Palache (Family : Palache, Charles, 1869-1954)

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Charles Palache, son of James and Helen (Whitney) Palache was born in San Francisco, California, on July 18, 1869. He received a B.S. (1891) and a Ph.D. (1894) from the University of California at Berkeley. He joined the Harvard faculty in 1896 as an instructor in mineralogy and was promoted to assistant professor in 1902 and to professor in 1910. He was also served as head of the mineralogy department and curator of the Mineralogy Museum at Harvard. In 1937, he was awarded the first Roebling Gold Medal. He was president of the Geological Society of America (1937), of the Mineralogy Society of America (1921), and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. He married Helen Markham on August 15, 1899. Helen (Markham) Palache, daughter of Edward Willoughby and Ann Eliza (Woodruff) Markham, was born in Coldwater, Michigan, on March 28, 1869. She moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts to teach at the Buckingham School, a girls' school organized by her sister, Jeannette (Markham) Scudder. In 1897, she met Charles Palache at one of the dances held at the school for younger members of the Harvard faculty. Charles and Helen had three daughters, Eliza Jeannette (Palache) Barker, Mary (Palache) Gregory, and Alice (Palache) Jones. Helen died on October 27, 1949; Charles on December 5, 1954.

Eliza Jeannette (Palache) Barker, known as Jeannette, was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on August 22, 1900. She received her A.B. from Bryn Mawr College (1922), and her M.A. from Radcliffe College (1927). She taught at several schools including the Buckingham School and the Emma Willard School. She married Russell Barker on September 7, 1936. Russell Harold Barker was born in Jefferson, Iowa, on February 8, 1901. He received a B.A. from Northwestern University and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. He taught English literature at Williams College, Cornell University, and Russell Sage College, before retiring in 1966. During World War II, he worked for the Office of War Information and spent two years in Switzerland organizing an American library. Jeannette and Russell had a daughter, Susan (Barker) Gutterman, born on August 5, 1937. Russell died on January 1, 1978; Jeannette on February 22, 1998.

Mary (Palache) Gregory was born in Weston, Massachusetts, on August 19, 1902. She graduated from Bryn Mawr College (1924) and from the Cambridge School of Architecture and Landscape Design (1927). She worked for landscape architects Rose Greely and Beatrix Farrand in New York City and for architect Fred Keck in Chicago. She also worked independently as an architect. In 1959, she went to Italy to study palette-knife watercolor painting with J.W. Cox. She continued to paint for the rest of her life. She married Charles Gregory on December 26, 1928. Charles Oscar Gregory, son of Louis L. and Grace (Spencer) Gregory, was born in Derby, Connecticut, on April 22, 1902. He received his B.A. (1924) and law degree (1926) from Yale University. He taught law at the University of Wisconsin, the University of Chicago, and the University of Virginia. He was solicitor of labor for the United States Department of Labor from 1936-1937, during which time he briefly served as Acting Secretary of Labor. During World War II, he was a public member of many War Labor Board panels, dealing with disputes between employers and unions. During the Korean War, he was a member and later chairman of the National Enforcement Commission, which enforced the national wartime wage stabilization program. In 1953, sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation, he spent the summer visiting law schools in Australia. He was awarded a visiting professorship by the University of London in 1967. He published Labor and Law (1946), wrote numerous articles for law journals, and co-authored Labor Law: Cases, Materials and Comments with Harold A. Katz, and Cases and Materials on Torts with Harry Kalvern, Jr. Mary and Charles had two children: David Palache Gregory, born on September 20, 1930; and Judith Palache Gregory, born on February 26, 1932. Charles died on March 24, 1987; Mary on February 14, 1996.

Alice (Palache) Jones was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on April 12, 1907. She received her A.B. from Bryn Mawr College in 1928. She worked at Scudder, Stevens, & Clark (1928-1930), was executive director of the National Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth Control (1930-1933), and Fiduciary Trust Company (1933-1974), where she rose to the position of senior vice president. She was director of the Dreyfus Third Century Fund, an investment fund; a trustee of the North Salem (N.Y.) Free Library; a member and chairman of the North Salem Planning Board; and a member of the Bryn Mawr board of directors. She married Russell Kennedy Jones, an advertising executive and co-author of The Cruising Cookbook, on December 21, 1954. Russell died on October 3, 1986; Alice on June 12, 1989. They had no children.

From the guide to the Papers, 1839-2004 (inclusive), 1895-1988 (bulk), (Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute)

Jeannette (Palache) Barker (1900-1998), Mary (Palache) Gregory (1902-1996), and Alice (Palache) Jones (1907-1989) were the daughters of Helen (Markham) and Charles Palache. They were raised in Cambridge, Mass., where their father was a professor of mineralogy at Harvard; all three attended Bryn Mawr College. Helen (Markham) Palache had come east from Kansas to join her sister Jeannette who was one of the founders of the Buckingham School in Cambridge; Helen married Charles Palache in 1899.

