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Information: The first column shows data points from Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948 in red. The third column shows data points from Knudson, William S., 1879-1948. in blue. Any data they share in common is displayed as purple boxes in the middle "Shared" column.
Name Entries
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Knudson, William S., 1879-1948.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
- Name Entry
- Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
- Name Entry
- Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
"contributor": "crnlu",
"form": "authorizedForm"
"contributor": "LC",
"form": "authorizedForm"
"contributor": "nara",
"form": "authorizedForm"
"contributor": "WorldCat",
"form": "authorizedForm"
"contributor": "yale",
"form": "authorizedForm"
"contributor": "umi",
"form": "authorizedForm"
Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest
Knudsen, William Signius, 1879-
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Knudsen, William Signius, 1879-
- Name Entry
- Knudsen, William Signius, 1879-
- Name Entry
- Knudsen, William Signius, 1879-
"contributor": "WorldCat",
"form": "authorizedForm"
Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest
Knudsen, Signius Wilhelm Poul, 1879-1948
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Knudsen, Signius Wilhelm Poul, 1879-1948
- Name Entry
- Knudsen, Signius Wilhelm Poul, 1879-1948
- Name Entry
- Knudsen, Signius Wilhelm Poul, 1879-1948
"contributor": "VIAF",
"form": "alternativeForm"
Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest
Knudsen, William Signius, 1879-1948
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Knudsen, William Signius, 1879-1948
- Name Entry
- Knudsen, William Signius, 1879-1948
- Name Entry
- Knudsen, William Signius, 1879-1948
"contributor": "VIAF",
"form": "alternativeForm"
Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest
Knudson, William S., 1879-1948.
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Knudson, William S., 1879-1948.
- Name Entry
- Knudson, William S., 1879-1948.
- Name Entry
- Knudson, William S., 1879-1948.
"contributor": "WorldCat",
"form": "authorizedForm"
Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest
- Gender
- Male
- Exist Dates
- Exist Dates
- Exist Dates
- Exist Dates
William Signius Knudsen (1879-1948) was born in Denmark on March 25, 1879. He apprenticed as a bicycle mechanic then held a variety of positions in the United States with Ford Motor Company and Chevrolet Motor Company. He served as vice president, then president of General Motors from 1933 to 1942. He received his appointment as lieutenant general on January 28, 1942, as director of production in the Office of the Under Secretary of war. He was director of Army Air Forces Materiel and Services from July 1944 to May 1945, and returned to private industry June 1, 1945.
William Signius Knudsen was born in Copenhagen, Denmark on March 25, 1879, as a child he attended public school and apprenticed under Fritz Henningsen, a wholsaler in crockery, toys and hardware, finally working as a junior clerk and bicycle assembler at the importing firm of Christian Achen. William arrived in New York in 1900 at the age of 20 and held various jobs, most notably as a supervisor for John R. Keim Mills, a bicycle manufaturer in Buffalo, New York, from 1909-1913. In 1904 Keims started to manufacture automobile parts and was contracted to Ford Motor Company, Ford purchased Keim in 1911, that same year William married Clara Elizabeth Euler of Buffalo, New York, they had four children, Clara, Semon, Elna and Martha. In late 1912 the machinery from Keim Mills was moved to Highland Park and in 1914 William moved his family to Detroit, by 1916 he was in charge of 28 Ford branch assembly plants nationwide. William resigned from Ford in 1921 and in 1922 joined General Motors, by 1924 he was general manager of Chevrolet. By 1933 William was executive vice-president of General Motors responsible for coordinating the production of the company's car maunufacuring divisions, from 1937-40 he was president of General Motors. William left GM after a call to come to Washington, DC from President Franklin Roosevelt, where he became a member of the National Defense Advisory Council. During WWI, William was appointed lieutenant general and director of war production in the war department and was instrumental in providing the American war effort with unprecedented quantities of war material, when he was relieved of active duty in 1945 he went back to GM and remained there until his death in 1948.
Semon Emil Knudsen was born in Buffalo, New York in 1912, roughly a year later he moved with his family to Detroit, Michigan. Upon graduation from Detroit Country Day School in 1931, Semon entered Dartmouth College and after one year of study moved to M.I.T. where he received a degree in Engineering in 1936. He married Florence McConnell and began working at Pontiac Division in 1938 where for 10 years he worked in a variety of positions such as assembly line worker, foreman, chief inspector and master mechanic. From 1949-53 Semon worked as the director of General Motors' Process Development section until he was transferred to the Allison Division of General Motors in Indianapolis, Indiana where he worked as asst. manufacturing manager of aircraft engine operations. Semon returned to Detroit in 1955 as the manager of Detroit Diesel Engine division of GM, in 1956 he returned to Pontiac as general manager. In 1967, Semon resigned from GM and was appointed president of Ford Motor Co. in 1968 where he remained for 19 months until his termination. Semon started his own motor home company, Rectrans, Inc., eventually however he became the chief executive officer and director of White Motor Co. until his retirement in 1980. Semon and Florence had four children, Judith, Lisa, Kristina and Peter. Semon died in 1998.
- BiogHist
- BiogHist
- Same-As Relation
- Same-As Relation
- Same-As Relation
- Same-As Relation
- Same-As Relation
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- Source
- Source
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- Source
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- /10575592
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<objectXMLWrap> <container xmlns=""> <filename>/data/source/findingAids/crnlu/KCL05619.xml</filename> <ead_entity en_type="persname" encodinganalog="600" role="subject">Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948.</ead_entity> </container> </objectXMLWrap>
- Source
- Source
<objectXMLWrap> <container xmlns=""> <filename>/data/source/findingAids/umi/bentley/reevesjs.xml</filename> <ead_entity en_type="persname" encodinganalog="700" source="lcnaf">Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948.</ead_entity> </container> </objectXMLWrap>;view=text
- Source
- Source
- Source
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Papers concerning General Motors Corporation, 1915-1954.
Du Pont, Pierre S. (Pierre Samuel), 1870-1954. Papers concerning General Motors Corporation, 1915-1954.
Papers concerning General Motors Corporation, 1915-1954.
P. S. du Pont's General Motor files include documentation on G.M. - Du Pont stock transfers. There are minutes of G.M. board of directors meetings, proxy, finance and executive committees. Records document the 1918 amalgamation of the Chevrolet and General Motors Corporations as well as G.M.'s 1920 purchase of the Fisher Body Corporation. There are also papers describing the organization of the G.M. Acceptance Corporation in 1926 and the executive bonus and retirement plans that were put into place in the late 1920s. Operating department records include materials on research and development - particularly experiments on the copper cooled engine. There are also records on the reorganization that Pierre du Pont put into place at G.M. in the early 1920s.
