Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OF CAP CADETS
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OF CAP CADETS
Summary: Motion picture coverage of United States and foregin Civil Air Patrol cadets, on United States tour, visit points of interes at Washington, DC; Cincinnati, Ohio; Richmond, Virginia; NEw York City and University of Illinois. Reel 1: 1) Series of shots of the change of Guard at Tomb of the Unkonown Soldier in Arlington. Cemetery ranks of CAP cadets in bg (75 feet of film). 2) LS Lincoln Memorial-CAP cadet walks into frame, looks at monument and walks out frame right. 3) LS over the Lincoln Memorial as two cadets are leaving. 4) Several views of two cadets walking through town-traffic moving R to L on street. 5) Several views of the two CAP cadets moving along the street. 6) Series of shots of CAP cadets and other military personnel arriving at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery, for the change of guards. 7) Several views of CAP cadets from every state in the Union, wearing insignias on their arms. 8) Several views of cadets standing in garden as Pres. Eisenhower comes out of the White House to greet them. 9) Several views of Pres. Eisenhower as he walks to end of porch and talks with the cadets and Maj. Gen. Lucas V. Beau, Commanding General of the US CAP. 10) Several views of pres. Eisenhower with the CAP cadets. One cadet shakes hands with Pres. Eisenhower. 11) Several views of Gen. Beau and Pres. Eisenhower. 12) Series of shots of a convoy of military busses and staff cars, escorted by police, moving from the White House to the Capitol. SLATE: WHITE HOUSE. CAMERMAN: BILLINGS. 21 JULY 1953. 13) MS CAP cadets photographing the President of the United States. 14) MCU Pres. Eisenhower and Gen. Beau walking on the White House porch. 15) Several views of the president and Gen. Beau (very good). 16) Several views of Pres. Eisenhower walking down steps and being photographed with the CAP cadets. 17) Series of shots of cadets unloading from busses , marching to the capital building, and assembling on the steps. 18) Several views of cadets and Maj. Gen. Beau meeting Speaker of the House, Joseph W. Martin Jr. 19) Several views of cadets touring the Capitol. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: ETHRIDGE. 20) Series of shots of cadets getting out of the busses at Arlington Cemetery, lining up in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and the preparations for the changing of the guard. 21) Several shots of the changing of the guard (These scenes are poor because the action is too fast). A large crowd of people watching ceremony in bg. 22) several views of the cadets walking off after ceremony, stopping at drinking fountain. 23) Series of shots from bus as busses start for the Lincoln Memorial. 24) Several views of cadets getting out of busses at the Lincoln Memorial. 25) Several views of the CAP cadets walking toward the Lincoln Memorial and going up steps into the Lincoln Memorial (some very good scenes). 26) several scenes as cadets view the statue of Lincoln. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: A/2C NAILL. 19 JULY 1953. BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE. 27) series of shots of the cadets getting out of a C-47 at Bolling Air Force Base. 28) series of shots of the cadets being greeted by Commissioner Samuel Spenser and Lt. Col. Donald T. SPears, CAP Deputy Commander. 29) Several views of Deputy Commander spears greeting CAP cadets. 30) Several views of cadets placing their B-4 bags on a truck and then boarding a bus. 31) CU pan R to L, bus pulling away from Bolling Air Force Base. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: A/2C NAILL. 20 JULY 1953. BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE. 32) Series of shots of airmen arriving at the Bolling Air Force Base Clothing sales store, getting off bus, and walking into building. 33) Several views of CAP cadets as they enter dressing rooms for fittings. 34) Several views as cadets try on "Ike" jackets and raincoats. 