Eddy, George A.

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George Eddy was born in New Jersey on June 15, 1917. From 1921 to 1924 he attended Phillips Academy in Andover, MA, and he received his BA from Yale in 1928. During the years 1930-1933 Eddy attended graduate school at Harvard, earning a Masters in economics and an MBA. During his time at Harvard his chief interest was macroeconomic policies, specifically U.S. deficits and how to achieve prosperity with stable prices.

From 1933 to 1934 Eddy worked as the Assistant to the Economist and Vice President at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. From 1934 to 1936 he worked as a Research Analyst for the Division of Research and Statistics at the U.S. Treasury, and then from 1936 to 1939 he was back at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to work in their Research Department, first on matters related to the Far East and later on domestic finance and business issues. After a brief time as a columnist and reporter for the Journal of Commerce in New York City, Eddy returned to the Treasury in 1939 as a Senior Economic Analyst in the Division of Monetary Research. There Eddy worked under accused communist Harry Dexter White, who was the Director of the Division of Monetary Research at that time.

In 1941 Eddy married his wife Eileen. During World War II he was a lieutenant in the Navy, and remained in the Navy as a Reservist. Upon his return from the war he continued his work for the U.S. Treasury.

In 1954 Eddy was suspended from the Treasury as a security risk. At the time, a great many employees from the Treasury, including Secretary Henry Morgenthau, were being accused of communist sympathies. Miss Elizabeth Bentley, a former communist who became a government informer, was the government's primary source of information on the communist activities of many Treasury employees. Eddy's suspension was based on his associations with and open support of publicly identified communists, including Lauchlin M. Currie, Harry Dexter White, V. Frank Coe, Robert C. Barnard, Emile Despres, William Ludwig Ullman, Harold Glasser, Solomon Adler, and William Henry Taylor. According to the Treasury, these associations showed a lack of good judgment and discretion, and cast serious doubts about Eddy's own trustworthiness.

During Eddy's hearing his lawyer attacked the credibility of Elizabeth Bentley and the evidence against many of those named above, and Eddy mentioned to the Security Board that he also doubted the guilt of Alger Hiss. In late 1955, after his hearing, Eddy received full clearance and back pay, but soon resigned from his position at the Treasury. He then began working on a book about the accusations of Elizabeth Bentley and Whittaker Chambers against Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White, a project he continued until 1962. He returned to economic work until the late 1980's, after the death of his wife, at which time he returned to his work on the Hiss-White case.

From the description of Papers, 1925-1997. (Harvard Law School Library). WorldCat record id: 237323004

George Eddy was born in New Jersey on June 15, 1907. From 1921 to 1924 he attended Phillips Academy in Andover, MA, and he received his BA from Yale in 1928 (where he was also elected to Phi Beta Kappa). During the years 1930-1933 Eddy attended graduate school at Harvard, where he earned an MBA. During his time at Harvard his chief interest was macroeconomic policies, specifically U.S. deficits and how to achieve prosperity with stable prices.

By December of 1933 Eddy worked as the Assistant to the Economist and Vice President at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. From 1934 to 1936 he worked as a Research Analyst for the Division of Research and Statistics at the U.S. Treasury, and then from 1936 to 1939 he was back at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to work in their Research Department, first on matters related to the Far East and later on domestic finance and business issues. After a brief time as a columnist and reporter for the Journal of Commerce in New York City, Eddy returned to the Treasury in 1939 as a Senior Economic Analyst in the Division of Monetary Research. There Eddy worked under accused communist Harry Dexter White, who was the Director of the Division of Monetary Research at that time.

In 1941 Eddy married his wife Eileen. During World War II he was a lieutenant in the Navy, and remained in the Navy as a Reservist. Upon his return from the war he continued his work for the U.S. Treasury.

In 1954 Eddy was suspended from the Treasury as a security risk. At the time, a great many employees from the Treasury, including Secretary Henry Morgenthau, were being accused of communist sympathies. Miss Elizabeth Bentley, a former communist who became a government informer, was the government's primary source of information on the communist activities of many Treasury employees. Eddy's suspension was based on his associations with and open support of publicly identified communists, including Lauchlin B. Currie, Harry Dexter White, V. Frank Coe, Robert C. Barnard, Emile Despres, William Ludwig Ullman, Harold Glasser, Solomon Adler, and William Henry Taylor. According to the Treasury, these associations showed a lack of good judgment and discretion, and cast serious doubts about Eddy's own trustworthiness.

During Eddy's hearing his lawyer attacked the credibility of Elizabeth Bentley and the evidence against many of those named above, and Eddy mentioned to the Security Board that he also doubted the guilt of Alger Hiss. In late 1955, after his hearing, Eddy received full clearance and back pay, but soon resigned from his position at the Treasury. He then began working on a book about the accusations of Elizabeth Bentley and Whittaker Chambers against Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White, a project he continued until 1962. He returned to economic work until the late 1980's, after the death of his wife, at which time he returned to his work on the Hiss-White case.

