Roberson, Emily Lofland, 1857-1943. Emily Lofland Roberson papers and photographs, circa 1848-1934 (bulk 1878-1888).
Emily Lofland Roberson papers and photographs, circa 1848-1934 (bulk 1878-1888).
Papers and photographs accumulated by Emily Lofland Roberson that consist chiefly of correspondence to her from her father, William O. Lofland, and her husband, Joseph S. Roberson, from 1874 to 1888, as well as scattered correspondence from 1854 to 1934. The collection also includes cased photographs and copy photographs that depict members of the Lofland and Roberson families and their friends, circa 1848-1870. Letters from William O. Lofland to Emily Lofland Roberson, 1874-1888, include discussions of his unsuccessful business enterprises, failing health, family affairs, and friends. A series of letters documents his trip to the mining region of Murphys, California, in January 1880. Correspondence by Joseph S. Roberson to Emily Lofland Roberson includes a series of letters from June to August 1883 that documents his transcontinental trip from California to New York City and back. They detail his business and social activities, mostly while accompanying John Joseph Valentine, a director of the Wells Fargo & Company. Other scattered correspondence includes discussions of their eldest daughter, Emily Josephine Roberson, and a description of a parade that included presidential candidate Grover Cleveland in New York City on November 1, 1884. Correspondents of other letters to Emily Lofland Roberson include her mother, Emily J. Clark Lofland and her brother, Charles Lofland. The collection also includes a letter from Marie Clampitt, the wife of John W. Clampitt, March 1886, to Samuel C. Ramage, a mail service attorney, which concerns Roberson's access to her husband's book manuscript for Echoes from the Rocky Mountains (1889). Cased photographs in the collection include a daguerreotype portrait of Albion Roberson, father of Joseph S. Roberson, circa 1850, as well as a family group daguerreotype portrait that includes Albion Roberson, his wife, Frances Fristoe Roberson, and their son, circa 1848. Two daguerreotype studio portraits depict Joseph S. Roberson circa 1850 and 1854; the latter portrait made by Watson & Wilson, photographers in Georgetown, Missouri. Two ambrotype portraits and a tintype portrait of an unidentified man, possibly Charles Lofland. The collection also includes a small number of tintypes of family settings, highlighted by a studio portrait of an African American boy and girl, circa 1865. Copy photographs in the collection include images of the cover and first page of History of Wells, Fargo & Co. and the Pony Express, by Joseph S. Roberson, and a broadside for the Holladay Overland Mail and Express Company, that includes portraits of Paul Coburn, Ben Holladay, Nathan Stein, David Street, and Roberson. Items of ephemera in the collection include invitations to parties in Memphis, Tennessee, and calling cards from business and social acquaintances.
1.25 linear feet (3 boxes) View
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