Morris, Earl Halstead, 1889-1956

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Archaeologist, writer and teacher; Earl H. Morris studied prehistoric peoples in the Southwest, Mexico and Guatemala.

From the description of Photographic Portfolio, ca. 1920s. (Arizona Historical Society, Southern Arizona Division). WorldCat record id: 39342680

Archaeologist, collector for the Dept. of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History.

From the description of Papers, 1923-1930. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 155511860

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Arizona archaeological field photographs, 1923. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Kidder, Alfred Vincent, 1885-1963. Correspondence, 1920-1962 : with Neil Merton Judd. American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Earl Morris papers New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Gross, Kelly and Company pictorial collection, 1880-1970 The University of New Mexico, University Libraries, Center for SouthwestResearch
creatorOf Morris, Earl Halstead, 1889-1956. Photographic portfolio, images 1924-1932, printed 1985 / photographs by Earl H. Morris ; produced by Billy Moore and Steve Fitch ; introductions by Rick Dingus and Joe Ben Wheat. The Heard Museum Library
creatorOf Museum of Indian Arts and Culture/Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico). Museum of Indian Arts and Culture/Laboratory of Anthropology archives, 1927-[ongoing]. Museum of New Mexico Library
referencedIn Snow, Myron G., 1892-1978. Rock climbing on the third Flatiron / Myron G. Snow. Boulder Public Library
creatorOf Morris, Earl Halstead, 1889-1956. Photographic Portfolio, ca. 1920s. Arizona Historical Society, Southern Arizona Division
referencedIn Gila Pueblo Foundation Papers, 1928-1950 Arizona State Museum
creatorOf Morss, Noel, 1904-1981. Noel Morss papers, 1927-1980 Peabody Museum Archives, Harvard University
referencedIn Arizona physical anthropological museum studio photographs, 1923. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn United States travel photographs, 1921. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Gross, Kelly and Company pictorial collection [picture]. University of New Mexico-Main Campus
referencedIn Snow, Myron G., 1892-1978. Portrait of Earl Halstad Morris / Myron G. Snow. Boulder Public Library
referencedIn United States travel photographs, 1922. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Utah field photographs, 1929. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Earl H. Morris Photographic Portfolio, 1910-1930 The University of New Mexico, University Libraries, Center for SouthwestResearch
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Morris, Earl H. Chaco Research Archive
Relation Name
associatedWith American Museum of Natural History corporateBody
associatedWith American Museum of Natural History. Dept. of Anthropology. corporateBody
associatedWith Archer M. Huntington Survey Expedition of the Southwest (1923) corporateBody
associatedWith Aztec Ruins National Monument corporateBody
associatedWith Bernheimer Expedition to the Southwest (1st : 1921) corporateBody
associatedWith Bernheimer Expedition to the Southwest (2nd : 1922) corporateBody
associatedWith Bernheimer Expedition to the Southwest (3rd : 1923) corporateBody
associatedWith Bernheimer Expedition to the Southwest (7th : 1929) corporateBody
associatedWith Dingus, Rick, 1951- person
associatedWith Fitch, Steve, 1949- person
correspondedWith Gila Pueblo Archaeological Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Gross, Kelly & Company, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Heard Museum. corporateBody
associatedWith Kidder, Alfred Vincent, 1885-1963. person
associatedWith Moore, Billy. person
associatedWith Morris, Ann Antell. person
associatedWith Morss, Noel, 1904-1981. person
associatedWith Museum of Indian Arts and Culture/Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico) corporateBody
associatedWith Snow, Myron G., 1892-1978. person
associatedWith University of Colorado (System). Museum corporateBody
associatedWith Wheat, Joe Ben. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Southwestern States
Chelly, Canyon de (Ariz.)
Canyon del Muerto. (Ariz.)
North America
New Mexico
Chaco Canyon (N.M.)
New Mexico
La Plata Valley (N.M.)
Excavations (Archaeology)
Excavations (Archaeology)
Excavations (Archeology)
Indian art
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Navajo Indians
Navajo Indians
Picture writing, Indian
Pueblo Indians
Scientific expeditions


Birth 1889

Death 1956



Ark ID: w6vm5t5v

SNAC ID: 30745929