Information: The first column shows data points from Niles, Thomas in red. The third column shows data points from Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894 in blue. Any data they share in common is displayed as purple boxes in the middle "Shared" column.
Roberts Brothers (1857–1898) were bookbinders and publishers in 19th-century Boston, Massachusetts. Established in 1857 by Austin J. Roberts, John F. Roberts, and Lewis A. Roberts, the firm began publishing around the early 1860s.
The Roberts Brothers were "bookbinders" from 1857 until 1862 (offices successively at: 120 Washington St.; Temple Place; 149 Washington St.) Beginning in 1862 they were also makers of "photograph albums." In 1863 Thomas Niles, Jr. began working at the firm. He became partner some years thereafter and remained with the Roberts Brothers until his death in 1894. By 1873 the firm was listed under the names of just Lewis Roberts and Thomas Niles. After several decades on Washington Street across from Old South Meeting House, the business moved to Somerset Street in the 1880s.
As publishers, the Roberts Brothers made their name in 1868 with the publication of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, a best-seller. It featured illustrations by Alcott's sister, May Alcott, who also appeared as a character (Amy) in the book.
From 1876–1887, the firm issued a "No Name Series" of books that did not reveal the writers' names in an attempt to allow the writing to stand on its own merits rather than the reputation of the authors. The books were the brainchild of Thomas Niles, Jr., a partner at Roberts Brothers.[14] Harper's praised the move, writing "The idea is a good one, not only because it will pique the curiosity of the reader, but also because it will put the writers on their mettle to do their best, and absolutely prevent that trading on reputation which is the greatest vice of American litterateurs."[15]
Wikipedia entry "Roberts Brothers," viewed 9/14/21
Roberts Brothers (1857–1898) were bookbinders and publishers in 19th-century Boston, Massachusetts. Established in 1857 by Austin J. Roberts, John F. Roberts, and Lewis A. Roberts, the firm began publishing around the early 1860s.<p>
The Roberts Brothers were "bookbinders" from 1857 until 1862 (offices successively at: 120 Washington St.; Temple Place; 149 Washington St.) Beginning in 1862 they were also makers of "photograph albums." In 1863 Thomas Niles, Jr. began working at the firm. He became partner some years thereafter and remained with the Roberts Brothers until his death in 1894. By 1873 the firm was listed under the names of just Lewis Roberts and Thomas Niles. After several decades on Washington Street across from Old South Meeting House, the business moved to Somerset Street in the 1880s.
As publishers, the Roberts Brothers made their name in 1868 with the publication of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, a best-seller. It featured illustrations by Alcott's sister, May Alcott, who also appeared as a character (Amy) in the book.
Niles, Thomas
Century Company records
Century Company records
Century Company records
The Century Company published the Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, which was widely regarded as the best general periodical of its time, performing a role as cultural arbiter during the 1880s and 1890s. It was founded in New York City in 1881 and also published the children's magazine St. Nicholas, dictionaries, and books. The Century Company records date from 1870 to the 1930s and chiefly contain correspondence with contributors, readers, public figures, and literary agents. A number of manuscripts and proofs in the collection are extensively edited and taken with annotations on letters provide a detailed record of the outlook, standards, and functions of the company.
Roberts Brothers (Boston, Mass.) letters to Louisa May Alcott, 1868-1886.
Roberts Brothers (Boston, Mass.) letters to Louisa May Alcott, 1868-1886.
Roberts Brothers (Boston, Mass.) letters to Louisa May Alcott, 1868-1886.
Letters from Thomas Niles,representing Roberts Brothers (Boston, Mass.), the publisher of the writer Louisa MayAlcott. Also includes other materials relating to Alcott's publishing.
Roberts Brothers (Boston, Mass.) letters to Louisa May Alcott, 1868-1886.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Alcott family additional papers, 1707-1904 (inclusive), 1821-1888 (bulk).
Alcott family additional papers, 1707-1904 (inclusive), 1821-1888 (bulk).
Alcott family additional papers, 1707-1904 (inclusive), 1821-1888 (bulk).
Part of the family papers of the Alcott family of Concord (Mass.). This family included the writer Louisa May Alcott, and the New England transcendentalist Amos Bronson Alcott. Papers include diaries, compositions, correspondence, business papers, and clippings.
Alcott family additional papers, 1707-1904 (inclusive), 1821-1888 (bulk).