35) Several views of large crowd of CAP cadets leaving clothing store and going to busses. SLATE: BOLLING AIR FIELD. CAMERAMAN: BILLINGS. 19 JULY 1953. 36) Series of shots of three men standing beside C-47 which brought the CAP CADET TO BoLling Air Force Base. Two of the men are Commissioner Samuel Spencer, and Lt. Col. Donald T. Spears, CAP Deputy Commander. 37) Several views of an airman opening C-47 doors, cadets getting out, and being greeted by the three men. 38) Several views of different insignias on CAP cadets' arms, showing their home state. 39) Several views as the cadets put their B-4 bags on a truck and board a bus. 40) CU bus pulling out of framed L to R. SLATE BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE. CAMERAMAN BILLINGS. 20 JULY 53. 41) CU sign: AIRMEN'S CLOTHING SALES, BASE TAILOR SHOP. 42) Series of INT CUs of clothing store-CAP cadets being measured, receiving and trying on new clothing (very good). 43) Several CUs of CAP cadets walking out of clothing store, bus approaching and cadets boarding bus. 44) CU bus pulling out of frame, L to R-camera pans with bus. CAP cadets come out of clothing store, and walk past sign which reads: AIRMEN'S CLOTHING SALES, BASE TAILOR. Reel 2: 1) Series of INT shots at the Smithsonian Institute as CAP cadets look up to aircraft, "The Spirit of St. Louis". 2) CU aircraft, "The spirit of St. Louis" hanging in hall of Smithsonian Institute, and views of cadets looking at other aircraft on display. 3) Several views of the cadets looking over the aircraft "Winnie Mae" and the Wright Brothers' first aircraft. 4) Several views as cadets look at other pieces of equipment. 5) Series of shots of cadets looking over the Goblin I aircraft. 6) Several views of cadets looking over a flying boat from the Philadelphia Navy Yard. 7) several views of cadets looking at old type howitzer guns. 8) Series of shots showing the cadet bus arriving at Mount Vernon (very poor). 9) LS front entrance of operations Building at BoLling Air Force Base. 10) LS unloading ramp parked beside a C-47-painted on ramp: BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE. 11) Several views of the cadets unloading from busses and marching in formation to the steps of the Capitol-Capitol Building in bg. 12) Several views of the cadets at the steps of the Capitol, forming ranks, dispersing, and entering the capitol Building. 13) Several views of the cadets photographing each other at the Capitol Building. 14) CU of CAP officers talking with a girl in front of the Capitol Building. 15) Several views as Speaker of the House, Joseph W. Martin, Jr., comes out of Capitol Building with Gen. Beau to greet CAP cadets. 16) several views as cadets are photographed with Mr. Martin, Gen. Beau, and other military VIPs. 17) Several views of Mr. Martin speaking to the CAP cadets. SLATE: CAP CADETS. STAFF SGT. KENACK. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE. 22 JULY 53. 18) series of INT shots of the Smithsonian Institute with cadets on a guided tour-first stop is at the original 1903 Wright Brothers' airplane. 19) MCU as the cadets come out of the US National Museum of Art and Industry Building. 20) Series of shots, from busses approaching Bolling Air Force Base, of signs along road reading: BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE THIS WAY. 21) Several views of automobiles traveling in front of bus and MPs directing the bus at BOLLING Air Force Base. 22) Several views of Bolling Air Force Base. 23) Several views of Bolling Air Force Base as the bus moves along road. 24) Several views of the cadets getting off busses and entering mess hall. 25) Several views of cadets entering mess hall. 26) Series of shots of cadets eating in mess hall. 27) MCU four cadets coming out of mess hall. 28) MS sign along road GEORGE WASHINGT0N MEMORIAL PARKWAY. 29) LS entrance to Mounts Vernon. 30) LS military bus entering Mount Vernon. SLATE: 22 JULY. CAMERAMAN: BILLINGS. 31) Series of shots of cadets getting off busses and entering the Smithsonian Institute. 