dragoons: Orders, as Brigade Major, to Lt.-Col. J. Campbell:... British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Commission. United States Military Academy, USMA Library
referencedIn Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. Portrait collection, ca. 1600-1850 Cornell University Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Document signed : [n.p.], 1650 Mar. 5. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Washington Irving's Life of George Washington Volume I, Miscellany, 1745-1856 Cornell University Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Letter signed : Whitehall, to Captain John Pickering, 1656 Feb. 19. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn PORTUGUESE political papers, 1621-1658. Portuguese. Among them are documents relating to the fortification of Lisbon; May-June 1625; with signatures of Dom Jorge Mazcarenhas, Nuño de Mendoça, Christovão Soares, Secretary of State, and others, f. 2; ..., 1621-1658 British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Document signed : [n.p.], 1651 July 2. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Letter: 1842 Sept. 19, Chelsea [London], to David Laing / T. Carlyle. University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library
referencedIn Historical manuscripts, 1636-1935. Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
referencedIn PAPERS Of John Jones, of Kellilysday, co. Flint; chiefly copies or drafts of letters and petitions written by him while confined in the Fleet Prison, London, in 1641 and 1654-1657, and in Flint Gaol in 1643, complaining of his imprisonment and offeri..., 1641-1657 British Library
referencedIn BARRINGTON PAPERS. Vol. IV. (ff. 376), July-October, 1643. Correspondence of Sir Thomas Barrington continued, relating almost entirely to the civil war. Many of the letters are addressed to the Deputy-Lieutenants or to the Committee for Essex. Among ... British Library
referencedIn includes:f. 1 Theology: A preface to the businesse of a man of Germanie, who desireth aide for the destruction of the oppressors, and the deliverance of the oppressed Christians, by a well wisher of the wellfare of mankinde: 17th cent.ff. 2-9 Nic... British Library
referencedIn Oliver Cromwell of England: Speech of, to Parliament: 1657/8.: Draft. British Library
referencedIn VOL,. II. Sir John Holland, Sir James Harington, and others of the Commissioners to receive the King from the Scotch, 1646, f. 1; Sir Thomas Fairfax, 1646, f. 2; [John Maitland, 2nd Earl of] Lauderdale, [Archibald Campbell, Marquess of] Argyll, and o..., 17th century-18th century British Library
creatorOf Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Document signed : Whitehall, to the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy, 658 Apr. 5. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn PELL PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. 325). Miscellaneous; circ. 1631-1681. The latter part of this volume contains Pell's letters to his wife Ithumaria, his son John, and his daughters Elizabeth and Bathshua, as well as papers connected with the rectory of Fob..., approximately 1631-1681 British Library
referencedIn Vol. III, ff. 257, XVIII cent.includes:ff.1-3 Royal Society: Dedication to George II by T. Birch of his History of: 1757.ff. 4 -7, 13 -14 William Murdin, Vicar of Shalford: Preface to his 'Collection of State Papers. . . ': 1759.f. 9 John Loc..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn Miscellaneous warrants, letters. etc., chiefly original, collected by Thomas Birch; 1536-1765. The names of the writers, etc., are to be found in the Index of the present Catalogue. The more important articles are described below:-(1) Warrant of Hen..., 1536-1765 British Library
referencedIn Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Thomas Carlyle collection of papers, 1838-1877. UC Berkeley Libraries
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Alcott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888 person
