Kenan, Frank H. (Frank Hawkins)

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Frank Hawkins Kenan (1912-1996), philanthropist, businessman, and civic leader of Durham, N.C.

From the description of Frank H. Kenan papers, 1937-1996 [manuscript]. WorldCat record id: 51500419

Frank Hawkins Kenan (1912-1996) was born 3 August 1912 in Atlanta, Ga. He was graduated from Woodberry Forest School in Virginia in 1931 and from the University of North Carolina with a bachelor of science in commerce in 1935. Upon graduation, he began his business career as a commission agent for Pure Oil Company. Within a year, he created Kenan Oil Company, an independent oil distribution business. From 1941 to 1945, Kenan served as a lieutenant in the United States Navy in Charleston, S.C. During this time, he continued to run Kenan Oil Company with the assistance of business associate J. H. Mallard, and he created his second company, Kenan Transport Company, which would become the largest petroleum hauler in the southeast United States. After World War II, Kenan expanded his business operations by opening Tops Petroleum, a chain of independent service stations. This purchase marked the beginning of Kenan's commercial property real estate investments. Kenan would go on to invest in many commercial and residential properties, including Europa Center, University Square, and Granville Towers in Chapel Hill, N.C., and Brightleaf Square, Erwin Square, and Treyburn in Durham, N.C. In 1964, Kenan became a director of the Flagler System, Inc., a group of family-owned companies in Florida that included the Breakers hotel. He later served as chair and chief executive officer and was instrumental in the growth of Flagler System, Inc., assets.

Kenan proved to be a great success in philanthropy as well as in business. From 1962 to 1964, Kenan was involved in groundbreaking legislation and an ensuing court case in which he successfully sought control of the estate of Sarah Graham Kenan, his aunt who had been declared incompetent by the state. The legislation made it possible for him to preserve the value of the estate by creating the Sarah Graham Kenan Foundation, which ultimately dispensed more than $22 million to charitable causes. Kenan also served on the board of trustees of the William Rand Kenan, Jr., Charitable Trust. As with his business interests, Kenan stewarded the Trust with a hands-on management style and played a prominent role in developing its creative philanthropic agenda. He guided many large gifts to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, including the funds that created the Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise as an arm of the Kenan-Flagler School of Business. The Trust also gave generously to many educational programs and institutions besides the University of North Carolina, including Woodberry Forest School and the National Center for Family Literacy (sometimes called the Kenan Trust Family Literacy Project).

Kenan's civic interests included business, community, education, and church organizations. He had particularly enduring relationships with St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Durham Academy, and the Duke Endowment. In addition to his charitable contributions, Kenan frequently lent his business acumen by serving on boards of directors and trustees, as well as on development and planning committees. He served on many such boards and committees at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, including the Board of Visitors and boards of directors for the medical, business, educational, arts and sciences, and institutional development foundations.

Kenan received a number of awards and honors in recognition of his leadership in education, business, and community interests. He received honorary degrees from North Carolina State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, Hollins College, the University of the South, and Elon College. He also was elected to the North Carolina Business Hall of Fame, named the Outstanding Philanthropist of the Triangle, and received the North Carolina Public Service Award, the North Carolina Philanthropy Award, and the Durham Chamber of Commerce Civic Honor Award. Kenan's long relationship of service and philanthropy to the University of North Carolina was recognized in a number of awards, including the General Alumni Association's Distinguished Service Medal, the Distinguished Alumnus Award, the Distinguished Service Award from the School of Medicine, the William R. Davie Award from the Board of Trustees, and the University Award.

Frank H. Kenan lived in Durham, N.C. He married twice. His 1936 marriage to Harriet DuBose, with whom he had sons Thomas S. Kenan III and Owen Graham Kenan, ended in divorce. In 1966, he married Elizabeth Price, with whom he had daughters Elizabeth Price Kenan and Annice Hawkins Kenan, and stepson Owen Gwyn. Kenan died 4 June 1996.

