John Gisborne manuscript material : 4 items, 1822-1833


John Gisborne manuscript material : 4 items, 1822-1833

· Holograph story, "Evelina" : 12 Nov 1831 : (S'ANA 0544) : in which an encounter with a young man in Italy elicits a tragic love story involving Swedish artist Evelina Stading, a woman who actually lived and is buried in the Protestant Cemetery in Rome; written in three notebooks. · To Thomas Bateman at MIddleton Hall near Youlgreave, retired cotton magnate : 1 autograph letter signed : 19 Mar 1833 : (S'ANA 0471) : information relating to the death of Gisborne's "most dear friend Mr. Cowper"; also, on Mrs. Gisborne's improving health. · To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, barrister and friend of Shelley : 2 autograph letters signed : -- [19 Feb 1822] : (HG'ANA 0014) : reporting on opinions of Hunt, Dyer, Coleridge and Lamb upon having visited Christ's Hospital. -- 12 Aug 1822 : (HG'ANA 0005) : giving account of Shelley's death.

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