associatedWith Barbon, Praisegod, 1596?-1679. person
associatedWith Belasyse, Thomas, Earl Fauconberg, 1627-1700, person
associatedWith Bennet, Robert, 1605-1683. person
associatedWith Boyle, Roger, Baron Broghill, 1621-1679. person
associatedWith Burrell, Andrewes. person
associatedWith Cardonnel-Lawson, Mansfeldt de, person
associatedWith Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. person
associatedWith Cleveland, John, 1613-1658. person
associatedWith Commonwealth. corporateBody
associatedWith Cowley, Abraham, 1618-1667. person
associatedWith Cox and Sons (Bridgeport), corporateBody
associatedWith Crompton, John, 1611-1669. person
associatedWith Cromwell, Dorothy Mayor, d. 1676 person
associatedWith Cromwell, Richard, 1626-1712, person
associatedWith Cumberland, Henry Clifford, Earl of, 1591-1643. person
associatedWith England and Wales. corporateBody
associatedWith Evered and Co. (London), corporateBody
associatedWith Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671. person
associatedWith Free Library of Philadelphia. corporateBody
associatedWith Glasgow University corporateBody
associatedWith Great Britain. Admiralty. corporateBody
associatedWith Great Britain. Royal Navy. corporateBody
associatedWith Hamilton, Laurens Morgan, person
associatedWith Harrach, Ferdinand Bonaventura, graf von, 1636-1706. person
associatedWith Hawthorne, Sophia Peabody, 1809-1871. person
associatedWith Helsby, Mary, 17th cent. person
associatedWith Hobart, John. person
associatedWith Hood, Tom, 1835-1874. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 person
associatedWith Kinsman, Henry W. (Henry Willis), 1803-1859. person
associatedWith Lawrence, Henry, 1600-1664. person
associatedWith Locker-Lampson, Frederick, 1821-1895 person
associatedWith Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron, 1803-1873. person
associatedWith Maclise, Daniel, 1806-1870. person
associatedWith Major, Richard. person
associatedWith Major, Richard Henry, d. 1660, person
associatedWith Mayor, Richard, fl. 1648-1649 person
associatedWith Milton, John, 1608-1674. person
associatedWith Morrison, Alfred, 1821-1897, person
associatedWith Noyes, H. Wallace, person
associatedWith Pickering, Gilbert, Sir, 1613-1668. person
associatedWith Pickering, John, person
associatedWith Pride, Thomas, d. 1658. person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945, person
associatedWith Sandford, Francis, 1630-1694. person
associatedWith Short, Ames, fl. 1653-1660. person
associatedWith Simon, Thomas, 1623?-1665. person
associatedWith Solt, Leo F. (Leo Frank), 1921- person
associatedWith Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866, person
associatedWith Stone, Mary person
associatedWith Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874, person
associatedWith Tangye, Richard, Sir, 1833-1906. person
associatedWith Thorpe, Rose Hartwick, 1850-1939. person
associatedWith Underwood, Francis, fl. 1625-1677, person
associatedWith Watson, John F. (John Fanning), 1779-1860. person
associatedWith Whalley, Henry. person
associatedWith Wharton, Philip, Baron Wharton, 1619-1696, person
associatedWith Wollaston, John, Sir. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Stowood Forest, Oxfordshire
Eltham Park, Kent
Knowle, Kent
Cottesmore, Rutland
New England, America
Hanbury, Staffordshire
Carisbrook Castle, Isle of Wight
Burghley House, Northamptonshire
Bearwood, Berkshire
Otford, Kent
Grisons, the Netherlands
Ireland, Europe
Fleckney, Leicestershire
London, England
Guinea, Africa
Southampton, Hampshire
Minorca, Spain
Zurich, Switzerland
Barbados, the Carribean
Saxony, Germany
Algiers, Africa
Southampton, Hampshire
Portsmouth, Hampshire
Pontefract, Yorkshire
Wales, United Kingdom
Preston, Lancashire
Durham, England
Netherlands, Europe
Switzerland, Europe
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Ireland, Europe
Venice, Italy
Netherlands, Europe
Sussex, England
Barbary, North Africa
Dorset, England
Pitcairn Island, Pacific Ocean
Scilly Islands, England