From the guide to the Frank H. Kenan Papers, 1937-1996, (Southern Historical Collection)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Frank H. Kenan Papers, 1937-1996 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Biographical Reference Collection, ., 1972 - 2004 University Archives, Duke University.
referencedIn Friday, William C. (William Clyde). William C. Friday photographic collection, 1951-1980s. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Hugh Morton Photographs and Films, late 1920s-2006, (bulk 1940s-1990s) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. North Carolina Collection.
referencedIn William C. Friday Papers, 1942-1999 and undated (bulk 1985-1999) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Hugh Morton Photographs and Films, late 1920s-2006, (bulk 1940s-1990s) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. North Carolina Collection.
creatorOf Kenan, Frank H. (Frank Hawkins). Frank H. Kenan papers, 1937-1996 [manuscript]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
creatorOf Frank H. Kenan Papers, 1937-1996 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Access America corporateBody
associatedWith Archie Davis person
associatedWith Arts and Sciences Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Atlanta Research Properties corporateBody
associatedWith Bankers Trust corporateBody
correspondedWith Bankers Trust of North Carolina corporateBody
correspondedWith Betty Kenan person
associatedWith Bicentennial Campaign Steering Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Breakers corporateBody
correspondedWith Brightleaf Square corporateBody
correspondedWith Brunson Building corporateBody
correspondedWith Bulk Haulers corporateBody
associatedWith Business Foundation of North Carolina corporateBody
associatedWith Calvin L. Criner person
correspondedWith Carolina Challenge corporateBody
correspondedWith Carolina Challenge Council corporateBody
correspondedWith Carolinas Golf Group corporateBody
associatedWith Center for Competitiveness and Employment Growth corporateBody
associatedWith Center for Emerging Markets corporateBody
associatedWith Center for Global Business Research corporateBody
associatedWith Center for Urban Investment corporateBody
correspondedWith Central Carolina Bank corporateBody
associatedWith Citibank International Fellows Program corporateBody
associatedWith Citizens Democracy Corps corporateBody
correspondedWith Competitive North Carolina corporateBody
associatedWith Contessa Marcella Amati Cellisi person
associatedWith Cove corporateBody
correspondedWith Croasdaile Investment Group corporateBody
correspondedWith Crossroads on the Hill corporateBody
associatedWith C. T. Wilson Construction Company, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith D.C. Land Group Ltd. corporateBody
associatedWith Department of Chemistry Short Course Program corporateBody
correspondedWith Douglas A. Warner person
associatedWith Duke Endowment. corporateBody
associatedWith Duke University corporateBody
associatedWith Duke University. University Archives. corporateBody
associatedWith Durham Academy corporateBody
associatedWith Durham Academy (Durham, N.C.) corporateBody
associatedWith Durham Bank and Trust Company corporateBody
associatedWith Durham Chamber of Commerce corporateBody
associatedWith Durham County Habitat for Humanity corporateBody
associatedWith Durham County Hospital Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Durham Executives Club corporateBody
associatedWith Durham Research Properties, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Durham Scholars Program. corporateBody
associatedWith Educational Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Elon College corporateBody
associatedWith Erwin Square corporateBody
associatedWith Erwin Square Limited Partnership corporateBody
associatedWith Erwin Square Office Tower I Limited Partnership corporateBody
associatedWith Europa Center corporateBody
associatedWith FHK Landfall Associates corporateBody
correspondedWith Five Old Men corporateBody
correspondedWith Flagler College corporateBody
associatedWith Flagler System, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Flagler System, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Foundation for Better Health corporateBody
associatedWith Four-year Private Liberal Arts Colleges Challenge Grants corporateBody
associatedWith Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise. corporateBody
associatedWith Friday, William C. (William Clyde) person
associatedWith Fuqua corporateBody
associatedWith Glen Lennox corporateBody
associatedWith Global Manufacturing Research Center corporateBody
associatedWith Global TransPark corporateBody
associatedWith Global TransPark Commission corporateBody
associatedWith Global TransPark Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Granville Towers corporateBody
associatedWith Guaranty State Bank corporateBody
associatedWith Guilford College corporateBody
associatedWith Gwinnett Progress Center corporateBody
associatedWith Hamner Thrift Fund corporateBody
associatedWith Hamner, W. Clay. person
associatedWith Hanfords corporateBody
associatedWith Harold B. Hopfenberg person
associatedWith Harry Barbee person
correspondedWith Henry Emerson person
correspondedWith Henry Morrison Flagler Museum corporateBody
associatedWith Hollins College corporateBody
associatedWith Home Savings and Loan corporateBody
associatedWith Hunter's Isle corporateBody
correspondedWith Hussey Oil Company person
associatedWith Institute for the Study of Private Enterprise corporateBody
associatedWith Institute of Private Enterprise corporateBody
associatedWith Institutional Development Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith International Business Education Center corporateBody
associatedWith Jack Kasarda person
correspondedWith James B. Hunt person
associatedWith James H. Johnson person
associatedWith James Kenan person
associatedWith James Leutze person
associatedWith Jeanne F. Butler person
correspondedWith Jesse Helms person
associatedWith Jesse Helms Center corporateBody
correspondedWith John Manning person
associatedWith June Mallard person
associatedWith Kenan family
associatedWith Kenan Center corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan Convocation. corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan Enterprise Awards corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan family. family
associatedWith Kenan Family Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan-Flagler Buisness School corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan-Flagler Business School. corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan-Flagler School of Business corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan, Frank H. (Frank Hawkins). person
associatedWith Kenan Institute Asia. corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan Institute for Ethics corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan Institute in Washington corporateBody