32) Series of shots of cadets in the Smithsonian Institute on a guided tour. Cadets look at the wright Brothers' first aircraft. 33) Several views as the boys enter the Smithsonian Institute-sign over doorway: THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE. 34) MS cadet busses entering Bolling Field. 35) Several views of cadets getting off busses. 36) Several views of cadets leaving Mount Vernon. 37) Several views of cadets looking at grave of George washington. Reel 3: 1) CU sign: MOUNT VERNON. NO PARKING EXCEPT IN PARKING AREA SPEED LIMIT 15 MILES PER HOUR. 2) Several views of the cadets in formation and breaking up for a tour of Mount Vernon. 3) Several views of CAP cadets photographing Mount Vernon. 4) Series of shots of cadets at National Airport, removing personal luggage from a truck, and receiving passports from a member of the CAP group. 5) Several views of cadets entering aircraft. 6) Several INT views of aircraft, cadets fastening safety belts. 7) MS ramp being pulled away from side of the C-118. 8) MS C-118 taxiing R to L, camera pans with aircraft. 9) Several views of CAP cadets kissing contestants of the Miss Washington Contest, prior to takeoff. 10) Series of shots of cadets at Mount Vernon, taking pictures and looking at the Potomac River. 11) Several views of cadets and guests on a guided tour, at Washington's Grave. 12) MS signs TOMB OF WASHINGTON ERECTED 1830-1. 13) LS busses entering Bolling Air Force Base. 14) Several views of busses unloading CAP cadets who walk toward the C-118. 15) Several views of the cadets walking into MATS Operations Building at Bolling AFB. 16) Several views of cadets unloading their B-4 bags from trucks. 17) Several views of cadets lining up for roll call and receiving passports. 18) Several views of cadets' luggage being put aboard the C-118. SLATE: CAP CADETS ARRIVING AT TERMINAL. 23 JULY 53. 19) CU cadet signing passport. 20) Several views of cadets signing passports and receiving instructions from a CAP member. 21) Several views as CAP cadets pass through Gate 19, MILITARY AIR TRANSPORT SERVICE, to board the C-118. 22) Several views of cadets standing on ramp to the C-118, turning around, and waving (These scenes are underexpesed). 23) Several views of pilot motioning for the engine to start on the C-118. 24) Several views of engines starting on C-118. 25) MS C-118 taxiing L to R. 26) Series of CUs of cadets being kissed by contestants of Miss Washington Contest on runway at Bolling Air Force Base-girls are dressed in bathing suits. 27) Several views of girls at airport, kissing and shaking hands with cadets. 28) CU military terminal. 29) MS personnel standing at Gate 19, MILITARY AIR TRANSPORT SERVICE-C-97 in bg. 30) Several views of cadets standing on flight line at airport, prior to boarding the C-118. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: CRAWFORD AND A/2C NAILL. LOCATION: ART GALLERY. 27 JULY 1953. Reel 4: 1) Series of shots of CAP cadets entering the National Art Gallery. 2) MS Piper Cub taxiing to right. 3) LS Piper Cub taking off. 4) Several views of a number of liaison aircraft taxiing and taking off. These planes are from Alexandria Field, Virginia, and are carrying CAP Committee members. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: A/2C NAILL. 27 JULY 53. 5) MS cornerstone at the National Art Gallery showing name inscribed in the stone. 6) Series of shots of four cadets getting off bus at National Art Gallery. 7) Several views of foreign and United States Cadets entering National Art Gallery. 8) Several views of cadets in the Art Gallery choosing pamphlets. 9) Several INT views of cadets looking at a fountain-man puts hand in water. 10) Several INT views of cadets looking at paintings and statues. 11) CU arm insignia, BRAZIL CAP. 12) Series of shots of foreign cadets leaving Art Gallery. 13) Several views of foreign CAP officers talking outside the Art Gallery. 14) Several INT views of Art Gallery-cadets viewing painting. 15) Several views as cadets leave Art Gallery and approach busses. 16) Several views as cadets get into busses. 