Anderson, Wallace Ludwig, 1917-....

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Winfield Townley Scott (Brown class of 1931) was a poet and an essayist employed as literary editor of the Providence Journal (Providence, Rhode Island).

From the description of Letter, Cedar Falls, Iowa, to Winfield Townley Scott, 1968 March 6. (Brown University). WorldCat record id: 122615822

Robinson was an American poet.

From the description of Wallace Ludwig Anderson Edwin Arlington Robinson collection, 1896-1984. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612193316

From the guide to the Edwin Arlington Robinson collection, 1896-1984., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Arthur Amory Houghton person
correspondedWith Arthur Barnett Spingarn person
correspondedWith Arthur Nevin person
correspondedWith Babbitt person
associatedWith Barbara Holt. person
correspondedWith Black person
associatedWith Block, David person
correspondedWith Bodenheim, Maxwell, 1893- person
associatedWith Braithwaite, William Stanley, 1878-1962. person
correspondedWith Brown, Rollo Walter, 1880- person
associatedWith Chauncey Giles Hubbell. person
correspondedWith Christy MacKaye person
correspondedWith Collamore, Bacon. person
correspondedWith de Lim person
correspondedWith Doolittle person
correspondedWith Edward B. Hall person
associatedWith F. L. Fales. person
correspondedWith Fox person
correspondedWith Frances Wright Turner person
associatedWith Franklin Schenck person
correspondedWith George Burnham person
associatedWith Gerry, William H. person
correspondedWith Glenn Wallace Blodgett person
correspondedWith Hagedorn, Hermann, 1882- person
correspondedWith Harriet C. Moody person
correspondedWith Harvard College Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Hood, Richard H. person
correspondedWith Howard person
correspondedWith H. Walter Stephenson person
correspondedWith John Reed Swanton person
correspondedWith John Richards person
correspondedWith John Van Alstyne Weaver person
correspondedWith John Wilson Townsend person
correspondedWith Joseph Auslander person
correspondedWith Kilgore person
correspondedWith Ledoux, Louis Vernon, 1880-1948 person
correspondedWith Leonard. person
associatedWith Literary Guild of America. corporateBody
correspondedWith Louis Untermeyer person
correspondedWith L. W. Currey, Rare books. corporateBody
associatedWith Macbeth Gallery corporateBody
associatedWith MacDowell Colony. corporateBody
associatedWith MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, N.H. corporateBody
correspondedWith MacKaye, Christy. person
associatedWith MacKaye, Percy, 1875-1956. person
correspondedWith Marion Morse MacKaye person
associatedWith Maurice Firnski. person
associatedWith Moody, William Vaughn, 1869-1910. person
correspondedWith Moult person
correspondedWith Munson person
correspondedWith Nivison, Ruth. person
correspondedWith Parker Fillmore person
correspondedWith Percy MacKaye person
correspondedWith Richards, John. person
associatedWith Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869-1935. person
correspondedWith Roth person
correspondedWith Ruth Nivison person
associatedWith Scott, Barry person
associatedWith Scott, Winfield Townley, 1910-1968. person
correspondedWith Seven Gables Bookshop corporateBody
correspondedWith Sister Mary James person
correspondedWith Stella Weston person
correspondedWith Sydney Seymour Alberts person
associatedWith Theodore Roosevelt Association Library corporateBody
associatedWith Tittle, Walter. person
associatedWith Untermeyer, Louis, 1885-1977. person
correspondedWith Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950 person
correspondedWith Wallace Ludwig Anderson person
correspondedWith W. E. Brooks person
associatedWith William H. Coburn person
correspondedWith William Van Whitall person
correspondedWith William Vaughan Moody person
Place Name Admin Code Country
American literature
American poetry
English poetry


Birth 1917

Death 1967





Ark ID: w6b87b3t

SNAC ID: 71807572