correspondedWith Kenan Investments corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan Oil Company corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan Oil Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Kenan Partners corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan Transport Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan Transport Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan Trust Family Literacy Project corporateBody
associatedWith Kenan Trust Family Literary Project corporateBody
associatedWith K Group corporateBody
associatedWith KIAsia corporateBody
associatedWith Kona Enterprises corporateBody
associatedWith Kove corporateBody
associatedWith Landfall corporateBody
associatedWith Lawrence Lewis person
associatedWith Leader Development Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Lee Schaeffer person
correspondedWith Lenox Square Partner Fund corporateBody
associatedWith Leslie Boney person
correspondedWith Loehman's Plaza corporateBody
correspondedWith Marjorie Cameron person
associatedWith MBA Enterprise Corps. corporateBody
associatedWith McPherson Hospital Foundation, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Medical Foundation of North Carolina corporateBody
correspondedWith Montrose Aviation Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Montrose Capital Corporation corporateBody
correspondedWith Montrose Investment Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Montrose Kenan Holding Company corporateBody
associatedWith Morgan Guaranty Trust Bank corporateBody
associatedWith Morton, Hugh M. person
associatedWith Morton, Hugh M. person
correspondedWith M. Steve Forbes person
associatedWith Muirhead Construction Company, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith National Center for Family Literacy (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith National Family Literacy Center corporateBody
correspondedWith National Humanities Center corporateBody
correspondedWith New York University corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Business Hall of Fame corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Episcopal School for Boys, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Global TransPark Authority. corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Highways for Progress Committee corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Museum of Art corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Outward Bound School corporateBody
correspondedWith North Carolina Philanthropy Award corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Public Service Award corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina School for the Arts corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina School of the Arts corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina State University corporateBody
correspondedWith North Caroliniana Award corporateBody
associatedWith North Caroliniana Society, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith O'Brien/Atkins Associates, P.A. corporateBody
associatedWith Olympia Investment Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Olympia Investment Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Outstanding Philanthropist of the Triangle corporateBody
associatedWith Owen Kenan person
associatedWith Paradise Island corporateBody
correspondedWith Park Forty Plaza corporateBody
associatedWith Paul Fulton person
associatedWith Paul Rizzo person
correspondedWith Pembroke Park corporateBody
associatedWith Program for Ethics corporateBody
associatedWith Property Advisory Services corporateBody
correspondedWith Pure Oil Company corporateBody
associatedWith Research Properties Associates corporateBody
associatedWith Robert Trent Jones International corporateBody
associatedWith Rollie Tillman person
correspondedWith Saint Mary's College corporateBody
correspondedWith Saint Mary's Country Day School corporateBody
associatedWith Sarah Graham Kenan person
associatedWith Sarah Graham Kenan Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Secondary School Challenge Grants corporateBody
associatedWith SEHED Development Corporation corporateBody
correspondedWith SEHED Investment Group corporateBody
correspondedWith Southern Regional Education Board corporateBody
associatedWith St. Philip's Episcopal Church corporateBody
associatedWith St. Stephen's Episcopal Church corporateBody
associatedWith St. Stephen's Episcopal Church (Durham, N.C.) corporateBody
associatedWith Tar Heel Order of 100 corporateBody
associatedWith Ted Probert person
associatedWith The Pantry, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Kenan person
associatedWith Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts corporateBody
correspondedWith Tom Sweeney person
associatedWith Tops corporateBody
associatedWith Tops of Raleigh, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Tops Petroleum Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Treyburn corporateBody
correspondedWith Tri-City Enterprises, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith United Gas Company, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina Press corporateBody
associatedWith University of the South corporateBody
associatedWith Urban Enterprise Corps. corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Agency for International Development corporateBody
associatedWith USAID corporateBody
associatedWith USTDP corporateBody
associatedWith U.S.-Thailand Development Partnership corporateBody
correspondedWith Velvet Cloak Inn corporateBody
associatedWith Villa La Magia corporateBody
associatedWith Vipont Silver Mine corporateBody
associatedWith W. Clay Hamner, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith West Palm Beach Water Company corporateBody
associatedWith White Sulphur Springs corporateBody
associatedWith William Rand Kenan, Jr. person
associatedWith William Rand Kenan, Jr., Charitable Trust. corporateBody
associatedWith William R. Kenan, Jr. Award corporateBody
associatedWith William R. Kenan, Jr. Center. corporateBody
associatedWith William R. Kenan, Jr. Chemistry Department Endowment corporateBody
associatedWith William R. Kenan, Jr. Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith William R. Kenan, Jr. Fund for Engineering, Technology, and Science corporateBody
associatedWith William R. Kenan, Jr. Fund for Ethics corporateBody
associatedWith William R. Kenan, Jr. Fund for the Arts corporateBody
associatedWith William R. Kenan, Jr. Institute for Engineering, Technology, and Science corporateBody
associatedWith William R. Kenan, Jr. Kenan Center corporateBody
associatedWith William R. Kenan, Jr. Professorships corporateBody
associatedWith Woodberry Forest School. corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
North Carolina
Charitable giving
Education, Higher
Real property


Birth 1912

Death 1996



Ark ID: w60g4s88

SNAC ID: 11317692