Terry Sanford Papers, 1946-1993
Terry Sanford Papers, 1946-1993
Terry Sanford of Scotland, Cumberland,Wake, and Durham counties, N.C., was a politician, educator, administrator, lawyer,and soldier. He served as state senator, 1953-1954; governor of North Carolina,1961-1965; president of Duke University, 1969-1985; and U.S. senator,1986-1992. The collection includes campaign files and other itemsrelating to Terry Sanford's career. Pre-1960 material includes items related toStrom Thurmond's 1948 Dixiecrat campaign for U.S. President; to Sanford's successful1949 campaign for president of the Young Democrats Clubs of North Carolina; to FrankPorter Graham's 1950 senatorial campaign; and to North Carolina's Pearsall Plan forpublic school desegregation. 1959-1960 gubernatorial campaign items includecorrespondence between Sanford's staff and county liaisons, correspondence with keyadvisors, clippings from state and regional newspapers, letters responding toSanford's support of John F. Kennedy at the Democratic National Convention, andfilms and audio tapes of Sanford gubernatorial campaign advertisements. Topicsinclude agriculture, industry, public schools, welfare, race relations, women inpolitics, and religion and politics. Items, 1961-1965, document Sanford's politicalactivities as North Carolina governor. Topics include North Carolina's 1963 "GagLaw," the Good Neighbor Council, and the North Carolina Fund. Items, 1965-1984,relate to Sanford's proposed 1968 U.S. senatorial campaign against Sen. Sam Ervin;the 1968 Citizens for Humphrey-Muskie Committee; and Sanford's 1972 and 1976presidential campaigns. Materials related to Sanford's unsuccessful 1992 U.S.senatorial campaign include North Carolina voters' responses to a Sanfordquestionnaire, detailed reports on Sanford's opponent Lauch Faircloth, folders onwomen's and children's issues, and photographs and several video and audio tapesrelated to the campaign. 1992 campaign topics include welfare, industry, education,crime, and taxes. Correspondents represented in the collection include John F.Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Bill Clinton, Bert Bennett, Hugh Cannon, Henry H. WilsonJr., Frank Porter Graham, Clyde Hoey, William Friday, Sam Rayburn, W. Kerr Scott,Luther Hodges, Dan K. Moore, Hubert H. Humphrey, I. Beverly Lake, Sr., MalcolmSeawell, Sam Ervin, Lauch Faircloth, John Larkins, John Gavin, Robert F. Kennedy,and Adlai Stevenson. The Addition of 2011 contains notes, short letters, and greeting cards, 1960-1985, addressed to Margaret Rose Sanford; some letters discuss Terry Sanford's 1960 gubernatorial campaign and victory, support for Sanford's 1961 tax plan, and the end of Sanford's gubernatorial career. There are also a few letters, 1959-1964, chiefly thank-yous, to Terry Sanford; letters, 1960-1967, to his mother about Sanford's achievements; and other items.
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