Sohn, Louis B.

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Louis Bruno Sohn, 1914- law professor, international mediator, legal scholar. LL.M. and ScM., John Casimir U., Lwʹow, Poland, 1935. LL.M, Harv. U., 1940; S.J.D., 1958. U.S. citizen, 1943. Research and teaching, Harv. L.S. from 1946. Bemis Prof. of International Law from 1961. Consultant, U.N. Secretariat, 1948, 1969. Counselor International Law, U.S. Dept. State, 1970-1971. Co-author (with G. Clark) World Peace Through World Law, 1958, 1966, and other books and articles .

From the description of Papers of Louis Bruno Sohn, 1936-1979(inclusive). (Harvard Law School Library). WorldCat record id: 122581224

Sohn, Louis Bruno, law professor, international mediator, legal scholar.

b. Lwow, Poland, March 1, 1914.

s. Joseph and Fryderyka (Hescheles) Sohn.

LL.M. and Dipolomatic Sc.M., John Casimir University, Lwow, Poland, 1935.

Research fellow, Institute of Private International Law, John Casimir University, 1935-1939.

Came to U.S., 1939, naturalized 1943.

m. Elizabeth Mayo.

LL.M., Harvard, 1940; S.J.D., 1958; Addison Brown Prize, 1941.

Research Associate of Judge Manley O. Hudson, Bemis Professor of International Law at the Harvard Law School, 1941-1946; Research fellow in international law, 1946-1947; lecturer in law, 1947-1951; assistant professor of law, 1951-1953; John Harvey Gregory Lecturer in World Organization, 1951-1981; professor of law, 1953-1961; Bemis Professor of International Law, 1961-1981; Woodruff Professor of International Law, University of Georgia School of Law, 1981-

Consultant, Naval War College, 1960-1963; U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1961-; Office of International Security Affairs, Department of Defense, 1963-

Assistant to delegation, Permanent Court of International Justice; San Francisco Conference of the United Nations, 1945.

Executive secretary, Subcommittee on Atomic Energy, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1946.

Assistant reporter on progressive development in international law, American and Canadian bar associations, 1947-1948.

Consultant, United Nations Secretariat, 1948, 1969; legal officer of the Codification Division, United Nations, 1950-1951.

Counselor, International Law, Department of State, 1970-1971.

U.S. Delegate to consecutive sessions of the U.N. Conference on the Law of the Sea, 1971-

Member: American Bar Association; American Society of International Law (member executive council 1954-1957; vice president 1965-1966); World Parliament Association (legal advisor 1954-1964); International Law Association (vice-president, American branch); American Law Institute; Federation of American Scientists (vice-chairman 1963, member council 1964-1965, 1968-1969); Commission to Study the Organization of Peace (chairman 1968-); Institute for International Order (board of directors 1965); National Citizens' Commission for International Cooperation (chairman 1965); American Academy of Arts and Sciences).

Honorary Admiral in the Texas Navy; honorary member, American Bar Association; "Hero of Peace" award, World Federalists of Canada, 1974.

(with M.O. Hudson) International Legislationv.8 and 9 Laws and Regulations on the Regime of the High Seas,2v., 1951-1952. (with G. Clark) World Peace Through World Law,1958; 3rd ed. 1966. (with T. Buergenthal) International Protection of Human Rights,1973. (with R.R. Baxter and Garcia Amador) Recent Codification of the Law of State Responsibility,1974. Also articles and book reviews in legal and international journals. Cases on World Law,1950. Cases on United Nations Law,1956; 2nd ed. 1967. Basic Documents of African Regional Organizations,4v., 1971-1972. Development in International Law, American Bar Association Journal,1947-1950. Member, board of editors, American Journal of International Law.

From the guide to the Papers, 1936-1979, (Harvard Law School Library, Harvard University)

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Birth 1914-03-01

Death 2006-06-07







Ark ID: w6rv0rnw

SNAC ID: 36737267