Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation.

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Curator of the exhibit was Susan Milbrath.

From the description of Star gods of the ancient Americas [1982]. (Cornell University Library). WorldCat record id: 67615718

Founded in 1916 by George G. Heye, the Museum is devoted to the collection, preservation, study, and exhibition of materials connected with the anthropology of the aboriginal peoples of North, Central, and South America.

From the description of Records, 1860-1983, 1890-1980 (bulk). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 155490615

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Vroman, A. C. (Adam Clark), 1856-1916. Moki towns, and Zuni ; clouds & Cibolitta Valley, [1897-1900]. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Saville, Marshall H. (Marshall Howard), 1867-1935. Arte de la lengua Zapotec del Valle, 1859. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Pan American Union. [Tzutuhil pamphlets]. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Star gods of the ancient Americas [1982]. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Whiting, Alfred F. Alfred F. Whiting collection: notes on the Seri Indians, 1951-1958. Museum of Northern Arizona
referencedIn Moore, Clarence B. (Clarence Bloomfield), 1852-1936. Clarence Bloomfield Moore collection, 1891-1918. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Clarence Bloomfield Moore collection, 1891-1918. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn The future of the Museum of the American Indian, 1984 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn George G. Heye autograph collection, 1886-1928 Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
creatorOf Hodge, Frederick Webb, 1864-1956. Enchanted mesa scrapbook, 1897-1899. Cornell University Library
referencedIn William N. Fenton papers, 1933-2001 American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn George Balanchine archive, 1924-1989 (inclusive), 1961-1983 (bulk). Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Henriquez, Josef Manuel Teodoro. Nabe Tihonic, [17--] Cornell University Library
creatorOf Booy, Theodoor Hendrik Nikolaas de, 1882-1919. A trip to Venezuela and the unknown island of Margarita, 1915. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Archer Milton Huntington Papers, 1919-1957 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. [Minor publications]. Yale University Library
creatorOf Hoffman, Frederick L. (Frederick Ludwig), 1865-1946. Anthropometry of Arizona Indians, 1920. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Video organization file : Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation : miscellaneous uncataloged material. Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)
creatorOf Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Museum of the American Indian: Heye Foundation letter to Mrs. John Sylvester, 1935. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Thomas J. Watson Library
creatorOf Grumet, Robert Steven. The Delaware Indians: a brief tribal history, 1985. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Deserontyon, John, d. 1811. A Mohawk form of ritual condolence, 1782 April 9. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Institutional file. Brooklyn Museum Libraries & Archives
creatorOf Museum of the American Indian/Heye Foundation records National Museum of the American Indian (U.S.) Archive Center
creatorOf Choate, Mabel, 1870-1958. Stockbridge Indian papers, 1739-1915. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Bolton, Reginald Pelham, 1856-1942. Reginald Pelham Bolton collection: notes regarding Indians near Inwood Hill Park, New York City, 1900-1935. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Douglass, A. E. (Andrew Ellicott), 1867-1962. Catalog of books in the library of archeology of A. E. Douglass, undated. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Gilmore, Melvin R. (Melvin Randolph), 1868-1940. Melvin R. Gilmore photographs. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. The stuff of dreams: Native American Dolls: label copy for the exhibition, 1985. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Papers, 1872-1934, 1895-1930 (bulk). New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Vertical files, 1852-1985, [ca. 1880]-1985 (bulk) New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Croghan, George, d. 1782. Minutes of conferences held at Fort Pitt, 1760. Cornell University Library
referencedIn American Museum of Natural History. Office of Public Affairs. Office of Public Affairs correspondence and press releases, 1985-1987. American Museum of Natural History
creatorOf Lothrop, S. K. (Samuel Kirkland), 1892-1965. Chile notes, field notes and diary about the Indians of Chile, 1929-1930. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Legal documents from Cacalchén, Mexico, 1646-1826. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kirk, Ruth Falkenburg. Zuni fetishes, 1940. Cornell University Library
referencedIn William N. Fenton papers, 1933-2001 American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Smith, De Cost, 1864-1939. Words collected among the Hunkpapa Sioux at Standing Rock Agency, Dakota, ca. 1884. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Gilmore, Melvin R. (Melvin Randolph), 1868-1940. Melvin R. Gilmore papers, 1905-1938. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Field notes and photographs, 1889-1936. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn De Cost Smith Collection, 1880-1943. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
creatorOf Smith, De Cost, 1864-1939. De Cost Smith Collection, 1880-1943. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Culin, Stewart, 1858-1929. Culin Archival Collection Series 1: General Correspondence 1886-1929 1919-1929 (bulk). Brooklyn Museum Libraries & Archives
referencedIn Johnson, William, Sir, 1715-1774. Testimonial for giving Indians medals, engraved by Henry Dawkins, 1946. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Heye, George G. (George Gustav), 1874-1957. Conferences held with Indians at Easton, 1756. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Stockbridge Indian papers, 1739-1915. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Melvin R. Gilmore papers, 1905-1938 and undated Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Jacket, John,. Words to the Ganoda chant of the "Little Water Society" Niga niga ah / written by John Jacket, direct descendant of Red Jacket, [between 1849 and 1870]. Newberry Library