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Papers of John James Piatt [manuscript], 1871-1899.
Piatt, John James, 1835-1917. Papers of John James Piatt [manuscript], 1871-1899.
Papers of John James Piatt [manuscript], 1871-1899.
The collection includes manuscripts of Piatt's poetry, a clipping about him, and a number of his letters. In the letters Piatt promotes his wife's poetry, makes critical suggestions to other poets, complains about charges levelled against Donn Piatt, describes his travel plans, and requests a change in his consulate posting.
Henry Oscar Houghton papers, 1773-1932 (inclusive) 1833-1895 (bulk).
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Papers consisting of correspondence, literary manuscripts, legal documents, book reviews, and photocopies [manuscript] 1856 (1863-88) 1910.
Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888. Papers consisting of correspondence, literary manuscripts, legal documents, book reviews, and photocopies [manuscript] 1856 (1863-88) 1910.
Papers consisting of correspondence, literary manuscripts, legal documents, book reviews, and photocopies [manuscript] 1856 (1863-88) 1910.
Correspondence discusses her literary career, the writing and publication of her novels & short stories, her family, friends, financial affairs, her health & physicians, and her social life. In addition, there are references to the Concord School of Philosophy, and the career of artist Abigail May Alcott. Correspondents include: Abigail May Alcott, Amos Bronson Alcott, John Sewall Pratt Alcott, Ariadne Blish, Lydia Maria Francis Child, William Warland Clapp, Mary Mapes Dodge, J.R. Elliott, ed. of Flag of our union; Daniel Sharp Ford, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, Horace B. Fuller, Laura Hosmer, A.K. Loring, Thomas Niles, William J. Niles, J.R. Osgood, Lydia Dodge Cabot Parker, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, Anna Alcott Pratt, James Redpath, Sampson Low, Son & Marston, London; Scribner & Company, New York; Tauchitz, publishers, Leipzig; Howard Malcom Ticknor, William Hayes Ward. There is also correspondence & documents regarding the will and estate of Miss Alcott; and correspondence between John S.P. Alcott and Jessie Bonstelle Stuart regarding the dramatization of Little Women [ca. 35 items]. There are complete manuscripts for many of her short stories; and pages from the following: An old fashioned girl, Daisy's ball, Jack and Jill, Jo's boys, and The pickwick. Printed material includes obituaries of Miss Alcott, and reviews of her works. There are also photographs, a silhouette, and a portrait of Miss Alcott.
Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888. Papers consisting of correspondence, literary manuscripts, legal documents, book reviews, and photocopies [manuscript] 1856 (1863-88) 1910.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Papers of George Parsons Lathrop [manuscript] , 1872-1896.
Lathrop, George Parsons, 1851-1898. Papers of George Parsons Lathrop [manuscript] , 1872-1896.
Papers of George Parsons Lathrop [manuscript] , 1872-1896.
The papers contain lyrics "Birds that like vanishing visions," a quotation, and two fragments. Topics include his writing and lecturing; submissions for magazine publication; contract negotiations with Joseph Marshall Stoddart re "Martha Dane"; editorship of the "Providence Visitor" and requesting a literary contribution from John Malone; a request for prepublication changes in ["A story of courage"?]; the "No Name Series" volume of poems "A masque of poets" and the dramatization of Tennyson's "Elaine." Also a potential collaboration with [Julian?] Hawthorne on a series of children's tales; a clarification of an allusion attributed to Nathaniel Hawthorne and a brief synopsis of Hawthorne's "Devil on two sticks." He also mentions an authors' reading of the John Boyle O'Reilly monument fund; a Hebrew charity fair; entries for Charles McKim and William R. Mead in Appleton's Cyclopaedia; and a consecration ceremony disturbed by "obstructionist women"; and requests a meeting with [Samuel Sidney?] McClure.
Lathrop, George Parsons, 1851-1898. Papers of George Parsons Lathrop [manuscript] , 1872-1896.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Papers of Louise Chandler Moulton [manuscript] 1874-1908.
Moulton, Louise Chandler, 1835-1908. Papers of Louise Chandler Moulton [manuscript] 1874-1908.
Papers of Louise Chandler Moulton [manuscript] 1874-1908.