17) Several views of foreign cadets at Alexandria Field unloading from small liaison aircraft. 18) Several views of foreign cadets looking over liaison aircraft. 19) Several views of foreign cadets seated in cockpit of liaison aircraft. 20) CU signs CIVILIAN AIR PATROL. US. 21) Several views of CAP officer starting engine of a small liaison aircraft. 22) CU wheel of a small liaison aircraft, which is taxiing to right. 23) CU cadet in cockpit of aircraft. 24) Several CUs of insignia of an Italian CAP cadet. Reel 5: 16mm. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: A/2C NAILL. HYDE FIELD. 27 JULY 53. MS GC, Fairchild aircraft flying R to L overhead. 2) LS PT-17 taxiing R to L toward camera-aircraft lands. 3) CU engines cut on PT-17. 4) CU pilot getting out of PT-17. 5) Several views of cadets getting out of liaison aircraft. 6) MS INT Secretary of State, Mr. Dulles, standing on rostrum and beginning his talk. 7) CU pan L to R, CAP cadets. 8) Several views of Mr. Dulles talking to the cadets. 9) MS of sign: DEPARTMENT OF STATE, 320 21ST STREET NORTH WEST. 10) Series of INT shots at the Department of State, foreign cadets attending reception shaking hands with Lt. Gen. Joseph Smith. 11) CU Lt. Gen. Joseph Smith as he shakes hands forieign cadets. 12) CU Gen. Beau shaking hands with foreign cadets and other military representatives. 13) Several views of the generals' wives shaking hands with the group. 14) CU of hand shakes. 15) CU Gen. Smith. 16) CU Gen. Beau. 17) Several CUs of Gen. Beau and Gen. Smith shaking hands with foreign cadets. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: NAILL. ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE OFFICERS CLUB. 28 JULY. 18) Several INT views of Gen. Smith and party dining at the Andrews AFB Officers Club. 19) CU Gen. Beau in the line at buffet table. 20) CU cadets with three girls in food line. 21) Several views of other personnel in food line. 22) CU Gen. Smith and wife seated at table. 23) CU Gen. Beau eating. 24) CU cadets and girl friends seated at table. 25) Several views of cadets and girl friends being seated at table. 26) Several views of foreign cadets eating-talking with girls. 27) Several views of orchestra playing at Andrews Officers Club. Reel 6: 1) several views, Seabee aircraft with UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS painted on side. 2) Several views of men checking gasoline in aircraft, at the University of Illinois airport. 3) Several views of gasoline truck pulling out, stationary aircraft on flight line. 4) several views of foreign cadets getting into Seabee aircraft. 5) Several views of pilot in seabee aircraft cockpit with engines starting-aircraft taxis out R to L. 6) CU personnel getting into C-45. 7) Several views of personnel climbing into cockpit of the C-45. 8) Several views of personnel connecting glider aircraft to tow plane. 9) LS PT-13 taxiing R to L, towing glider. 10) MS FV Beechcraft Bonanza aircraft. 11) Several views of cadets climbing into cockpit of Beechcraft Bonanza. 12) MS engine running on the Beechcraft Bonanza as it taxis L to R out of frame-large hangar with aircraft in bg. 13) Several views of foreign cadets getting into a civilian liaison aircraft. 14) CU Italian CAP cadet. 15) Several views as cadet climbs into the cockpit of a Navion aircraft. 16) Several views as Navion aircraft starts up. 17) Several views showing Navion taxiing to right. 18) LS Navion aircraft taxiing out to takeoff strip. 19) Several views as cadets enter other civilian liaison aircraft (Urbana, Illinois). 20) Several views of foreign cadets with members of the Cincinnati Redlegs at Crosley Field, Cincinnati, Ohio. 21) Several views of CAP cadets from foreign countries watching Cincinnati Redlegs practice. 22) Several views of CAP cadets getting baseballs autographed by members of the Cincinnati Redlegs. 23) CU insignias: C REDS. 24) Several views of bull pen and dugout, Cincinnat Redlegs seated with foreign CAP members. 25) Series of INT shots of St. Johns Church at Richmond, Va. (This is where Patrick Henry made his famous speech). 