Documents: [Sangamon County Circuit Court], 1839 May 24.


Documents: [Sangamon County Circuit Court], 1839 May 24.

Reports of commissioners Benjamin Mitchell, Tazewell County, John Henry, Morgan County, and Newton Walker, Fulton County, to locate the seats of justice of Menard and Dane (changed to Christian, 1840) counties, written by Douglas.

2 items.

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Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold), 1813-1861 (person)

Stephen Arnold Douglas (April 23, 1813 – June 3, 1861) was an American politician and lawyer from Illinois. He was one of two Democratic Party nominees for president in the 1860 presidential election, which was won by Abraham Lincoln. Douglas had previously defeated Lincoln in the 1858 United States Senate election in Illinois, known for the Lincoln–Douglas debates. During the 1850s, Douglas was one of the foremost advocates of popular sovereignty, which held that each territory should be allowe...

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