London, England
Siena, Italy
Mardick, Flanders
Loretto, Italy
Lisbon, Portugal
Shropshire, England
Bayonne, France
Brenzett, Kent
Monnington-on-Wye, Herefordshire
United States of America
Huntingdonshire, England
Diez, Nassau
Pragelato, Italy
Tutbury, Staffordshire
Nottinghamshire, England
Maine, State of, America
Dublin, Ireland
London, England
Mobberley, Cheshire
Germany, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Dunkirk, France
Warwickshire, England
Worcester, Worcestershire
Ripplesmere Hundred, Berkshire
Frankenthal, Bavaria
Poland, Kingdom of, Europe
Vienna, Austria
Great Kimble, Buckinghamshire
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
London, England
Colchester, Essex
Flanders, Belgium
Pickmere, Cheshire
St Christopher, West Indies
Wellow, Nottinghamshire
Breda, the Netherlands
Up Hatherley, Gloucestershire
Rochefort, France
Prescot, Lancashire
Hamburg, Germany
Taunton, Somerset
Netherlands, Europe
Great Britain
Longford, Shropshire
Grisons, the Netherlands
Isle of Wight, England
Chideock House, Dorset
Sudan, Africa
Ellington, Huntingdonshire
Kent, England
Vienna, Austria
Netherlands, Europe
Athens, Greece
Huntingdonshire, England
London, England
Morfe Forest, Shropshire
Kent, England
Munster, Province of, Germany
Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk
Great Britain
London, England
London, England
Huntingdon, Huntingdonshire
Netherlands, Europe
Clavering, Essex
Shrewsbury, Shropshire
London, England
Hereford, Herefordshire
Dorchester, Dorset
Soham, Cambridgeshire
Cardiff, Glamorganshire
Haddington, E. Lothian
Ireland, Europe
Hounslow Heath, Middlesex
London, England
Havana, Cuba
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Tangier, Morocco
Bremen, Germany
Montgomeryshire, Wales
Algiers, Africa
Dunfermline, Fifeshire
Tunbridge Wells, counties Kent and Sussex
Vallengin, Switzerland
Bagatragh, Dublin
Leeward Islands, the Carribean
Canterbury, Roman Catholic Province of, England
Switzerland, Europe
Rochester, Kent
Berkshire, England
Essex, England
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Norfolk, England
Barbados, the Carribean
Nevis, West Indies
Maryland, Province of, N. America
Stamford, Lincolnshire
Banbury, Oxfordshire
China, Asia
Ireland, Europe
Alderney, Channel Islands
Closter Seven, Germany
Lincolnshire, England
Rhé, Brittany
Somerset, England
Colchester, Essex
Merton, Oxfordshire
Staffordshire, England
Sheffield, Yorkshire
Galway, county of, Ireland
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
India, Asia
Boston, Massachusetts
Cologne, Germany
Cheadle, Staffordshire
Hebrides, Scotland
Isle of Man, England
Switzerland, Europe
Ireland, Europe
Netherlands Southern Provinces, the Netherlands
Crich, Derbyshire
County Durham, England
Quatford, Shropshire
Melfi, Italy
Netherlands, Europe
Lithuania, Europe
Limerick, Ireland
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Jamaica, Central America
Leith, Edinburgh
Sark, Channel Islands
Shrewsbury, Shropshire
Gibraltar, Spain
Seaton Ross, East Riding of Yorkshire
Down, county of, Ireland
Payerne, Switzerland
Isle of Man, England
St. Malo, France
Ireland, Europe
Cumberland, England
Lerida, Catalonia
Netherlands, Europe
Siena, Italy
Norfolk, England
Virginia, U.S.A.
Warrington, Lancashire
New York, N. America
West Indies, America
Sta. Cruz, the Island of Teneriffe
Münster, Westphalia
Iceland, Europe
Tatenhill, Staffordshire
Dunkirk, France
Himbleton, Worcestershire
Zurich, Switzerland
Venice, Italy
Sherrington, Buckinghamshire
Macclesfield, Cheshire
Rampisham, Dorset
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
America, North America
Bray, Berkshire
Netherlands, Europe
Charlton, Hundred of, Berkshire
Netherlands, Europe
Southwold, Suffolk
Italy, Europe
Pavia, Lombardy
Elmden, Essex
Ré, Brittany
Orsett, Essex
Cassel, Germany
Turkey, Asia Minor
Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Greystoke, Cumberland
Delamere Forest, Cheshire
Switzerland, Europe
Luston, Herefordshire
Liandrindod, Radnorshire
Kenninghall, Norfolk
