Smith family

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Manasseh Smith (1748-1823) was a 1775 graduate of Harvard College, a chaplain during the Revolution as well as a lawyer in Wiscasset, Maine. And, importantly, he was also the "progenitor of a race of lawyers": his four sons all practiced law in midcoast Maine and elsewhere, as did many of his grandsons. His son Joseph Emerson Smith (1782-1837; Harvard 1804) was perhaps the most well-known and primarily handled mercantile cases in Boston, spending a great deal of time collecting unpaid bills. He appeared many times in front of the Massachusetts Superior Court, and in 1817, a case he defended, Walter v. Otis, made it all the way to the US Supreme Court where it was defended by Daniel Webster. He was also a major in the Massachusetts Militia, and many items of correspondence allude to his service. Another son, Samuel Emerson Smith (1788-1860; Bowdoin College 1808), was a lawyer in Wiscasset, Maine and later became a circuit judge, as well as serving in the Maine legislature in the 1820s and as Governor of Maine from 1831-1834. The other two sons, Manasseh Smith, Jr. (1779-1822; Harvard 1800) and Edwin Smith (b. 1790; Harvard 1811) also practiced law in Wiscasset. Manasseh Sr. and his wife Hannah Emerson also had four daughters, Lydia R. Smith (1777-1858) and Lucy Smith (1783-1842), who did not marry, Hannah who married Samuel Sevey, and Mary (b. 1776) who married Ivory Hovey. This collection also contains business papers and correspondence from Samuel Emerson Smith's sons, S. Emerson Smith, Jr. (b. 1834), Joseph Emerson Smith II (1835-1881) and Benjamin F. Smith (b. 1842). All were lawyers, S. Emerson practicing in Wiscasset, and Joseph Emerson and Benjamin practicing in Chicago. For more information on the genealogy of the Smith family, please see the incomplete family tree in the front of box 4. This collection also contains the business papers of Dudley Watson Moor (1836-1900) and Edward W. Heath, whose connection to the Smith family is unclear. Moor and Heath apparently dealt in real estate in Maine in the late 19th and early 20th century. They also appear to have been involved in the corporate business of the Somerset and Kennebec Company, which seems to have been a cardboard and box-making factory. There are also papers related to the operation of the Kennebec Fibre Company, a paper mill on the Kennebec River. The collection also includes family papers of the Heath family, dealing with the estate of Edward's father, Wyman Heath, and with Francis E. Heath, Edward's brother and a commanding officer of the 19th Maine Infantry during the Civil War.

