Owens, William A., 1905-1990

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For a brief biographical summary of the career of William A. Owens, please see the Inventory of Part I of the William A. Owens Papers.

From the guide to the Inventory of the William A. Owens Papers (Part Three): LIT/Owens MSS 00090., 1964-1988, (Cushing Memorial Library)

William A. Owens (1905- ), a Texas native, became a noted folklorist and educator, but is more widely known for his books on folklore, folksongs and Texas history. To escape the poverty of rural Texas cotton farms, Owens undertook numerous menial jobs to finance his education. In 1924 he entered East Texas State Teachers College in Commerce, earning a high school diploma and elementary teaching certificate. He later earned the B.A. (1932) and M.A. (1933) at Southern Methodist University, and the Ph. D. (1941) from the State University of Iowa.

From the description of Papers (part two), 1940-1980. (Texas A&M University). WorldCat record id: 50068480

From the description of Papers (part one), 1922-1979. (Texas A&M University). WorldCat record id: 50067390

Born to Charles and Jessie Ann (Chenault) Owens in Pin Hook, Texas, folklorist William A. Owens (1905-1990) was raised on cotton farms throughout Texas. He graduated from East Texas State Teachers College in Commerce in the late 1920s. Receiving bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Southern Methodist University in 1932 and 1933, respectively, Owens earned a Ph.D. from the State University of Iowa, writing his dissertation on Texas folk songs. While teaching at Texas A & M University (1937-1947), he took leave to serve in the U. S. Army’s 306th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment in the Philippines, for which he received the Legion of Merit. From 1947 until retirement in 1974, he served Columbia University as Professor in the English Department (1966-1974), Director of the Summer Session (1959-1969), and Dean of the Summer Session (1969-1972). Additionally, Owens was director of the Oral History of the Texas Oil Industry Project at the University of Texas at Austin from 1952 to 1958, during which time he also interviewed academics on related topics, including naturalist Roy Bedichek, folklorist J. Frank Dobie, and historian Walter Prescott Webb.


Inventory of the William A. Owens Papers (Part One): 1922-1979. Cushing Library, University Libraries, Texas A & M University. Accessed April 6, 2011. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00088/tamu-00088.html .

Oral History of the Texas Oil Industry Collection, 1952-1958, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin. Accessed April 7, 2011. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00282/cah-00282.html .

From the guide to the Owens, William A. oral history transcripts 92-226., 1953, (Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin)

William A. Owens, noted folklorist, author, and educator, was born in Pin Hook, Texas on November 2, 1905, the son of Charles Owens and Jessie Ann (Chenault) Owens . He spent his childhood on the small cotton farms around tiny rural communities of Pin Hook, Novice, Faught, and Blossom . Owens was indeed a child of the poverty and hard times that had gripped the agricultural regions of the South since the Civil War and Reconstruction. These early years, were, however, tempered by the love and closeness of his family, a family that sometimes had as many as four generations living under one roof. His father had died only a few days after Owens' birth, and it was from his mother that he learned the values of hard work and self reliance. In addition, he acquired a love of reading and a desire to obtain an education beyond the one room schoolhouses of Lamar County .

In an effort to finance his education, Owens undertook numerous odd jobs as a farmer's hired hand, stock clerk, and for a short time, combination waiter and dishwasher at Dallas University . In 1924 he entered East Texas State Teachers College in Commerce . Studying long hours on his own to make up for the deficiencies in his country school education and waiting tables and picking cotton to pay his way, Owens earned a high school diploma and elementary teaching certificate. After graduation, however, there were few jobs available in country schools and Owens lacked the qualifications to teach in the larger school systems.

Owens moved to Paris, Texas and for the next few years struggled against nearly overwhelming economic hardships to continue school at the newly opened junior college. Although these were very difficult times, he never lost sight of continuing his education and becoming a teacher.

With two years of college completed and a new teaching certificate, he returned to Pin Hook to teach in the one room school he had left only five years before. After two years teaching in country schools, Owens returned to college. He attended Southern Methodist University where he received the BA degree in 1932 and the MA degree in 1933. In 1941, he received his Ph.D. from the State University of Iowa . The title of his dissertation was Texas Folk Songs.

With the completion of the Master's degree, Owens began his profession in earnest, compiling an enviable record as an academician with legions of grateful former students. During his career Owens taught at Greenville High School in Greenville, Texas (1934-35); Wesley College in Greenville, Texas (1935-36); Mississippi State College (1936); Robert E. Lee High School in Goose Creek, Texas (1936-37); Texas A & M University (1937-40, 1941-1947); University of Texas (1946); Columbia University (1947-1974). Additionally he served as Director of Research in Folk Materials (1941) and Director of the Oral History of Texas Oil Pioneers (1952-58) at the University of Texas in Austin, Texa s. He also served as Director of the Summer Session (1959-1969) and Dean of the Summer Session (1969-72) at Columbia University . During World War II, Dr. Owens took leave from Texas A & M University and served with distinction as Officer in the United States Army, receiving the Legion of Merit for meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service in Luzon, Philippines Islands while serving with the 306th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment .

While his career as teacher, lecturer, and administrator has been full, he is more widely known as a gifted author. In addition to numerous articles, reviews and short stories, his books serve as monuments to his craft. His works include Swing and Turn: Texas Play-Party Games (1936); Texas Folk Songs (1950, revised in 1976); Slave Mutiny: The Revolt on the Schooner Amistad (1953); Walking on Borrowed Land (1954); Fever in the Earth (1958); Look to the River (1963); This Stubborn Soil (1966); Three Friends: Bedichek, Dobie, Webb (1969); Tales From the Derrick Floor (with Mody C. Boatright, 1970); A Season of Weathering (1973); and A Fair and Happy Land (1975).

Dr. Owens married Ann S. Wood on December 23, 1946. Their two children are Jessie Ann and David Edward.

From the guide to the Inventory of the William A. Owens Papers (Part One) LIT/Owens MSS 00088., 1922-1979, (Cushing Memorial Library, )

Born to Charles and Jessie Ann (Chenault) Owens in Pin Hook, Texas, folklorist William A. Owens (1905-1990) was raised on cotton farms throughout Texas.

He graduated from East Texas State Teachers College in Commerce in the late 1920s. Receiving bachelor's and master's degrees from Southern Methodist University in 1932 and 1933, respectively, Owens earned a Ph.D. from the State University of Iowa, writing his dissertation on Texas folk songs. While teaching at Texas A & M University (1937-1947), he took leave to serve in the U. S. Army's 306th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment in the Philippines, for which he received the Legion of Merit. From 1947 until retirement in 1974, he served Columbia University as Professor in the English Department (1966-1974), Director of the Summer Session (1959-1969), and Dean of the Summer Session (1969-1972). Additionally, Owens was director of the Oral History of the Texas Oil Industry Project at the University of Texas at Austin from 1952 to 1958, during which time he also interviewed academics on related topics, including naturalist Roy Bedichek, folklorist J. Frank Dobie, and historian Walter Prescott Webb.

From the description of Owens, William A., oral history transcripts, 1953 (University of Texas Libraries). WorldCat record id: 772630838