George A. Eddy died on April 13, 1998.

From the guide to the Papers, 1925-1997, (Harvard Law School Library, Harvard University.)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Eddy, George A. Papers, 1925-1997. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Zeligs, Meyer Aaron. Meyer Aaron Zeligs Papers. 1923-1978. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Ferry, Elinor. Papers, 1944-1988 Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn William H. Taylor Case Files, 1938-1957 Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
creatorOf Papers, 1925-1997 Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abt, John J. person
correspondedWith Adler, Sol person
associatedWith Adler, Solomon person
correspondedWith Alger Hiss person
associatedWith Amerasia Lattimore person
associatedWith American Association for the Advancement of Science corporateBody
associatedWith American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions corporateBody
associatedWith American Institute for Economic Research corporateBody
associatedWith Andrews, Bert person
associatedWith Arabian American Oil Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Arthur Adams person
associatedWith Arthur B. Salant (ABS) person
correspondedWith Baldwin, C. B. person
associatedWith Banking and Currency Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Benjamin, Robert M. person
correspondedWith Bentley, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Bentley, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Berle, Adolf A person
correspondedWith Bernstein, Edward M. person
associatedWith Bert Andrews person
associatedWith Best, Demaree person
correspondedWith Bloch, Felix person
correspondedWith Bloom, Bessie White person
associatedWith Bloom, Bessie White (publisher of Loyal American) person
correspondedWith Blum, John M. person
associatedWith Blunt, Anthony person
associatedWith Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System corporateBody
associatedWith Brownell, Herbert (Attorney General) person
associatedWith Bruce Craig person
correspondedWith Buck, Hart person
correspondedWith Buckley, William F., Jr. person
associatedWith Burgess, W. Randolph person
correspondedWith Burns, Arthur F. person
correspondedWith Buttenwieser, Helen person
associatedWith Byrnes, James F. person
associatedWith Chambers, Whitaker person
associatedWith Chambers, Whittaker person
associatedWith Chambers, Whittaker. person
associatedWith Chase, Carl person
correspondedWith Christelow, Allan person
correspondedWith Coe, V. Frank person
correspondedWith Cohn, Roy person
associatedWith Collins, George person
correspondedWith Collins, Henry person
correspondedWith Colodny, Hyman person
associatedWith Committee on Ways and Means corporateBody
correspondedWith Cook, Fred person
associatedWith Cortney, Philip person
associatedWith Council of Academic Advisers corporateBody
associatedWith Crafer, Thomas W. B. person
correspondedWith Craig, Bruce person
correspondedWith Crossley, George person
correspondedWith Currie, Lauchlin person
correspondedWith Dale, Edwin L. person
correspondedWith David Whittaker Chambers person
correspondedWith Davies, John Paton person
associatedWith Davis, Dwight person
associatedWith Department of Economics, University of Colorado corporateBody
associatedWith Department of State Foreign Service corporateBody
associatedWith Division of Monetary Research, Office of International Finance. corporateBody
associatedWith Donald Hiss person
associatedWith Douglas, Paul person
associatedWith Dr. Donald L. Kemmerer, Professor of Economics person
correspondedWith Durr, Clifford person
correspondedWith Durr, Clifford J. person
associatedWith Eastland, James O. person
associatedWith Economists National Committee on Monetary Policy on the Bridges Gold Standard Bill. corporateBody
associatedWith Eddy, George person
associatedWith Edward T. Cheyfitz person
correspondedWith Eileen O'Daniel person
associatedWith Elizabeth Bentley person
correspondedWith Emmerson, John K. person
associatedWith Federal Reserve Bank of New York corporateBody
correspondedWith Feldstein, Martin person
associatedWith Ferry, Elinor. person
correspondedWith Field, Arthur Nelson person
correspondedWith Field, Hermann and Noel person
associatedWith Fisher, Irving person
correspondedWith Fred Cook person
correspondedWith Friedman, Milton person
correspondedWith G. Eddy person
associatedWith Gerhart Eisler person
associatedWith Gibbon, Edward person
associatedWith Glasser, Harold person
correspondedWith Gould, Milton person
associatedWith Graves, Agent person
correspondedWith Griswold, Erwin N. person
correspondedWith Gwinn, Ralph W. person
associatedWith Hansen, Henrik person
correspondedWith Harcourt, Brace and Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Harry D. White person
correspondedWith Harry S. Weidberg person
associatedWith Harwood, E. C., Director person
associatedWith Hawkey, Dick person