The papers contain 20 poems and brief essays by Moulton, as well as some photographs and prints of her. The bulk of the collection consists chiefly of correspondence to various editors and publishers, and friends especially Julius Chambers, Herbert E. Clark, Florence Ellen Hungerford Milnes Henniker, Herbert Stuart Stone, and Leonard Charles Van Noppen. Chandler discusses books she wants to review for various publications, her poetry, fellow authors particularly Philip Bourke Marston, her travels, speaking engagements, English copyrights, various publishers including Copeland & Day, Roberts Brothers, Chatto & Windus, and Mathews & Lane, her health, the Dreyfus affair, and the Boer War. People she mentions, most quite briefly, include Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Matthew Arnold, Arlo Bates, Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett, George Washington Cable, Marie Corelli, Walter Crane, Theodore Low deVinne, Eugene Field, Hamlin Garland, Richard Garnett, Louise Imogen Guiney, Thomas Hardy, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Anthony Hope, Sidney Lanier, Henry W. Longfellow, Justin H. M'Carthy, Robert McClure, Stuart F. Merrill, Arthur O'Shaughnessy, Thomas Nelson Page, Gilbert Parker, George Santayana, Harriet E. Prescott Spofford, Robert L. Stevenson, Richard Henry Stoddard, Algernon Swinburne, Henry Van Dyke, Sir William Watson, & Oscar Wilde. Correspondents include Edward William Bok, Herbert Lawrence Bridgman, Bliss Carman, Dana? Estes, John Bruce? Ford, Richard Watson Gilder, Helen Keller, Hanniball Ingalls Kimball, John Foster? Kirk, John Lane, Samuel Sidney McClure, Helen Reimensyder? Martin, Thomas? Niles, Melville? Phillips, Richard Henry Stoddart, Frederick Porter Vinton, William Hayes Ward, and William Winter.
Moulton, Louise Chandler, 1835-1908. Papers of Louise Chandler Moulton [manuscript] 1874-1908.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Indentures, 1836-1848.
Indentures, 1836-1848.
Indentures, 1836-1848.
This collection consists of indentures or deeds in Mississippi from the 1830s conveying land or personal property entered into by various parties including Thomas Owen, Thomas Niles, Joseph Sheffield and Chickasaw Indian Chah Took Wah.
Ingelow, Jean, 1820-1897. Letter, [1887?] Sept. 1 : to Thomas Niles.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Alcott family papers, 1830-1888.
Alcott family papers, 1830-1888.
Alcott family papers, 1830-1888.
A portion of the family papers(both letters and compositions) of the Alcott family of Concord, Mass. Includes papersof the writer Louisa May Alcott, her father Amos Bronson Alcott, and numerous otherAlcott family members.
Scrapbook : of the Roberts Brothers press, 1880-1882 [manuscript].
Roberts Brothers (Boston, Mass.). Scrapbook : of the Roberts Brothers press, 1880-1882 [manuscript].
Scrapbook : of the Roberts Brothers press, 1880-1882 [manuscript].
The collection contains correspondence, reviews and clippings chiefly pertaining to the publication of William Mellen Chamberlain's "Manuela Paredes" as part of the "No name" series. Twenty of the letters are from Thomas Niles. Other correspondents include Edward Abbott, Mellen Chamberlain and John L. Thompson.
Copeland, Charles Townsend, 1860-1952. Letter of introduction from Charles Townsend Copeland to T. Niles for Mark Howe, 25th January [1893].
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Letters, 1893, Craigville, Mass., to Thomas Niles.
Garrett, Edmund H. (Edmund Henry), 1853-1929. Letters, 1893, Craigville, Mass., to Thomas Niles.
Letters, 1893, Craigville, Mass., to Thomas Niles.
[1] 1893, August 4.--Will revise the drawings "Mists" and "Cobwebs" for Such As They Are as suggested. The drawings can be used as headings or full page. [2] 1893, August 17.--Encloses a bill for work done.
Garrett, Edmund H. (Edmund Henry), 1853-1929. Letters, 1893, Craigville, Mass., to Thomas Niles.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Papers of Amos Bronson Alcott 1840-92.
Alcott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888. Papers of Amos Bronson Alcott 1840-92.
Papers of Amos Bronson Alcott 1840-92.
