Near, Holly

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Holly Near, singer, songwriter, activist, and author, was born in Ukiah, California, in 1949, the daughter of Anne (Holmes) and Russell Near. She grew up on her parents' cattle ranch in Potter Valley, California, and began performing at age 7, singing at local events and conventions. Near was involved with acting and music at Ukiah High School. She attended the University of California, Los Angeles, where she majored in drama. During her studies at UCLA, Near auditioned for the Free the Army Show. With Jane Fonda, Donald Sutherland, Pamela Donegan, Rita Martinson, and Glen Chandler, she entertained service members in the Philippines, Okinawa, and Japan (1971-1973). The Free the Army tour was the beginning of her political awakening and her opposition to the Vietnam War. She was also active with the Pentagon Papers Peace Project, Another Mother for Peace, and the Indo-China Peace Campaign.

In 1973 Near released her first album, Hang in There, and founded, with Jeff Langley, Redwood Records, which produced all of her albums as well as those by other artists, including Sweet Honey in the Rock. In 1975 she became involved in the women's music scene by performing at the annual fundraiser for the Los Angeles Woman's Building with Meg Christian, Margie Adam, Cris Williamson, and Lily Tomlin. Later that year she performed in her first women's music festival at the San Diego Women's Music Festival. During the 1970s Hang in There was followed by three other albums. Near toured broadly and performed around the United States and abroad as well as at many women's music festivals and concerts.

Beginning in 1979 and continuing into the early 1980s, Near began her "Anti-Nuke Tour." She toured the country speaking out against the threat of nuclear war and the problems of nuclear weapons. She became active in the broad coalition of organizations and people supporting Latin Americans working for self-determination. She performed with Inti Illimani, a Chilean ensemble, and produced their album, Sing to Me the Dream, in 1984. Near, Arlo Guthrie, Ronnie Gilbert, and Pete Seeger recorded HARP and toured during 1985, demonstrating the links between the political folk music of the past and present. Near also collaborated with Ronnie Gilbert on two albums: Lifeline (1984) and Singing with You (1986). In 1985 she was named Woman of the Year by Ms. Magazine for her singing, songwriting, and activism on behalf of women and progressive causes. Her autobiography, Fire in the Rain...Singer in the Storm, appeared in 1990.

In addition to Near's musical career, she has also appeared in films and television programs. These include Slaughterhouse 5, Minnie & Moskowitz, Dogfight, Heartwood, All in the Family, Room 222, Patridge Family, and L.A. Law. With her sister Timothy Near she co-wrote and performed in Fire in the Rain--Singer in the Storm, her one-woman show which ran in San Jose, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and off-Broadway in New York City.