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Owens, William A., 1905-1990. Papers (part one), 1922-1979. Texas A&M University, Evans Library & Annex; Main campus library complex
creatorOf Inventory of the William A. Owens Papers (Part Three): LIT/Owens MSS 00090., 1964-1988 Cushing Memorial Library,
creatorOf Owens, William A. oral history transcripts 92-226., 1953 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Warren Skaaren Papers TXRC95-A94., 1946-1991, (bulk 1970-1990) Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
creatorOf Owens, William A., 1905-1990. Papers (part two), 1940-1980. Texas A&M University, Evans Library & Annex; Main campus library complex
creatorOf Inventory of the William A. Owens Papers (Part Two) Cushing Memorial Library,
referencedIn Biography -- Owens, Bill. Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library
creatorOf Owens, William A., 1905-1990. Owens, William A., oral history transcripts, 1953 University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Roy Bedichek Papers, 1897-1959 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Bedichek, Roy, 1878-1959. Bedichek, Roy, papers, 1897-1959. University of Texas Libraries
creatorOf Inventory of the William A. Owens Papers (Part One) LIT/Owens MSS 00088., 1922-1979 Cushing Memorial Library,
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith 306th CIC detachment corporateBody
associatedWith Abner Cleaver person
associatedWith Abraham Lincoln person
correspondedWith A. C. Garnes person
correspondedWith A. C. Smity person
correspondedWith Adlai Stevenson person
correspondedWith Agnes Agatha Robinson person
associatedWith A. J. Thaman person
correspondedWith Alan Lomax person
correspondedWith Alan Pipkin person
associatedWith Albert Guerard person
correspondedWith Alcoa corporateBody
associatedWith Alexander Balfour Patterson person
correspondedWith Alex Haley person
correspondedWith Alfonse D'Amato person
associatedWith Alfred Appel, Jr. person
correspondedWith Alfred Wilkes person
correspondedWith Alfred Wilkes person
correspondedWith Alfred Wupperman person
correspondedWith Alicia Patterson Foundation Fellowship Program corporateBody
correspondedWith Alistair Cooke person
associatedWith Allen Cleaver person
associatedWith Allen Walker Read person
associatedWith Allen W. Hamill person
correspondedWith Al Lowman person
correspondedWith Alvin G. Brown person
correspondedWith Al W. Hamill person
correspondedWith Amarillo Public Library corporateBody
correspondedWith American Academy of Political and Social Science corporateBody
correspondedWith American Airlines corporateBody
correspondedWith American Folklore Society corporateBody
correspondedWith American Heritage Publishers corporateBody
correspondedWith American Petroleum Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Amica Mutual Insurance Company corporateBody
associatedWith Amistad mutiny person
correspondedWith Amistad Research Center corporateBody
correspondedWith Anderson Candy Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Anita Low person
correspondedWith Annie Laurie William person
correspondedWith Annie Laurie Williams person
correspondedWith Annie Laurie Williams person
correspondedWith Annie Laurie Williams person
correspondedWith Annie L. Williams person
correspondedWith Annie Mae Toucha person
associatedWith Annie Webb Buchanan Jackson person
correspondedWith Archives of the University of Texas corporateBody
associatedWith A. R. Dillard person
correspondedWith Arlington Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Army corporateBody
associatedWith Arthur Cotton person
associatedWith Arthur Elliot person
correspondedWith Arthur Halliburton person
associatedWith Ashley Weaner person
correspondedWith Association of University Summer Sessions corporateBody
correspondedWith Atheneum Publishers corporateBody
associatedWith August von Hartz person
correspondedWith AUSS corporateBody
associatedWith A. W. Cleaver person
correspondedWith Barbara Jordan person
associatedWith Bascom Giles person
correspondedWith Baylor University corporateBody
correspondedWith Beatrice Hacker person
correspondedWith Beaumont Heritage Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Bedford Hills corporateBody
correspondedWith Bedford Hills Free Library corporateBody
associatedWith Bedichek, Roy, 1878-1959 person
correspondedWith Ben and Beulah Brentley person
correspondedWith Ben Austin person
correspondedWith Ben Brantley person
associatedWith Benjamin (Bud) Coyle person
correspondedWith Benjamin Gilman person
correspondedWith Berea College corporateBody
associatedWith B. H. Harper person
correspondedWith Big Thicket Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Bill Brett person
correspondedWith Bill Brett person
correspondedWith Bill Humphrey person
associatedWith Bill Ingram person
correspondedWith Bill Jamison person
correspondedWith Bill Porterfield person
associatedWith Bishop Loerks person
correspondedWith Blair Pittman person
correspondedWith Boatright, Mody Coggin, 1896-1970 person
correspondedWith Bob Anderson person
correspondedWith Bobbs-Merrill Comapny, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bobbs Merrill Company, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston University corporateBody
correspondedWith Braggs person
correspondedWith British Braodcasting Company corporateBody
correspondedWith British Broadcasting Company corporateBody
associatedWith Bruce Turner person
correspondedWith Bureau of Public Schools Extracurricular Activities for the University of Texas Division of Extension corporateBody
associatedWith Burk Puschall person
associatedWith Burl Cartright person
correspondedWith Burroughs Mitchell person