Oddingley, Worcestershire
Candy, Ceylon
Cirencester, Gloucestershire
Portugal, Europe
Kent, England
West Indies, America
Badgeworth, Gloucestershire
King's Lynn, Norfolk
Wem, Shropshire
Netherlands, Europe
Hornby, Lancashire
Wexford, Wexford
Kent, England
Parts of Holland, Lincolnshire
South Wingfield, Derbyshire
Ireland, Europe
Newton in Makerfield, Lancashire
Gloucestershire, England
Jamaica, Central America
Netherlands, Europe
London, England
Reading, Berkshire
Dilwyn, Herefordshire
London, England
Rutland, England
Lostwithiel, Cornwall
Saint Dennis, Cornwall
London, England
Ford al. Fordholme, Shropshire
Gateshead, Durham
Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire
Dean, Forest of, Gloucestershire
Port Mahon, Minorca
London, England
Walden, Essex
Saltash, Cornwall
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Coleman St, London, Coleman St
Colton, Staffordshire
Maidstone, Kent
New Ross, Wexford
Northamptonshire, England
Chatham, Kent
Culloden, Invernesshire
Nijmegen, Gelderland
Haddington, E. Lothian
Cropredy Bridge, Oxfordshire
Preston, Lancashire
Dunham-on-the-Hill, Cheshire
Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire
Venice, Republic of, Europe
Whitchurch, Shropshire
Flanders, Belgium
Mersey Island, Essex
Morocco, North Africa
Allesley, Warwickshire
Yoxall, Staffordshire
Doncaster, West Riding of Yorkshire
Upton Warren, Worcestershire
Chelsea, Middlesex
Essex, England
Barbados, the Carribean
Flanders, Belgium
London, England
Montgomeryshire, Wales
Newtown, Montgomeryshire
Pienne, France
Prees, Shropshire
Netherlands, Europe
London, England
Italy, Europe
Mechlin al. Malines, Belgium
Tangier, Morocco
Shirland and Higham, Derbyshire
Youghal, Cork
Altona, Germany
County Durham, England
Great Totham, Essex
Dover, Kent
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Edinburgh, Scotland
Alstoe, Hundred of, Rutland
Christchurch, Hampshire
Salee, Africa
Kent, England
Buckinghamshire, England
Drumclog, Lanarkshire
Bedfordshire, England
Hertfordshire, England
Netherlands, Europe
Zurich, Switzerland
Saxilby, Lincolnshire
Great Britain
Edgmond, Shropshire
Ettrick Forest, Selkirkshire
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
New Jersey, America
Maastricht, Limburg
St. Malo, France
Ayshton, Devon
Antwerp, Belgium
Colchester, Essex
Clavering Hundred, Essex
Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire
London, England
Middlesex, England
Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire
Kent, England
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Greenland, Denmark
Bestwood Park, Nottinghamshire
Martinique, the W. Indies
Witney, Oxfordshire
Ombersley, Worcestershire
Isle of Man, England
St Albans, Hertfordshire
Zeeland, Province of, the Netherlands
Scotland, United Kingdom
Danzig, Germany
Ireland, Europe
Dover, Kent
Windsor Forest, Berkshire
Ireland, Europe
Cathay, China
Bristol, Gloucestershire
Bedwyn West, Wiltshire
Brussels, Belgium
Paris, France
Ashwellthorpe, Norfolk
Dardanelles, Greece
Ashwater, Devon
Dunkirk, France
Norfolk, England
Christchurch, Hampshire
Cookham, Berkshire
Hamilton, Lanarkshire
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire
Basing House, Southton
Northampton, Northamptonshire
Colchester, Essex
Chester, Cheshire
Minorca, Spain
Skyrack, Wapentake of, Yorkshire
Aarau, Switzerland
Chester, Cheshire
Burghfield, Berkshire
Nérac, France
Cologne, Germany
Colchester, Essex
Tripoli, Kingdom of, Barbary
Ireland, Europe
Gloucestershire, England
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Pendennis Castle, Cornwall
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Newton Kyme, West Riding of Yorkshire
Glastonbury, Somerset
Saxe-Gotha, Germany
Uttlesford Hundred, Essex
Bremen, Germany
Great Britain
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire
Needwood Chase, Staffordshire
Essex, England
Dunfermline, Fifeshire
Nîmes, France
Netherlands, Europe
Scotland, United Kingdom
Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire
Geneva, Switzerland