ArchivalResource: 10 linear ft. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Du Pont, Pierre S. (Pierre Samuel), 1870-1954. Papers concerning General Motors Corporation, 1915-1954.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Sidney Hillman papers
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Sidney Hillman papers, 1930-1946 (bulk 1935-1945)
Sidney Hillman papers
Papers documenting Sidney Hillman's activities as the ACWA's president during the Depression, New Deal, and war years, as well as his work with the NRA, the National Defense Advisory Commission, and the War Production Board. Sidney Hillman and the ACWA played crucial roles in founding the CIO. Hillman's correspondence with Walter Reuther and George Addes of the United Automobile Workers (UAW) and Emil Rieve of the Textile Workers' Organizing Committee reflects that effort. The Roosevelt era brought both increased visibility and power to Hillman and the union. In 1933, Hillman was chosen to serve on the National Recovery Administration's Labor Advisory Board. The materials from this NRA period describe the Roosevelt administration's attempts to draw up codes of fair competition to determine production quotas and fix wages and hours in order to bring about economic recovery. The NRA records also contain Hillman's correspondence with government officials as well as leaders of labor unions and of private firms. There are also some reports and raw data used by the NRA in developing its codes. In 1940, as U.S. involvement in World War II became increasingly likely, Roosevelt organized the National Defense Advisory Commission (NDAC) to coordinate economic mobilization for the war. Hillman was named to the Commission; later he was tapped to be associate director of the War Production Board. The NDAC materials in this collection document Hillman's experiences and include correspondence with William Knudsen. There are also some reports and directives prepared by the War Production Board. Other notable topics include: aid to free labor organizations in Europe during World War II; anti-fascist efforts by U.S.labor organizations; civil rights; the clothing trade in the U.S. and Canada; economic conditions during the depression, particularly in the U.S. garment industry; international labor activities; Jewish workers in Palestine; labor organizing in the U.S. and Canada; relations with other unions; the Spanish Civil War, including labor aid to and participation in the Republican cause; union involvement in politics and government in the U.S.; the role of women and minorities in the labor movement; and worker education. Notable individuals represented in the collection include: Mary Anderson; John B. Andrews; August Bellanca; Dorothy Bellanca; George Berry; S.M. Blinken; Louis Brandeis; Harry Bridges; John Brophy; Max Danish; Clarence Darrow; Gladys Dickason; David Dubinsky; Lillian Hellman; Charles J. Hendley; Arturo Giovannitti; Henry Green; William Green; J.B.S. Hardman; Bessie Hillman; Horace Kallen; Paul Kellogg; Philip La Follette; Robert La Follette; Fiorello LaGuardia; Herbert H. Lehman; John L. Lewis; Sinclair Lewis; Jay Lovestone; Homer Martin; Lucy Mason; Tom Mooney; Reinhold Niebuhr; Frances Perkins; Charles Poletti; Lee Pressman; Walter Reuther; Emil Rieve; Eleanor Roosevelt; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Rose Schneiderman; Upton Sinclair; Harry Truman; B.C. Vladeck; Robert F. Wagner; Henry Wallace; Walter White; and Matthew Woll. Additional organizations of significance represented include: local unions and joint boards of the ACWA; the American Civil Liberties Union; American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee; American League Against War and Fascism; the AFL; the CIO; the Fur and Leather Workers' Union; Hart, Schaffner, and Marx; Hickey Freeman and Company; the Jewish Daily Forward; the Journeymen Tailors Union; Labor's Non-Partisan League; the NAACP; the NRA; the Socialist Party (U.S.); the Steel Workers' Organizing Committee; the Textile Workers Organizing Committee; the Textile Workers Union of America; the UAW; the U.S. Department of Labor and its Women's Bureau; the Urban League; the Women's Trade Union League; and the Workmen's Circle.
ArchivalResource: 23 linear ft. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Sidney Hillman papers, 1930-1946, 1935-1945 (bulk).
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Papers, 1941.
Neel, Samuel E. (Samuel Ellison), 1914- . Papers, 1941.
Papers, 1941.
The file contains a regular correspondence between Neel and his former house-mate and fellow New Dealer William L. Batt, Jr. between April and October 1941. During this time, Batt served on the staff of Averell Harriman's economic mission to London, administering the Lend-Lease program and coordinating British and American economic planning and production. Neel and Batt arranged to maintain a detailed correspondence to keep both of them and Batt, Sr., informed of war-related developments on both sides of the Atlantic. The correspondence ended when Batt, Jr., returned to the U.S. in the fall of 1941.
ArchivalResource: 1 file. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Neel, Samuel E. (Samuel Ellison), 1914- . Papers, 1941.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Blair Moody Papers
Blair Moody Papers, 1928-1954, 1934-1952
Blair Moody Papers
Detroit newspaperman and United States Senator from Michigan. Correspondence chiefly concerning his 1952 senatorial campaign and his newspaper work in the United States and abroad during World War II; scrapbooks of newspaper articles written by Moody and published for the most part in the and ; tape recordings of public affairs radio program; photographs and motion pictures of public affairs interview programs. Detroit News Barron's
ArchivalResource: 27.5 linear feet (in 29 boxes), 29 film reels, 60 phonograph records, 37 GB (online);view=text View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Blair Moody Papers, 1928-1954, 1934-1952
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. NORMANDY, THE AIRBORNE INVASION OF FORTRESS EUROPE
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. NORMANDY, THE AIRBORNE INVASION OF FORTRESS EUROPE
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. NORMANDY, THE AIRBORNE INVASION OF FORTRESS EUROPE
ArchivalResource: View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. NORMANDY, THE AIRBORNE INVASION OF FORTRESS EUROPE
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
UAW Local 9 records, 1933-1963.
International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Local 9 (South Bend, Ind.). UAW Local 9 records, 1933-1963.
UAW Local 9 records, 1933-1963.
Correspondence, minutes, resolutions, financial data, grievance reports, and other materials related to UAW Local 9.
ArchivalResource: 49 linear ft. (98 boxes) View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Local 9 (South Bend, Ind.). UAW Local 9 records, 1933-1963.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
[General Motors Corporation : historical materials]. Folder 87-4.19-1a.
[General Motors Corporation : historical materials]. Folder 87-4.19-1a.
[General Motors Corporation : historical materials]. Folder 87-4.19-1a.
ArchivalResource: Box 20 of 21 boxes : ill. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- [General Motors Corporation : historical materials]. Folder 87-4.19-1a.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Richard Scharchburg's published articles 1964-2000.
Scharchburg, Richard P. Richard Scharchburg's published articles 1964-2000.
Richard Scharchburg's published articles 1964-2000.
ArchivalResource: 1 box. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Scharchburg, Richard P. Richard Scharchburg's published articles 1964-2000.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America records
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America records, 1914-1980, 1920-1950 (bulk)
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America records
Correspondence, clippings, minutes, organizing leaflets, photographs, speeches, phonographs, scrapbooks, and organizational records documenting the founding, growth, history and development of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America; the activities of its officers and other leading officials; its organizing activities; and its administration.
ArchivalResource: View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America records, 1914-1980, 1920-1950 (bulk)
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Papers of William and Semon Knudsen, 1896-1998.
Papers of William and Semon Knudsen, 1896-1998.
Papers of William and Semon Knudsen, 1896-1998.
The papers of William Knudsen (Part 1) reflect his contributions to the automotive industry as well as his dedication and service to his adoptive country. The papers of Semon Knudsen (Part 2) reflect his distinguished and varied career in the automotive industry, as well as his dedication and commitment to the community. Part 3 of this collection is strictly photographs and represents the lives of both William and Semon Knudsen.
