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Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Cabot family. Papers, 1786-1945 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith A. C. L. Mills person
associatedWith Ampersand Camp. corporateBody
correspondedWith Anna C. L. Mills person
correspondedWith A. S. Richard Cabot person
associatedWith Boit family. family
correspondedWith Brensing, Arthur person
correspondedWith C. A. Bartol. person
associatedWith Cabot, Elizabeth Dwight, -1901 person
associatedWith Cabot, Eliza Perkins, 1791-1885 person
correspondedWith Cabot, Elliot person
associatedWith Cabot, Hugh, 1905- person
associatedWith Cabot, James Elliot, 1821-1903 person
correspondedWith Cabot, Louis person
associatedWith Cabot, Mary Anderson Boit, -1936. person
correspondedWith Cabot, Philip person
correspondedWith Cabot, Richard person
associatedWith Cabot, Samuel, 1784- person
correspondedWith Cabot, Stephen person
correspondedWith Cabot, Walter person
correspondedWith Cary, Mary person
correspondedWith Charles E. Norton. person
correspondedWith Charles Lyell person
correspondedWith Charles W. Eliot person
correspondedWith David A. Wasson person
correspondedWith Dwight, Edmund person
correspondedWith Edith Emerson Forbes person
correspondedWith Edward C. Cabot person
associatedWith Edward Twisleton Cabot person
correspondedWith Edward W. Emerson person
correspondedWith Elizabeth Cabot Lee person
correspondedWith Elizabeth Eliot. person
associatedWith Elizabeth Perkins Cabot person
associatedWith Eliza L. C. (Mrs. Eliza Follen) person
correspondedWith Eliza Susan Quincy person
correspondedWith Ella Lyman Cabot person
correspondedWith Ellen T. Emerson person
associatedWith Ellen Twisleton. person
associatedWith Ellen Vaughan person
associatedWith Emerson, Ralph Waldo person
correspondedWith E. P. Cabot person
correspondedWith Ethel Cabot. person
correspondedWith Forbes, Edith person
correspondedWith Frank E. Cabot person
associatedWith Frank Hubbard person
correspondedWith George Parker Winship person
associatedWith Georgia B. Gierasch. person
associatedWith Georgia Mercer person
correspondedWith Harry Bryan person
associatedWith Harvard corporateBody
correspondedWith Henry James senior person
correspondedWith Henry Lee, Jr. person
correspondedWith Holman, Sam person
associatedWith Hugh Mercer person
correspondedWith Ida A. Higginson person
associatedWith I. W. Clarke person
correspondedWith James Freeman Clarke person
correspondedWith Jane Carlyle person
correspondedWith J. Coolidge Shaw. person
correspondedWith J. F. Heath person
correspondedWith Jno. Thompson Gray person
associatedWith John B. Cabot person
correspondedWith John Francis Heath. person
correspondedWith John J. Chapman person
correspondedWith John Stephens person
correspondedWith J. R. Lowell person
correspondedWith Kate (Mrs. Frank H. Storer) person
correspondedWith Lee, Francis person
correspondedWith Lee, Frank person
correspondedWith Lizzie (Mrs. Henry Lee) person
correspondedWith Louis Agassiz person
correspondedWith Louise Cabot. person
correspondedWith Lyman, Arthur person
correspondedWith Mary A. Cabot. person
associatedWith Mary E. Dwight person
associatedWith Mary E. Parkman person
correspondedWith Mary G. Loring person
associatedWith Mary H. Dwight person
correspondedWith Mary Lee Hale person
associatedWith Mary Parkman. person
associatedWith Mary Perkins. person
correspondedWith M. H. L. Cabot. person
associatedWith Museum of Fine Arts corporateBody
correspondedWith Ned Lee person
associatedWith Octavia Hill. person
associatedWith Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903 person
correspondedWith O. W. Holmes. person
associatedWith Parker, Theodore person
correspondedWith Perkins, Burling & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Perkins, Thomas Handasyd, 1764-1854 person
correspondedWith Quincy, Ellen person
correspondedWith Richard C. Cabot person
associatedWith Richard Clarke. person
correspondedWith Robert A. Boit person
correspondedWith Ruth Cabot person
associatedWith Sally Cabot person
associatedWith Sam. A. Eliot person
associatedWith Sarah Cabot. person
associatedWith Sarah Startin. person
correspondedWith S. G. Ward person
associatedWith Shaw, Coolidge person
correspondedWith Simeon Elliot person
correspondedWith Stephens, Clare person
correspondedWith Tappan, Caroline person
correspondedWith Thomas G. Cary person
associatedWith Thoreau, Henry D person
correspondedWith T. H. Perkins person
correspondedWith Tuckerman, Edward person
correspondedWith Twisleton, Edward person
correspondedWith Walter C. Cabot person
correspondedWith W. Goddard. person
associatedWith Wm. H. Prescott person
correspondedWith W. Sohier. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Boston - Social life and customs


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Ark ID: w6s90dfv

SNAC ID: 39836641