Hains, Peter C. (Peter Conover), 1840-1921

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Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Coast Guard. National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Rhees, William Jones, 1830-1907. William Jones Rhees Papers, 1744-1907 The Huntington Library
creatorOf Hains, Peter C. Peter C. Hains III papers, 29 May 1991. U.S. Army Heritage & Education Center
creatorOf Hains, Peter C. Peter C. Hains photograph collection. U.S. Army Heritage & Education Center
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Beattie, John person
correspondedWith Bien, Julius person
correspondedWith Bigler, William person
correspondedWith Boggs, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Boutwell, George S. person
associatedWith Bradley, Omar Nelson, 1893-1981. person
associatedWith Bridgman, W. R. person
correspondedWith Brown, A. & F. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brown & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Buffington, James (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Cameron, Angus (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Carll, David person
correspondedWith Carter, Bernard person
correspondedWith Chanteloup, E. person
correspondedWith Church, Daniel T. person
associatedWith Clarke, James D. person
associatedWith Close, W. R. person
correspondedWith Colne, C. person
correspondedWith Conant, Charles F. person
correspondedWith D. Eggerts' Sons corporateBody
correspondedWith Edmunds, George F. person
associatedWith Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969. person
correspondedWith Elliot, George H. person
correspondedWith Fecht, Eugene person
correspondedWith Field, Moses W. (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Foster, Charles (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Franklin, George (Hon.) person
associatedWith Fresnel, Augustin Jean person
associatedWith Gibbons, Francis A. person
correspondedWith Hale, Eugene (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Hamlin, Hannibal (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
associatedWith Hodges, Courtney H., 1887-1966. person
correspondedWith Howell, H. V. person
correspondedWith Hubbell, J. A. (Hon,) person
associatedWith Jablochoff, Paul person
correspondedWith Jenkins, Thornton A. person
correspondedWith Kellogg, Stephen W. (Hon.) person
associatedWith Kemper, James L. person
correspondedWith Kingsland, William W. person
correspondedWith Macomb, W. H. person
correspondedWith Mcdill, A. T. person
correspondedWith Mcwayne, Uranus person
correspondedWith Merchant, S. L. & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mitchell, John Hipple person
correspondedWith Mulvahill, Edward person
correspondedWith O'neal, Charles person
associatedWith Patton, George S. (George Smith), 1885-1945. person
correspondedWith Paulding Kimble & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Peesey Jones & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Platt, James H. Jr. person
associatedWith Poe, O. M. (General) person
correspondedWith Poole & Hunt corporateBody
correspondedWith Preston, C. A. person
correspondedWith Quinn, David person
correspondedWith Richardson, William A. person
associatedWith Ridgway, Matthew B. (Matthew Bunker), 1895-1993. person
associatedWith Rommel, Erwin, 1891-1944. person
associatedWith Schoomaker, A. person
correspondedWith Scudder, Henry Joel (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Scudder, Isaac W. person
correspondedWith Sener, J. B. (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Sherman, John person
correspondedWith Smith, Francis H. person
correspondedWith Stevens, G. M. person
correspondedWith Sypher, J. H. person
correspondedWith Walker, J. G. person
associatedWith Woodruff, Israel Carle (Gen.) person
associatedWith W. S. Jordan & Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Young, Pierce Manning Butler (Hon.) person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
United States
Applications for positions
Ardennes, Battle of the, 1944-1945
Light House Board
M26 (Tank)
Patent Office
Sherman tank
Tanks (Military science)
Tanks (Military science)
Tanks (Military science)
Tanks (Military science)
Tanks (Military science)
Tank warfare
Treasury Department
Windbreaks, shelterbelts, etc.
World War, 1939-1945
World War, 1939-1945
World War, 1939-1945


Birth 1840-07-06

Death 1921-11-07


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6kp8pkx

Ark ID: w6kp8pkx

SNAC ID: 48617003