associatedWith Burt E. Hull person
associatedWith Carl Angstadt person
associatedWith Carl F. Mirus person
associatedWith Carl Mirus person
associatedWith Carlton Speed person
correspondedWith Carl Van Doran person
correspondedWith Carson McCuller person
correspondedWith Carson-Newman College corporateBody
associatedWith Cary (Slim) Harrison person
associatedWith C. C. McCelland person
associatedWith Charles Nelson Barnard person
correspondedWith Charles Owens person
associatedWith Charles R. Underhill, Jr. person
correspondedWith Charles Schultz person
correspondedWith Charles Scribners and Sons corporateBody
correspondedWith Charles Scribner's Sons corporateBody
associatedWith Charles W. Randolph person
associatedWith Charlie Lane person
correspondedWith Cherry Rhodes person
correspondedWith Cherry Rohodes person
correspondedWith Chester Kielman person
correspondedWith Chicago Public Schools corporateBody
associatedWith Chris Jones person
associatedWith Christopher G. Katope person
correspondedWith Christopher McMillan person
correspondedWith CIC corporateBody
correspondedWith CIC Reunion corporateBody
correspondedWith Citizens Budget Advisory Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith C. Kielman person
associatedWith Clair McCormick person
associatedWith Claud Deer person
associatedWith Claude B. Pennington person
associatedWith Claude L. Welherspoon person
correspondedWith Claudette Sorel person
correspondedWith Cleavers person
correspondedWith Clinton Machann person
associatedWith Clinton Machann person
correspondedWith Clint W. Murchison person
associatedWith Clint Wood person
associatedWith Cluett person
associatedWith Clyde F. Newstrand person
associatedWith C. M. Jorner person
correspondedWith Columbia corporateBody
correspondedWith Columbia corporateBody
correspondedWith Columbia corporateBody
correspondedWith Columbia Scholastic Press Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Columbia University corporateBody
correspondedWith Columbia University Art Center corporateBody
associatedWith Communities Resources Pool corporateBody
correspondedWith Community Colleges of the University of Hawaii corporateBody
correspondedWith Counter Intelligence Corps corporateBody
correspondedWith Crain, Maurice person
correspondedWith Crain, Maurice person
correspondedWith C. R. Schultz person
associatedWith Curt G. Hamill person
correspondedWith Curt Hamill person
associatedWith C. W. Bland person
correspondedWith Dagmar Hamilton person
associatedWith Daniel G. Hoffman person
correspondedWith Dan Kilgore person
associatedWith David Brooks Cofer person
correspondedWith David Chapman person
associatedWith David Driskell person
correspondedWith David Holland person
associatedWith David Holland person
associatedWith David Owens person
correspondedWith David Owens person
correspondedWith David R. Godine Publishers, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith David Tyrone person
correspondedWith Dearman person
associatedWith D. E. Kilgore person
correspondedWith Delacorte Press corporateBody
associatedWith Dial School corporateBody
associatedWith Dobie, J. Frank (James Frank), 1888-1964 person
associatedWith Donald Leman Clark person
correspondedWith Don Sloan person
correspondedWith Don Taylor person
correspondedWith Dora B. Weiner person
correspondedWith Dora Weiner person
associatedWith Dotson Rader person
correspondedWith Doubleday corporateBody
correspondedWith Doubleday corporateBody
correspondedWith Doubleday corporateBody
correspondedWith Doubleday Publishing Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Doughty person
correspondedWith Douglas Joe Holley person
associatedWith Dr. D. W. Davis person
correspondedWith D. Taebel person
correspondedWith Dudley Sharp person
associatedWith Duncan Emrich person
correspondedWith Dupont corporateBody
correspondedWith Duval Edwards person
correspondedWith Duval (Val) Edwards person
correspondedWith eace Happiness Prosperity Institute corporateBody
associatedWith E. A. Hambelton person
associatedWith Earey C. Deane person
associatedWith Earl Kennedy person
associatedWith Earl Rudder corporateBody
associatedWith Earl Snider person
correspondedWith Eastman School of Music corporateBody
associatedWith East Texas Historical Association corporateBody
associatedWith East Texas State corporateBody
correspondedWith East Texas State University corporateBody
associatedWith E. C. Laster person
associatedWith E. D. Bowen person
correspondedWith Ed C. Connor person
associatedWith Edgar Eggleston Towens person
associatedWith Edgar Eggleston Townes person
associatedWith Ed Prather person
associatedWith Edwin Ford Piper person
associatedWith Edwin Way Teale person
correspondedWith Ehrhard person
associatedWith E. I. Thompson person
associatedWith E. J. Nicklos person
correspondedWith Elaine Steinbeck person
associatedWith Eldon Branda person
correspondedWith Eleanor Roosevelt person
correspondedWith Elizabeth Bowne person
associatedWith E. L. Lantron person
correspondedWith Ellen Koskoff person
associatedWith E. M. Friend person
correspondedWith Episcopal Church corporateBody
associatedWith E. P. (Matt) Matteson person
associatedWith Eric Anderson person
associatedWith Ernest E. Leisy person
correspondedWith Ernst Putzi Hanfstaegl person
associatedWith E. Shoemaker person
correspondedWith Ethel Osbourne Hill person
associatedWith Eugene Hollon person
correspondedWith Evelyn Oppenheimer person
correspondedWith Everett Opie person
associatedWith Fain Gillock person
associatedWith Farr Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Fawcett Publications, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith F. G. Swanson person
