Cumming, Hugh S.

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Edwin Gilliam Booth was born on January 11, 1810, at " Shenstone, " Nottoway County, to Gilliam Booth and Rebecca (Hicks) Booth . At age ten he was sent to Winfield Academy in Dinwiddie County, where he began a friendship with Theodorick Pryor, who later became one of the most influential and successful ministers in southeastern Virginia . His chief preparation for college was at Oxford, North Carolina ; he matriculated at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1824, (at the age of fourteen) after an arduous course in classics and mathematics. Subsequently, he studied law at Fredericksburg under the supervision of Judge John Taylor Lomax, a professor at the University of Virginia and a judge of the Court of Appeals ; and, although not a well-disciplined student, he was diligent in his quest for legal knowledge, and afterward returned to Nottoway County to practice law in the five southeastern counties of Virginia .

In 1833, he married Sarah Tanner Jones (May 10, 1811, -August 29, 1860) with whom he had five children: Edwin Gilliam Booth, Jr., (February 27, 1839 -January 5, 1922); Archer Jones Booth (May 22, 1844 -November 22, 1864); Frances Rebecca Booth (December 17, 1846 -June 7, 1885); Sarah Tanner Booth (June 3, 1848 -September 23, 1865); and, William Travis Booth (July 12, 1850 -June 25, 1861).

Booth was known for his public spirit and devotion to politics, his activities for the welfare of man and for the promotion of Christianity. On August 30, 1838, he made a public profession of his faith in Christ, and was soon made the ruling elder in the Nottoway Church . In 1847, he was elected from the Nottoway District to serve in the Virginia Legislature for the 1848 and 1849 sessions, and took part in the revision and codification of the civil laws of Virginia . During the Civil War, he attempted to alleviate the miseries of military prisons by obtaining permission to assist friends in prison. He received permission from President Abraham Lincoln to pass through the blockade in April 1863, and dined with Lincoln and Davis over the month, by their invitations. In 1876, he erected the Old Virginia Building at the National Centennial Exhibition in Fairmont Park, Philadelphia .

Edwin Gilliam Booth, Sr., passed away on February 13, 1886 in Philadelphia .

More information on Booth may be found in The Life and Character of Edwin Gilliam Booth by Henry Edwin Dwight (F230.B74).

Edwin Gilliam Booth, Jr., was born on February 27, 1839, in Nottoway County to Edwin Gilliam Booth and Sarah Tanner (Jones) Booth . He attended Winfield Academy, Dinwiddie County, and was prepared for college by David Comfort, a Princeton graduate. He then attended Hampton-Sydney College for two years, graduating in 1859, and spent part of a session at the University of Virginia before enrolling in the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia where he graduated as a doctor of medicine in 1861.

During the Civil War, he enlisted in the Confederate Army as a member of the Nottoway Cavalry in the G and E companies of the Third Virginia Regiment . His company fought at the Battle of Big Bethel on June 10, 1861. On May 1, 1863, he was commissioned as assistant surgeon in the Confederate Navy, and was a surgeon on the C. S. S. Selma during the Battle of Mobile Bay, where their fleet was defeated and the steamer was sunk on August 5, 1864. He was taken prisoner and sent to Pensacola, and later released on parole.

After the war he visited Europe, then returned to live at " Shenstone " until ca. 1886 when he moved to " Carter's Grove, " James City County. In October 1870, he married Clara Haxall Thomson of Jefferson County, West Virginia ; they had the following children: Lucy Almira Booth (July 15, 1871 -1960); Frances Rebecca Booth (October 1, 1873 -? ); Henrietta Edwina Booth (January 6, 1876-? ); Edwin Gilliam Booth, III (July 14, 1878 -? ); Clara Thomson Booth (July 10, 1880 -? ); John Thomson Booth (May 13, 1883 -? ); and, William Harris Booth (June 16, 1885 -? ).

In 1907, he settled in the old George Wythe home at Williamsburg, and was a member of the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary . He died at home on January 5, 1922.


See entries from: Who Was Who In America, Volume II, 1943 -1950, page 139; Who's Who in America, 1984-1985, 43rd edition, Volume I, A-K, pp. 723-724; the National Cyclopedia of American Biography, pp. 279-280, and the obituary for Hugh S. Cumming, Jr. from the November 26, 1986 "Washington Post."