ArchivalResource: 13 boxes 1 wallet (5.62 linear ft.), Part 1 2 scrapbooks, Part 1 31 boxes (16 linear ft.), Part 2 4 scrapbooks, Part 2 1838 photographs, Part 3$002f$002fSD_ILS$002f0$002fSD_ILS:1795172/one View
View in SNACcreatorOf
- Resource Relation
- Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948. Papers of William and Semon Knudsen, 1896-1998.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Records, 1940-1941.
Records, 1940-1941.
Records, 1940-1941.
Correspondence, memoranda, press releases, minutes, reports, publications and clippings relating to the Commission and its divisions including agriculture, consumer protection, housing, industrial materials, labor, legal, price stabilization, production, research and statistics, state and local cooperation, transportation, and tax and finance. Commission members were Ralph Budd, Chester C. Davis, Harriet Elliott, Leon Henderson, Sidney Hillman, William S. Knudsen, William H. McReynolds, and Edward R. Stettinius, Chairman.
ArchivalResource: 14 linear ft. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- United States. Council of National Defense. Advisory Commission. Records, 1940-1941.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. FILM HIGHLIGHTS OF THE LIFE OF GENERAL H.H. ARNOLD, U.S.A COMANDING GENERAL A.A.F
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. FILM HIGHLIGHTS OF THE LIFE OF GENERAL H.H. ARNOLD, U.S.A COMANDING GENERAL A.A.F
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. FILM HIGHLIGHTS OF THE LIFE OF GENERAL H.H. ARNOLD, U.S.A COMANDING GENERAL A.A.F
Summary: Miscellaneous scenes of Gen Arnold examining P-38 aircraft, speaking at microphones, with other high-ranking officers & civilian VIPs, with Gen. Chennault in front of P-40s. Film also shows Arnold's trip to China, Doolittle1s raid on Tokyo, assembling of a B-19, inspection of "Flying Tigers," British headquarters in India. (Shot list to follow.) Reel 1: CONVOY ISSUE STIRS NATION -- NEWS OF THE DAY, WASHINGTON, D.C. 1) CU entrance to the White House. 2) CU Secretary Knox, Morganthau, Admiral Stark and Towers, Maj. Gen Arnold, Secretary Stinson and Gen. Marshall as they come out of the Capitol building. WARNING TO UNCLE SAM. 3) CU head and shoulders of Gen Arnold as he delivers speech. 4) CU Elliot Roosevelt as he is sworn into Air Corp. Elliot Roosevelt turns and is congratulated by Gen. Arnold. NEWS OF THE DAY, CALIFORNIA* 5) Int. aircraft hangar showing a P-38 on display. Several civilians observing the display. NATIONAL DEFENSE ADMINISTRATOR. 6) CU Gen Knudsen and Gen Arnold. 7) CU Gen Arnold and Mr. Knudsen examining aircraft. 8) Int. aircraft showing a B-19 on the production line. Factory workers stand around same. NEWS OF THE DAY, ELMIRA, NEW YORK. 9) CU Maj. Gen. Arnold inspecting one of the gliders at the glider meet -- raises canopy and looks into cockpit. 10) CU Gen Arnold. 11) MS one of the gliders being piloted by Gen. Arnold. 12) CU winch which tows aircraft for takeoff. 13) GC up to formation of two gliders. 14) ECU aerial of glider while in flight. 15) CU nose section of glider as it flies. 16) CU FV of the glider during landing. 17) CU Gen. H.H. Arnold seated at his desk making speech. NEWS OF THE DAY, FLORIDA* 18) CU Clark Gable being congratulated by officer. 19) MS troops marching. 20) ECU Clark Gable and other officers standing in a review, standing saluting. 21) MS troops marching. ATTENTION AMERICANS! RICKENBACKER SPEAKS FOR OUR FIGHTING MEN -- - NEWS OF THE DAY. 22) CU Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker as he alights from aircraft. He is greeted by Gen Arnold and Mrs. Rickenbacker. Parked C-47 in far bg. 23) CU Capt. Rickenbacker being greeted by his two sons. 24) CU the awarding of medal to officer. 25) CU troops marching. 26) CU color guard. 27) CU of officer and civilians standing on the review stand saluting. 28) CU color guard. 29) CU troops marching, carrying guns. 30) CU English civilian giving speech prior to awarding medal to Col. Bellows. 31) MCU headquarters building in India which is a long flat-topped building with dome. Shows high-ranking officers walking out walkway alongside of pool. Identity of officers: Chief of Staff, Field Marshall Sir Archibald Wavell, Sir John Dill, Lt. Gen Stillwell, Arnold, Servel, Maj. Gen. R.A. Wheeler, Brig. Gen. Clayton Bissell, B*G. Ferris and Maj. Gen. Winterton walking toward camera. 32) CU same officers walking along street. 33) PS L to R, Gens. Wavell, Stillwell, Arnold, Dill and Somerville. Several views of these five officers as they converse on street. 34) MS Gen. Arnold and other officers inspecting "Flying Tigers". Camera pans with other officers accompanying Gen. Arnold -- some British. Reel 2: 1) Group shot of Gen. Arnold and Sir John Dill, Chenault, and Stillwell greeted by Chinese Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Ho Ying Chin, and staff at Chunking Airport. Pans group of officers and staff greeting each other. 2) CU Gen. Arnold and Dill at attention, saluting Chinese officers behind them. 3) MS Gen. Arnold and Dill followed by Chinese officials inspecting the honor guard on the airfield. 4) PS the inspection tour. 5) CU Gen. Arnold, Stillwell and Chinese General on field. 6) CS pan L to R of Gen. Ho-Ying-Chin, Arnold, Stillwell and Staff, among which is Chenault. 7) CU Gen. Arnold and other officals crossing the Yanzee River on a pontoon bridge. 8) MS group walking up bank of river. 9) CU one of the officers reading a letter as he walks up bank. l0) CU Chinese and American officers standing in front of building. Several CU views of officers conversing. NEWS OF THE DAY, ANACOSTIA, D.C. 11) MS B-24 coming in for landing after record flight from Brisbane, Australia. 12) CU side of aircraft showing Gen. Arnold alighting. 13) CU Lovett pinning a medal on Gen. Arnold. Title for Lovett is Assistant War Secretary. 14) CU Distinguished Service Medal. 15) CU Gen. Marshall congratulating Gen. Arnold. 16) CU Gen. Arnold giving a speech. DOOLITTLE'S OWN STORY OF RAID OF TOKYO (VISUALIZED WAR LIBRARY OF NEWS OF THE DAY). 17) Int. office -- President Roosevelt pinning the Congressional Medal of Honor on Gen. Doolittle. Those viewing presentation are Gen. Doolittle's wife, Gen. Arnold and Gen. Marshall. 18) CU the medal. Camera pans up to ECU face of Gen. Doolittle. 19) CU Gen Arnold and Gen. Doolittle seated at desk. 20) CU Gen. Doolittle giving report on raid during his speech. The following scenes were scenes placed on screen. 21) Aerial formation of three B-29s. 22) CU bomb release switch as it is being pulled. 23) Int. bomb bay of aircraft showing bombs falling on targets. Camera pans down with bombs showing ground strike and bomb bursts. 24) PS target area after raid showing large fires, smoke rising from same. 25) CU SV of bombs being released from aircraft. 26) MCU cruiser after bombing and showing the burning of same. NEWS OF THE DAY, BOMB TOKYO. 