Manuscripts include quotations and poems by Alcott including Canto 5 of Ion: a monody. Letters, 1840-80, from Alcott to Louisa May Alcott, William Torrey Harris, Elizabeth Oakes Smith, and John Weiss discuss L.M. Alcott's travels to Europe, her attempts to publish her works, including "Little women" and "Rose in bloom"; and Alcott's participation in the Town and Country Club, and his attempts to earn money through his "conversations." There is also one letter from Oliver Johnson to Alcott. Letters from Franklin Benjamin Sanborn to Thomas Niles concern publication of Sanborn's 1893 biography of Alcott. The collection also contains photographs of Alcott, of L.M. Alcott, and buildings associated with them and a ticket for the Concord School of Philosophy signed by Alcott.
Alcott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888. Papers of Amos Bronson Alcott 1840-92.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Helen Hunt Jackson Papers. Part 2. 1828-1886.
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1830-1885. Helen Hunt Jackson Papers. Part 2.
Helen Hunt Jackson Papers. Part 2. 1828-1886.
Contains letters written by Helen Hunt Jackson during her adult life, many to her sister Annie and letters from several eminent Americans; includes examples of early attempts at creative writing.
Frederic Alcott Pratt papers on Louisa May Alcott's literary estate, 1877-1908.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Letters received and other papers, 1879-1916.
Roberts Brothers (Boston, Mass.). Letters received and other papers, 1879-1916.
Letters received and other papers, 1879-1916.
Letters from authors to Thomas Niles at Roberts Brothers and to Little, Brown and Company, the successor firm. Includes: Letters from Anna Bowman Dodd, 1900-1903, concerning the contract for Falaise and a new book that she is writing, Caen; Samuel Adams Drake; Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1916, with corrections to the text of a book of legal writings; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1879, his appreciation for the loan of [Philip Gilbert Hamerton's] Isles of Loch Awe; George Meredith, 1892-1896; Francis Parkman, 1892, concerning the contract for the illustrated Oregon Trail; Olive Schreiner (4 letters), 1896, concerning articles she has or wishes to submit for publication, with a note from S.C. Cronwright-Schreiner enclosing a printed dedication by Olive Schreiner to Sir George Grey; and brief letters from Edwin Arnold (fragment), Mary Mapes Dodge, Edmund H. Garrett, Flora L. Shaw, and Lily F. Wesselhoeft. With: A group of cancelled royalty checks signed by Louisa May Alcott, Mary Mapes Dodge, Edward Everett Hale, Helen Jackson, John Boyle O'Reilly, and Harriet Beecher Stowe, and signed receipts from Christina Rossetti and Evelyn Whittaker; autographed limitation pages by A. Edward Newton (including his Why autographed editions?), George Arliss, David Belasco, Donn Byrne, Barton Wood Currie, Mazo De la Roche, George S. Hellman, James Hilton, Emil Ludwig, A.S.W. Rosenbach, Odell Shepard, and Frances Winwar.
Roberts Brothers (Boston, Mass.). Letters received and other papers, 1879-1916.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
James Russell Lowell letters and photographs, 1845-1887.
Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891. James Russell Lowell letters and photographs, 1845-1887.
James Russell Lowell letters and photographs, 1845-1887.
The collection consists of twelve letters, a report, an autograph, and three photographs. Recipients include Matthew Arnold, E.C. Appleton, Dawson Turner, E.J. Phelps, R.W. Gilder, Thomas Niles, and Penington and son. Topics include Sir Isaac Newton, Jean Ingelow, a book order, Walt Whitman, the Charles River Bridge, and various invitations. Also includes a report of a meeting discussing slavery, and three photographs of Lowell, including one by Mathew Brady.
Letters to Charles Sumner, lawyer, Republican senator from Massachusetts, and anti-slavery campaigner; with a smaller number of letters from Sumner to others.
Roberts Brothers (Boston, Mass.). Robert Brothers (Boston, Mass.) letters to Louisa May Alcott, 1868-1886.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Papers of Mary Mapes Dodge, 1875-1897.
Dodge, Mary Mapes, 1831-1905. Papers of Mary Mapes Dodge, 1875-1897.
Papers of Mary Mapes Dodge, 1875-1897.
The papers contain one to three page manuscripts or fragments for "A Day in Colorado," "Donald and Dorothy," "The Two Mysteries," "Whose?," "Over the World" and "Hans Brinker; or The Silver Skates." Letters to Thomas Niles and William Carey comment on Donald and Dorothy mentioning royalty payments, the non-illustrated edition, the plates, value of the manuscript, the writing and manuscript preparation, possibility of an additional chapter or sequel and hopes for its success. In other letters she answers queries by Epes Sargent, sends verses for anonymous publication, rejects two manuscripts for St. Nicholas Magazine but will publish a chapter of one, cancels a publication agreement with Roberts Brothers and switches to Century Company, favors ratification of the International Arbitration Treaty, extends an invitation, and gives personal news.
