Lindsay family.

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Lindsay was an American poet.

From the guide to the Lindsay-Wakefield family papers, 1879-1982., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Lindsay-Wakefield family papers, 1879-1982. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith 44th street theater corporateBody
associatedWith Accent corporateBody
correspondedWith Adlai E. (Adlai Ewing) Stevenson person
associatedWith Adrian Voisin person
associatedWith Albert Davies. person
associatedWith American Mercury corporateBody
correspondedWith Ames, Edward Scribner, 1870-1958 person
associatedWith Anita Loos person
correspondedWith Armbruster, Rose. person
associatedWith Benét, William Rose, 1886-1950 person
correspondedWith Blair family family
correspondedWith Blair, Joy Lindsay. person
correspondedWith Bogardus, Fred B., Dr. person
correspondedWith Bosco, Adaline M. person
correspondedWith Brody, Alter, 1895- person
associatedWith Carpenter, George person
correspondedWith Catharine Frazee Lindsay person
associatedWith Catharine Wakefield Ward. person
associatedWith Century Magazine corporateBody
associatedWith Colby College. corporateBody
associatedWith Colorado & Southern Railway. corporateBody
associatedWith Cornell University. corporateBody
associatedWith C. W. Wells person
correspondedWith Daniels, Bertha. person
associatedWith Dearborn Independent corporateBody
associatedWith Disciple Church corporateBody
correspondedWith Dougherty, Eleanor person
correspondedWith Edgar Lee Masters person
associatedWith Eleanor Dougherty person
associatedWith Eleanor Dougherty Trives person
correspondedWith Elizabeth Conner Lindsay person
correspondedWith Elizabeth Mann Wills person
associatedWith Eltar, Leonore person
correspondedWith Evans, Willietta person
associatedWith Everybody's Magazine. corporateBody
correspondedWith Frances Frazee Hamilton person
associatedWith François Trives. person
associatedWith Frank Glenn person
associatedWith Frank Mott person
associatedWith George Fitch. person
correspondedWith Gilman, Gertrude person
associatedWith Graham, Stephen person
associatedWith Gulfport College corporateBody
correspondedWith Harold T. Pulsifer person
associatedWith Harriet Moody person
associatedWith Hiram College corporateBody
correspondedWith Hull, Vera Bull. person
associatedWith Illinois. corporateBody
associatedWith John Bressmer Company. corporateBody
associatedWith John Masefield person
correspondedWith John S. Mayfield person
associatedWith Joy Lindsay Blair. person
correspondedWith Kettering, Eunice Lea. person
associatedWith Ladies Home Journal. corporateBody
associatedWith Lake Springfield (Illinois). corporateBody
associatedWith Leonore Eltar. person
associatedWith Lindsay, Olive person
correspondedWith Lindsay, Vachel, 1879-1931 person
correspondedWith Malone, Ted person
associatedWith McPherson, John. person
associatedWith Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956 person
correspondedWith Mercer, Jane Wheeler. person
associatedWith Mid-day luncheon club. corporateBody
correspondedWith Miller, J. A. person
associatedWith Mitchell Kennerley, publisher corporateBody
correspondedWith Morley, Christopher D., 1890-1957 person
associatedWith New Republic corporateBody
associatedWith News Review (NY). corporateBody
associatedWith New York Times Magazine corporateBody
correspondedWith O. Hittenrauch person
associatedWith Olive Lindsay. person
correspondedWith Olive Lindsay Wakefield person
associatedWith Outlook Magazine corporateBody
correspondedWith Paul Wakefield person
associatedWith Phi Beta Kappa Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Pickerell, Fanny Taylor. person
associatedWith Poetry Theatre League. corporateBody
associatedWith Robert Palmer. person
correspondedWith Roderick, Virginia. person
associatedWith Saturday evening post. corporateBody
associatedWith Saturday Review corporateBody
associatedWith Springfield Marine Bank. corporateBody
correspondedWith Springfield Public Schools. corporateBody
associatedWith Springfield Water, Light and Power. corporateBody
associatedWith State Register corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Fogarty. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Rudolph W. person
correspondedWith Tittle, Walter, 1883-1966 person
correspondedWith Twinem, L. L. person
correspondedWith Untermeyer, Louis, 1885-1977 person
associatedWith Vachel Lindsay person
associatedWith Vachel Lindsay Wakefield person
correspondedWith Vachel Thomas Lindsay person
correspondedWith Wakefield family, family
correspondedWith Wakefield, Olive Lindsay. person
correspondedWith Wakefield, Paul person
correspondedWith Ward, Marian De C. person
correspondedWith Whitlock, Brand, 1869-1934 person
correspondedWith Wilcox, Susan. person
associatedWith Wilford J. Kramer. person
associatedWith Willaim B. Feakins, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith William Blake person
associatedWith William Dodd Chenery. person
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Ark ID: w67r3wh6

SNAC ID: 13967420