27) CU Gen. Doolittle, other officers standing immediately behind him. 28) MS along line of crew members as Gen. Arnold decorate same. 29) CU medal, Distinguished Flying Cross. 30) CU a couple of crew members giving their versions of the bombing of Tokyo. TOKYO RAID REVELATION. JAPANESE MURDERS OF UNITED STATES FLYERS AROUSE NATION. COMMENTARY BY JOHN W. VANDERCOOP. NEWS OF THE DAY. 31) MS SV of the aircraft carrier "Hornet". 32) MS SV of the "Hornet". 33) MCU SV of the battleship underway during stormy waters. 34) Deck scene of the Hornet showing aircraft on deck. 35) CU bombs being transported across deck in preparation for bombing up. All aircraft on this carrier crashed except one which landed in Russia. 36) CU pre-war Japanese medal. 37) CU Gen. Doolittle fastening medal onto bomb. 38) PS crewmembers from the Hornet. NARRATOR GIVES STORY OF EXECUTION OF SAME. 39) LS patrol boat. 40) CU American guns as they fire and sink patrol boat. 41) CU Gen. Halsey in his office on ship pointing to location on map. 42) CU Gen. Halsey. 43) MS the deck of the Hornet with aircraft parked on same. 44) CU crew members turning propellers on ship. 45) MS preparations for takeoff from the Hornet. 46) MS takeoff of first aircraft from the Hornet. Signal given from crewmember on ship. 47) MS the Hornet with aircraft taking off from same during storm. 48) CU B-25 flying directly overhead. Deck scene as B-25 takes off. 49) CU Chinese holding poster. Foster reads, "Tokyo bombs by allied planes" -- Chinese winks at cameraman. 50) CU Madam Chiang Kai-shek pinning medals on some of the crew members who parachuted down safely to Chinese soil. 51) CU Madam Chiang Kai-shek making speech. 52) MS long line of crew members as Gen. Arnold decorates same with the Distinguished Flying Cross. 53) ECU of the medal. 54) CU Gen. Doolittle. 55) CU Gen Tojo and his confederates. 56) CU Gen. Arnold, seated at desk, gives speech. 57) Conference scene: News reporters and photographers at scene. Conference featuring reports of Ted Lawson and Harold Watson. 58) American flag flying full mast. 59) Formation of elevent B-l8s flying over partially snow-covered mountain peak. (Map of United States superimposed over formation.) 60) LS large formation of aircraft flying over convoy airships. 61) CU flag of the United States flying full mast. Formation of twelve B-l8s flying directly overhead. This is a silhouette shot.
ArchivalResource: View
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- Resource Relation
- Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. FILM HIGHLIGHTS OF THE LIFE OF GENERAL H.H. ARNOLD, U.S.A COMANDING GENERAL A.A.F
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Papers, 1880-1954.
Du Pont, Pierre S. (Pierre Samuel), 1870-1954. Papers, 1880-1954.
Papers, 1880-1954.
The personal and business papers document Pierre S. du Pont's business career and political activities. There is a significant body of material describing the history of the Du Pont Company and the General Motors Corporation which trace the transformation of these two firms into modern, centrally administered corporations during the early years of the twentieth century. The evolving relationship between business strategy and corporate structure is documented, as is the role that research and development played in shaping the success of these two companies.
ArchivalResource: 1,000 linear ft. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Du Pont, Pierre S. (Pierre Samuel), 1870-1954. Papers, 1880-1954.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
James William Fesler papers 1918-1991
James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991
James William Fesler papers 1918-1991
The papers consist of correspondence, writings, reports, memoranda, research material, clippings and photographs documenting the activities of James W. Fesler, as professor of political science at Yale University, as a participant in professional associations, and as a consultant on commissions appointed by the state of Connecticut, the United States government and the United Nations. His papers on the activities of the War Production Board (1941-1946) are particularly full and include correspondence, reports, charts and photographs.
ArchivalResource: 24.75 linear feet View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Papers, 1900-1956.
Raskob, John J. (John Jakob), 1879-1950. Papers, 1900-1956.
Papers, 1900-1956.
The John J. Raskob Papers document Raskob's business and political careers as well as his personal life. The papers document significant aspects of the histories of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company and the General Motors Corporation during the first half of the twentieth century. Raskob played a crucial role in the creation of these two industrial giants. His papers trace the transformation of these companies into modern decentralized corporations and the relationship between business strategy and corporate structure. The Raskob Papers also describe the relationship between Du Pont and G.M. in the years between 1915 and 1950.
ArchivalResource: 300 linear ft. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Raskob, John J. (John Jakob), 1879-1950. Papers, 1900-1956.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. UNITED STATES ARMY AIR FORCES NEWSREEL
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. UNITED STATES ARMY AIR FORCES NEWSREEL
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. UNITED STATES ARMY AIR FORCES NEWSREEL
Summary: Coverage of the U.S. Army Air Forces during 1940 including scenes of aerobatics, military aircraft in flight, cadets training and graduating, aircraft being constructed and flight tested, an eclipse of the sun, a military funeral, paratroop training, Brig. Gen. Robert C. Richardson presenting diplomas, a B-17C mercy flight, and President Roosevelt speaking.(Photo'd by commercial photographers). Reel 1: U.S. ARMY AIR FORCE NEWSREEL. 1940. 15') RKO PATHE NEWS. AIR DERBY AEROBATICS FEATURES DAY MEET AT MIAMI. ANDRE BARUCH. 25') Scenes of aerobatics of bi-planes at three-day All-American Air Meet at Miami, Florida, crowd, Waco bi-planes and six USAF B-18's in flight and a LS of monoplane descending by parachute to ground. 156') SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, MOVIETONE NEWS. 160') Scenes of constructinn of B-17B's in Boeing Plant at Seattle and rollout of a B-17C. 207') BUFFALO, NEW YORK. PILOT'S SKILL SAVES U.S. MYSTERY PLANE IN PANCAKE LANDING. GRAHAM MCNAMEE. 216') Scenes of Bell XP-39 Aerocobra piloted by Capt. Price, in first test flight -- landing gear jams and aircraft makes belly landing in snow. 323') UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL, HAMILTON FIELD, GRAHAM MCNAMEE. 327') Scenes of a 360-man 65th Coast Artillery Battalion boarding B-18's in airlift experimental exercise. 364') SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. ARMY ADDS SKY RECRUIT. PARAMOUNT NEWS. 372') Demonstration of the Ryan Y0-51 Dragon Fly observation aircraft. 425') Scenes of XB-24 on ramp and in flight. 