Currier, Thomas Franklin, 1873-1946

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T. Franklin Currier, born Feb. 26, 1873, Harvard A.B. 1894, was a librarian in Harvard College Library. He declined a career in teaching because of hearing problems; from 1894-1902 he was an assistant in the Catalog Department; from 1902-1940 he was in charge of cataloging. In 1913 he was made Assistant Librarian, and in 1937, Associate Librarian. He was a member of the ALA Committee that published the 1908 ed. of the Cataloging Rules. He died Sept. 14, 1946.

From the guide to the Papers of T. Franklin Currier, 1852-1973 (inclusive), (Harvard University Archives)

T. Franklin Currier, born Feb. 26, 1873, Harvard A.B. 1894, was a librarian in Harvard College Library. He declined a career in teaching because of hearing problems; from 1894-1902 he was an assistant in the Catalog Department; from 1902-1940 he was in charge of cataloging. In 1913 he was made Assistant Librarian, and in 1937, Associate Librarian. He was a member of the ALA Committee that published the 1908 ed. of the Cataloging Rules, and is credited as originator of the concept of preliminary cataloging. He died Sept. 14, 1946.

From the description of Papers of T. Franklin Currier, 1852-1973 (inclusive). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 77062063

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Currier family. Papers, 1861-1950 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Currier family. Currier family papers, 1805-1908. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Rogers Memorial Collection: Henry Munroe Rogers papers, 1812-1937 (inclusive), 1862-1937 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Currier, Thomas Franklin, 1873-1946. First-line index of all the stanzas of the poems of Oliver Wendell Holmes : compiled under the direction of Thomas Franklin Currier / amended by E. M. Tilton : typescript, 1943. Houghton Library
creatorOf Bail, Hamilton Vaughan,. Correspondence : concerning poems by Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1898-1934. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Currier, Thomas Franklin, 1873-1946. Papers of T. Franklin Currier, 1852-1973 (inclusive). Harvard University Archives.
creatorOf Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894. Lectures : clippings [stats], 1853-1863. Houghton Library
creatorOf Papers of T. Franklin Currier, 1852-1973 (inclusive) Harvard University Archives.
creatorOf Hibbard, Julia K. S., 1844-1929. Reminiscences ... embracing memories of pioneer days in Minnesota, 1856-1868 : typescript, 1920. Houghton Library
referencedIn Harvard University. Chest of 1900. Harvard University Archives.
referencedIn Eleanor M. Tilton Papers, 1770-1991 Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Papers of T. Franklin Currier, 1852-1973 (inclusive) Harvard University Archives.
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company contracts, 1831-1979 (inclusive) 1880-1940 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Harvard University. Library. Scrapbook of Thomas Franklin Currier, 1895-1920 (inclusive). Harvard University Archives.
referencedIn Tilton, Eleanor M. (Eleanor Marguerite), 1913-. Papers, 1770-1991. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Wendell family papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Currier, Florence May Wyman, 1881-1972. Papers, 1898-1966 (inclusive). Radcliffe College, Archives
referencedIn Currier family. Currier family papers, 1805-1908. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Abraham Priest Gibson person
correspondedWith Alden family
correspondedWith Am. Council of Learned Societies corporateBody
correspondedWith Appalachian Mountain Club corporateBody
associatedWith Arthur J. Plummer person
correspondedWith August L. Putman person
correspondedWith Bibliographical Society of America corporateBody
correspondedWith Brown, Fred person
correspondedWith Carroll N. Brown person
associatedWith Charles H. Adams person
associatedWith Charles Henry Tisdale person
associatedWith Charles Lewis person
associatedWith Charles T. Wyman person
associatedWith Charles Walden Lewis person
correspondedWith Coolidge Archibald Cary person
associatedWith Cue Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Currier family
associatedWith Currier family. family
associatedWith Currier family. family
associatedWith Currier family. family
correspondedWith Currier, Florence person
associatedWith Currier, Florence May Wyman, 1881-1972. person
correspondedWith Currier, Florence W. person
correspondedWith Currier, Mary W person
correspondedWith Currier, Susan person
correspondedWith Currier, Susan E person
correspondedWith Currier, T. F person
correspondedWith Currier, T. Franklin person
correspondedWith Currier, Thomas Franklin person
correspondedWith Dickinson, Edward person
correspondedWith Dudley, Dorothy Lewis person
associatedWith Eben C. Bailey person
correspondedWith Economy Club corporateBody
associatedWith Evelyn Wyman Towle person
associatedWith Florence W. Currier person
correspondedWith Fondacaro Antonio person
associatedWith Frederick H. Dickinson person
correspondedWith Gates , O. H person
associatedWith George Bosworth person
associatedWith George N. Towle person
correspondedWith Gibbs, Russell F person
associatedWith Harvard corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard Class of 1894 corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard College Library corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard University. corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard University. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Hibbard, Julia K. S., 1844-1929. person
associatedWith Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894. person
correspondedWith Horton, Fred, A person
correspondedWith Houghton Mifflin Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hume, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Ida E. Kittredge person
associatedWith John Greenleaf Whittier person
correspondedWith John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Kelsey , Marion person
correspondedWith Keogh, Andrew person
correspondedWith Linton W. J person
correspondedWith Little Eva person
correspondedWith Lloyd, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Macnair W. M person
associatedWith Margarent Currier person
correspondedWith Margaret Currier person
associatedWith Mary B. (Soule) Googins. Mrs. John Googins person
associatedWith Mary Whittier Currier person
correspondedWith Massachusetts Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith McNeill, George E person
correspondedWith Michigan Library School corporateBody
associatedWith Miranda Priest Wyman person
correspondedWith Mordell , Albert person
correspondedWith Mount Holyoke corporateBody
associatedWith Mrs. Luce person
associatedWith Mrs. T. F. Currier person
correspondedWith Olcott Frances person
associatedWith Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr person
correspondedWith Parker, Edith person
associatedWith Paul Chapin person
associatedWith Paul Weiss Litchfield & Edith Litchfield person
associatedWith Paul W. Litchfield person
correspondedWith Reed, H. F person
correspondedWith Republican Club corporateBody
associatedWith Rev. Asa Bullard person
associatedWith Rogers, Henry Munroe, 1839-1937 person
associatedWith Roscoe Harding Tisdale person
correspondedWith Runo, Victor E person
associatedWith Ruth Gibbs Brown person
associatedWith Samuel Charder Earle person
associatedWith Sarah H. Colburn person
correspondedWith Smith, Herbert person
correspondedWith Stanford University Libraries corporateBody
correspondedWith Stone, Edward L person
correspondedWith Tacoma Transit Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Taft Ada B person
correspondedWith Taylor Louise M person
associatedWith T. F. Currier person
associatedWith Thomas Florian Currier person
associatedWith Tilton, Eleanor M. (Eleanor Marguerite), 1913- person
correspondedWith Tisdale, Barbara person
correspondedWith Valley Agricultural Company corporateBody
associatedWith Victor E. Runo person
associatedWith Walden Lewis person
correspondedWith Wendell family. family
associatedWith Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892. person
associatedWith Widener Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Yale Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Yenching University corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country


Birth 1873

Death 1946



Ark ID: w6nk3kg1

SNAC ID: 30403999