Committee to Secure Justice for Morton Sobell. Committee to Secure Justice for Morton Sobell records, 1946-1969.
Committee to Secure Justice for Morton Sobell records, 1946-1969.
Records of the national organization formed in 1951 to publicize the cases of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and Morton Sobell. Early efforts of the committee centered on securing clemency for the Rosenbergs; after their execution for communist espionage, efforts concentrated on effecting Sobell's release from prison. After serving 19 years in prison, Sobell was released in January 1969. The records document the committee's activities from its inception to Sobell's release and relate not only to the case itself, but also to the lives of the Sobells during his long imprisonment. The majority of the collection is available in a microfilm edition, The Records of the Committee to Secure Justice for Morton Sobell (Brookhaven Press, 1976). (A copy is available in the SHSW Library.). Subject files containing correspondence arranged by individual, organization, or geographic area form the bulk of the collection. Also incorporated here are correspondence, circulars, and statements of the national committee, scattered information about the Rosenbergs, and personal and committee correspondence of Morton and Helen Sobell. Legal records include correspondence from Marshall Perlin, William Kunstler, and others, and printed and mimeographed legal documents. Smaller sections of the filmed collection include fragmentary financial records and uncopyrighted publications. Since the Brookhaven publication, the committee's clipping file has been microfilmed by the Historical Society. The remainder of the collection consists of photographs, posters, and video and sound recordings of committee members and supporters. Prominent individuals represented in the collection include Dean Acheson, Marian Anderson, Carlton Beals, Cedric Belfrage, Martin Buber, Pablo Casals, Roy M. Cohn, David Dellinger, W.E.B. DuBois, T.S. Eliot, Jules Feiffer, Erich Fromm, J. William Fulbright, Nat Hentoff, Chet Huntley, Homer Jack, Rockwell Kent, Martin Luther King, Jr., Corliss Lamont, William Langer, Doris Lessing, John V. Lindsay, Dwight MacDonald, Albert Maltz, Lewis Mumford, Linus Pauling, Victor Riesel, Eleanor Roosevelt, Bertrand Russell, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Pete Seeger, Upton Sinclair, Gale Sondergaard, I.F. Stone, Rex Stout, Norman Thomas, Arnold Toynbee, Dalton Trumbo, Harold C. Urey, and Mike Wallace. The processed portion is summarized above and is described in the register. Additional accessions are described below.
20.0 c.f. (50 archives boxes),7 reels of microfilm (35 mm),90 tape recordings,3 disc recordings,9 films, and1 filmstrip; plusadditions of 537 photographs,2 negatives,11 pieces of ephemera, and37 tearsheets. View
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