From the guide to the Cumming Family Papers, 1777-1984, (University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Cumming Family Papers, 1874-1984 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
creatorOf Cumming Family Papers, 1864-1986 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
referencedIn William B. Provine collection of evolutionary biology reprints, 20th century. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Cumming Family Papers, 1864-1986 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
referencedIn Cumming Family Papers, 1777-1984 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
referencedIn Cumming Family Papers, 1777-1984 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
referencedIn Cumming Family Papers, 1777-1984 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
referencedIn Cumming Family Papers, 1777-1984 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
creatorOf Cumming Family Papers, 1777-1984 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
referencedIn Cumming Family Papers, 1777-1984 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
referencedIn Cumming Family Papers, 1874-1984 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
referencedIn Macklem, Stanley, 1895-. Stanley Macklem oral history, 1963-1964. Cornell University Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Alibi Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Anderson and Sheppard, Ltd. corporateBody
associatedWith Annie Terry person
correspondedWith Anthony Lake person
correspondedWith Archer Jones Booth person
associatedWith Armistead family family
correspondedWith Atlantic Council corporateBody
associatedWith Ballentine Family family
correspondedWith Bath County Community Hospital corporateBody
correspondedWith Berkshire Farm For Boys (Washington Committee) corporateBody
associatedWith Bernard family
associatedWith Bess Furman person
correspondedWith Birne T. West person
correspondedWith Birne T. West Trust corporateBody
correspondedWith Blackstone family
associatedWith Blandy Family family
correspondedWith Board of Examiners of Foreign Service corporateBody
associatedWith Bob Wilson person
associatedWith Booth family
associatedWith Booth family
correspondedWith Booth family family
correspondedWith Booth Family family
correspondedWith Bothwell family
associatedWith Canabiss family
associatedWith Carter's Grove corporateBody
associatedWith Carter's Grove corporateBody
correspondedWith Chevy Chase Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Christ Church corporateBody
correspondedWith Clara Haxell (Thomson) Booth person
associatedWith Claude O. Lanciano, Jr. person
associatedWith Coast Guard corporateBody
associatedWith Colonial Dames of America corporateBody
associatedWith Committee of Red Cross Societies corporateBody
correspondedWith Cordell Hull person
correspondedWith Cosmos Club corporateBody
associatedWith Cryer family
associatedWith Cryer Family family
correspondedWith Culver Gleysteen person
correspondedWith Cumming family
correspondedWith Cumming Family family
associatedWith Cumming Family family
correspondedWith Davidson College corporateBody
associatedWith Diana Whiting Smith Cumming person
correspondedWith Diplomatic and Consular Officers, Retired corporateBody
associatedWith Edwin Gilliam person
correspondedWith Edwin Gilliam Booth person
correspondedWith E. G. Booth person
associatedWith E. G. Booth person
associatedWith Epes family
associatedWith Epes, William Dandridge person
correspondedWith Episcopal Diocese and Research Committees corporateBody
correspondedWith Foreign Service Advisory Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Forman family
associatedWith Forman Family family
correspondedWith Foxcroft School corporateBody
correspondedWith Frances Rebecca Booth person
correspondedWith Frank A. West person
correspondedWith Franklin D. Roosevelt person
correspondedWith Frederick Bunnell-Vassar College corporateBody
associatedWith Ft. Monroe Coast Artillery School corporateBody
correspondedWith Garth Newel Music Center corporateBody
associatedWith Gholson Family family
associatedWith Gilliam family
correspondedWith Gilliam Booth person
associatedWith Hawthorne corporateBody
associatedWith Henrietta Thompson person
correspondedWith Henrietta Wise person
correspondedWith Herbert Hoover person
correspondedWith Hicks family family
correspondedWith Historic Georgetown, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith H. Morganthou, Jr. person
correspondedWith H. R. Mumford person
associatedWith Hugh Cumming, Jr. person
correspondedWith Hugh S. and Lucy Booth Cumming Memorial Fund corporateBody
associatedWith Hugh S. Cumming, Jr. person
correspondedWith Hugh Smith Cumming Trust corporateBody
correspondedWith John B. Kendrick, II person
correspondedWith John Foster Dulles person
associatedWith John Foster Dulles Oral History Project corporateBody
associatedWith Junior Plattsburg Military Training Camp corporateBody
correspondedWith Kendrick Family family
associatedWith Lou Powers person
correspondedWith Lucy B. Cumming person
correspondedWith Lucy Booth person
correspondedWith Lucy Booth Cumming person
correspondedWith Lucy Booth Cumming person
correspondedWith Lucy Cumming person
associatedWith Macklem, Stanley, 1895- person
correspondedWith Margaret Kendrick person
associatedWith Marion Kemp person
correspondedWith Marjorie Savage person
associatedWith Martiau Family family
correspondedWith Meridan House Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Metropolitan Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Moscow Church corporateBody
correspondedWith National Cathedral Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Nell Hayne person
correspondedWith Oscar Morland person
associatedWith Overlook corporateBody
correspondedWith Princeton University Oral History Project corporateBody
correspondedWith Provine, William B. person
correspondedWith Rebecca Hicks Booth person
associatedWith Rebecca Sealy Terry White person
associatedWith Richard M. Nixon person
correspondedWith Robert H. Booth person
associatedWith Rootes family
associatedWith Rupert Blue person
associatedWith San Joaquin corporateBody
associatedWith Sarah Tanner (Jones) Booth person
associatedWith Shenstone corporateBody
correspondedWith State Department corporateBody
associatedWith St. Mary's Episcopal Church corporateBody
correspondedWith St. Paul's Church corporateBody
correspondedWith Swannanoa corporateBody
associatedWith Terry family
associatedWith Terry family family
correspondedWith The Raven Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Thomas N. Downing person
associatedWith Thomas Wynne person
associatedWith Thomson family
correspondedWith Thomson Family family
associatedWith Throckmorton family
associatedWith United Daughter of the Confederacy corporateBody
correspondedWith United States Navy corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Pennsylvania corporateBody
correspondedWith University of the Pacific corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Virginia corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Virginia Gift Fund corporateBody
associatedWith University of Virginia Law School corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Virginia Library corporateBody
associatedWith University of Virginia O.W.L.S. Society corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Antarctic Service corporateBody
associatedWith U. S. Antartic Service corporateBody
associatedWith U. S. Coast Guard corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Guard Coast corporateBody
correspondedWith Virginia Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Virginia Military Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Washington Cathedral Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs corporateBody
correspondedWith West Family family
associatedWith William A. Caruthers person
correspondedWith Winifred B. Cumming person
associatedWith Winifred B. Cumming Trust corporateBody
associatedWith Winifred Burney West Cumming person
associatedWith Winifred Cumming person
correspondedWith Winifred Cumming person
correspondedWith Wise Family family
correspondedWith Woodrow Wilson House Council corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country





Ark ID: w6vj3f9n

SNAC ID: 38376228