correspondedWith Fort Worth Films corporateBody
associatedWith Frank Cullinan person
associatedWith Frank Dunn person
associatedWith Frank Hamilton person
associatedWith Frank Redman person
correspondedWith Frank Wardlaw person
correspondedWith Fred person
associatedWith Fred Jennings person
correspondedWith Friends of American Writers corporateBody
correspondedWith Friends of the Sterling C. Evans Library corporateBody
correspondedWith F. Wardlaw person
associatedWith F. W. Fisher person
associatedWith G. A. Humason person
correspondedWith Geneva Berry person
correspondedWith George Haley person
associatedWith George Walker Weller person
correspondedWith Gerald Arrington person
correspondedWith Gilbert J. Jordan person
correspondedWith Gilbert Jordan person
correspondedWith G. Jordan person
associatedWith Glenn H. McCarthy person
associatedWith Goose Creek corporateBody
associatedWith Gordon Bankston person
correspondedWith Grace Church corporateBody
correspondedWith Grant Wood person
associatedWith Grant Wood person
correspondedWith Gregory Tobin person
correspondedWith Guner Oztuna person
associatedWith Guy Crosson person
associatedWith Guy Finley person
associatedWith G. W. Webb person
correspondedWith Haliburton's corporateBody
associatedWith H. A. Rathke person
associatedWith Hardeman Roberts person
associatedWith Harold C. Starkey person
associatedWith Harold Halsey person
correspondedWith Harper and Row Publishers, Inc corporateBody
associatedWith Harry R. Paramore person
correspondedWith Harry Truman person
correspondedWith Hawaii Community College corporateBody
associatedWith H. C. Miller person
associatedWith H. C. Sloop person
correspondedWith Helen Hayes person
correspondedWith Helen Hayes person
correspondedWith Henry Cabot Lodge person
associatedWith Henry C. Cleaver person
associatedWith Henry Clements person
associatedWith Henry Edwin Meyer person
correspondedWith Henry Lee Somerville person
correspondedWith Henry Marksbury person
correspondedWith Henry Marksbury person
associatedWith Henry Marks Bury person
associatedWith H. Gordon Damon person
associatedWith Holland, David person
associatedWith Holland, David person
correspondedWith Hopper person
associatedWith Howard R. Marraro person
associatedWith H. P. Hodge person
associatedWith H. P. Nichols person
associatedWith Hubert Davenport person
associatedWith Hubert M. Harrison person
correspondedWith Hughes Tool Company corporateBody
associatedWith Humble Company corporateBody
associatedWith Humble Oil and Refining Company corporateBody
associatedWith Idella Purnell person
associatedWith illiam R. Cleaver person
associatedWith Ima Hogg person
correspondedWith Imogene Dickey person
correspondedWith Irene B. Hoadley person
correspondedWith Isaac H. Rohrer person
associatedWith I. T. Kent person
correspondedWith Jack Delaney person
associatedWith Jack Knight person
correspondedWith Jacques Barzun person
correspondedWith Jacques Barzun person
associatedWith James Allen person
correspondedWith James A. Michener person
associatedWith James B. Wells person
associatedWith James Donohue person
associatedWith James E. Garrett person
associatedWith James F. Ross person
associatedWith James J. Lynch person
correspondedWith James McNutt person
associatedWith James S. Hudnall person
associatedWith James Stephen Hogg person
correspondedWith James W. Byrd person
correspondedWith James Weikart person
associatedWith James William Kinnear person
associatedWith James W. Riggs person
associatedWith J. A. Rush person
associatedWith Jay Bailey person
correspondedWith Jay Mark person
correspondedWith J. D. and Bess Cheatham person
correspondedWith Jeannette Piccard person
correspondedWith Jenkins Garrett person
correspondedWith Jessie person
correspondedWith Jessie Ann person
correspondedWith Jessie Ann Owens person
associatedWith Jewish Theological Seminary of America corporateBody
associatedWith J. Green MacKenzie person
associatedWith J. H. Anderson person
associatedWith J. H. James person
correspondedWith Jimmy Carter person
associatedWith Jimmy C. Ward person
associatedWith Jimmy Sharp person
correspondedWith Jim Wellington person
associatedWith J. L. Delplain person
associatedWith Joan Miller person
correspondedWith Joe Holley person
correspondedWith Joe Holly person
correspondedWith John Cushman person
correspondedWith John Cushman Associates, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith John Davis person
associatedWith John F. O'Donohoe person
correspondedWith John F. Prudden person
correspondedWith John Geddes person
correspondedWith John Geddes person
correspondedWith John Henry Faulk person
associatedWith John H. Jenkins person
correspondedWith John Houghton Allen person
associatedWith John H. Wynne person
associatedWith John I. Stack person
correspondedWith John Konrad person
correspondedWith John Linder person
associatedWith John Little person
correspondedWith John Lomax person
associatedWith John Mason Brown person
associatedWith John Q. Anderson person
associatedWith John Rust person
correspondedWith John Schaffner person
correspondedWith John Steinbeck person
associatedWith John Steinbeck person
correspondedWith John Steinbeck person
associatedWith John Stephen Cleaver person
associatedWith John S. Wynn person
correspondedWith John West person
associatedWith Joseph J. Perkins person
correspondedWith Joseph Krutch person
associatedWith Joseph Millard person
associatedWith Joseph M. Weaver person
associatedWith Joseph W. Hendron person
correspondedWith J. R. Parten person
correspondedWith J. R. Parten person
associatedWith J. R. Webb person
associatedWith J. S. Culligan person
associatedWith J. S. Simkins person
associatedWith J. T. Young person