480') RKO PATHE NEWS. SKY FORT. US TEST BOMBERS OUT OVER PACIFIC. HARRY VON ZELL. 486') Scenes show nine B-17C's from March Field in flight over Inglewood, California and the Pacific Ocean. 587') AVIATION. AL BRICK AND LOWELL THOMAS, MOVIETONE NEWS. 595') Scenes of twelve B-18's of 17th Bombardment Group under command of Col. Carlisle in flight over the Grand Canyon. 638') Shows Indians watching bombers flying by. 677') NEW YORK CITY. 681') Scenes of people watching eclipse of the sun. 690') NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. 693') Scenes of people watching an almost complete eclipse of the sun. 728') NEWS OF THE DAY. CALIFORNIA. 752') Scenes of 7th Bombardment Group B-18's, under Col. DuFord, over the Sierra Mountains and Yosemite Falls. 812') UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. ARMS AIR CORPS GRADUATES 220 RESERVE PILOTS. GRAHAM MCNAMEE. 822') Scenes of graduation of US Army Air Force cadets at Kelly Field, Texas and of BT-9 taking off. 888') Total footage in reel. Reel 2: US ARMY AIR FORCES NEWSREEL. 1940. 21') DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA. GRAHAM MCNAMEE. 26') Scenes of machine guns being placed into Vultee Vanguard and the aircraft taking off and in flight. 85') STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN. TO A HEROES GRAVE. PARAMOUNT NEWS. 92') Scenes of funeral ceremonies for American Air Attache, Capt. Robert W. Losen who was killed in Norway during a German air attack -- Mrs. J. Gordon Harriman, US Minister to Norway, leads funeral procession whicH includes Count and Countess Fold Bernadotte -- Capt. Losen was first US officer killed in the war. 151') RKO PATHE NEWS. U.S. TESTS BULLETPROOF GAS TANKS FOR PLANES. HARRY VON ZELL. 157') Scenes of Martin engineers at Baltimore, Maryland, firing machine guns at gas tanks three-quarters full of aviation gasoline which does not ignite. 236') UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL. BUFFALO, NEW YORK. GRAHAM MCNAMEE. 240') Scenes of Curtiss pilot, Lloyd Childs, flight testing P-40's. 277') TEXAS. MOVIETONE NEWS. 280') Scenes of USAF cadets doing calisthenics at Randolph Field, Texas, studying aircraft engines and BT-9's taxiing, taking off and in flight. 38') OVEN BAKED. RKO PATHE NEWS. ALL PLASTIC PLANE MAY SPEED BUILDING. HARRY VON ZELL. 387') Scenes of construction of the worlds first all plastic airplane in factory at Van Nuys, California; aircraft being baked in oven at Timm Aircraft Corporation and the aircraft taking off. 484') RKO PATHE NEWS. FRANCE. SCOUT PLANE SENT ALOFT BY BALLOON. HARRY VON ZELL. 491') Balloon carrying observation plane over western front facing German Segfried line. 575') UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL. ALEXANDRIA, LOUISIANA. US ARMY STAGES BIGGEST WAR GAMES IN NATION'S HISTORY. GRAHAM MCNAMEE. 585') Scenes of troops on trucks on roads and crossing pontoon bridge, B-18's in flight, tanks and infantry advancing, machine guns firing and troops wearing gas masks going through smoke screen. 546') NATIONAL DEFENSE. JACK HANEY AND LOWELL THOMAS MOVIETONE NEWS. 654') MICHIGAN MOVIETONE NEWS. 605') Scenes of Henry Ford, Sr. and Edsel Ford looking at P-40 at Dearborn, Michigan, studying the possibility of turning out a thousand aircraft a day. 714') DENVER, COLORADO. MORE U.S. PILOTS FAST. PARAMOUNT NEWS. 721') Scenes of Army Technical Air School students studying motion picture photography at Denver, Colorado, cadets in class at Hancock College of Aeronautics in California, and boarding Stearman PT-13 's and taking off. 822') RKO PATHE NEWS. AIR GRADS, 236 ARMY TRAINED PILOTS WIN WINGS. ANDRE BARUCH. 829') Scenes of Army Air Corps Advance Flying School at Kelly Field, Texas, Brig. Gen. Richardson presenting diplomas and graduates boarding BT-14's and aircraft taking off. 888') NATIONAL DEFENSE. JACK HANEY AND LOWELL THOMAS. MOVIETONE NEWS. 897') CALIFORNIA. MOVIETONE NEWS. 903') Scenes of BT-13A's being constructed at Vultee and the aircraft parked on ramp, taking off and in flight. 952') Total footage in reel. Reel 3: US ARMY AIR FORCES NEWSREEL. 1940. UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL. AMERICA ON GUARD, BY GRAHAM MCNAMEE. MS's of National Association of Manufacturers meeting to discuss national defense. Pratt and Whitney aircraft engine plant at Hartford, Connecticut manufacturing engines. Curtiss CW-22B in flight. Scenes showing warships at sea, men enlisting and being sworn in Naval Reserves, men working in factories, coastal guns firing, tanks, jeeps and trucks advancing and machine guns firing tracers at night. 228') Scenes of the Capitol dome and troops and Boy scouts marching. Scenes of New York City, rivers, farm, fields and U.S. flag (sound track contains voice of Kate Smith singing "God Bless America"). 442') UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. GRAHAM MCNANEE. 446') Ceremonies at the dedication of McChord Field, Washington -- B-18's and B-17C's on ramp and B-18A's in flight. 480') SAN DIEGO. MOVIETONE NEWS. 485') Series of scenes of Ryan PT-16 taking off, in flight and doing aerobatics. 565') NATIONAL DEFENSE. LARRY KENNEDY AND LOWELL THOMAS. MOVIETONE NEWS. 573') Scenes at the Hamilton Standard Propeller Plant, Hartford, Connecticut, of propellers being manufactured. 660') UNCLE SAMS AIR DEFENSE. NEWS OF THE DAY. 666') Scenes of P-40's demonstrating aerial gunnery at Langley Field, Virginia, and strafing target -- South American diplomats watching B-17C's in bombing and strafing demonstration. 789' CAMP BORDEN, CANADA. NEWS OF THE DAY. 793') Scenes of RCAF pilots boarding Harvard trainers (AT-6's) at Camp Borden, aircraft taking off and making interception attacks on Avro Anson in mock bombing raid and dog fight. 908') Total footage in reel. Reel 4: US ARMS AIR FORCES NEWSREEL. 1940. 24') DEFENSE HEAD SEES SUPER U.S. PLANE. GREGORY ABBOTT PARAMOUNT NEWS. BURBANK, CALIFORNIA. 34') William S. Knudsen and Maj. Gen. H. H. Arnold viewing new P-38 Lightning. 56') SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA. PARAMOUNT NEWS. 63') Douglas B-19 under construction in Douglas Plant at Santa Monica. 97') SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. PARAMOUNT NEWS. 104') Scenes of Boeing Plant being enlarged and B-17C's under construction. 135') PARAMOUNT NEWS. DEFENSE. GILBERT MARTIN. 11,000 PLANES. 144') BUFFALO, NEW YORK. PARAMOUNT NEWS. 149') William S. Knudsen and Maj. Gen. Arnold inspecting P-40. 177') FARMINGDALE, NEW YORK. PARAMOUNT NEWS. 183') Maj. Gen. Arnold inspecting P-47. 203') BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. PARAMOUNT NEWS. 208') Maj. Gen. Arnold and William S. Knudsen inspecting Martin Plant at Baltimore. 246') UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL. FT. WORTH, TEXAS. GRAHAM MCNAMEE. 250') Scenes of Bennett Aircraft Corporation turning out plywood two-engine aircraft. 290') CALIFORNIA MOVIETONE NEWS. 295') California Air Academy cadets boarding Stearman PT-13. 