Bishop, Wm. D. (Hon.)

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Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Coffin, James H. (James Henry), 1806-1873. James Henry Coffin Papers, 1848-1884 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Weather Bureau National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Smithsonian Archives. Ru 60: Meteorological Project, 1849 1875.
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1863-1879 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn John Torrey Papers, 1788-1871 (bulk 1806-1871) New York Botanical Garden, The LuEsther T. Mertz Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abert, J. T. person
associatedWith Academy Of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia corporateBody
correspondedWith Adams, D. P. person
correspondedWith Adams, E. W. person
correspondedWith Aldrich, Verry person
associatedWith Alexander, Charles L. person
correspondedWith Anthony, Newton person
correspondedWith Appleyard, John person
correspondedWith Armstrong, S. person
correspondedWith Atwood, Isaac person
correspondedWith Baker, J. C. person
correspondedWith Bartlett, E. B. person
correspondedWith Bassett, George R. person
correspondedWith Beal, Dexter person
correspondedWith Beaman, Carlisle D. person
correspondedWith Berthoud, E. L. person
correspondedWith Beshoar, M. person
correspondedWith Blunt, Mark L. person
correspondedWith Blunt, Mr. person
correspondedWith Boettner, G. V. person
correspondedWith Bogg, Egbert person
associatedWith Bright, Jesse David person
associatedWith Canfield, Colbert A. person
correspondedWith Case, C. D. person
correspondedWith Christian, John person
correspondedWith Clark, Thomas person
correspondedWith Cobbs, R. A. person
correspondedWith Coffin, James Henry person
correspondedWith Conkling, Thomas J. person
correspondedWith Cook, F. W. person
associatedWith Cook, Josiah person
correspondedWith Cornish, John H. person
correspondedWith Crane, George W. person
correspondedWith Cribbs, J. R. person
correspondedWith Curtis, W. W. person
associatedWith Cushman, H. W. person
correspondedWith Cutting, H. A. person
correspondedWith Davidson, H. M. person
correspondedWith Davis, Charles person
correspondedWith Dewey, C. person
correspondedWith Dodge, J. W. person
correspondedWith Dodge, S. G. person
correspondedWith Doyle, L. H. person
correspondedWith Ebert, Stephen person
correspondedWith Eldredge, William V. person
correspondedWith Ellis, D. H. person
correspondedWith Ellsworth, Milton S. person
associatedWith Emory, Mr. person
correspondedWith Evans, John person
correspondedWith Fish, Henry F. person
correspondedWith Fisk, H. F. person
correspondedWith Force, William Q. (Peter Force's Son) person
correspondedWith Friel, P. person
correspondedWith Gamble, J. W. person
correspondedWith Gardiner, James person
correspondedWith Gibbon, Lardner person
correspondedWith Glasco, J. M. person
correspondedWith Hanan, B. P. person
correspondedWith Harper, Lewis person
correspondedWith Harris, J. O. person
correspondedWith Hart, Ira F. person
correspondedWith Harvey, J. C. person
correspondedWith Hauser, Emil person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
associatedWith Hieston, T. A. person
correspondedWith Higgins, D. F. person
associatedWith Holt, Joseph person
associatedWith Hooper, William H. (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Horner, W. H. person
correspondedWith Houghton, S. W. person
correspondedWith Hoyt, Peter L. person
correspondedWith Huston, T. A. person
correspondedWith Ives, William person
correspondedWith James, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Jennings, S. K., Jr. (Dr.) person
associatedWith Kellogg, George J. person
correspondedWith Kelsey, Kathala person
associatedWith Kendall, John person
correspondedWith Kerlin, Isaac N. (Dr) person
associatedWith Knapp, Miss person
correspondedWith Kridelbaugh, S. H. person
correspondedWith Leek, Callohan M. person
correspondedWith Little, J. T. person
correspondedWith Macdonald, James person
correspondedWith Mann, William person
correspondedWith Martindale, Joseph C. person
correspondedWith Martin, O. T.L. person
correspondedWith Mcclung, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Mckay, Ferdinan C. D. person
correspondedWith Mckenzie, J. M. person
correspondedWith Mcmillan, S. B. person
correspondedWith Meusebach, John O. person
correspondedWith Millar, John H. person
correspondedWith Muller, Rudolph person
correspondedWith Nauss, Louis person
correspondedWith Newcomb, John B. person
correspondedWith Nichols, Charles L. person
correspondedWith Pardee, H. C. person
correspondedWith Parker, J. D. person
correspondedWith Parker, Joseph person
correspondedWith Parker, Melzar person
correspondedWith Park, William K. person
correspondedWith Parry, William person
correspondedWith Pashley, J. S. person
correspondedWith Pease, C. G., Dr. person
correspondedWith Peck, W. R. person
associatedWith Pelton, A. D. person
correspondedWith Phelps, W. W. person
correspondedWith Pitman, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Porter, Horace C. person
correspondedWith Pynchon, Thomas R. person
correspondedWith Ramsey, D. H. person
correspondedWith Robinson, E. S. person
correspondedWith Rogers, O. P. person
correspondedWith Rossiter, G. person
correspondedWith Rush, S. Printz person
correspondedWith Russell, C. H. person
correspondedWith Schauber, H. A. person
associatedWith Seymour, E. person
correspondedWith Seymour, Edward person
correspondedWith Sheldon, Daniel person
correspondedWith Sherman, David H. person
correspondedWith Sherwood, G. H. person
associatedWith Shipman, John B. person
correspondedWith Shumann, B. person
correspondedWith Smith, George O. person
correspondedWith Smith, L. M. S. person
correspondedWith Smith, Rufus person
correspondedWith Sperry, Mark person
correspondedWith Stebbins, George H. person
correspondedWith Stevens, P. T. person
associatedWith St.John, J. R. person
correspondedWith Streets, Thomas person
correspondedWith Streng, L. H. person
correspondedWith Strong, Edwin A. person
correspondedWith Sutherland, Norris person
correspondedWith Swallow, George R. person
correspondedWith Symon, G. J. person
correspondedWith Taylor, A. S. person
correspondedWith Thompson, George W. person
correspondedWith Tower, Lewis person
correspondedWith Trembley, J. B. person
correspondedWith Trombley, J. B., M. D. person
correspondedWith Turner, A. P. person
correspondedWith Umbenhour, D. S. person
correspondedWith Van Blarcom, James person
correspondedWith Vandermaelen, J. person
correspondedWith Van Kirk, W. J. person
associatedWith Vermont corporateBody
correspondedWith Verrill, G. W. person
correspondedWith Vogel, Charles person
correspondedWith Wadsworth, A. S. person
correspondedWith Ward, L. F. person
correspondedWith Webb, Georgiana person
associatedWith White, Bela person
correspondedWith Williams, H. B. person
correspondedWith Willis, P. L. person
correspondedWith Yeomans, William H. person
Place Name Admin Code Country



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Ark ID: w6vk1z3r

SNAC ID: 40883642