correspondedWith Judith Antrobus person
correspondedWith Julie Fallowfield person
associatedWith Junius N. Bragg person
associatedWith Justina Hill person
correspondedWith Justin Anderson person
correspondedWith Justin Kidd person
correspondedWith Katherine Anne Porter person
correspondedWith Katherine Ann Porter person
correspondedWith Kay Kobara Edwards person
associatedWith Kendall C. McCook person
correspondedWith Kendall McCook person
correspondedWith Kendall McCook person
correspondedWith Ken Harrison person
associatedWith Kenneth E. Eble person
correspondedWith Kenneth Lohf person
associatedWith Kenneth Miller person
correspondedWith Lady Bird Johnson person
associatedWith Lamar University corporateBody
associatedWith Lance Rosier person
associatedWith Landon Haynes Cullum person
associatedWith Larry F. Reynolds person
correspondedWith Larry J. Wygant person
correspondedWith Larry McMurtry person
correspondedWith Lawrence Dodd person
correspondedWith Lawrence Tenney Stevens person
correspondedWith Lawrence Tibbett person
correspondedWith LBJ Library corporateBody
correspondedWith LBJ Ranch corporateBody
associatedWith L. D. Winfry person
correspondedWith Lee Keedick person
correspondedWith Leopold Moczygemba person
correspondedWith Leo Tolstoy person
associatedWith Leslie A. Fiedler person
correspondedWith Lewis Milestone person
correspondedWith Library of Congress corporateBody
correspondedWith Linda Ekfelt person
correspondedWith Lindley Beckworth person
associatedWith Little, John person
associatedWith L. L. James person
correspondedWith Lloyd Lyman person
correspondedWith Lon Tinkle person
associatedWith Lord Butler person
correspondedWith Louisiana Folklore Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Louisianna State University corporateBody
correspondedWith Loula Grace Erdman person
associatedWith Lucille Arcola Chambers person
correspondedWith Lucy West person
associatedWith Luis Taruc person
associatedWith L. V. McCarthy person
correspondedWith Lyman Grant person
correspondedWith Lyman Grant person
correspondedWith MacMillan Company corporateBody
associatedWith M. A. (Curly) Johnson person
associatedWith Madame Virginia person
associatedWith M. A. Jackson person
correspondedWith Manuel Komroff person
associatedWith Marijane Osborn person
associatedWith Marina Bokelman person
associatedWith Mark Twain person
correspondedWith Martha Emmons person
associatedWith Mary Gaillard person
correspondedWith Mary Katherine Loper person
correspondedWith Mary Kennedy McCord person
correspondedWith Mary Lou Burkett person
correspondedWith Ma Thicket person
associatedWith Mattie Evans person
correspondedWith Maurice Crain' person
correspondedWith Maxine Johnston person
associatedWith Max Theodore Schlicher person
correspondedWith M. B. Hodges, Jr. person
associatedWith M. C. Boatright person
correspondedWith McGraw-Hill Publishers corporateBody
correspondedWith McIntosh and Otis, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith McNally person
associatedWith Mexican Revolution corporateBody
associatedWith Michael Braun person
associatedWith Michael Frary person
associatedWith Michael Frary person
correspondedWith Millard Lampell person
associatedWith Millicent Merz person
correspondedWith Modern Language Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Mody Boatrigh person
correspondedWith Mody Boatright person
associatedWith Mody C. Boatright person
associatedWith Mr. Bert Stivers person
associatedWith Mr. Charlie Tucker person
correspondedWith Mrs. Boatright person
correspondedWith Mrs. David Rockefeller person
correspondedWith Mrs. Davis person
correspondedWith Mrs. Dobie person
associatedWith Mrs. Essley person
associatedWith Mrs. Finley person
associatedWith Mrs. Friend person
associatedWith Mr. Sharp person
associatedWith Mrs. Jane Roberts person
correspondedWith Mrs. John Steinbeck person
correspondedWith Mrs. Laura Boulton person
associatedWith Mrs. Owens person
associatedWith Mrs. Ruth Bryan person
correspondedWith Mrs. Samuel W. (Lillian) Webb person
associatedWith Mrs. Starkey Duncan person
associatedWith Mrs. Taber person
associatedWith Mrs. T. Frank Keith person
correspondedWith Mrs. Walter B. Sharp person
correspondedWith Mrs. Walter Sharp person
correspondedWith Mrs. W. B. Sharp person
correspondedWith Mrs. Webb person
correspondedWith Mrs. William P. Hobby person
associatedWith Mt. Zion Baptist Church corporateBody
correspondedWith Musicraft Records, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith NASA corporateBody
correspondedWith National Counter Intelligence Corps Association corporateBody
associatedWith National Endowment for the Humanities corporateBody
associatedWith National Humanities Series. corporateBody
correspondedWith National Oil Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith National Society of Literature and the Arts corporateBody
correspondedWith NEH corporateBody
correspondedWith Nelson Rockefeller person
correspondedWith New York Public Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Nick Lyons person
associatedWith Norman L. McNeil person
correspondedWith North Central Conference of Summer Sessions corporateBody
correspondedWith Northeast Texas Resource Conservation and Development Project corporateBody
correspondedWith North Texas State University corporateBody
correspondedWith Northwestern State University corporateBody
associatedWith O. L. Albritton person
associatedWith orsicana-Powell corporateBody
associatedWith O. W. Killam person
correspondedWith Pam Barnes person
correspondedWith Pamela Glick person
correspondedWith Panhandle Pen Women corporateBody
correspondedWith Panhandle Pen Women Writers corporateBody
correspondedWith Paris Junior College corporateBody