26) CU stained glass window with inscription: SAINT JOHN'S 1471. 27) Several views of the cadets at the Virginia State Capitol at Richmond. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: A/2C NAILL. RICHMOND, VA. 30 JULY 53. 28) Series of INT shots of Fort Harrison-one of the famous battlegrounds of the Civil War. 29) Several views of cadets inside the fort looking at battlefield mockup. 30)CU sign on mockup reading: FORT HARRISON CAPTURED SEPTEMBER 29, 1864 BY THE FEDERAL 18Th CORPS. 31) CU sign FORT HARRISON CONFEDERATE NAME, FORT BURNHAM. 32) MS sign HQS AND MUSEUM, RICHMOND NATIONAL BATTLEFIELD PARK. 33) Several views of cadets at Fort Harrison on guided tour. 34) CU pamphlet with hand pointing to one particular paragraph. 35) Several views of cadets walking about Fort Harrison. 36) Several views of CAP cadets eating lunch in picnic area with female personnel. 37) CU sign: SOUTHERN BISCUIT COMPANY, GENERAL OFFICE. Camera pans down to door way showing CAP cadets coming out. 38) Several views of CAP cadets on a guided tour through Southern Biscuit Co., watching cookies and other bakery goods being made. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: A/2C NAILL. CINCINNATI, OHIO. 1 AUGUST 1953. 39) Series of shots of cadets from Netherlands talking with members of the Cincinnati Redlegs baseball team. 40) Several views of cadets watching the Cincinnati Redlegs practice. 41) Several views as cadets receive autographed baseballs from Redlegs. 42) cu autographed baseball. 43) Several views of cadets seated in Cincinnati Redlegs' bull pen at Crosley Field, Cincinnati, Ohio. SLATE: A/2C NAILL. CINCINNATI, OHIO. 1 AUGUST 1953. 44) Series of shots of Dutch Cadets in yacht, cruising on the Ohio River at Cindon Harbor cincinnati, Ohio. 45) AV same scene description. 46) LS GC liaison aircratt with pontoons, flying R to L through frame. 47) CU speed boat an the Ohio River-boat goes out frame left. 48) Several views of boat returning to pier after Ohio River cruise. SLATE: A/2C NAILL. URBANA, ILLINOIS. 5 AUGUST 1953. 49) LS Control tower as camera pans down to sign: WELCOME, THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AIRPORT-a group of foreign cadets walking R to L in frot of control tower. 50) LS flight line at University of Illinois Airport at Urbana-glider and liaison aircraft on flight line. 51) Several views as cadets look over glider aircraft-another aircraft stationary on the flight line. 52) MS as glider pilot walks into frame and is assisted into aircraft. 53) Several views as pilot fastens himself into cockpit of glider. 54) MS PT-13 being pushed manually for use as a tow plane for glider. 55) Several views showing glider being attached to PT-13. 56) LS pan R to L, PT-13 towing glider to takeoff strip. Several views of this operations. 57) LS pan R to L, glider taking off. 58) LS GC pan R to L, PT-13 towing glider, coming in for landing. Camera picks up glider aircraft as it touches down. 59) LS GC pan R to L, Fairchild aircraft flying through frame. 60) LS GC glider aircraft coming in for landing and making touch dawn. 61) CU gder aircraft after landing. 62) Several views of glider as it is pushed manually and than towed for takeoff. Aircraft passes out of frame to left. 63) CU weather vanes. 64) CU flight control at airstrip. Reel 7: SLATE: LOCATION: CITY HALL, NEW YORK. CAMERAMAN: KNACK. 10 AUGUST 1953. 1) Series of shots of foreign and US cadets leaving the Hotel Astor. 2) Several views of cadets arriving at City HAll, New York City- cadets marching single file. 3) Series of shots at City Hall, with Mayor Vincent R. Impellitteri, reviewing CAP cadets as they stand at attention on steps. Gen Beau is included in these scenes. 4) Several views of the Mayor of New York talking to cadets from foreign countries. 5) MCU Gen. Beau speaking to cadets. 6) Several views of cadets applauding. 7) Several views of the Mayor of New Yolk being photographed with cadets and also being photographed by cadets. 8) CU Mayor of New Ycsrk and Gen. Beau standing in front of cadets. 9) Several views of cadets. 