Dodge, Mary Mapes, 1831-1905. Papers of Mary Mapes Dodge, 1875-1897.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
James Russell Letters [manuscript], 1866-1886.
Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891. James Russell Letters [manuscript], 1866-1886.
James Russell Letters [manuscript], 1866-1886.
Collection includes two letters from James Russell Lowell: J. R. L to Mr. [Thomas?] Niles (1 p.) 1866 February 15; and J. R. L. to W. M. R. French [with envelope] (1 p.) 1886 January 11.
Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891. James Russell Letters [manuscript], 1866-1886.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Papers of Helen Hunt Jackson [manuscript], 1865-1884.
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1830-1885. Papers of Helen Hunt Jackson [manuscript], 1865-1884.
Papers of Helen Hunt Jackson [manuscript], 1865-1884.
The collection contains manuscripts of seven poems by Jackson and a manuscript biographical sketch of her by Sarah Chauncey Woolsey. Most of the correspondence is to editors and publishers concerning her interest in North American Indians and the publication of her books, articles, and poems. A few letters compliment other authors on their work. A photograph and an autograph are also included.
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1830-1885. Papers of Helen Hunt Jackson [manuscript], 1865-1884.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Frederic Alcott Pratt papers on Louisa May Alcott's literary estate, 1877-1908.
Pratt, Frederic Alcott, 1862-1910. Frederic Alcott Pratt papers on Louisa May Alcott's literary estate, 1877-1908.
Frederic Alcott Pratt papers on Louisa May Alcott's literary estate, 1877-1908.
Papers include: letters from publishers, law firms, and investment agencies regarding the finances and property of the Louisa May Alcott literary estate; receipts and invoices regarding investments and mortgages held under the estate; and personal letters written to FAP regarding the Alcott family. Includes one letter regarding the estate of Amos Bronson Alcott. Also included are letters to Thomas Niles and John Sewall Pratt Alcott from various agencies. Some of the letters regard legal action taken by FAP against the investment broker William U. Swan, who in 1890 defaulted on his payments to FAP. Most of the letters have been annotated by FAP.
Pratt, Frederic Alcott, 1862-1910. Frederic Alcott Pratt papers on Louisa May Alcott's literary estate, 1877-1908.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Papers of the Alcott family [manuscript] (1845-1915) 1932.
Alcott, John Sewall Pratt, 1865-1923,. Papers of the Alcott family [manuscript] (1845-1915) 1932.
Papers of the Alcott family [manuscript] (1845-1915) 1932.
The olive leaf [n.d.] a newspaper by the Alcott children [4 p. holograph]--Correspondence, 1845-1915, is between members of the Alcott family and between family members and others. It concerns the family's early financial difficulties; Abigail May Alcott's management of a water cure; the publication and reception of Little women; the domestic lives of the niece and nephews of Louisa May Alcott; the administration of Miss Alcott's estate; and the publication of certain of her letters. Correspondence, 1905-06, between John Sewall Pratt Alcott and Jessie Bonstelle Stuart concerns a dramatic adaptation of Little women [ca. 100 items. chiefly holograph signed]--Wills and deeds, 1845-75, chiefly involve land transactions of Samuel E. Sewall, an Alcott cousin [5 items. printed & holograph]--Scrapbooks, 1850-61, were formerly account books and contain clippings, including reviews of Miss Alcott's books. One contains a handwritten play Blanche the village maiden, composed by the Alcott children [3 items. paper covers]--Clippings 1929-32, concern Miss Alcott's life and adaptations of her works [ca. 20 items. printed]--China plate [n.d.] shows the Alcott family crest [1 item. 31 cm. in diameter]. Correspondents include: Abigail May Alcott, Edward William Bok, Laure Claire Foucher, Laura Hosmer, Maggie Lukens, Samuel Joseph May, Abigail May Alcott Nieriker, Louisa May Nieriker, Thomas Niles, Anna Bronson Alcott Pratt, Frederic Alcott Pratt, James Redpath, Roberts Brothers, Franklin Benjamin Sanborn and Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford.
