Ford Motor Company. Office of Public Relations. Speeches and executive correspondence series, 1944-1987.
Speeches and executive correspondence series, 1944-1987.
The Speeches and Executive Correspondence series contains speeches and routine correspondence prepared for Ford Motor Company executives. The speeches were given at meetings of businesses, social service organizations, educational institutions, professional societies, Ford managers, Ford dealers, and at plant anniversaries and dedications. The series is arranged into four subseries. The bulk of the material in the Editorial Services Department records subseries, 1949-1961 (14.4 cubic ft.), Acc. 720 and Acc. 1882, are speeches (Acc. 720) that were given by Ernest R. Breech, Benson Ford, Henry Ford II, William T. Gossett, and Thomas R. Reid. The subseries also includes correspondence (Acc. 1882) from the general public to Ford executives including Henry Ford II, Ernest Breech, and Robert McNamara, along with replies written by the editorial staff on behalf of the executives. The bulk of the speeches in the Executive Speech collection subseries, 1946-1987 (3.2 cubic ft.), Acc. 1856, were given by Malcolm L. Denise, Irving A. Duffy, Benson Ford, Charles H. Patterson, and Thomas R. Reid. The Henry Ford II Speech collection subseries, 1944-1982 (1.8 cubic ft. and one oversize box), Acc. 247, contains exclusively Henry Ford II's speeches. Most speeches are in paper format, but there are also six 33 1/3 RPM phonograph records, two films, and two DVDs. In all three of the subseries, the speeches are arranged chronologically. The Speech Services records subseries, 1944-1962 (8 cubic ft.), Acc. 234, contains executive speeches arranged alphabetically by the speakers last name and then chronologically. The bulk of the speeches were given by Ernest R. Breech, John S. Bugas, Lewis D. Crusoe, Benson Ford, William T. Gossett, Thomas R. Reid, and Walker A. Williams. Also included are copies of executive and departmental communications detailing the company speech clearance policies and procedures and lists of speeches given by company officers and executives from June 1949 to August 1962. The lists are arranged by year, month, day and last name of speaker and include the location and topic of the speech. Copies of many of the speeches on the lists are included in this or other accessions in the Speeches and Executive Correspondence series.
28.6 cubic ft. and 1 oversize box. View
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