correspondedWith Paris Junior College Learning Center corporateBody
associatedWith Patillo Higgins person
correspondedWith Paul Gunter person
correspondedWith Paul Seabury person
correspondedWith Peace Happiness Prosperity Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Peace Happiness Prosperity International corporateBody
associatedWith Pearl River High School corporateBody
associatedWith Pete Gunter person
associatedWith Peter Cleaver person
associatedWith Peyton E. Cook person
correspondedWith Phi Beta Kappa corporateBody
correspondedWith Phi Kappa Phi corporateBody
correspondedWith Philip D. Jones person
correspondedWith Philosophical Society of Texas corporateBody
correspondedWith Phi Phi corporateBody
associatedWith Plummer M. Barfield person
correspondedWith Poetry Society of Texas corporateBody
correspondedWith President McGill person
associatedWith Presto Mowbray person
correspondedWith Publicity Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Ralphana and George Bushong person
associatedWith Ralph B. McLaighlin person
associatedWith Ralph F. Daigh person
correspondedWith Ralph Serpe person
correspondedWith Ralph Yarborough person
associatedWith Ramseys 777 Ranch corporateBody
associatedWith Rand McNally corporateBody
associatedWith Ranko Estreich person
correspondedWith Ranko Estreich person
correspondedWith Raye Virginia Allen person
associatedWith Ray Sitting person
correspondedWith R. Cole person
associatedWith R. H. Dickerson person
correspondedWith Richard Price person
correspondedWith Robbye Grove person
correspondedWith Robert Adams person
correspondedWith Robert Alexander person
correspondedWith Robert Blauvelt person
associatedWith Robert Breen person
associatedWith Robert Cluett person
correspondedWith Robert Cluett person
associatedWith Robert Cotner person
correspondedWith Robert Cowser person
correspondedWith Robert J. Duncan person
correspondedWith Robert Knapp person
associatedWith Robert Leider person
associatedWith Robert T. Hill person
correspondedWith Robin Doughty person
associatedWith Rod Drake person
correspondedWith Rod Drake person
associatedWith Roger Butterfield person
correspondedWith Roland O. Baughman person
correspondedWith Rosalie Lieberman person
associatedWith Rose Spiegel person
correspondedWith Roy Bedichek person
correspondedWith Roy Bedichek person
correspondedWith Roy Bedichek person
associatedWith R. R. Hobson person
associatedWith R. S. Kennedy person
associatedWith Russell J. Long corporateBody
associatedWith Ruth Morgan person
correspondedWith Sam Houston State University corporateBody
correspondedWith Sam Liberto person
correspondedWith Sam Rayburn Public Affairs Symposium corporateBody
correspondedWith Sam Rayburn Symposium corporateBody
correspondedWith Samuel Huston College corporateBody
correspondedWith Sarah B. Pepkin person
correspondedWith Sarah Gross person
correspondedWith Schahit person
associatedWith Scott E. Weber person
correspondedWith Scribner's corporateBody
associatedWith S. C. Richard person
correspondedWith S. E. Asbury person
associatedWith Shirley Fisher person
associatedWith Sidney Paige person
associatedWith Skaaren, Warren, 1946-1990 person
correspondedWith Smith County Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Smith, Preston person
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution Texas Series corporateBody
correspondedWith Society of Ethnomusicology corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Historical Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Southern Methodist University corporateBody
correspondedWith Southern Methodist University Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Southwestern American Literature Association corporateBody
associatedWith Southwest Library Association corporateBody
associatedWith Spindletop person
correspondedWith Spindletop Museum corporateBody
associatedWith State University of Iowa corporateBody
correspondedWith Sterling C. Evans Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Sullins, Sue person
associatedWith S. W. Webb person
associatedWith Sylvia Ann Grider person
correspondedWith TAMU corporateBody
correspondedWith Tappan Church corporateBody
correspondedWith Tardy Publishing Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Ted Fenner person
associatedWith Temple Junior College corporateBody
correspondedWith Tennessee Williams person
associatedWith Terry G. Jordan person
correspondedWith Texas A & M corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas A & M corporateBody
associatedWith Texas A & M English Department corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas A & M University corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas A & M University Press corporateBody
associatedWith Texas Christian University corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Christian University Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Commission on the Arts and Humanities corporateBody
associatedWith Texas Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Folklore Festival corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Folklore Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Institute of Letter corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Institute of Letters corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Institute of Letters Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Institute of Letters Writers corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Legislature corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Library Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Navy corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Research Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas State Historical Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas State Program for Historical Preservation corporateBody