313') NEWS OF THE DAY. WASHINGTON, D. C. 316') Scenes of Elliot Roosevelt being sworn in as captain in Air Corps Reserves, and being congratulated by Maj. Gen. Arnold (sound track states that he is assigned to Wright Field, Ohio). 343') CALIFORNIA. MOVIETONE NEWS. 349') Scenes of Lockheed XP-38 test flight. 388' NEWS OF THE DAY. METRO GOLDWYN MAYER. 413') JOHN KENNEDY. NEWS OF THE DAY. 416') ROOSEVELT HAILS U.S. AIR POWER. NEWS OF THE DAY. 423') Scenes of President Roosevelt speaking at dedication of Washington National Airport. 582') UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL. BUFFALO. NEW YORK. GRAHAM MCNAMEE. 586') Scenes of XP-39 Aerocobra's being constructed in Bell factory, Robert Woods, designed at desk and a P-39 taking off and in flight. 655') U.S. TRAINED PARACHUTE TROOPS. MOVIETONE NEWS. 661') Scenes of paratroop training at Lawson Field, Georgia, showing the paratroops boarding C-47, the aircrart taking off and paratroops jumping. 774') NEWS OF THE DAY. MARCH FIELD. CALIFORNIA. 775') Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy as Charlie enlists in the USAAC. 862') DEFENSE CLIPPER PILOTS TRAIN CADETS IN NAVIGATION. BY HARRY VON ZELL. RKO BATHE NEWS. 869') Scenes of USAAC pilot navigation training including use of instruments at Miami, Florida -- pilots board Pan American Clipper aircraft to study navigation. 947') MARCH FIELD, CALIFORNIA. MOVIETONE NEWS. 950') Scenes of P-36A's of the 35th Pursuit Group diving during maneuvers over California. 991') Total footage in reel. Reel 5: US ARMY AIR FORCES NEWSREEL. 1940. 22') U.S. AIR DEFENSE. LEROY ORR AND LOWELL THOMAS. MOVIETONE NEWS. 29') Scenes of BT-9's and BT-14's on ramp at Kelly Field and in flight. 95') FORT BENNING, GEORGIA. MOVIETONE NEWS. 101') Scenes of A-20's laying smoke screen at Ft. Benning, Georgia; tanks crossing stream, moving through woods and smashing into a house; and white phosporus bombs exploding at night. 188') AVIATION. JACK DAROCK AND LOWELL THOMAS. MOVIETONE NEWS. 197') Scenes of pilots at Moffett Field, California, P-36A's taking off and Vought Sikorsky SB2U-3 (fighter type) in flight. 248') NEWS OF THE DAY. CALIFORNIA. Curtiss CW-20B and CW-21B interceptors. 252') Scenes of formation of six B-17C's in flight. 321') NEWS OF THE DAY. DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA. 324') Scenes of BT-13A's being readied for delivery at Vultee Plant, Downey, California, and aircraft taking off and in flight. 381') UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL. LAMBERT FIELD MISSOURI. GRAHAM MCNAMEE. 384') Scenes of Guy Vaughn, President of Curtiss Plant, and C. W. France, Vice President, looking at bulldozer breaking ground for new Curtiss-Wright Plant. 442') RKO PATHE NEWS. BOMBER READY FOR ENGLAND AT BOEING FACT0RY. HARRY VON ZEll. 450') Scenes of workmen assembling aircraft in Boeing Plant at Seattle, Washington -- B-17C's and B-24 in flight. 517') NEWS OF THE DAY. MITCHEL FIELD, NEW YORK. 521') Scenes of Dr. Carlos Davila, former president of Chile, and his wife -- shows Mrs. Davila boarding B-17C and aircraft taxiing and taking off (President Roosevelt authorized the B-17C to fly Mrs. Davila home because she was ill). 591') RKO PATHE NEWS. JUMP. U.S. ARMY TRAINS AIR INFANTRYMAN. ANDRE BARUCH. 598') Scenes of Army paratroops learning to fall, tumble, and roll at Ft. Benning, Georgia -- paratroops jumping from C-47, landing and breaking out equipment container. 681') PARAMOUNT NEWS. U.S. DEFENSE FRONT. GILBERT MARTIN. AIR POWER, ESSEX, MARYLAND. 695') Scenes of Martin B-26 on ramps taking off and in flight. 748') UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL. KELLY FIELD, TEXAS. 256 YOUNG FLIERS ARE GRADUATED BY ARMY AIR SCHOOL. 757') Scenes of cadet graduation ceremonies and BT-9's in flight. 814') Total footage in reel. Good (Basic: Dup neg)
ArchivalResource: View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. UNITED STATES ARMY AIR FORCES NEWSREEL
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
[General Motors Corporation : historical materials]. Folder 87-4.19-3.
Wilson, C. E. [General Motors Corporation : historical materials]. Folder 87-4.19-3.
[General Motors Corporation : historical materials]. Folder 87-4.19-3.
ArchivalResource: Box 20 of 21 boxes : ill. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Wilson, C. E. [General Motors Corporation : historical materials]. Folder 87-4.19-3.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Jesse Siddall Reeves Papers, 1853-1942, 1901-1942
Jesse Siddall Reeves Papers, 1853-1942, 1901-1942
Jesse Siddall Reeves Papers, 1853-1942, 1901-1942
Chairman of the department of political science at University of Michigan. Correspondence, reports, manuscript articles, book reviews, lecture notes, and miscellaneous papers concerning family affairs and his academic interests in political science and international law.
ArchivalResource: 14 linear feet and 1 oversize folder;view=text View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Jesse Siddall Reeves Papers, 1853-1942, 1901-1942
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Alexander G. Ruthven Papers 1901-1961 1906-1951
Alexander G. Ruthven Papers, 1901-1961, 1906-1951
Alexander G. Ruthven Papers 1901-1961 1906-1951
Zoologist, college professor, president of University of Michigan, 1929-1951. Professional files relating to his career with the University Museum and as a professor of zoology, and presidential files containing correspondence, reports, speeches, and other University materials, including budget and legislative files, material relating to changes in University administration, his relationship with faculty, students and alumni, and photographs.
ArchivalResource: 65 linear ft. and 1 oversize folder;view=text View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Alexander G. Ruthven Papers, 1901-1961, 1906-1951
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991 (inclusive).
Fesler, James William, 1911-. James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991 (inclusive).
James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991 (inclusive).
The papers consist of correspondence, writings, reports, memoranda, research material, clippings and photographs documenting the activities of James W. Fesler, as professor of political science at Yale University, as a participant in professional associations, and as a consultant on commissions appointed by the state of Connecticut, the United States government and the United Nations. His papers on the activities of the War Production Board (1941-1946) are particularly full including correspondence, reports,charts and photographs.
ArchivalResource: 24.75 linear ft. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Fesler, James William, 1911-. James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991 (inclusive).
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Michael Arthur Gorman papers, 1920-1958.
Gorman, Michael A. (Michael Arthur), 1892-1958. Michael Arthur Gorman papers, 1920-1958.