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Bobbye S. Ortiz Papers, (bulk, 1919-1993 and undated, 1950-1990) David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance (ALFA) Archives, ca. 1972-1994 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Joan E. Biren Papers 1944-2019 Sophia Smith Collection
creatorOf Papers of Holly Near, 1967-1994 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Records of, Sojourner, (inclusive), (bulk), 1920-2004, 1975-2002 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights records, 1979. New York State Historical Documents (Albany, N.Y.)
referencedIn Maria Karras collection of Woman's Building papers and photographs, 1972-2018 Getty Research Institute
creatorOf Near, Holly. Papers, 1967-1994 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Deihl, Marcia, 1949-. Papers of Marcia Deihl, 1965-2004 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Woman Alive! Videotapes and program books, 1974-1977 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Sophia Smith Collection. Music collection, 1840s-1980 (ongoing) (bulk 1930-80). Smith College, Neilson Library
referencedIn Southern Folklife Collection Artist Name File, 1940-2005 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Folklife Collection.
referencedIn Fine, David S., 1953- . Papers, 1976. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Women's rights movement videorecordings, 1970s-1980s. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Boston Women's Music Collective. Boston Women's Music Collective records, 1975-1978. Northeastern University, Snell Library
referencedIn Jordan, June, 1936-2002. Papers, 1936-2002 (inclusive), 1954-2002 (bulk). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Music Collection MS 409., 1848-2003, 1930s-1980 Sophia Smith Collection
referencedIn Woman's Building records, 1960-2016 Getty Research Institute
referencedIn Shigekawa, Joan,. Woman alive! produced by KERA-TV Dallas/Fort Worth and WNET/13 New York; made possible by a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting; executive producer, Joan Shigekawa. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn National Organization for Women. Videotape collection of the National Organization for Women. 1977-1988. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Papers of Ariel Dougherty, 1946-1993 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Near, Holly. Holly Near : file of clippings and miscellanea. Michigan State University Libraries, Main Library
creatorOf Additional papers of Holly Near, (inclusive), (bulk), 1954-2011, 1975-2006 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn National Organization for Women. Videotape collection of the National Organization for Women. 1977-1988. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith African Dreamland (musical group) corporateBody
correspondedWith Alexis De Veaux person
associatedWith Anne Near person
correspondedWith Ann W. Richards person
correspondedWith Aptheker, Bettina person
associatedWith Ariel Dougherty person
associatedWith Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance. corporateBody
correspondedWith Augustino, Peppino person
correspondedWith Avery, Gwen person
correspondedWith Badenoch, Nate person
associatedWith Bales, Ginny person
correspondedWith Bernice Reagon Johnson person
associatedWith Berrigan, Daniel. person
associatedWith Bertell, Rosalie person
associatedWith Biren, Joan E. person
associatedWith Boston Women's Music Collective. corporateBody
correspondedWith Browne, Jackson person
correspondedWith Camryn Manheim. person
associatedWith Carol J. Haddad person
associatedWith Carter, Judy person
correspondedWith Cathy Winter person
associatedWith Christian, Meg person
correspondedWith Clinton, Kate person
associatedWith Cobos, Daniel person
associatedWith Collective Vision (musical group) corporateBody
correspondedWith Country Joe McDonald person
correspondedWith Culver, Casse person
correspondedWith Davis, Hunter person
associatedWith Davis, Ossie. person
correspondedWith Deborah Cooper person
correspondedWith Dee, Ruby person
associatedWith Deihl, Marcia, 1949- person
correspondedWith Denver, John person
correspondedWith Desler, Christopher person
associatedWith De Veaux, Alexis, 1948- person
correspondedWith Dobkin, Alix person
correspondedWith Elizabeth Buchanan. person
correspondedWith Feldman, Maxine person
correspondedWith Ferron person
associatedWith Fine, David S., 1953- . person
associatedWith Fox, Mimi person
associatedWith Gearhart, Sally person
correspondedWith George A. Hormel Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Gilbert, Ronnie person
correspondedWith Giles, Ken person
correspondedWith Giordano, Virginia person
associatedWith Good Fairy Productions corporateBody
correspondedWith Grace Paley person
correspondedWith Graetz, Susan person
associatedWith Gray Panthers corporateBody
associatedWith Griffin, Susan. person
correspondedWith Grossman, Barbara person
associatedWith Grupo Raiz (musical group) corporateBody
correspondedWith Guthrie, Annie person
correspondedWith Hirst, Ellin person
correspondedWith Hood, Jennifer person
correspondedWith Jeannette Jayde Bartha person
correspondedWith Joan Chandos Baez, Sr. person
associatedWith Jordan, June, 1936-2002. person
correspondedWith Jose Gonzales person
correspondedWith Joyce Rodriques person
correspondedWith Kate Clinton. person
associatedWith Kennedy, Florynce, 1916-2000. person
correspondedWith Langley, Jeff person
correspondedWith Lani Kaahumanu person
associatedWith Lems, Kristen. person
correspondedWith Long, Larry person
associatedWith Lucha (Musical group) corporateBody
associatedWith Marcuse-Sherover, Erica, 1944- person
correspondedWith Martell, Vince person
correspondedWith Mary Dowd person
correspondedWith McCalla, Deidre person
associatedWith McDade, Carolyn person
associatedWith McDonald, Joe. person
correspondedWith Melinda Mohn person
correspondedWith Mercedes Sosa. person
associatedWith Michigan State University. Library. American Radicalism Collection. corporateBody
associatedWith Morgan, Hillary. person
correspondedWith Mothers Embracing Nuclear Disarmament corporateBody
associatedWith Murphy, Charlie person
correspondedWith Mustafa Abdul-Aleem person
correspondedWith Nanci Block person
associatedWith National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. corporateBody
associatedWith National Organization for Women. corporateBody
associatedWith Native Productions corporateBody
associatedWith Near, Timothy person
correspondedWith Nobuko Miyamoto person
associatedWith Olivia Records corporateBody
associatedWith Ortiz, Bobbye S. person
associatedWith Phillips, Paul. person
correspondedWith Pilshaw, Elliot person
correspondedWith Reardon, Becky person
associatedWith Redwood Records corporateBody
associatedWith Reynolds, Malvina person
correspondedWith Ricky Marcuse-Sherover person
correspondedWith Romanovsky, Ron person
correspondedWith Rose, Betsy person
correspondedWith Roy Brown person
correspondedWith Ruth W. Messinger person
correspondedWith Sandridge, Rebeccca person
correspondedWith Sarita Holley person
associatedWith Saxe, Susan person
associatedWith Seeger, Pete person
correspondedWith Sharon Parker person
correspondedWith Silverstein, Deborah person
correspondedWith Small, Fred person
correspondedWith Small, Judy person
associatedWith Sojourner (Cambridge, Mass.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Solloway, Wendy person
associatedWith Thomas, J. T. person
associatedWith Timothy Near person
correspondedWith Treesberg, Judith person
correspondedWith Vogl, Nancy person
correspondedWith Waltman, Andrea person
correspondedWith Wheeler, Cheryl person
associatedWith Woman's Building (Los Angeles, Calif.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Women's International League for Peace and Freedom corporateBody
correspondedWith Wood, Trudy person
correspondedWith Yee, Benny person
Place Name Admin Code Country
California CA US
Folk singers
Protest movements
Vietnam War, 1961-1975
Women and peace
Women-owned business enterprises
Women singers
Women's music
Women's rights
Folk musicians


Birth 1949






Ark ID: w6zq4whr

SNAC ID: 84373980