Jeannette (Palache) Barker was a teacher of English and history at Buckingham and later at the Emma Willard School. In 1936 she married Russell H. Barker; they had one daughter, Susan. Mary (Palache) Gregory received her degree in domestic architecture from the Cambridge School of Architecture and Landscape Design (1927), worked for landscape architects Rose Greely and Beatrix Farrand, and became an accomplished watercolorist. In 1928 she married Charles O. Gregory, a professor of law and a labor arbitrator; they had two children, David and Judith. Alice (Palache) Jones was a friend and classmate of Katharine Hepburn at Bryn Mawr and was a banker in New York, working for the Fiduciary Trust Company. In 1954 she married Russell K. Jones; they had no children.

From the description of Papers, 1839-2006 (inclusive), 1895-1988 (bulk). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 122386645

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Papers, 1839-2004 (inclusive), 1895-1988 (bulk) Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Palache, Charles, 1869-1954. Papers of Charles Palache, 1881-1954 (inclusive). Harvard University Archives.
creatorOf Palache family. Papers, 1839-2006 (inclusive), 1895-1988 (bulk). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Abraham Burtt Markham person
correspondedWith Alice (Markham) Kavanaugh person
correspondedWith Almy, Helen Cabot person
correspondedWith Ansermoz, Violette person
correspondedWith Armstrong, Alice (McKee) person
correspondedWith Babcock, Betty person
correspondedWith Barker, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel G. person
associatedWith Barker, Jeannette Palache, 1900-1998 person
associatedWith Barker, Jeannette Palache, 1900-1998. person
correspondedWith Barker, Mrs. Samuel G. person
associatedWith Barker, Russell Harold, 1901-1978 person
associatedWith Barker, Russell Harold, 1901-1978. person
correspondedWith Berney, Alice and Arthur person
correspondedWith Binger, Chloe Garrison person
correspondedWith Boston Athenaeum corporateBody
correspondedWith Braman, Leonard person
correspondedWith Bruce, Laura person
associatedWith Bryn Mawr College corporateBody
associatedWith Bryn Mawr College corporateBody
associatedWith Caddock, Charles T., 1902-1985 person
associatedWith Caddock, Charles T., 1902-1985. person
associatedWith Carver, Ruth Dyer, 1913- person
associatedWith Carver, Ruth Dyer, 1913- person
correspondedWith Clark, Annie and Elias person
correspondedWith Clark, Charles E. person
correspondedWith Clark, Dorothy (Gregory) person
correspondedWith Clark, S arah person
correspondedWith Colt family, family
correspondedWith Colt, Jim person
correspondedWith Cormick, Alfred George person
correspondedWith Cottrell, Bill and Annette person
correspondedWith Cowan, Kay and Clemens person
correspondedWith Crispell, Ken and Marg person
correspondedWith Crossky, Bill person
correspondedWith Cross, Margy person
correspondedWith Darden, Connie person
correspondedWith de Bosis, Lauro person
correspondedWith Denton, Hannah C. person
correspondedWith Derby High School (Connecticut) corporateBody
correspondedWith Dozier, Paul person
correspondedWith Droppers, Cora person
correspondedWith D'Souza, Neela person
correspondedWith Dyer, Eloise (Fife) person
correspondedWith Fife, Louisa (Palache) person
correspondedWith Forbes, Edith S. person
associatedWith Fremont-Smith, Frances Eliot person
associatedWith Fremont-Smith, Frances Eliot. person
correspondedWith Funk, Dougie (Hay) person
correspondedWith Funk, Dougie (Hay) and Donald S. person
correspondedWith Gilbert, Cecil and James person
correspondedWith Gilchrist, Adair person
correspondedWith Gower, Charlotte person
correspondedWith Gregory, Arofan (Wuskie) person
correspondedWith Gregory, Branwen person
associatedWith Gregory, Branwen. person
correspondedWith Gregory, Cadigan person
associatedWith Gregory, Charles O. (Charles Oscar), 1902-1987. person
associatedWith Gregory, Charles Oscar, 1902- person
correspondedWith Gregory, David and Mary (Foster) person
associatedWith Gregory, David P. (David Palache) person
associatedWith Gregory, David P. (David Palache) person
correspondedWith Gregory, Floy person
correspondedWith Gregory, Grace person
associatedWith Gregory, Judith person
associatedWith Gregory, Judith. person
associatedWith Gregory, Mary Palache, 1902-1996 person
associatedWith Gregory, Mary Palache, 1902-1996. person
correspondedWith Gregory, Philip S. and Ann person
associatedWith Gregory, Probyn person
associatedWith Gregory, Probyn. person
correspondedWith Gregory, Probyn, Cadigan, Branwen, and Arofan person
correspondedWith Gregory, Rohan person
correspondedWith Gregory, Taliesan person
correspondedWith Gutterman, Alex and Steven person
correspondedWith Gutterman, Dan person
correspondedWith Gutterman, Daniel person
associatedWith Gutterman, Susan Barker person
associatedWith Gutterman, Susan Barker. person
correspondedWith Henry A. Frost. person
correspondedWith Hester, Carolyn person
