Graff, Robert D., 1919-

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Sean O'Casey was an Irish playwright.

From the guide to the Robert D. and Marjorie Graff Sean O'Casey collection, 1916-1980., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Robert D. and Marjorie S. Graff are book collectors who maintain their private library in Far Hills, New Jersey. Robert S. Graff's collecting interests focused on 20th century American, English and Irish literature,including first editions. In 1965, Graff became a member of the Grolier Club, a New York City bibliophile society, and served as President (1978-1982) and as a member of the Council, the Committee on Publications, and the Centennial Committee (1983-1984). Marjorie S. Graff has been a member of the Grolier Club since 1982.

From the description of Papers relating to book collecting, 1952-1982 (bulk 1965-1982). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 86160121

O'Casey was an Irish playwright.

From the description of Robert D. and Marjorie Graff Sean O'Casey collection, 1916-1980. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612196674

Karen Blixen was a Danish author who used the pen name of Isak Dinesen.

From the description of Papers concerning Karen Blixen, 1934-1972 (inclusive), 1953-1967 (bulk). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 122412044

From the guide to the Robert D. Graff collection of papers concerning Karen Blixen, 1934-1972 (inclusive), 1953-1967 (bulk)., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Young Cassidy was the 1965 film version adaptation of Sean O'Casey's autobiography, Mirror in my house. The story was a biographical drama based upon the life of playwright Sean O'Casey. Robert Graff was the producer of the film, and it was directed by Jack Cardiff, and starred Rod Taylor, Maggie Smith, Julie Christie, Michael Redgrave, and others. The movie originally was directed by John Ford, but when he fell ill, he was replaced by Cardiff. John Whiting wrote the screenplay.

From the description of Robert D. Graff collection on Young Cassidy, 1964. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 656153990