associatedWith H. D. White person
correspondedWith Hebert, F. Edward person
associatedWith Helen Silvermaster person
associatedWith Henry Dexter White person
associatedWith Henry Morgenthau person
associatedWith Herbert K. Sorrell person
correspondedWith Herbst, Josephine person
associatedWith Hewitt, George person
correspondedWith Hinton, William Howard person
associatedWith Hiss, Alger. person
correspondedWith Hiss Antos person
correspondedWith Hiss, Donald person
associatedWith Hoople, Ruth person
associatedWith Hoover Institution corporateBody
associatedWith Hoover, J. Edgar person
associatedWith House Committee on Ways and Means corporateBody
correspondedWith Hynning, Cliff person
associatedWith Internal Security Commission corporateBody
associatedWith International Organization Employee Loyalty Board corporateBody
associatedWith IPR W. Judd person
correspondedWith Irons, Peter person
associatedWith Ivin Wise person
associatedWith Izzy Stone person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Travis B. person
correspondedWith Jaffe, Philip J. person
associatedWith James Walter person
associatedWith Jas Walter person
associatedWith J. B. Matthews person
associatedWith Jessup, John Knox person
associatedWith Jim Walter person
correspondedWith John J. Humphrey person
correspondedWith Johnson, Harry G. person
associatedWith Johnston, Olin D. (Senator) person
correspondedWith Jowitt, Earl person
correspondedWith Jowitt, William Allen person
associatedWith J. Walter person
associatedWith J. Walter's person
associatedWith Kades, Charles L. person
correspondedWith Kalish, Abraham person
correspondedWith Katharine Stanley Brown person
correspondedWith Keyserling, Leon H. person
associatedWith Kidner, Frank L. person
correspondedWith Kindleberger, Charles P. person
correspondedWith Klehr, Harvey person
correspondedWith Kohlberg, Alfred person
correspondedWith Lattimore, Owen person
associatedWith Laylin, John person
associatedWith Lehmann, Fritz person
correspondedWith Lehman, Robert S. person
correspondedWith Levin, David person
associatedWith Levine, Isaac person
correspondedWith Levine, Isaac Don person
associatedWith Levine, Issaac Don person
associatedWith Levins, David person
correspondedWith Levitt, Michael and Morton person
associatedWith Levy, Benn W. person
associatedWith Liebling, A. J. person
associatedWith Littlepage, John D. person
associatedWith Lloyd, David person
associatedWith Locke, Edwin A. person
correspondedWith Lockwood, William W. person
associatedWith Lovestone, Jay person
correspondedWith Lowenthal, John person
associatedWith Luxford, Ansel F. person
correspondedWith Mandel, Ben person
correspondedWith Marbury, William person
correspondedWith Marshall, W. Lawrence person
correspondedWith Martin, William McChesney Jr. person
correspondedWith Marzani, Carl person
associatedWith Matusow, Harvey person
correspondedWith May, Gary person
associatedWith McKenna, Phillip M., Chemist, Metallurgist and Manufacturer person
associatedWith McLaughlin, Donald H., President Homestake Mining Company person
correspondedWith McWilliams, Carey person
correspondedWith Meany, George person
associatedWith Medical Department of the Navy corporateBody
associatedWith Mikesell, Raymond F. person
correspondedWith Momson, Robert S. person
associatedWith Moore, Harriet person
correspondedWith Moore, William H. person
correspondedWith Morgenthau Jr., Henry person
associatedWith Morgenthau, Robert M. person
correspondedWith Moynihan, Daniel P. person
associatedWith Mrs. Mort Goldstein person
associatedWith Mundt, Karl E. person
associatedWith Murphy, Thomas F., Federal judge person
associatedWith Myrdal, Gunnar person
associatedWith Natvig, Marie person
correspondedWith Navasky, Victor person
associatedWith Nellor, Edward K. person
associatedWith Newsom, William L. person
associatedWith Nixon, Richard person
associatedWith Nixon, Richard Milhouse person
correspondedWith Norman, E. Herbert person
associatedWith Ocko, Dan person
correspondedWith Office of International Finance corporateBody
associatedWith Office of International oil industry corporateBody
correspondedWith Oliver, Robert W. person
associatedWith Oppenheimer, J. Robert person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Robert J. person
correspondedWith O'Reilly, Ken person
associatedWith Ornitz, Samuel person
associatedWith Oxford U. Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Patman, Wright person
associatedWith Pazos, Felipe (president of National Bank of Cuba) person
correspondedWith Perlo, Victor person
associatedWith Pick. Franz, Publisher of Pick's World Currency Report person
correspondedWith Pinkham, Joan White person
associatedWith Powers, Leland person
associatedWith Pressman, Lee person
associatedWith Puleston, William D. person
associatedWith Quinn, T. Vincent person
associatedWith Racy, George person
correspondedWith Rauh, Joseph person
correspondedWith Remington, William Walter person