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hertfordshire, England
Ireland, Europe
Claverley, Shropshire
Montauban, France
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk
Edinburgh, Scotland
Cranden House, Northamptonshire
Ireland, Europe
Dean, Forest of, Gloucestershire
Rothwell, West Riding of Yorkshire
Cranley, Surrey
Prussia, Germany
Scarborough, North Riding of Yorkshire
London, England
Ireland, Europe
Marocco, Africa
Windsor, Berkshire
Yorkshire, England
Tunbridge, Kent
Netherlands, Europe
United States of America
Wargrave Hundred, Berkshire
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Gelderland, the Netherlands
St Helena, South Atlantic Ocean
Shotover Forest, Oxfordshire
Studley, Oxfordshire
Netherlands, Europe
Minorca, Spain
Great Britain
Ghent, Flanders
Netherlands, Europe
London, England
Walden, Essex
Ireland, Europe
Gibraltar, Spain
Saxony, Germany
Netherlands, Europe
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Banbury, Oxfordshire
Neuchâtel, Principality of, Switzerland
Hemel Hampstead, Hertfordshire
Lisbon, Portugal
Newport, Shropshire
Amboyna, Indian Ocean
Netherlands, Europe
London, England
Bremen, Germany
Londonderry, Ireland
Melcombe Regis, Dorset
Essex, England
Dorset, England
Fobbing, Essex
Hatfield, Yorkshire
Tunis, Kingdom of, Africa
Bruges, Belgium
Pontefract, Yorkshire
East, Hundred of, Rutland
Philippsburg, on the Rhine, Germany
Collyweston, Northamptonshire
Deal, Kent
Poole, Dorset
Shropshire, England
London, England
Ireland, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Holyrood House, Scotland
Hanau, Germany
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Wimbish, Essex
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Plymouth, Devon
Newport, Isle of Wight
Ireland, Europe
Barbary, North Africa
Pembroke, Pembrokeshire
Cork, Ireland
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Steeple Claydon, Buckinghamshire
Edinburgh, Scotland
Liverpool, England
Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk
Jamaica, Central America
St Lucia, the Carribean
Carlisle, Cumberland
Dublin, Ireland
New York, N. America
Worfield, Shropshire
Northamptonshire, England
Weymouth, Dorset
Netherlands, Europe
Venice, Italy
Ireland, Europe
Brasted, Kent
Shrewsbury, Shropshire
London, England
Onslow, Shropshire
Switzerland, Europe
Great Britain
America, North America
Venice, Italy
Puymirol, France
London, England
Ireland, Europe
Bridgnorth, Shropshire
Ireland, Europe
Eton, Buckinghamshire
Oxfordshire, England
Tripoli, North Africa
Lambourne, Essex
Virginia, U.S.A.
Liege, Belgium
Deptford, Kent
Kinsale, Cork
Woolwich, Kent
Ireland, Europe
Derbyshire, England
London, England
Stanton Prior, Somerset
London, England
Cheshire, England
Switzerland, Europe
Ireland, Europe
Strafforth and Tickhill, Wapentake of, Yorkshire
Cobham, Surrey
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Bodmin, Cornwall
St Christopher, West Indies
Ireland, Europe
Leix, Leinster
Killkenny, Ireland
Flushing, the Netherlands
Ireland, Europe
Buckinghamshire, England
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
Montagnac, France
Skye, Scotland
United States of America
Yorkshire, England
Abingdon, Berkshire
Oxfordshire, England
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Leeds, West Riding of Yorkshire
St. Venant, Pas-de-Calais
Isle of Man, England
Little Chart, Kent
Newland, Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
Neuchâtel, Principality of, Switzerland
Arras, France
Darien, Panama
Hague, the Netherlands
Sonning Hundred, Berkshire
Ireland, Europe
Ireland, Europe
Lechlade, Gloucestershire
Somerset, England
India, Asia
Lincolnshire, England
Virginia, U.S.A.
Yorkshire, England
Berkshire, England
Leinster, Province of, Ireland
Maidenhead, Berkshire
Nieuwpoort, Flanders
Netherlands, Europe
New Radnor, Radnorshire
York, Yorkshire
Rutland, England
Flintshire, Wales
Whichwood Forest, Oxfordshire
Ely, Cambridgeshire
Netherlands, Europe
Leicestershire, England
Algiers, Africa
London, England
Strasburg, France