referencedIn |
Bigelow, John P. (John Prescott), 1797-1872. Papers, 1805-1896 (bulk 1814-1863)
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Gray, Horace, 1828-1902. Letters, 1858-1897.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
creatorOf |
Clifford, John H. (John Henry), 1809-1876. Papers related to the trial of John White Webster, 1814-1937.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Hemenway, Amy. Collection of autographs, 1791-1873
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Austin, Nathaniel. Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge. Records, 1828.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
creatorOf |
Nitzsche, George Erazmus, 1874-1961. George E. Nitzsche Unitariana collection, 1778-2007; bulk: 1791-1956
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Hawes, Josiah Johnson, 1808-1901,. Lemuel Shaw photographs, 1861-ca.1920.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Sidney Bartlett correspondence, 1824-1855
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |
referencedIn |
Palfrey family papers, 1713-1915
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Harvard University Archives Photograph Collection: Portraits, oversize, ca. 1829-1985
Harvard University Archives. |
referencedIn |
Autograph File, S, 1556-1996.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Melville, Herman, 1819-1891. Papers of Herman Melville [manuscript] 1814 (1847-1890) 1975.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Shaw, Hope Savage, 1793-1879. Diaries, 1816-1878.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Greenleaf, Simon, 1783-1853. Papers, 1792-1853.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
creatorOf |
Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861. Sentence of John W. Webster for the murder of George Parkman, 1850.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
creatorOf |
Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861. Lemuel Shaw Papers, n.d.
Peabody Essex Museum |
creatorOf |
Savage, Samuel Phillips, 1718-1797. Samuel P. Savage papers III, 1712-1903 ; bulk: 1780-1890.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Harvard University Archives Photograph Collection: Portraits, ca. 1852-ca. 2004
Harvard University Archives. |
creatorOf |
Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861. Correspondence, 1823-1856.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
referencedIn |
George Washington Warren correspondence, 1781-1910 (inclusive), 1846-1882 (bulk).
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. Correspondence, 1829-1874
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. Papers, 1555-1882 (bulk: 1833-1881)
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Gray, Horace, 1828-1902. Letter, 1856 April 20, Boston, to Lemuel Shaw.
Boston Athenaeum |
creatorOf |
Hunt, William Morris, 1824-1879. History of Lemuel Shaw Portrait, 1859-1860, 1917, n.d.
Peabody Essex Museum |
creatorOf |
Savage, Samuel Phillips, 1718-1797. Samuel P. Savage papers IV, 1710-1898; bulk: 1750-1898.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Samuel Hooper Papers, 1829-1874, (bulk 1846-1874)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Phillips, Sally. Power of attorney, 1823.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
referencedIn |
Southworth & Hawes,. Lemuel Shaw [photograph], [ca. 1853].
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Hoar, George Frisbie. 1826-1904. Autograph collection, 1598-1945
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Savage, Samuel Phillips, 1718-1797. Samuel P. Savage papers V, 1714-1904.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Saltonstall family. Saltonstall family papers, 1524-1969.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Quincy, Josiah, 1802-1882. Letters to Parker Cleaveland Chandler, 22-26 March 1878.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
referencedIn |
Loring, Charles G. (Charles Greely), 1794-1867. Papers, 1768-1866
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
McCleary, Samuel F. (Samuel Foster), 1822-1901. Papers, 1704-1899.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Papers, 1787-1863.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Concord (Mass.). Committee of Arrangements (1835). Concord Committee of Arrangements for the second centennial celebration of the incorporation of Concord records, 1835.
Concord Free Public Library, Special Collection |
creatorOf |
Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861. ALS : to Moody Kent, Esq., 1836 Feb. 27.
Boston Public Library, Central Library in Copley Square |
creatorOf |
Sidney Bartlett correspondence, 1824-1855.
New York State Historical Documents Inventory |
referencedIn |
Greenleaf, Simon. Simon Greenleaf Papers. 1792-1853.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
creatorOf |
Hawley, Gideon, 1727-1807. Samuel P. Savage collection, 1694-1904.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. Jared Sparks collection of American manuscripts, 1582-1843
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Savage, Samuel Hay, 1827-1901. Papers, 1826-1879.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. Letter, 1851 May 2, to John Jordon Crittenden.
New Hampshire Newspaper Project |
referencedIn |
Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge. Records, 1828
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
referencedIn |
Harvard University. Corporation. Committee on the Dexter Foundation. Report and papers of Chief Justice Lemuel Shaw, and petition to the legislature, 1841-1845 (inclusive).
Harvard University Archives. |
creatorOf |
Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861. Letter, 1834 Feb. 23, Boston.
Boston Athenaeum |
creatorOf |
Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861. ALS : Boston, to Joseph B. Felt, 1834 Oct. 14.
Rosenbach Museum & Library |
referencedIn |
Fuller, B. A. G., 1879-1956. Autograph collection, 1620-1920
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Papers, 1787-1863.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Letters from various correspondents, 1850-1895 (inclusive), 1852-1878 (bulk).
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Washington Benevolent Society of Massachusetts. Record of addresses, 1813-1814.
New England Historic Genealogical Society |
creatorOf |
Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861. Ursuline Convent trial notes, 1834.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861. Lemuel Shaw family papers, 1762-1921
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Hooper, Samuel, 1808-1875. Papers, 1829-1874.
Library of Congress |
creatorOf |
Ashley family. Papers, 1771-1902.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861. Papers, 1648-1923.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. Letter, 1830 Mar. 12, to Lemuel Shaw.
New Hampshire Newspaper Project |
referencedIn |
Rugg, Arthur Prentice, 1862-1938. Letters to Edwin Hale Abbott, 1920, 1923.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
referencedIn |
Houghton Library printed book provenance file, R-Z and unidentified
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861. Papers, 1808-1920.
Library of Congress |
creatorOf |
Webster, John White, 1793-1850. Papers relating to his trial, 1850.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Melville family. Papers, 1787-1863.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Ashmun, George, 1804-1870. Letter, 1841 February 25, House of Representatives, to Lemuel Shaw, Boston.
Dartmouth College Library |
creatorOf |
Savage, Samuel Phillips, 1718-1797. Samuel P. Savage papers, 1703-1848 ; bulk: 1703-1829.
Massachusetts Historical Society |