From the guide to the Papers, 1782-1907, (Harvard Law School Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Smith family papers, 1774-1907 Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Ames, Benjamin person
associatedWith Appleton, John, 1804-1891 person
associatedWith Bailey, John. person
correspondedWith Barker, Samuel person
associatedWith Barker, Samuel P. person
correspondedWith Bates, George person
correspondedWith Binney, Amos person
associatedWith Birch Point Lumber Mill. corporateBody
associatedWith Blake, George, 1802-1871 person
associatedWith Blaney, Andrew. person
associatedWith Bradbury and Bradbury (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Bradbury, Bion. person
correspondedWith Charles D. Brown & Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Chase, Thomas L. person
associatedWith Clark, Henry. person
correspondedWith Clark, John person
associatedWith Colby, Charles S. person
associatedWith Donnison, William, 1757-1834 person
associatedWith Dudley W. Moor person
associatedWith Dunham, John M. person
correspondedWith Dwinal, James person
associatedWith E. Jones person
correspondedWith Emerson, Joseph B. person
associatedWith Engley, Isaac G. person
associatedWith First National Bank of Wiscasset. corporateBody
correspondedWith Flagg, H. person
associatedWith Fowler, Bradford. person
associatedWith Fowles, Bradford. person
associatedWith French, E. B. person
associatedWith Fuller and Smith (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Fuller, Fred A. person
associatedWith Fuller, H. Weld. person
associatedWith Gentlemen, Charles Marcy. person
correspondedWith Glidden, Keah, Edward and David person
correspondedWith Goff, Charles and Deborah person
associatedWith Gould and Moore (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Greenleaf, Simon, 1783-1853 person
associatedWith Hall, A. W. person
associatedWith Harvard College, 1780- corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School. corporateBody
associatedWith Hayden, E. D. person
associatedWith Hazeltine, Charles B. person
associatedWith Heath, Edward W. person
associatedWith Heath, Wyman. person
correspondedWith Hilton, Joshua person
correspondedWith Holbrook, Samuel person
correspondedWith Hovey, Edwin Sevey person
correspondedWith Hovey, Frances Eliza person
correspondedWith Hovey, Ivory. person
correspondedWith Hovey, Joseph person
correspondedWith Hovey, Mary H. person
correspondedWith Hovey, Mary Smith person
associatedWith Hughes, James. person
associatedWith Ingalls, Henry. person
associatedWith Ivory Hovey person
associatedWith Jackson, Frank H. person
associatedWith Jarvis, Russell, 1791-1853 person
associatedWith Jordan and Blake (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Joseph E. Smith person
associatedWith Kelley, John E. person
associatedWith Kennebec Fibre Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Legate, Thomas person
associatedWith Libbey, A. person
associatedWith Maine. Sagadahoc Registry of Deeds. corporateBody
associatedWith Manasseh Smith, Jr. person
associatedWith Manasseh Smith, Sr. person
associatedWith Marston, Nymphas. person
associatedWith Mary Smith person
associatedWith Mattocks and Fox (Firm) corporateBody
correspondedWith McCrate, Thomas person
associatedWith Mellen, Prentiss, 1764-1840 person
associatedWith Merrill, Thomas J. person
associatedWith Miller, John. person
correspondedWith Moody, Joseph person
associatedWith Moor, Dudley Watson. person
correspondedWith Morgan, Jonathan person
correspondedWith Morland, Robert person
correspondedWith Morton, Joseph person
associatedWith Morton, Oren Frederic, 1857-1926 person
associatedWith Nathaniel Holbrook person
associatedWith Otis, William. person
associatedWith Packard, Daniel L. person
correspondedWith Page, John person
associatedWith Page, Samuel. person
associatedWith Parker, Isaac person
associatedWith Parker, Isaac, 1768-1830 person
correspondedWith Patton, Robert person
correspondedWith Philbrook and Peters person
associatedWith Prentiss, Abba. person
associatedWith Prentiss, Henry M. person
associatedWith Rice, Warren. person
associatedWith Samuel E. Smith person
associatedWith Samuel E. Smith, Jr. person
associatedWith Sawyer, Frank O. person
associatedWith Seavey, James O. person
correspondedWith Sedgwick, H. D. and M. person
correspondedWith Sevey, Edwin person
correspondedWith Sevey, John person
correspondedWith Sevey, Samuel person
correspondedWith Sevey, Samuel, Jr. person
correspondedWith Sevey, William person
correspondedWith Sewall, J. B. person
associatedWith Sheldon, Bartlett person
associatedWith Shepherd, John H. person
associatedWith Shepherd, John Hannibal. person
correspondedWith Simmons, Henry person
associatedWith Smith, Benjamin F. person
correspondedWith Smith, Edwin. person
correspondedWith Smith, Elijah person
correspondedWith Smith, Frances Olivia person
associatedWith Smith, Hannah. person
correspondedWith Smith, Henry W. F. person
correspondedWith Smith, John person
associatedWith Smith, Joseph Emerson, 1782-1837 person
correspondedWith Smith, Louisa Fuller person
associatedWith Smith, Lucy, 1783-1842 person
associatedWith Smith, Lydia, 1777-1858 person
correspondedWith Smith, Lydia R. person
correspondedWith Smith, Manasseh person
associatedWith Smith, Manasseh, 1748-1823 person
associatedWith Smith, Manasseh, 1779-1822 person
correspondedWith Smith, Manasseh H. person
correspondedWith Smith, Manasseh, Jr. person
associatedWith Smith, Samuel Emerson, 1788-1860 person
associatedWith Smith, S. Emerson, 1834-1881 person
correspondedWith Smith, S. Emerson, Jr. person
associatedWith Smith, Silas. person
associatedWith Snow, T. T. person
associatedWith Somerset and Kennebec Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Southard, William L. person
associatedWith Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866 person
associatedWith Spaulding, Joseph Whitman. person
associatedWith Supreme Judicial Court). corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Gardner Urann person
associatedWith Tinkham, C. J. person
correspondedWith Tuttle, Sarah Smith person
associatedWith United States. Supreme Court. corporateBody
associatedWith Very, John C. person
associatedWith Vose, Thomas W. person
associatedWith Walter, Lynde. person
associatedWith Ward, Edward H. person
associatedWith Warren, Henry. person
associatedWith Warren, James. person
associatedWith Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 person
associatedWith Whitney, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Wilde, William C. person
associatedWith Willard, Calvin. person
correspondedWith Wood, Abiel person
associatedWith Wood, Edward H. person
associatedWith Yates, George Washington, 1872- person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Wiscasset (Me.)
Yarmouth (Mass.)
Ipswich (Mass.)
Massachusetts. Supreme Judicial Court.
Hyannis (Mass.)
Bangor (Me.)
Barnstable (Mass.)
Bills of exchange


Related Descriptions


Ark ID: w68200qd

SNAC ID: 20008879