Wagner, Jean, 1919-....

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Wagner was a French scholar of American Studies, especially Afro-American poetry. He received his Doctorat d'Etat from the Sorbonne in 1963, having completed his thesis on American Afro-American poetry, entitled: Les poetes negres des Etas-Unis. This work eventually was translated and published in English as: Black poets of the United States from Paul Laurence Dunbar to Langston Hughes, University of Illinois Press, 1973.

From the description of Jean Wagner papers, 1945-1983 (inclusive) 1957-1963 (bulk). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612653784

From the guide to the Jean Wagner papers, 1945-1983 (inclusive), 1957-1963 (bulk)., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Allen, Samuel W. person
correspondedWith Baxter Miller, R . person
correspondedWith Bennett, William W. person
associatedWith Beulah Reimherr. person
associatedWith bibliography person
correspondedWith Bone, Robert A. person
correspondedWith Bontemps, Arna Wendell, 1902-1973 person
correspondedWith Brown, Sterling Allen, 1901- person
associatedWith Butcher, Margaret person
correspondedWith Cade, John Brother, 1894- person
correspondedWith Carpenter, Joe. person
correspondedWith Charles Henry Thompson person
associatedWith Countee Cullen's person
associatedWith Cullen, Countee person
associatedWith Davis, Frank Marshall person
associatedWith DuBois, William Edward Burghardt person
associatedWith Dunbar, Paul Laurence person
associatedWith Elinson, Elaine person
correspondedWith Elkins, Kimball C. person
correspondedWith Gardiner, George L. person
correspondedWith Garrett, Naomi Mills, 1906- person
correspondedWith Gates, Henry Louis. person
associatedWith George Bass person
correspondedWith Harold Jackman person
associatedWith Hayden, Robert Earl person
correspondedWith Howard University corporateBody
associatedWith Hughes, Langston person
associatedWith Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967. person
associatedWith Jackman, Harold person
correspondedWith Jean Simon person
correspondedWith Jean Wagner person
correspondedWith Jean Wagner, 1919- person
associatedWith Joe Carpenter person
associatedWith Johnson, Fenton person
associatedWith Johnson, James Weldon person
associatedWith Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883- person
associatedWith Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883-1966. person
correspondedWith Langston Hughes person
correspondedWith Le Monde corporateBody
correspondedWith Librarian, Harvard University corporateBody
correspondedWith Librarian, Vassar College corporateBody
correspondedWith Maurer, David W. person
correspondedWith Mays, Benjamin Elijah, 1895- person
associatedWith McKay, Claude person
correspondedWith N. P. Tillman person
correspondedWith Perdreau, Michel S. person
correspondedWith Perry, Margaret, 1933- person
correspondedWith Phylon; the Atlanta University review of race and culture. Atlanta. corporateBody
correspondedWith Plum, Dorothy Alice, 1900- person
correspondedWith Porter, Dorothy (Burnett), 1905- person
correspondedWith Porter, Kenneth Wiggins, 1905- person
correspondedWith Rampersad, Arnold. person
correspondedWith Redding, Jay Saunders, 1906- person
correspondedWith Richards, Marguerite L. person
correspondedWith Robert A. Bone person
correspondedWith Robert Hayden person
correspondedWith Servies, James Albert. person
correspondedWith Stepto, Robert B. person
correspondedWith Thomas Dunbar Jarrett person
associatedWith Thomas Edward Francis person
correspondedWith Thompson, Charles Henry. person
associatedWith Toomer, Jean person
correspondedWith Virtue, Hope McKay. person
correspondedWith Virtue, Vivian. person
associatedWith Vivian Virtue person
correspondedWith William W. Bennett person
Place Name Admin Code Country
American literature
African Americans in literature


Birth 1919





Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6wd63b1

Ark ID: w6wd63b1

SNAC ID: 34298432