10) Several views of the Mayor of New York shaking hands with foreign CAP officer. 11) Several views as cadets and Gen. Beau leave City Hall. 12) Several views of cadets receiving one dollar bills for noon meals at an automat. 13) Several views of foreign cadets going through line at automat. 14) Series of INT shots of Norman Fielding, from Canada, presenting "Airman of the Year" Award to the widow of John Deery who lost his life flying a superjet which was destroyed in flight in England. Shown at the ceremony are Gen. Beau, Mrs. John Deery, Madame Sabiha-Gokcen, and Col. Haymen. Mrs. Deery receives award, steps to rostrum, and speaks to CAPs. 15) Several views of CAP cadets walking to chairs. 16) Several views of cadets clapping. 17) MCU Mrs. John Deery and Col. Haymen. 18) MCU Gen. Beau at speakers rostrum-Mrs. Deery, in bg, holding award. 19) CU Mrs. Deery seated in chair. SLATE: CITY HALL, NYC. CAMERAMAN: KEMACK. 10 AUGUST 1953. 20) MS INT band leaders Sammy Kaye, talking with a cadet. 21) Several views of English cadet leading Sammy Kaye's Band at the Hotel Astor. Reel 8: 1) Series of shots of cadets with girl friends, riding in motor boat on the Ohio River-aircraft flying through scene. 2) MS pan L to R, as Piper Cub, with pontoons, makes landing on the Ohio River. 3) Several views of cadets and girls riding in motor boat on the Ohio River. 4) CU water being churned up from motor boat. 5) CU captain of the motor boat. 6) CU bridge over the Ohio River as motor boat approaches. 7) Several CUs of cadets and girls in motor boat. 8) CU motor boat approaching pier-Piper Cub, with pontoons, stationary at dock in bg. 9) MS cadets and girls getting out of boat after ride on the Ohio River. SLATE: CAP. ILLINOIS. CAMERAMAN: ANDERSON. 10) CU signs UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. 11) LS cameraman setting up equipment at University of Illinois Airport. 12) LS pan R to L, Piper Cub taking off at University of Illinois Airport, Urbana, Ill. 13) LS pan L to R, Piper Cub coming in for a landing. 14) LS pan L to R, liaison aircraft taxiing for takeoff. 15) LS GC pan L to R, liaison aircraft comes in for landing, makes touch down, and passes out of frame right. 16) Several views, same scene description, as aircraft lands. 17) MS pan L to R, Seabee aircraft, "Seagull", taxiing-aircraft owned by the University of Illinois. 18) LS Seabee aircraft taking off L to R-camera pans with other liaison type aircraft taking off in fg. 19) LS Piper Cub taking off L to R. 20) LS glider taking off L to R. 21) LS PT-13 towing glider, and taxiing. Glider takes off and passes out of frame right. 22) LS glider coming in for landing, making touch down, taxiing and stopping. 23) CU same scene description. 24) LS GC glider aircraft making approach for landing. Camera pans R to L, showing glider bouncing a little as it makes touch down. 25) Several views of flight line crew preparing Piper Cub for flight. 26) MS pan R to L, pilot getting into cockpit of aircraft, starting engine, and taxiing R to L out of frame-liaison aircraft stationary in bg. 27) MCU University of Illinois Seabee pusher type aircraft stationary with engines running. Camera pans L to R with aircraft taxiing on takeoff strip-liaison aircraft stationary on flight line in bg. 28) CU sign: SNACK BAR OZARK AIRLINES OPERATION OFFICE. SLATE: NYC. CAP. CAMERAMAN: ANDERSON. 29) Series of shots of cadets walking single file toward building, being photographed by military and civilian photographers, at City Hall, New York City. 30) LS Mayor of New York, Gen. Beau, and Madame Sabiha-Gokcen coming around street corner and greeting CAP cadets who are standing in ranks on steps of the City Hall. 31) Several views of the Mayor of New York talking with cadets. 32) Several views of cadets reaction to New York City Mayor. 33) Several views of cadets dispersing after meeting the Mayor of New York City. 34) CU sign: AUTOMAT. 35) Several views of cadets to be changed into nickels and dimes for use at the Auotmat. 36) CU cadet Norman Fielding presenting "Airman of the Year" Award to Mrs. John Deery, at the Hotel Astor. 