Michael Arthur Gorman papers, 1920-1958.
Correspondence and topical files concerning his newspaper career in Flint, the role of the Flint Journal in the development of the city, the General Motors sit-down strike of 1937, and the position of automobile industry to Flint; and photographs. Correspondents include: Fred Allen, Albert E. Cobo, H.H. Curtice, Thomas E. Dewey, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Frank D. Fitzgerald, Gerald R. Ford, E.P. Forrestal, Daniel F. Gerber, Arthur Godfrey, Tom Harmon, Harlan Hatcher, Herbert Hoover, Helen Keller, William. S. Knudsen, Ann Landers, Charles A. Lindbergh, George Montgomery, Charles S. Mott, Richard Nixon, Norman Rockwell, Dinah Shore, Kim Sigler, Lowell Thomas, Arthur Vandenberg, and G. Mennen Williams.
ArchivalResource: 2 linear ft. View
View in SNACcreatorOf
- Resource Relation
- Gorman, Michael A. (Michael Arthur), 1892-1958. Michael Arthur Gorman papers, 1920-1958.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Papers, 1896-1973.
Mott, Charles Stewart, 1875-1973. Papers, 1896-1973.
Papers, 1896-1973.
Materials relating to his business career and his political, charitable, and philanthropic activities.
ArchivalResource: 40 microfilm reels: positive; 16 mm. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Mott, Charles Stewart, 1875-1973. Papers, 1896-1973.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Records, 1920-1953.
Association Against the Prohibition Amendment. Records, 1920-1953.
Records, 1920-1953.
The records of the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment in clude: minutes of board of directors meetings, correspondence with governmental officials and business leaders, contribution, publicity, legal, and research files, financial records, and questionnaires which document the campaign to repeal the prohibition amendment. Included are copies of investigations which explored the relationship between prohibition and organized crime, alcoholism, and disease. The collection contains drafts of proposed constitutional amendments, radio addresses and magazine articles. There are also copies of questionnaires that the Association circulated in order to assess public opinion on the prohibition issue. Studies of Canadian and European state licensed liquor systems show the range of alternatives that were being explored during the late 1920s. Records describe the relationship between the Association, the liquor and hotel industry, and organized labor.
ArchivalResource: 44 linear ft. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Association Against the Prohibition Amendment. Records, 1920-1953.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Michael A. Gorman papers 1920-1958
Michael A. Gorman papers, 1920-1958
Michael A. Gorman papers 1920-1958
Editor of the Flint Journal. Correspondence and topical files concerning his newspaper career in Flint, the role of the Flint Journal in the development of the city, the General Motors sit-down strike of 1937, and the position of automobile industry to Flint; and photographs.
ArchivalResource: 2 linear ft.;view=text View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Michael A. Gorman papers, 1920-1958
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Frank Murphy papers: 1908-1949
Murphy, Frank, 1890-1949. Papers, 1908-1949
Frank Murphy papers: 1908-1949
Michigan born lawyer, judge, politician and diplomat, served as Detroit Recorder's Court Judge, Mayor of Detroit, Governor Genral of the Phillipines, Governor of Michigan, U. S. Attorney General and U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Papers include extensive correspondence, subject files, Supreme court case files, scrapbooks, photographs and other material.
ArchivalResource: 166 microfilm rolls (77 linear feet), 21 linear feet (not microfilmed), 7 oversize volumes, and 2 oversize folders;view=text View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Frank Murphy papers, 1908-1949
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. REVIEW BY GENERAL KNUDSEN
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. REVIEW BY GENERAL KNUDSEN
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. REVIEW BY GENERAL KNUDSEN
ArchivalResource: View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. REVIEW BY GENERAL KNUDSEN
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
William C. McMillan picture collection, ca. 1920-1945.
McMillan, William C.,. William C. McMillan picture collection, ca. 1920-1945.
William C. McMillan picture collection, ca. 1920-1945.
The collection is comprised of ten loose-leaf binder photograph albums. Three are entitled Ford Close-ups. Two of the Ford Close-ups albums feature Edsel Ford; one has Henry Ford inscribed in the lower right corner. The latter is comprised of sixty-four photographic caricatures of Henry, Edsel, and key Ford Motor Company executives and associates (mostly unidentified); the others are photographs of varying sizes and quality, some of which have been trimmed. Also included is an Edsel Bryant Ford chronology through 1943. About half of the photographs have an associated caption. Seven albums are entitled Strictly Personal and are numbered 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30. Four of the Strictly Personal albums have Edsel Ford inscribed on the lower right corner of the cover; the fifth is not so identified but also primarily contains images of Edsel, half of which are captioned. Two Strictly Personal albums (20 and 26) are inscribed Mrs. Henry Ford. All of the albums feature Henry, Clara and Edsel Ford as they appeared in public both formally and informally. Some of the images reflect roles and functions relating to the Ford Motor Company; others show the Fords with various family members and friends, mostly at community events. There are a significant number of photographs of Henry and Edsel together.
ArchivalResource: 1.6 cubic ft. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- McMillan, William C.,. William C. McMillan picture collection, ca. 1920-1945.
Knudson, William S., 1879-1948.
John F. Dodge Estate Trust Lawsuit collection, 1902-1928 (bulk 1925-1928)
Detroit Trust Company. John F. Dodge Estate Trust Lawsuit collection, 1902-1928 (bulk 1925-1928)
John F. Dodge Estate Trust Lawsuit collection, 1902-1928 (bulk 1925-1928)
The John F. Dodge Estate Trust Lawsuit collection is comprised of documents assembled by a Detroit Trust Company vice president, Raymond H. Berry, while representing the estate in the Additional Tax Case of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) versus the Ford Motor Compay's (FMC) former minority shareholders. Berry was the primary contact with the Ford Motor Company, which cooperated fully with the appellants. The documents in the collection pertain almost exclusively to the case and provide voluminous evidence supporting a value of $9,489.34 or more for a share of FMC stock in 1913. The records are arranged into two series. The first and most substantial is the Topical Files series, 1902-1928 (9.2 cubic ft. and 1 oversize box), which is arranged alphabetically by subject. The series includes copies of most of the important documents relating to the case, including memoranda of conferences with potential witnesses, outlines of the planned case against the BIR, exhibits, briefs, and other material used by the attorneys. It is an excellent source for researchers interested in the early years and products of the FMC, its production techniques, its finances, and its key personnel. Included are FMC financial statements, lists of FMC plants and their dates of establishment, annual reports to the state of Michigan from 1921 to 1924, annual reports to the state of Delaware from 1919 to 1925, and various production and earnings records. There is also information regarding competing automotive firms, memoranda with key industry leaders, material relating to the Dodge brothers from 1916 until their deaths in 1920, key published pieces on the history of the automotive industry, comprehensive bibliographies, and material documenting road construction in Michigan from 1905 to 1924. FMC personnel interviewed include P. E. Martin and Gus Degener on factory techniques; Clarence W. Avery on the development of the moving assembly line; Fred H. Diehl on purchasing; Stanley Hoag of the Traffic Department; John R. Lee on the Sociological Department; William S. Knudson on the branch assembly plant system; and Joseph A. Galamb on Model T design. Executives with FMC suppliers interviewed include executives from the Rand Manufacturing Corporation, the Kelsey Wheel Company, and the C. R. Wilson Body Company. Officers of competitive automotive firms interviewed include Roy D. Chapin of the Hudson Motor Car Company; Charles D. Hastings of the Hupp Motor Car Company; Fred J. Haynes, president of Dodge Brothers, Walter C. Marmon of the Marmon Motor Car Company; and Windsor T. White, president of the White Motor Company. Three of the shareholders were interviewed: John W. Anderson, Horace H. Rackham, and David Gray. The petitioner's attorneys also contacted and interviewed two well-known technical writers: Fred H. Colvin and Fay Leone Faurote. Fauote's research for the attorneys includes bibliographies, lists of potential witnesses, lists of machines, and dates of machine installation. Of particular note are copies of Spooner & Wells photographs containing Faurote's detailed comments explaining what was unique about the machines, their purpose, and production economies affected by their use. A very small second series, Financial records, 1904-1919 (1 oversize box), is comprised of Ford Motor Company monthly financial statements from 1904 to 1919; notices of deficiency of taxes for the John F. Dodge General Trust for 1925; copies of stock certificates; and other material related to the request for additiional taxes from the BIR. Researchers should note that extended descriptive information is available in an expanded finding aid created by Dr. Trent Boggess in 2005. It is filed in the first folder of the first box.