referencedIn Records, 1917-1923. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Henriquez, Josef Manuel Teodoro. Nabe Tihonic, [17--]. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Clavigero, Francesco Saverio, 1731-1787. Historia de Mexico manuscript, [17--]. Cornell University Library
creatorOf United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Branch of Tribal Relations. Tribal leaders list, 1986-1990. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Saville, Foster H. (Foster Harmon), 1874-1942. Rhode Island field notebook, [undated]. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Rosa, Augustin de la. Arte de la lengua Mexicana, [ca. 1870]. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Out of the mists : Northwest coast Indian art, 1984. Cornell University Library
referencedIn George G. Heye autograph collection, 1886-1928 Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Field notes, 1891-1918. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. corporateBody
associatedWith Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum. corporateBody
associatedWith American Geographical Society of New York. corporateBody
associatedWith American Museum of Natural History. corporateBody
associatedWith American Museum of Natural History. Office of Public Affairs. corporateBody
correspondedWith Balanchine, George. person
associatedWith Bartlett, Bob, 1875-1946 person
associatedWith Bolton, Reginald Pelham, 1856-1942. person
associatedWith Booy, Theodoor Hendrik Nikolaas de, 1882-1919. person
associatedWith Borshi, Randle person
associatedWith Cadzow, Donald A. person
associatedWith Carpenter, Edmund, 1922-2011 person
associatedWith Carter, Eloise. person
associatedWith Carter, Ernest S. person
associatedWith Churchill, Clara. person
associatedWith Churchill, Frank C. person
associatedWith Clarence B.(Clarence Bloomfield), Moore 1852-1936. person
associatedWith Clavigero, Francesco Saverio, 1731-1787. person
associatedWith Croghan, George, d. 1782. person
associatedWith Culin, Stewart, 1858-1929. person
associatedWith Dade, Philip L. person
associatedWith De Cost, Smith 1864-1939. person
associatedWith Densmore, Frances, 1867-1957. person
associatedWith Deserontyon, John, d. 1811. person
associatedWith Dockstader, Frederick J. person
associatedWith Douglass, A. E. (Andrew Ellicott), 1867-1962. person
associatedWith Effie M. Morrissey (Schooner) corporateBody
associatedWith Farrell, Herman D. person
associatedWith Fenton, William N. (William Nelson), 1908-2005 person
associatedWith George G.(George Gustav), Heye 1874-1957. person
associatedWith Gilmore, Melvin R. (Melvin Randolph), 1868-1940. person
associatedWith Gridley, Marion E. 1906-1974. person
associatedWith Grumet, Robert Steven. person
associatedWith Harrington, M. R. 1882-1971. person
associatedWith Harte, Neville A. person
associatedWith Harvey family. family
associatedWith Harvey, Fred. person
associatedWith Hendricks-Hodge Expedition (1917-1923) corporateBody
associatedWith Henriquez, Josef Manuel Teodoro. person
associatedWith Heye, George G. (George Gustav), 1874-1957. person
associatedWith Hodge, Frederick Webb, 1864-1956. person
associatedWith Huntington, Archer M. (Archer Milton), 1870-1955 person
associatedWith Huntington Free Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Johnson, William, Sir, 1715-1774. person
associatedWith Kirk, Ruth Falkenburg. person
associatedWith Lenz, Mary Jane. person
associatedWith Lothrop, Samuel Kirkland, 1882-1965. person
associatedWith Lothrop, S. K. (Samuel Kirkland), 1892-1965. person
associatedWith Mann, Pamela person
associatedWith Michaels, Stanley person
associatedWith Milbrath, Susan. person
associatedWith Moore, Clarence B. (Clarence Bloomfield), 1852-1936. person
associatedWith Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Board of Trustees. corporateBody
associatedWith Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Exhibits Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Research Branch. corporateBody
associatedWith New York Botanical Garden corporateBody
associatedWith Norcross-Bartlett Expedition to Northeast Greenland (1931) corporateBody
associatedWith Pepper, George Hubbard, 1873-1924. person
associatedWith Putnam, George Palmer, 1887-1950 person
associatedWith Rosa, Augustin de la. person
associatedWith Saville, Foster H. (Foster Harmon), 1874-1942. person
associatedWith Saville, Marshall Howard, 1867-1935. person
associatedWith Skinner, Alanson, 1886-1925. person
associatedWith Smith, De Cost, 1864-1939. person
associatedWith Smithsonian institution corporateBody
associatedWith Stiles, William F. person
correspondedWith Sylvester, John, Mrs. person
associatedWith Tibbles, Susette La Flesche. person
associatedWith Tibbles, Thomas Henry, 1840-1928. person
associatedWith United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Branch of Tribal Relations. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Pennsylvania. University Museum. corporateBody
associatedWith Verrill, A. Hyatt 1871-1954. person
associatedWith Vroman, A. C. (Adam Clark), 1856-1916. person
associatedWith Whiting, Alfred F. person
associatedWith Wildschut, William. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
South America
North America
Central America
British Columbia
West (U.S.)
Northwest, Pacific
New York (State)--New York
Great Plains
Anthropological museums and collections
Arapaho Indians
Archaeological museums and collections
Bella Coola Indians
Gitksan Indians
Haida Indians
Heiltsuk Indians
Hopi Indians
Huari Indians
Indian dolls
Indians of Central America
Indians of Central America
Indians of Central America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of South America
Indians of South America
Indians of South America
Kachina dolls
Kwakiutl Indians
Makah Indians
Maya astronomy
Mochica Indians
Museum curators
Museum registration methods
Natural history museums
Niska Indians
Nootka Indians
Salish Indians
Scientific expeditions
Tlingit Indians
Tsimshian Indians
Zuni Indians

Corporate Body





Ark ID: w6x38zcs

SNAC ID: 15949225