Salley, A. S. (Alexander Samuel), 1871-1961. A.S. Salley papers, 1849-1963.
A.S. Salley papers, 1849-1963.
Correspondence, publications, clippings, and other papers relating to history, politics and culture of South Carolina, including information on individuals, and families. Topics discussed include Salley's research on the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence (1905-1912, 1915, 1921), including correspondence with Ulrich B. Phillips re the lack of evidence for such a document and other matters; politics, especially the administration of Gov. Coleman L. Blease; conservation of wildlife; meetings of the American Historical Association in Charleston and Columbia in 1913; statues of Wade Hampton, George Washington, and other aspects of the buildings and grounds of the S.C. Statehouse; genealogical research; Jamison Monument Fund; Salley's work as secretary of the S.C. Historical Society and as state historian of the S.C. Historical Commission; political leaflets and handbills; Earliest materials include family letters from 1880s and 1890s; letters discussing Salley's studies while enrolled at The Citadel; comments news of crime, murder, race relations, and law enforcement in Orangeburg County, S.C., in letters from Salley's father, A.M. Salley, sheriff, ca. 1888-1890s, including comments on the Dispensary distribution of liquor and expressing hopes for a prohibition of alcohol sales (26 Jan. 1889); growth of cotton and other crops; comments on Benjamin R. Tillman's campaign for governor in 1891, and policies during his administration. Letters relating to Salley's work as state historian of the Historical Commission of South Carolina include many brief letters representing a cross-section of the notable personalities in the fields of history and politics with whom Salley interacted during his forty-five-year career with the Historical Commission and State Archives. Correspondents include: Samuel A. Ashe, William Watts ("W.W.") Ball, Frederick Bancroft, Joseph W. Barnwell, John Bennett, Clarence S. Brigham, Armistead Burwell, James F. Byrnes, Niels Christensen, William Ashmead Courtenay, James C. Derieux, William E. Dodd, Barnett E. Elzas, Worthington C. Ford, Laurence H. Gipson, Ambrose E. Gonzales, William Gonzales, Fairfax Harrison, DuBose Heyward, W. Henry Hoyt, Marquis James, J. Franklin Jameson, Theodore D. Jervey, Lucien L. Knight, August Kohn, Waldo G. Leland, R.M. Lofton, Edward McCrady, Fitz Hugh McMaster, Dumas Malone, Colyer Meriwether, Victor Palsits, Gustavus M. Pinckney, Josephine Pinckney, Paul Quattlebaum, R.G. Rhett, James Henry Rice, Jr., Frederick Wellington Ruckstull, Archibald Rutledge, Herbert Ravenel Sass, William A. Sheppard, Katherine Drayton Mayrant Simons, Harry Worcester Smith, Yates Snowden, John P. Stratton, Charles Pelot Summerall, John P. Thomas, Reuben G. Thwaites, Mabel L. Weber, Lothrop Withington, and others. Places represented include Charleston, Columbia, Orangeburg, and elsewhere in South Carolina; Madison, Wisconsin; Augusta, Georgia.; Brenham, Texas; and other locations.
15 linear ft. (6 cartons + ca. 22 document boxes). View
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