ArchivalResource: 9.2 cubic ft. and 1 oversize box. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Detroit Trust Company. John F. Dodge Estate Trust Lawsuit collection, 1902-1928 (bulk 1925-1928)
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.
- Constellation Relation
- Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Association Against the Prohibition Amendment.
Association Against the Prohibition Amendment.
- Constellation Relation
- Association Against the Prohibition Amendment.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
De Lorean, John Z.
De Lorean, John Z.
- Constellation Relation
- De Lorean, John Z.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Du Pont, Pierre S. (Pierre Samuel), 1870-1954.
Du Pont, Pierre S. (Pierre Samuel), 1870-1954.
- Constellation Relation
- Du Pont, Pierre S. (Pierre Samuel), 1870-1954.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Fesler, James William, 1911-
Fesler, James William, 1911-
- Constellation Relation
- Fesler, James William, 1911-
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943
Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943
- Constellation Relation
- Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Ford, Henry, 1863-1947
Ford, Henry, 1863-1947
- Constellation Relation
- Ford, Henry, 1863-1947
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Ford, Henry, 1917-1987
Ford, Henry, 1917-1987
- Constellation Relation
- Ford, Henry, 1917-1987
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Ford Motor Company.
Ford Motor Company.
- Constellation Relation
- Ford Motor Company.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
General Motors Corporation.
General Motors Corporation.
- Constellation Relation
- General Motors Corporation.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
General Motors Corporation. Chevrolet Motor Division.
General Motors Corporation. Chevrolet Motor Division.
- Constellation Relation
- General Motors Corporation. Chevrolet Motor Division.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
General Motors Corporation. Pontiac Motor Division.
General Motors Corporation. Pontiac Motor Division.
- Constellation Relation
- General Motors Corporation. Pontiac Motor Division.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Gorman, Michael A. (Michael Arthur), 1892-1958.
Gorman, Michael A. (Michael Arthur), 1892-1958.
- Constellation Relation
- Gorman, Michael A. (Michael Arthur), 1892-1958.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Guest, Edgar A. (Edgar Albert), 1881-1959
Guest, Edgar A. (Edgar Albert), 1881-1959
- Constellation Relation
- Guest, Edgar A. (Edgar Albert), 1881-1959
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Hudson, Rock, 1925-1985
Hudson, Rock, 1925-1985
- Constellation Relation
- Hudson, Rock, 1925-1985
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Iacocca, Lee A.
Iacocca, Lee A.
- Constellation Relation
- Iacocca, Lee A.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Local 9 (South Bend, Ind.)
International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Local 9 (South Bend, Ind.)
- Constellation Relation
- International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Local 9 (South Bend, Ind.)
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Kahn, Albert, 1869-1942
Kahn, Albert, 1869-1942
- Constellation Relation
- Kahn, Albert, 1869-1942
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Knudsen, S. E. (Semon Emil), 1912-
Knudsen, S. E. (Semon Emil), 1912-
- Constellation Relation
- Knudsen, S. E. (Semon Emil), 1912-
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
MacArthur, Douglas, 1909-
MacArthur, Douglas, 1909-
- Constellation Relation
- MacArthur, Douglas, 1909-
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
McMillan, William C.,
McMillan, William C.,
- Constellation Relation
- McMillan, William C.,
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Moody, Blair, 1902-1954
Moody, Blair, 1902-1954
- Constellation Relation
- Moody, Blair, 1902-1954
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Mott, Charles Stewart, 1875-1973.
Mott, Charles Stewart, 1875-1973.
- Constellation Relation
- Mott, Charles Stewart, 1875-1973.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Murphy, Frank, 1890-1949
Murphy, Frank, 1890-1949
- Constellation Relation
- Murphy, Frank, 1890-1949
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Neel, Samuel E. (Samuel Ellison), 1914- .
Neel, Samuel E. (Samuel Ellison), 1914- .
- Constellation Relation
- Neel, Samuel E. (Samuel Ellison), 1914- .
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994
- Constellation Relation
- Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Raskob, John J. (John Jakob), 1879-1950.
Raskob, John J. (John Jakob), 1879-1950.
- Constellation Relation
- Raskob, John J. (John Jakob), 1879-1950.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Reeves, Jesse Siddall, 1872-
Reeves, Jesse Siddall, 1872-
- Constellation Relation
- Reeves, Jesse Siddall, 1872-
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Romney, George W., 1907-1995
Romney, George W., 1907-1995
- Constellation Relation
- Romney, George W., 1907-1995
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962
- Constellation Relation
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Constellation Relation
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Ruthven, Alexander Grant, 1882-
Ruthven, Alexander Grant, 1882-
- Constellation Relation
- Ruthven, Alexander Grant, 1882-
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Scharchburg, Richard P.
Scharchburg, Richard P.
- Constellation Relation
- Scharchburg, Richard P.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972
- Constellation Relation
- Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
United States. Council of National Defense. Advisory Commission.
United States. Council of National Defense. Advisory Commission.
- Constellation Relation
- United States. Council of National Defense. Advisory Commission.
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
United States. War Production Board
United States. War Production Board
- Constellation Relation
- United States. War Production Board
Knudsen, William S., 1879-1948
White Motor Company.
White Motor Company.
- Constellation Relation
- White Motor Company.
Knudson, William S., 1879-1948.
Detroit Trust Company.
Detroit Trust Company.
- Constellation Relation
- Detroit Trust Company.
- Language
- eng
Speeches, addresses, etc.
- Subject
- Speeches, addresses, etc.
Automobile industry and trade
- Subject
- Automobile industry and trade
Automobile industry executives
- Subject
- Automobile industry executives
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
- Subject
- Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Defense industries
- Subject
- Defense industries
World War, 1939-1945
- Subject
- World War, 1939-1945
- Convention Declaration
- Convention Declaration 113