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Autograph File, A, 1518-2002. Houghton Library
creatorOf Samuel Beckett papers Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Grolier Club. Grolier Club Centennial records, 1982-1985. Grolier Club
creatorOf Graff, Robert D., 1919-,. Robert D. and Marjorie Graff Sean O'Casey collection, 1916-1980. Houghton Library
creatorOf Graff, Robert D., 1919-,. Robert D. Graff collection on Young Cassidy, 1964. Houghton Library
creatorOf Graff, Robert D., 1919-. Collection of Roger E. Stoddard papers, 1985-2009, bulk 2000-2009. Grolier Club
creatorOf Collection of materials on Noah and the Flood, 1959-1986 The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.
creatorOf Graff, Robert D., 1919-. Papers relating to book collecting, 1952-1982 (bulk 1965-1982). Grolier Club
creatorOf Robert D. Graff collection of papers concerning Karen Blixen, 1934-1972 (inclusive), 1953-1967 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Mary Hyde Eccles papers, 1853-2005, (bulk) 1939-2003. Houghton Library
referencedIn Grolier Club. Publications Committee. Records of the Committee on Publications, 1884-1983. Grolier Club
creatorOf Graff, Robert D., 1919-,. Papers concerning Karen Blixen, 1934-1972 (inclusive), 1953-1967 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Graff, Robert D., 1919-,. [Playbills, magazines, clippings and ephemera relating to the theater from the library of Robert D. Graff] Houghton Library
referencedIn Autograph File, L, 1641-1976. Houghton Library
creatorOf Graff, Robert D., 1919-. Collection of materials on Noah and the Flood, New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Graff, Robert D., 1919-,. Letters and documents about St. Croix : manuscript, 1784-1902. HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
creatorOf Graff, Robert D., 1919-. Papers, [ca. 1960]-1962. Campbell University, Wiggins Memorial Library
creatorOf Robert D. and Marjorie Graff Sean O'Casey collection, 1916-1980. Houghton Library
referencedIn Grolier Club. Records of the Library Endowment Fund and of the Development Fund, 1920- (bulk 1964-) Grolier Club
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith A. D. Peters person
correspondedWith Allan McNab person
correspondedWith American committee for Sean O'Casey's centenary. corporateBody
correspondedWith American-Irish historical society. corporateBody
correspondedWith Anshen, Ruth Nanda. person
correspondedWith Armand. person
associatedWith Ayling, Ronald, 1932- person
correspondedWith Barr, Mrs. Alfred H. person
correspondedWith Baxter, Gwen. person
associatedWith Beaton, Cecil, 1904- person
associatedWith Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989. person
associatedWith Blixen, Karen person
correspondedWith Blixen, Karen, 1885-1962 person
correspondedWith Celeste person
associatedWith Christie, Julie. person
correspondedWith Christie, Julie. person
correspondedWith Christie, Rosemary. person
correspondedWith Christo Graff person
correspondedWith Cockie. person
correspondedWith Couper, Patsy. person
correspondedWith Cowasjee, Saros. person
associatedWith Craft, Robert person
associatedWith Craft, Robert, 1923- person
correspondedWith Cyril William Beaumont person
associatedWith Dawson and Hart corporateBody
correspondedWith Diarmid Coffey person
correspondedWith Dillon, Eoin. person
associatedWith Dinesen, Isak, 1885-1962. person
associatedWith Dinesen, Thomas, 1892- person
associatedWith Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968. person
correspondedWith Dudgeon, J. Hume. person
correspondedWith Durkan, Michael Joseph. person
associatedWith Durrell, Lawrence, 1912- person
associatedWith Eccles, Mary Hyde. person
correspondedWith Eileen O'Casey person
correspondedWith Erik Vagn Jensen person
correspondedWith Evans, Edith. person
correspondedWith Falkind, Paul. person
correspondedWith Finch, Bill. person
correspondedWith Foote, John. person
associatedWith Ford, Charles Henri . person
associatedWith Ford, John, 1894-1973. person
correspondedWith Ford, John, 1895- person
associatedWith Ford, Ruth. person
associatedWith Frye, William P. (William Pierce), 1831-1911, person
associatedWith Gatura, Kamande. person
associatedWith Gielgud, Sir John, 1904- person
correspondedWith Ginna, Robert Emmett. person
correspondedWith Goldberg, Bertrand. person
correspondedWith Gordon Courtney person
associatedWith Gouverneur, Isaac. person
correspondedWith Graff, Howard. person
correspondedWith Graff, Marjorie. person
associatedWith Graff, Marjorie S. person
associatedWith Graff, Robert D. person
associatedWith Gray, Cleve. person
associatedWith Grolier Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Grolier Club. Publications Committee. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gyldendalske Boghandel, nordisk Forlag. person
correspondedWith Harris, Richard S. person
associatedWith Haynes, Eugene. person
correspondedWith Horton, Carolyn. person
associatedWith Houghton Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Howes, Barbara. person
correspondedWith Hugh person
associatedWith Isak Dinesen. person
correspondedWith Jacki Whiting person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Douglas M. person
correspondedWith Jane Welby person
correspondedWith J., Dorothy. person
correspondedWith Jean person
correspondedWith Jess Petersen person
correspondedWith John H. Hutchinson person
correspondedWith John McKerchar person
correspondedWith John Montgomery person
correspondedWith John Robert Whiting person
correspondedWith John Singier person
associatedWith Karen Blixen person
correspondedWith Katharine Gregory person
correspondedWith Killanin, Michael. person
associatedWith Kit Casey person
correspondedWith Kup, Karl, 1903- person
correspondedWith Lawrence M. Bensky person
correspondedWith Lawson, George. person
correspondedWith Lefko, Morris E. person
correspondedWith Lola L. Szladits person
correspondedWith López, Marco. person
associatedWith Low, Nicholas, 1739-1826, person
associatedWith Macmillan and Co., Ltd.) corporateBody
associatedWith Maire person
correspondedWith Marjorie Graff person
associatedWith Marks, Claude. person
correspondedWith Maurice. person
associatedWith McKinley, William, 1843-1901. person
correspondedWith Michael Joseph Durkan person
associatedWith Migel, Parmenia. person
correspondedWith Mili, Gjon, 1904- person
correspondedWith Montgomery, John. person
correspondedWith Moos, Charles J. person
associatedWith Murray-Aaron, Eugene, 1852-1941. person
correspondedWith New York (City) Public Library. corporateBody
associatedWith New York times corporateBody
correspondedWith O'Casey, Eileen. person
associatedWith O'Casey, Sean, 1880-1964. person
correspondedWith O'Kelly, Marie. person
correspondedWith Ole Wivel person
associatedWith Olivier, Laurence, 1907-1989. person
correspondedWith Olivier, Laurence, Baron Olivier, 1907- person
correspondedWith O'Riada, Sean. person
correspondedWith Parmenia Migel person
associatedWith Paul Shyre person
correspondedWith Peter person
associatedWith Peter Beard person
correspondedWith Peters, A. D. person
associatedWith Petersen, Viggo Kjaer. person
correspondedWith Phillips, Siân. person
correspondedWith Random house, inc., New York. corporateBody
associatedWith Rasmussen, Steen Eiler, 1898- person
correspondedWith Richards, Butler & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Richards Butler (Firm). corporateBody
correspondedWith Robert D. Graff person
associatedWith Robert Goode Hogan person
correspondedWith Robson, Flora, 1902- person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962. person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. person
associatedWith Ross, Nancy Wilson, 1905- person
associatedWith R. & R. Clark, Ltd., (Edinburgh), printers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ryan, Frank. person
correspondedWith Sally person
correspondedWith Saros Cowasjee person
associatedWith Scott, Zachary. person
correspondedWith Seafe, Ted?. person
correspondedWith Sean O'Casey person
associatedWith Sean O Cathasaigh. person
correspondedWith Sextant Films. corporateBody
associatedWith Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950. person
correspondedWith Smith, Maggie. person
associatedWith Solano, Solita, 1888- person
correspondedWith Steele, Suzanne. person
correspondedWith Stine, Jack D. person
associatedWith Stoddard, Roger E. (Roger Eliot) person
correspondedWith Straus, David. person
associatedWith Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971. person
correspondedWith Svendsen, Clara. person
correspondedWith Talbot, Bill. person
correspondedWith Taylor, Rod. person
correspondedWith T. Bunting Rodgers person
correspondedWith The Sarofeems. family
correspondedWith Thomson, David Gideon. person
associatedWith T. M. Farribe person
associatedWith Walter, Eugene. person
correspondedWith Weddell, Inger. person
correspondedWith Welby, Jane. person
associatedWith Wescott, Glenway, 1901- person
correspondedWith Whiting, Jackie. person
associatedWith Whiting, John person
associatedWith Whiting, John. person
associatedWith Wilcocks, John. person
associatedWith Windham, Donald. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Virgin Islands of the United States
New Jersey--Far Hills
United States
United States
Authors, Danish
Authors, Irish
Ballet in television
Book collecting
Book collectors
Rare books
Documentary television programs
Dramatists, Irish
Manuscripts (Letters)
Book collectors
Women authors, Danish


Birth 1919



Ark ID: w6k361q7

SNAC ID: 22270297