Alcott, John Sewall Pratt, 1865-1923,. Papers of the Alcott family [manuscript] (1845-1915) 1932.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Papers of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, 1876-1894.
Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905. Papers of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, 1876-1894.
Papers of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, 1876-1894.
The papers contain the manuscript of a story "Queen log and queen stork," fourteen poems including a tribute to Rose Terry Cooke, a quotation, and a fragment of an essay. In correspondence she discusses payments, sends pieces for publication, refuses to send a photograph, comments on her current work, the work of others, and difficulties with D. Lothrop & Co. A letter from H.C. Pitman to Hariett Mulford Stone Lothrop [Margaret Sidney] comments on the suitability of a book for publication by the Lothrop firm.
Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905. Papers of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, 1876-1894.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Papers of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey [manuscript], 1876-1894.
Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905. Papers of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey [manuscript], 1876-1894.
Papers of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey [manuscript], 1876-1894.
The papers contain the manuscript of a story "Queen log and queen stork," fourteen poems including a tribute to Rose Terry Cooke, a quotation, and a fragment of an essay. A letter from H.C. Pitman to Hariett Mulford Stone Lothrop [Margaret Sidney] comments on the suitability of a book for publication by the Lothrop firm. In correspondence she discusses payments, sends pieces for publication, refuses to send a photograph, comments on her current work, the work of others, and difficulties with D. Lothrop & Co.
Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905. Papers of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey [manuscript], 1876-1894.
Niles, Thomas, Jr., 1825-1894
Correspondence with Mr. Arlo Bates, Mr. White, John Lane, Mr. Gilder, Mr. Wingate , Vivian Burnett, Mr. [Thomas?] Niles of Roberts Brothers Pub. Co., Mr. Champlin, Mrs. Bush, Mrs. Nixon, Mr. Smith, Mr. Locker-Lampson, Miss Clarke, Mrs. Otto B. Cole, and others : and holograph poems ; and 29 inscriptions from books formerly owned by Moulton and one newspaper clipping; letters to Mrs. Moulton from F.W.H. Myers and Basil Wilberforce. 1880-1907.
Moulton, Louise Chandler, 1835-1908. Correspondence with Mr. Arlo Bates, Mr. White, John Lane, Mr. Gilder, Mr. Wingate , Vivian Burnett, Mr. [Thomas?] Niles of Roberts Brothers Pub. Co., Mr. Champlin, Mrs. Bush, Mrs. Nixon, Mr. Smith, Mr. Locker-Lampson, Miss Clarke, Mrs. Otto B. Cole, and others : and holograph poems ; and 29 inscriptions from books formerly owned by Moulton and one newspaper clipping; letters to Mrs. Moulton from F.W.H. Myers and Basil Wilberforce.
Correspondence with Mr. Arlo Bates, Mr. White, John Lane, Mr. Gilder, Mr. Wingate , Vivian Burnett, Mr. [Thomas?] Niles of Roberts Brothers Pub. Co., Mr. Champlin, Mrs. Bush, Mrs. Nixon, Mr. Smith, Mr. Locker-Lampson, Miss Clarke, Mrs. Otto B. Cole, and others : and holograph poems ; and 29 inscriptions from books formerly owned by Moulton and one newspaper clipping; letters to Mrs. Moulton from F.W.H. Myers and Basil Wilberforce. 1880-1907.
Includes: 31 letters to Arlo Bates, 20 letters to John Lane, 4 letters to Mr. Niles, and letters to various other correspondents. Several holograph poems are included. Few letters dated; other dates inferred by subject matter.
Moulton, Louise Chandler, 1835-1908. Correspondence with Mr. Arlo Bates, Mr. White, John Lane, Mr. Gilder, Mr. Wingate , Vivian Burnett, Mr. [Thomas?] Niles of Roberts Brothers Pub. Co., Mr. Champlin, Mrs. Bush, Mrs. Nixon, Mr. Smith, Mr. Locker-Lampson, Miss Clarke, Mrs. Otto B. Cole, and others : and holograph poems ; and 29 inscriptions from books formerly owned by Moulton and one newspaper clipping; letters to Mrs. Moulton from F.W.H. Myers and Basil Wilberforce.
Niles, Thomas
Century Company
Century Company
Constellation Relation
Century Company
Niles, Thomas
Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, 1853-1935
Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, 1853-1935
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