correspondedWith Texas Writer's Lecture corporateBody
associatedWith Texhoma Company corporateBody
correspondedWith The Author's Guild corporateBody
correspondedWith The Big Thicket Association corporateBody
associatedWith The International Union of Operating Engineers corporateBody
associatedWith Theodore Fenner person
correspondedWith The Texas Committee for the Humanities Project corporateBody
associatedWith The Texas Company corporateBody
associatedWith The Texas Folklore Society corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Anderson person
associatedWith Thomas F. Connally person
associatedWith Thomas Fenner person
associatedWith Thomas Gilcrease Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Thomas Mayo person
correspondedWith Thomas Meade Hardwell person
correspondedWith Thomas M. Hatfield person
correspondedWith Thornton Wilder person
correspondedWith Tim Conkling person
correspondedWith Tippit person
associatedWith Torkild Rieber person
correspondedWith T. R. Fehrenbach person
associatedWith T. W. Ozmer person
correspondedWith United Church Press corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Army. Counter Intelligence Corps. corporateBody
correspondedWith United States Postal Service corporateBody
correspondedWith University Interscholastic League corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Dallas corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Iowa corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Iowa Department of English corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Minnesota corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Nebraska corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Rochester corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Rochester's Eastman School of Music corporateBody
associatedWith University of Tennessee corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Texa corporateBody
associatedWith University of Texas corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Texas corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Texas corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Texas Arlington corporateBody
associatedWith University of Texas at Austin corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Texas Press corporateBody
correspondedWith University Press in Dallas corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Army Intelligence Center corporateBody
correspondedWith USO corporateBody
associatedWith V. B. Daniels person
correspondedWith V. Shannon person
associatedWith Walter Bragg person
associatedWith Walter B. Sharp person
associatedWith Walter Cline person
associatedWith Walter Fair person
associatedWith Walter Hayes person
correspondedWith Walter Rundell person
associatedWith Walter Rundell Jr. person
associatedWith Walter Rundell, Jr. person
correspondedWith Walter Sharp person
correspondedWith Wanda Landrey person
correspondedWith W. A. Owens person
correspondedWith War Department corporateBody
correspondedWith Warren Kliewer person
associatedWith W. B. Hamilton person
correspondedWith W. B. Sharp person
associatedWith W. C. Gilbert person
associatedWith W. D. Bowen person
associatedWith Webb, Walter Prescott, 1888-1963 person
associatedWith W. E. Clausen person
associatedWith Wesley A. Hotchkiss person
associatedWith Western History Association corporateBody
associatedWith W. Eugene Hollow person
associatedWith W. H. (Bill) Bryant person
correspondedWith Wheelock Post Office corporateBody
correspondedWith Wildcatter's Congress, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Wilfred B. Talman person
associatedWith William A. McElroy person
correspondedWith William A. Owens person
associatedWith William Cleaver, Jr. person
associatedWith William Cleaver, Sr. person
associatedWith William Edward Cotton person
associatedWith William H. Cleaver person
correspondedWith William Humphrey person
correspondedWith William J. Kilgore person
associatedWith William Joseph Philp person
correspondedWith William Keylor person
associatedWith William L. Armstrong person
correspondedWith William McCloskey, Jr. person
correspondedWith William R. Keylor person
correspondedWith Williams, Annie Laurie person
correspondedWith Williams, Annie Laurie person
correspondedWith Williams, Annie Laurie person
correspondedWith Williams, Annie Laurie person
correspondedWith William T. Pilkington person
associatedWith William T. Pilkinston person
correspondedWith Willie M. Owens person
associatedWith Will R. Wilson person
associatedWith Winnie Allen person
correspondedWith Winnie Allen person
correspondedWith Wisdom Society for the Advancement of Knowledge corporateBody
correspondedWith W. Kliewer person
associatedWith W. M. Hudson person
associatedWith W. M. Hudson Jr. person
correspondedWith Woody Guthrie person
associatedWith W. W. Silk person
correspondedWith Wyatt Brown person
associatedWith Young, Empire person
Place Name Admin Code Country
College Station (Tex.).
Pin Hook (Tex.).
College Station (Tex.).
Austin (Tex.)
College Station (Tex.).
Pin Hook (Tex.).
Pin Hook (Tex.).
College Station (Tex.)
Pin Hook (Tex.)
United States
Austin (Tex.)
College Station (Tex.)
United States
Pin Hook (Tex.)
Folklore and education
Folklore and history
Folk songs
Folk songs
Literary agents
Oil fields
Oil fields
Oral history
Petroleum engineering
Petroleum engineering
Slave trade in literature


Birth 1905

Death 1990




Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6m64rrz

Ark ID: w6m64rrz

SNAC ID: 19502106