correspondedWith Reuss, Henry S. person
correspondedWith Rinfret, Pierre A. person
correspondedWith Ritter, Gordon T. person
correspondedWith Robertson, Clen person
associatedWith Robinson, Leland Rex, Vice President person
associatedWith Rogge, Jordan person
correspondedWith Rosenbergs, Ethel and Julius person
correspondedWith Rosen, William person
associatedWith Rowe, John J. person
associatedWith Roy Brewer person
associatedWith Rubin, Morris H. person
associatedWith Salant, Aaron B. person
correspondedWith Salant family family
correspondedWith Salant, Stephen person
correspondedWith Salant, Stephen W. person
correspondedWith Salant, Steve person
associatedWith Salant, Walter person
correspondedWith Samuelson, Paul person
correspondedWith Samuelson, Robert J. person
correspondedWith Sandilands, Roger person
associatedWith Sanger, Richard H. person
associatedWith Schaffner, John person
correspondedWith Schapiro, Meyer person
associatedWith Schneir, Walter person
associatedWith Scott, Byron person
associatedWith Scott, Byron N. person
associatedWith Sears, Harry, President Calaveras Central Gold Mining Co., Ltd., Director, California Gold Committee person
associatedWith Senate Banking and Currency Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Senate Committee on Banking and Currency. corporateBody
associatedWith Senate Committee on the Judiciary corporateBody
associatedWith Senate Finance Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Senate Internal Security Subcommittee corporateBody
correspondedWith Senate Internal Subcommittee corporateBody
associatedWith Senator Pat McCarran person
associatedWith Service, John S. person
correspondedWith Sherman, John Loomis person
correspondedWith Silvermaster, Helen P. person
associatedWith Simon, John person
associatedWith Skallerup, Harry R. person
correspondedWith Smith, John Chabot person
associatedWith Smith, Robert person
associatedWith Sobell, Morton person
associatedWith Soleau, John E. person
associatedWith Solow, Herbert person
associatedWith Sproul, Allan person
associatedWith Stafford, Florence person
associatedWith Stephens, Donald person
correspondedWith Steve Salant person
correspondedWith Stigler, George J. person
associatedWith Straight, Michael W. person
associatedWith Stuart, Art person
correspondedWith Stuart, Arthur W. person
associatedWith Subcommittee of HUAC corporateBody
associatedWith Subcommittee on Federal Reserve Matters Committee on Banking and Currency of the U.S. Senate. corporateBody
associatedWith Subcommittee on Federal Reserve Matters of the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency corporateBody
associatedWith Suleiman, Shaikh Abdullah (Minister of Finance, Jidda, Saudi Arabia) person
correspondedWith Sweezy, Alan person
correspondedWith Tanenhaus, Sam person
associatedWith Taylor, Telford person
correspondedWith Taylor, William H. person
associatedWith The Commercial and Financial Chronicle corporateBody
correspondedWith Theoharis, Athan G. person
associatedWith The Review of Economic Statistics corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas, J. Parnell person
associatedWith Tilghman, James Donnell person
associatedWith Tillet, Paul person
associatedWith Treasury Historical Association corporateBody
associatedWith Truman, Harry S. person
associatedWith Truman Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Tuchman, Barbara person
correspondedWith Tytell, Martin person
correspondedWith Ulman, W. L. person
associatedWith University of Delaware corporateBody
associatedWith University of Illinois corporateBody
associatedWith Vardaman, James Kimble person
associatedWith Vaughan, Harry Hawkins person
correspondedWith Vinnedge, Harlan person
correspondedWith von Hayek, Friedrich person
correspondedWith Wallich, Henry C. person
associatedWith Walter, Francis E. person
correspondedWith Walter, James person
correspondedWith Warburton, Clark person
associatedWith Ware, Harold person
correspondedWith Ware, Robert Stephens person
correspondedWith Weinstein, Allen person
associatedWith Welch, Claude L. person
correspondedWith Weyl, Nat person
associatedWith Weyl, Nat (psychiatrist) person
associatedWith Whitaker Chambers person
associatedWith White, Harry Dexter, 1892-1948. person
correspondedWith White, Nathan person
correspondedWith Whitney, Simon N. person
associatedWith Whittaker Chambers person
associatedWith William A. Reuben person
associatedWith William Hinton person
associatedWith William H. Taylor person
correspondedWith William Taylor person
associatedWith Willis, George H. person
correspondedWith Wills, Gary person
associatedWith Witt, Nathan person
associatedWith Wylie, Craig person
correspondedWith Younger, Irving person
associatedWith Zeligs, Meyer Aaron, 1909-1978 person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
Anti-communist movements
Trials (Political crimes and offenses)



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