correspondedWith Hillsmith, Fannie person
correspondedWith Howard, Lucia person
correspondedWith Hunn School corporateBody
correspondedWith Irene Artemieff. person
correspondedWith Jamie and Peter Kalvern. person
associatedWith Jones, Alice Palache, 1907-1989 person
associatedWith Jones, Alice Palache, 1907-1989. person
associatedWith Jones, Russell K., 1897-1986 person
associatedWith Jones, Russell K., 1897-1986. person
correspondedWith Kalvern, Betty person
correspondedWith Kalvern, Harry, Jr. person
correspondedWith Katz, Harold A. person
correspondedWith Kavanaugh, Alice (Markham) person
correspondedWith Kavanaugh, Talbot person
correspondedWith Keene Clinic corporateBody
correspondedWith Kiley, John P., Sr. person
correspondedWith Kline, George and Ella person
correspondedWith Landers, Katie person
associatedWith Lansdale, Helen Palache, 1899-1980 person
associatedWith Lansdale, Helen Palache, 1899-1980. person
associatedWith Lunt, Storer B., 1897-1977 person
associatedWith Lunt, Storer B., 1897-1977. person
correspondedWith Markham, Ann person
correspondedWith McElderry, Margaret K. person
correspondedWith McKee, Marion (Kavanaugh) person
correspondedWith McKnight, Frida person
correspondedWith McLane, Jim L. person
correspondedWith Mendelson, Leonore person
correspondedWith Michie, Katherine person
correspondedWith Mickey, Jean person
correspondedWith Oatman, Frank person
correspondedWith Palache, Belle person
associatedWith Palache, Charles, 1869-1954. person
associatedWith Palache, Charles, 1869-1954. person
associatedWith Palache, Charles, b. 1869 person
associatedWith Palache, Eliza, 1860-1938 person
associatedWith Palache, Eliza, 1860-1938. person
correspondedWith Palache, Eliza (Kline) person
correspondedWith Palache, Helen (Markham) person
associatedWith Palache, Helen Markham, 1869-1949 person
associatedWith Palache, Helen Markham, 1869-1949. person
correspondedWith Palache, James person
correspondedWith Palache, James and Helen (Markham) person
correspondedWith Palache, James and Helen (Whitney) person
correspondedWith Palache, James and John Garber person
correspondedWith Palache, John Garber and Eunice (Nisa) person
correspondedWith Palache, John Garber, Eunice (Nisa), and John Garber, Jr. person
correspondedWith Palache, Lucy person
correspondedWith Palache, Mary person
correspondedWith Palache, Myra person
correspondedWith Palache, Myra and Hilda (Blossom) person
correspondedWith Palache, Whitney person
correspondedWith Palache, Whitney and Belle person
correspondedWith Palache, Whitney, Belle, and Eliza (Kline) person
correspondedWith Palache, Whitney, Eliza, Belle, and Eliza (Kline) person
correspondedWith Perkins, Frances person
correspondedWith Poggi, Adele person
correspondedWith Pollard, Phyllis person
correspondedWith Poole, Rosey person
correspondedWith Pope, Saxton T., Jr. person
correspondedWith Prescott, Edith person
correspondedWith Priest, Hartwell person
correspondedWith Putnam, Carleton person
correspondedWith Ramazani, Nesta and Ruhi person
correspondedWith Ribble, Frederick D. G. person
correspondedWith Richard Epstein person
correspondedWith Rioux, Jean person
correspondedWith Robert F. Kennedy. person
correspondedWith Russell, Bertrand and Peter person
correspondedWith Saltonstall, Peg person
correspondedWith Satterthwaite, Ann person
correspondedWith Satterthwaite, Ann and Sheafe person
correspondedWith Scott, Betty Levinson person
associatedWith Scudder, Jeannette Markham, 1862-1932 person
associatedWith Scudder, Jeannette Markham, 1862-1932. person
correspondedWith Seitz, Peter person
correspondedWith Seward, Clayton person
correspondedWith Shorer, Mark and Ruth person
correspondedWith Steckel, Connie Brown person
correspondedWith Stephens, A. M. (Stevie) person
correspondedWith Sweezy, Martha (Moophy) person
correspondedWith Thompson, Anna person
correspondedWith Towner family family
correspondedWith Tschumi, Beatrice and Otto person
correspondedWith Twining, Olive person
correspondedWith Twining, Olive (Dyer) person
associatedWith United States. Office of War Information. corporateBody
correspondedWith University of London corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Virginia Medical Center corporateBody
correspondedWith Vaillant, Marian V. person
correspondedWith Vandervoort, Mary (Porter) Kirkland person
correspondedWith Vitzthum, Virginia person
correspondedWith Watkins, Renee person
correspondedWith Willey, Basil person
correspondedWith Wilson, Sue and Abe person
correspondedWith Woodbridge, Henry S. person
correspondedWith Wright Goodhue. person
correspondedWith W.W. Norton & Co. corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
Cambridge (Mass.)
College students
Family life
Family records
Finance, Personal
Mothers and daughters
Parent and child
Sound recording industry
Voyages and travels
World War, 1914-1918
Women architects
Women college students


Active 1839

Active 2006

Related Descriptions


Ark ID: w6s28rmv

SNAC ID: 83851492