
Found 737 results in 130.05 ms. Showing up to 150 of the total results.

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James, Henry, 1843-1916 (489) (person)

James was an American novelist, short story writer, critic and dramatist. Henry James was born in New York, NY, in 1843. During his lifetime, he was a literary and art critic (writing for Nation from 1866-1869 and for Atlantic from 1866-1872), novelist, and short story author. In addition, he also wrote travel essays and plays. During the 1870s and 1880s, he wrote several of his best-known works: Daisy Miller: A Study (1878), Portrait of a Lady  (1881), and The...

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James, Henry (115) (person)

Epithet: novelist Epithet: Baron James of Hereford Epithet: Subject of Mss Eur F234 Epithet: Captain; formerly Royal Marines Epithet: DD, President of Queens' College, and Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University Epithet: of Add MS 36767 Epithet: Gore's Regt Epithet: Lieutenant; RN

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Henry, James. (52) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Burke, James Henry, 1925- (133) (person)

Burke was Ranger Project Manager....

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Carleton, James Henry, 1814-1873 (194) (person)

Carleton was born in Lubec, Maine. He was commissioned as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army in 1839, during the Aroostook War, and took part in the Mexican–American War. He served in the 1st U.S. Dragoons in the American West, participating as a lieutenant in an 1844 expedition to the Pawnee and the Oto. One of Carleton's children, Henry Guy Carleton (1852–1910) was a journalist, playwright, and inventor. In May 1859, Maj. Carleton and K Company of the 1st Dragoons out of Fort Tejon, California,...

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Byron, Henry J. (Henry James), 1835-1884 (135) (person)

Epithet: actor and dramatist, called Nick Nemo English dramatist.

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James, Henry, 1811-1882 (83) (person)

Henry James Sr. and his wife Mary Walsh James (1810-1882) were the parents of the novelist Henry James Jr., the philosopher William James, the diarist Alice James, Robertson James, and Garth Wilkinson James. Henry James Sr. was an American philosophical theologian. He and his wife Mary Robertson Walsh James (1810-1882) were the parents of the novelist Henry James Jr., the philosopher William James, the diarist Alice James, Robertson James, and Garth Wilkinson James....

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James, Henry, 1879-1947 (69) (person)

Nephew of the novelist Henry James. United States representative, Inter-Allied Danube River Commission, 1919. Henry James was the son of William James and nephew of the novelist Henry James. Aldrich, who died in 1963, wrote on Italian architecture and gardens. Biographical/Historical Note United States representative, Inter-Allied Danube River Commis...

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Coffin, James Henry. (28) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Lane, James Henry, 1814-1866 (48) (person)

James Henry Lane (1814-1866) was a noted military and political leader of Kansas. He was active in his home state of Indiana, serving as a military commander in the Mexican War (1841) and later as Indiana's Lieutenant Governor from 1849-1853. Lane then entered national politics as a Democratic Congressman from Indiana, and served one term (1853-1855). The Free State Movement lured Lane to the Kansas Territory in April of 1855. He became an active leader in the Topeka Movement. In June of 1858...

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