Gila Pueblo Archaeological Foundation

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In 1928, Mr. Harold Gladwin and Mrs. Winifred Jones MacCurdy, two wealthy individuals interested in archaeology, bought land near Globe from the Healys. The prehistoric Gila Pueblo ruin was located on this acreage. On this site, they established the Gila Pueblo Archaeological Foundation. Mr. Gladwin was the Director of Gila Pueblo, which employed Dr. Emil Haury as Assistant Director in 1930. Gladwin and Mrs. MacCurdy were later married.

The Gila Pueblo staff surveyed a wide area in several states and northern Mexico and excavated a number of sites that helped define Hohokam, Mogollon and Salado cultures. The Foundation also published their archaeological studies as the Medallion Papers and held the Gila Pueblo Conference of 1931 when Gladwin explained his Southwest culture-unit (phases) classification, a framework that is still used today.

Gila Pueblo ceased operation about 1950. Although Gladwin offered the collections and buildings to Harvard and the University of California, they couldn't accept an Arizona corporation. As a result, Gladwin's attorney, who was on the Board of Regents of the University of Arizona, approached the University as a possible recipient. The Arizona State Museum presented the Foundation with an acceptable plan and the transfer was arranged.

A history of Gila Pueblo and additional background are available in the Archives control file. Maps of Gila Pueblo follow this note [in the control file]. Map 1 was given to Dr. Haury by Keith Anderson of the Western Archaeological Center on Nov. 14, 1986 and shows the floor plan of Gila Pueblo during its use by the National Park Service in the 1960s. Map 2 is Dr. Haury's revision of the first map to show the floor plan during Gila Pueblo's operations in the 1930s and 1940s.

From the guide to the Gila Pueblo Foundation Papers, 1928-1950, (Arizona State Museum)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Gila Pueblo Foundation Papers, 1928-1950 Arizona State Museum
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith A.E. Douglass person
correspondedWith Alves, Eileen person
associatedWith Amsden, Avery person
correspondedWith Amsden, Monroe person
correspondedWith Arthur C. Rogers person
associatedWith A.V. Kidder, person
correspondedWith Bertha P. Dutton person
correspondedWith Brewer, Jimmy person
correspondedWith Cammerer, Arno person
correspondedWith Campbell, Mrs. William person
correspondedWith Cantu, Oscar person
correspondedWith Charles R. Steen person
associatedWith Charlie person
correspondedWith Clarke, Louis person
correspondedWith Cooper, Paul person
correspondedWith Cronin, Ted person
correspondedWith Cummings, Byron person
correspondedWith Earl H. Morris person
associatedWith E.B. Sayles person
associatedWith Emil W. Haury person
correspondedWith E.R. Fryer person
associatedWith Erik K. Reed person
correspondedWith E.W. Timm person
correspondedWith Floyd E. Dotson person
associatedWith Francis M. Cresson person
correspondedWith Fulton, William person
correspondedWith Gifford, Stanley person
associatedWith Gladwin, Harold person
associatedWith Gordon C. Baldwin person
associatedWith Gordon F. Ekholm person
correspondedWith Gregory, Leslie person
correspondedWith Guthe, Carl person
correspondedWith Hall, Ansel person
associatedWith Hans E. Fischel person
associatedWith Hayden, Irwin person
associatedWith Hayden, Julian person
associatedWith Henry J. Foekelman person
associatedWith H.H. Scorse person
correspondedWith Hibben, Frank person
correspondedWith Holden, W. C. person
correspondedWith J.C. Fisher Motz person
correspondedWith J.O. Brew person
associatedWith Jones, Volney person
correspondedWith Kelly, Isabel person
correspondedWith Kidder, A. V. person
correspondedWith Marquina, Ignacio person
correspondedWith Masno, Alden person
correspondedWith McKern, W. C. person
correspondedWith McLeod, Bill person
correspondedWith Noguera, Eduardo person
associatedWith Norman E. Gabel person
correspondedWith Nusbaum, Deric person
correspondedWith Nusbaum, Jesse person
correspondedWith Nusbaum, J. L. person
correspondedWith Oscar L. Chapman person
associatedWith Peterson, Dewey person
associatedWith Ralph T. Esterquest person
associatedWith Reed, Erik person
correspondedWith Renaud, E. B. person
correspondedWith Ritchie, William person
correspondedWith Roberts, Frank person
correspondedWith Rogers, D. B. person
correspondedWith Rogers, Malcolm person
correspondedWith Sayles, E. B. person
correspondedWith Schulman, Edmund person
correspondedWith Smith, Victor person
correspondedWith Solbert, Carl person
correspondedWith Steward, Julian person
correspondedWith Terah (Ted) Smiley person
correspondedWith Tichy, Marjorie person
correspondedWith Tozzer, Alfred person
correspondedWith Waldo R. Wedel person
correspondedWith Waldo S. Glock person
correspondedWith Watson, Don person
correspondedWith Wedel, Waldo person
associatedWith Wetherill, Ben person
correspondedWith Wetherill, Milt person
correspondedWith Wetmore person
correspondedWith Woodbury, George person
correspondedWith Woodward, Arthur person
correspondedWith W.S. Stallings person
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Ark ID: w6tg31q2

SNAC ID: 21036112