37) Several views of Mrs. John Deery receiving award, stepping to rostrum, and making a short speech. CAP cadets, listening to speech, showing their reaction as camera pans across their faces. 38) Several Views of CAP cadets applauding. 39) Several views of military personneel on rostrum. 40) CU Sammy Kaye and a foreign cadet on band stand platform in the Astor Hotel. 41) CU foreign cadet leading the Sammy Kaye orchestra. 42) CU New York City Mayor talking over microphone-Gen. Beau standing beside the mayor. 43) Several views of Mayor of New York City talking as he presents an award to Gen. Beau. 44) Several views of Gen. Beau speaking. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: A/2C NAILL. URBANA, ILLINOIS. 5 AUGUST 1953. 45) LS liaison aircraft in flight to the left. 46) Several views of liaison Piper Cub and many other small aircraft on the flight line of the University of Illinois Airport, Urbana, Ill. 47) Several views of aircraft taxiing. 48) MS Beechcraft Bonanza aircraft taxiing L to R. 49) Several views of pilots getting into cockpits of aircraft, fastening safety belts, and operating controls on aircraft. 50) CU propellers starting on Seabee aircraft named "seagull". 51) Several views as Seagull taxis out to runway for takeoff. 52) LS GC pan L to R, University of Illinois Seabee aircraft flying overhead. 53) LS pan L to R, Piper Cub taxis and takes off, followed by several other liaison aircraft. A PT-13 taxis L to R and takes off. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: NAILL. URBANA, ILLINOIS. 5 AUGUST 1953. 54) Series of INT shots of instructors familiarizing Swiss cadets with Link Trainer, by use of a large blackboard. 55) Several views as Swiss cadet gets into cockpit of the Link Trainer-instructor points out the operation of trainer. 56) Series of INT shots in cockpit of small aircraft as hands and feet operate controls. 57) CU of Seabee aircraft with UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS painted on it. 58) CU tail section of moving Bonanza aircraft. 59) Several views of controls being operated by pilots in cockpit of the aircraft. 60) Several views of the aircraft as pilot waits for engines to warm up-starts to taxi out of parking position. 61) Several views as pilot climbs into aircraft and prepares to start engines. 62) Several views of cadets getting into busses. 63) MS busses pulling out from street curb in New York City. 64) Several views of busses stopping and cadets loading at Rockefeller Center, New York City. 65) Several views of cadets on tour at Rockefeller Center. 66) CU insignia on coat of a cadet: NETHERLANDS. 67) CU crowd looking up to the top of the Empire State Building. 68) CU insignia on the arm of an attendant at the Rockefeller Center. 69) CU cadets asking questions while on tour of Rockefeller Center (some scenes are very poor). 70) Several views of cadets in the audience at CBS studios, watching the Ed Sullivan Show. 71) Several views of cadets being greeted by Ed Sullivan on his program, "Toast of the Town". 72) CU Ed Sullivan. 73) CU cadets unloading from busses and lining up on street at the City Hall, New York City. 74) Several views of cadets walking up to steps of City Hall and forming into ranks. 75) MS pan L to R with Gen. Beau, Mayor of New York and Madame Sabiha-Cokcen walking up City Hall steps, to greet cadets. 76) Several views, same scene description with other VIPs. 77) CU Gen. Beau talking to cadets. 78) CU cadet making response to speech. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: NAILL. NEW YORK CITY. 10 AUGUST 1953. 79) Series of shots on the steps of New York City Hall-Mayor of New York talking with cadets. 80) Several views of the cadets and the Mayer being photographed. 81) Several views of cadets dispersing after ceremonies. 82) Series of shots of cadets approaching automat restaurant on New York city street. Each cadet receives one dollar for coins to buy lunch. 83) Several views as cadets go through automat getting change and buying food. Good
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